50,000 Russian Dead

Interesting theory of yours -- that only Uncle Adolf was a Wagner fan .Silly Billy . They are more popularly known as The Musicians with the name Wagner probably coming from their overall commander( Utkin) who used it as his radio call sign .DYOFR
Sure baby...sure
I don't call 'everybody' a troll. I call 'them' useful idiots, Putin-heads and Putinsuckers. Whom I call troll is someone who tries to push Russian propaganda narratives with Slavic accents posing as Americans or West Europeans. Except of you, I can count two your 'colleagues' here. Should I write their usernames?

I tried to clear up that question up in the Feedback section, but the mods seem to consider this information too 'touchy' to answer directly.
Please do . Show us all publicly what a low IQ clown you are . People who do not realise how stupid they are invariably slip-up on unseen banana skins . You are 99% there already .
And Ukraine will continue to do so with the support of the United States and NATO.
When did liberals become so supportive of wars of choice and proxy wars? Are they so easily persuaded to war when the establishment supports it?

What happened to the anti-war people? Do they only come out when the potus is an R?
When did liberals become so supportive of wars of choice and proxy wars?
Looks terrible for you Winkle Titty . Your Nazis have not reached a defense line anywhere . Cannot even get through the Security Zones . Must be the most hilarious ever offensive
Hey moron...any idea why the Wagner Group had that name?

Odd name for a Russian merc army eh? It's not named after it's leader or founder

It's named after HITLER'S favorite composer. THEY are the fucking Nazis here
Sure they are.
Ukraine is full of saints & everything is all Putin/Russias fault.
I'm sure Russia made the court jester hobbit Zelensky cancel elections, jail opponents, outlaw opposition & shut down churches too.
You idiot rubes are pathetic.

Oh, and GFY
There was no double counting in my post. There are more than 300 000 reservists; there are the LDNR armies that were incorporated to Russian armed forces (though, they indeed took part in this war from the beginning as formally separate units); there are paramilitary units consisting of volunteers and convicts, the most famous of which is the Wagner Group (that according to American officials had 50 000 people at the peak).

All that additionally to the 'second army in the world'.
Both Ukraine and Russia have and still are fielding more or less the same amount of troops IN UKRAINE since Feb. 2022 - which is around 180-220 thousand each, along the front line.
Ukraine had brought in since April 2022 an additional 600,000 men (of which around 400,000) are still kept behind the frontlines. - whilst Russia had brought in around 350,000. - of which approximately 200,000 were send into Ukraine.

Therefore it is logical to assume:
Russia has lost around 200,000 men - killed and wounded, therefore out off action
Ukraine has lost around 200,000 men - killed and wounded, therefore out off action
Since the UAF has a far better medical support basis - it can also be realistically assumed that the survival rate of wounded UAF personal exceeds that of Russia.
Therefore the KIA number of Russians naturally exceeds those of Ukraine.

Taking average known KIA/MIA/WIA military stats:
Russia KIA around 70,000 - 80,000
Ukrainian KIA around 50,000 - 60,000

However Russia has the potential to
a) draft from a 160 million population - whilst the Ukrainian pool, barley exceeds 35 million.
b) Russia could draw in troops from their existing troop-strength in Russia - which is around 700,000.

What gives the twist in NATO related numbers is the old Vietnam dogma in regards to estimating losses in ratio of ammo spend. Since Ukraine is constantly running out of ammo the expenditure of ammo is way out of ratio in regards to actual achievements on the ground. Which makes it basically impossible for NATO to come up with realistic figures.

Since the Russian forces are factually holding the line since September last year - and gained territory in several ferocious front-part battles - they are factually able to count dead or wounded UAF personal - and logically also their own, whilst the UAF is not in that position and Russian forces due to abandoning former gains last year with little to no resistance logically beheld no high losses - neither did the UAF.

As for Wagner - they never at any given moment exceeded 10,000 men. - of which around 40% are not stationed in Ukraine.
That Wagner commissioned approximately 15,000 convicts or other mental cases is feasible - and those went primarily extinct in the period October 2022 - May 2023.
Deaths and other casualy figures from both sides must inevitably be treated with caution . Which is why I have half a dozen different figure sources and know their background agendas where applicable .But YOU cannot then cherry pick and want to use Priggy figures because they seem to suit you . He is not half the figure imagined . He only has about 5000 fighters in Ukey Land -- Wagner operate in multiple world locations and experts say that it was not even his crack troops at Bakhmut . Further , he has been very close pals with Dear Uncle for over two decades and anything he says is carefully monitored by the Kremlin before a rehearsed release -- Russias answer to the Midget War Criminal , if you like . As for ammo production . They have pre-empted this scenario years ago in planning terms and are literally a long way ahead of the US and NATO .They even moved a couple of production companies to Siberia just as the UKeys moved their largest bread producers from Kharkov and Kyiv to Lyiv . No paragraphs /indents due to keyboard malfunctions .
From my understanding....
The artillery shells stores in Siberia were left outside or at least exposed to the elements and are needing refurbishing...so they are getting refurbished before shipping because they are down to 2 million reserve rounds. If they try to fire them without getting refurbished first.....yikes....so they have sent a team to set up and execute a refurbishment program for these. (Cheaper and faster than making new)

