50 degrees in San Fransisco? Where is that deadly heat?

Dude, the paleo climate has nothing to do with our current human driven warming. It neither informs us of coming events nor does its historical existence justify continuing add CO2 at levels we currently are.
The paleo-climate is a record of the earth's climate, dummy. You probably didn't even know we are in an ice age. Or that before that the planet was considered a greenhouse planet. Or why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet. Or that the vast majority of the past 1 million years the planet has been frigid with only brief interludes that resemble our present climate. But the worst part is that you think you are intelligent. You think you are informed. But you aren't. You are just a parrot; a sheep; a useful idiot.
The paleo-climate is a record of the earth's climate, dummy. You probably didn't even know we are in an ice age. Or that before that the planet was considered a greenhouse planet. Or why the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet. Or that the vast majority of the past 1 million years the planet has been frigid with only brief interludes that resemble our present climate. But the worst part is that you think you are intelligent. You think you are informed. But you aren't. You are just a parrot; a sheep; a useful idiot.
Go to bed olde white fuckup.

The more you post the less sense you make.
Go to bed olde white fuckup.

The more you post the less sense you make.
Everything I just wrote is true. So it sounds like you are saying the truth doesn't make sense to you and I would agree with that because you are poorly educated.
Everything I just wrote is true. So it sounds like you are saying the truth doesn't make sense to you and I would agree with that because you are poorly educated.
No, it's just your climate change denying whitesplaining opinion.
There is something mighty fishy going on. I am hearing all these high temperatures but when I check the temperature in San Fransisco they have what must be a record low.

We are a few degrees below normal here. Last two days clicking through the channels, everytime I happen to pass a liberal leftwing news channel, all they were talking about is the unprecedented heat wave killing everyone! It is going into August, assholes!

I got a news flash for all you derps: if the global climate change is already upon us causing mass deaths in cities as out polar ice caps all melt and we caused it, there isn't a technology or force on this Earth that will stop it now. It is called Hysteresis, idiots, and if the entire planet went 100% green tomorrow, the Earth would still continue heating up even hotter for at least another 50 years.

So if the Left are really right, we are already cooked. Might as well just live life as you want and enjoy it.
No, it's just your climate change denying whitesplaining opinion.
Actually it's based upon your fear of saying what you did for a living and your demonstrating your lack of intelligence by your posts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you were probably an uneducated laborer. Which then goes to reason that you are relatively poor. Which goes to reason you are barely getting by. Top that off with how angry you seem in all of your posts and we conclude eating a bullet has been considered by you. How am I doing?
What relevance do ad hominem attacks add to your 'It's 50 in SF' thread to deny global climate change.
You started it. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Cause I'll just break it off in you.
We are a few degrees below normal here. Last two days clicking through the channels, everytime I happen to pass a liberal leftwing news channel, all they were talking about is the unprecedented heat wave killing everyone! It is going into August, assholes!

I got a news flash for all you derps: if the global climate change is already upon us causing mass deaths in cities as out polar ice caps all melt and we caused it, there isn't a technology or force on this Earth that will stop it now. It is called Hysteresis, idiots, and if the entire planet went 100% green tomorrow, the Earth would still continue heating up even hotter for at least another 50 years.

So if the Left are really right, we are already cooked. Might as well just live life as you want and enjoy it.
Extreme heat is killing more people – and the worst is yet to come
Actually it's based upon your fear of saying what you did for a living and your demonstrating your lack of intelligence by your posts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you were probably an uneducated laborer. Which then goes to reason that you are relatively poor. Which goes to reason you are barely getting by. Top that off with how angry you seem in all of your posts and we conclude eating a bullet has been considered by you. How am I doing?

How long have you been in Idaho?

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