50 degrees in San Fransisco? Where is that deadly heat?

Yep. Exactly. It's all just weather.
So, explain this graph weather dude. How is it all the globes weather is getting hotter.

So, explain this graph weather dude. How is it all the globes weather is getting hotter.

Same answer as before... the geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not cause by orbital forcing or CO2.
There is something mighty fishy going on. I am hearing all these high temperatures but when I check the temperature in San Fransisco they have what must be a record low. It will be 50 degrees in San Fransisco tonight. Cities are mini hotspots.

It is obvious, the news is only reporting weather stations which are located just off the runway of an International airport or Death Valley.

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No it is just cool air coming off the North Pacific which keeps the coastal region cool. Right now it’s in 60’s near the coast but in 80’s and 90’s away from the coast.

There is no international airport in Death Valley. To the west the Black, Funeral, and Grapevine mountains of the Amargosa Range prevent any cool Pacific air currents from reaching the below sea level desert of Death valley. Thius it becomes an oven in summer.
Same answer as before... the geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not cause by orbital forcing or CO2.
The geologic record?

Explains the warming on the graph.

Same answer as before... the geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not cause by orbital forcing or CO2.
What so many people do not understand is that there’re two independent forces effecting our weather. One is weather patterns that are effected by seasons and have been around for thousands of years. The other is climate change which is a slow increase in the temperature of the earth. Since these effects combine to produce out weather it is impossible to separate the two. The difference is that weather patterns changes rapidly while climate changes very slowly.

The high temperatures we are seeing are the result of both weather patterns and climate change but mostly weather patterns now. In the future it will be climate change.
We are a few degrees below normal here. Last two days clicking through the channels, everytime I happen to pass a liberal leftwing news channel, all they were talking about is the unprecedented heat wave killing everyone! It is going into August, assholes!

I got a news flash for all you derps: if the global climate change is already upon us causing mass deaths in cities as out polar ice caps all melt and we caused it, there isn't a technology or force on this Earth that will stop it now. It is called Hysteresis, idiots, and if the entire planet went 100% green tomorrow, the Earth would still continue heating up even hotter for at least another 50 years.

So if the Left are really right, we are already cooked. Might as well just live life as you want and enjoy it.
on top of that, the solution requires heavy industry to manufacture wind turbines and solar. The reason they are so expensive is they use more raw materials and energy to build, which results in more co2.

They cut down trees, they pollute, so if we are to believe them, the obvious is they are out to kill us.
What so many people do not understand is that there’re two independent forces effecting our weather. One is weather patterns that are effected by seasons and have been around for thousands of years. The other is climate change which is a slow increase in the temperature of the earth. Since these effects combine to produce out weather it is impossible to separate the two. The difference is that weather patterns changes rapidly while climate changes very slowly.

The high temperatures we are seeing are the result of both weather patterns and climate change but mostly weather patterns now. In the future it will be climate change.
How slow does the climate change.

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