And I have not heard of any new production facilities anywhere in Russia for artillery....they had been shutting them down and converting them into producing other things. And the charges were made in Ukraine....

Each type and manufacturer of artillery uses a unique formula of explosives for firing....wrong formula in the wrong artillery piece and bad things happen. Some are compatible....kinda.

The Ukranians are having fits over this....but so are the Russians. The USA went to one to get more of a depleted stockpile and found out they hadn't produced any for years. (Produced in West TN). They had simply kept selling their old production.

So I see a few permits getting issued and a little give and take and they will be back to producing soon. (They had complained to me about regulatory issues beforehand years ago) Then there's all the other NATO nations creating production facilities. The borrowed ammunition from around the whole world needs to be replaced.

So it looks like Germany, Poland, USA, France, Britain and others have been making ammunition.
When did liberals become so supportive of wars of choice and proxy wars? Are they so easily persuaded to war when the establishment supports it?

What happened to the anti-war people? Do they only come out when the potus is an R?
That American conservatives continue to support the fascist war criminal Putin comes as no surprise.
draft from a 160 million population
you are lying crap 🇷🇺 like all Ivans , your GosStat shows that even before war you got 132 M. ( on decline since 2005) I saw the numbers its around 125-124 M today maybe less. The central Asians are leaving the horde , live in the CA is better today

The territory of Russia is 17.075.260 square meters. km and mainly lies north of 55 ° N.
Approximately 85% of the territory is not suitable for permanent comfortable living of the population. permafrost (areas of Siberia and the Far East) occupies 60% of the territory of Russia, swamps and wetlands almost 22%, rivers and lakes about 4%. Another part of the land is periodically flooded, part is occupied by mountains and forests, a little under ravines, part under deserts and solonchaks.

According to the State Statistics Committee's report for 2005, in Russia 2.2 million square meters of agricultural land are cultivated or used in agriculture. km, of which only 1.2 million for arable land, 0.2 million square kilometers are occupied by settlements of all types in the country. km, for industrial facilities and for military purposes 0.2 million, for other 0.1 million.
For a happy life, the Russians still have 2.561.289 square meters. km.
This is 15% of the territory ie. real Russia is slightly larger than Sudan, but less than Kazakhstan.
Average temperatures in January, in different regions, from 0 to -50 ° C, in July from 1 to 25 ° C, precipitation falls from 150 to 2000 mm per year.
At temperatures below -5 ° C, the maintenance costs of the infrastructure with each degree below zero increase exponentially.
Snow removal in the thickness of 40 cm in St. Petersburg takes more than 30 days.

Russia accounts for less than 2% of global GDP. The main export items (according to the Federal Customs Service) are gas and oil (70%), primary metals (15%), roundwood (10%), everything else, including equipment, weapons and technology - less than 5%.

According to soil scientists, 17.8% of agricultural land is subject to water erosion, 8.4% of wind erosion, 12.3% of wetlands and wetlands occupy wetlands and wetlands, and saline soils - 20.1%.
The land, not subject to all these misfortunes, in Russia is only 0.91 million square meters. km.
The agricultural season in most of Russia is 2-3 months (in Europe or the US 8-9 months). The average annual yield of cereals in Russia (on non-chernozems) is about 17 centners, in Germany, France and Great Britain (on nonchernozem) - 70 quintals per hectare, in Sweden - 60, in Ireland - 85, in Ukraine (on chernozems) - 24 in all.

The Russian state border stretches for 58,322 km and has 424 border crossings.
The total number of settlements is 157.895, of which more than 30.000 are still without telephone communication.
Most of the 39,000 abandoned villages and settlements are in the Central Federal District, the Northwest, the Far North, Siberia and the Far East.
In Russia only 65% of housing has been gasified.
Up to 75% of Russia's food needs are covered by imports.
78.7% of Russians consider cooperation with law enforcement bodies as unacceptable.
Russia consumes more than 20% of all heroin produced in the world.
The volume of the Russian market of heroin alone is estimated at $ 13 billion annually.
Every day in Russia, 100 people die because of a drug overdose.

