50% of Republicans believe jobs have been lost under Biden

That's a pretty small subset.
Most Democrats fall into 1 of 2 categories.

Trust fund people.
Welfare People.
Not based on what I’ve seen. I have seen plenty of hard-working Democrats who have nothing remotely akin to a trust fund and who aren’t on welfare. And in our economy, layoffs seem at least as likely to happen to a hardworking Democrat as to the hard working Republicans.

I will happily piss all over the DNC. But not all Democrats are the same. The Dems who aren’t part of the Party officialdom tend to be just ordinary people, not DNC shitheads.
Not based on what I’ve seen. I have seen plenty of hard-working Democrats who have nothing remotely akin to a trust fund and who aren’t on welfare. And in our economy, layoffs seem at least as likely to happen to a hardworking Democrat as to the hard working Republicans.

I will happily piss all over the DNC. But not all Democrats are the same. The Dems who aren’t part of the Party officialdom tend to be just ordinary people, not DNC shitheads.

Sorry, but decent ordinary people would not vote for Democrats.
Sorry, but decent ordinary people would not vote for Democrats.
I’m jaundiced. I live in a deep blue wasteland. Many of my friends and associates are Democrats. Most of my old family are too. My wife is a work in progress and is coming along, but still a Democrat. My now adult daughter is still young enough to believe the liberal propaganda. She is of course a Dem. (Thankfully, my son is more like me. Ah! Balance.) Of course most of my friends, associates and family vote for Democrats. And they tend to be decent ordinary people.

I know what you’re saying. I guess I simply do not agree. Jocularity aside, in the real world, I can’t be that willing to engage in generalizations and over-generalizations.

Yes. I know what core inflation is.
I know it never included food or fuel.
Why do you feel inflation is calculated differently today?
Why do you feel the "old way of counting food and fuel" would give a 15% inflation result?
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I’m not sure what to say about the lala land people live in these days. Has partisanship warped reality?

Source poll



Why Biden’s jobs boom isn’t translating

Republicans, 47 percent of whom believed jobs had been lost over the last 12 months.

Needless to say, that’s wildly inaccurate: The unemployment rate was 6.4 percent when JOE BIDEN took office.

That these basic facts aren’t translating to the public says a lot about how news isdisseminated and consumed. It’s also an illustration about how difficult it’s been for the White House to communicate its successes in light of the setbacks that have come along too.
Is a job created when Democrat bureaucrats forcibly close businesses, forcing the layoff of millions of Americans, then the tyrants cancel their dictates when a Dem president is elected, resulting in many of the fired workers going back to their jobs?

I think not.
Who was President when the idiotic lockdowns happened in 2020?
Irrelevant to the point.

FYI, there was no federal demand after the preposterous "two weeks to flatten the curve"....Nearly all the continuation of lockdowns after that came from power tripping fascist governors in democrat states.

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