In 2009, 786 terrorist acts were committed in Russia. Since the beginning of 2010, already 427.
The flying time of NATO strike aviation from the borders of Estonia and Latvia to St. Petersburg does not exceed 4 minutes, to Moscow - no more than 18.

Life in Russia is satisfied with two categories of people: those who are not in the know and those who are in the share.

63% of Russians with incomes above the national average would like their children to study and work abroad.
35% want their children to live abroad permanently.
At 2.000 vacancies for janitors opened in St. Petersburg in early 2010, there were fewer than 10 applicants.
The proposed salary is 12.000 rub / month.
The increase in the cost of travel in the St. Petersburg metro since 2003 is 35% per year.
Last year, more than 50 tons of explosives were seized at Russian airports.

The average Russian consumes 18 liters of alcohol per year. According to the conclusion of UN experts, the annual consumption of 8 liters of alcohol per capita leads to a serious degradation of the population.
In Russia, a pack of cigarettes can be bought for 30 cents, a bottle of beer, which can be bought at every corner 24 hours a day, is cheaper than a bottle of drinking water.
Only 1% of the water consumed by Russians meets the world quality standards.
in Russia there are 51,230 people who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

The State Duma and the Federation Council meet 12 billionaires, whose overall condition is estimated at 41 billion dollars.
Russia has 62 billionaires with a combined capital of $ 297 billion. Russian billionaires pay the lowest taxes in the world (13%) that their colleagues in France and Sweden (57%), in Denmark (61%) or Italy (66%) %).
26% of Russians have an outstanding loan.
143,000 people were deprived of the right to travel abroad due to problems with their debts.

According to the Rosgosstrakh CSR, in Russia the annual income is more than $ 1 million from 160,000 people, the annual income of more than $ 100,000 has 440,000 sem"


I thought Ukraine may last a month against the Soviets. Instead they have fought gallantly and effectively.

None of the reports of casualties are clear.
Each side is deliberately lying and inflating numbers while minimizing their own.

Prigozhin (of all the yo yo) actually gave some accurate numbers during a rant one time....and that's been a while .....and I can't believe that Russia is quickly losing its grip on Bakhmut. (9 months fighting to get it and 2 months to lose it).

Artillery fire?
There's going to be some drastic changes in that coming soon. There's a reason why fire control discipline is taught and maintained throughout NATO. The unrestricted carpet shelling can only last for so long. And Russian supplies, not only logistically difficult, are running low from the sustained fire rates. Production in Russia isn't that great. Sure the factory is in Western Russia....but it's been way past its functional capacity for over a year. Meaning quality of production is not good. (Typical)

Russia, like everyone else in the WHOLE WORLD, has been rounding up old stocks of artillery rounds but the West is ramping up production to try and meet the need.

Of course there's been the usual Charlie Foxtrots for Ukraine....not all same caliper shells fits are universal. And Ukraine has a huge assortment of various equipment pieces....talk about Russian logistics being a nightmare Ukraine's has to be something even crazy people wouldn't think up intentionally. The right shells for the right artillery has to be in hand or else it likely isn't coming...once it's fired it's gone.

War is hard. And started by assholes that don't care how many lives they destroy.


Mehdi Hasan Introduces You To Putin’s Favorite Fascist Philosopher


"Ukraine SitRep: 'Mosquito' Tactics - S-200 Land Attacks​

The U.S./NATO doctrine, as it had been taught to the Ukrainian units that were prepared for the counter-offensive, has failed.

As a comment allegedly made on a forum of veterans of the West Point Academy describes it:

Classic attacks under our combat regulations involve the preliminary suppression and destruction of enemy defensive positions by artillery and aircraft, as well as the simultaneous destruction of its combat controls to the depth of the defense zone and the prevention of the approaches of its reserves. Since Ukrainians have almost no aviation and they are significantly inferior to the Russians in the amount of artillery, classic attacks lead to nothing but a massive loss of expensive military equipment on the way to Russian positions, disorganization and demoralization of attackers with subsequent retreat. Almost three weeks of such attacks could not break through the Russian support band, in addition, as I was told by the G-3 from USAR EUR-AF in Stuttgart, they lost up to a quarter of our Bradleys, and they are now forced to urgently send two companies of Bradleys and a large quantity of other equipment to replenish and restore the combat readiness of two brigades of the Ukrainian strike unit.

Moon of Alabama

Make Peace, you fools!

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