50% of Republicans believe jobs have been lost under Biden

Thanks for proving my point. It was job creation in 2020 when Trump claimed it was and now it is not.

This is why talking with your mindless partisan sheep is such a waste of time
it’s not job creation when people go back to the jobs they had and only weren’t at due to covid

it is job creation when you create new jobs as we saw during the trump admin and his record low UE rates

The reason we aren’t back at that rate is due to xiden demafasict policies, that have keep people from going back, or made it more advantage to stay at home and collect a govt check. Xiden’s policies have harmed the economy. caused inflation, damaged the supply chain, and over all made americans poorer
it’s not job creation when people go back to the jobs they had and only weren’t at due to covid

Show me a post like this from you back in May and June of 2020 when Trump and all his worshipers ever giving him credit for creating 4 million jobs in one month.

If you cannot do that, you are dismissed as nothing but a mindless partisan sheep
Show me a post like this from you back in May and June of 2020 when Trump and all his worshipers ever giving him credit for creating 4 million jobs in one month.

If you cannot do that, you are dismissed as nothing but a mindless partisan sheep
show me one where i did what you claim

if you can’t….well…we know already who you are from other post
show me one where i did what you claim

Show me a post where you made the claim it was not job creation from you back in May and June of 2020 when Trump and all his worshipers ever giving him credit for creating 4 million jobs in one month.

Can you do that? Did you make this same argument then?

If not, why not?
Show me a post where you made the claim it was not job creation from you back in May and June of 2020 when Trump and all his worshipers ever giving him credit for creating 4 million jobs in one month.

Can you do that? Did you make this same argument then?

If not, why not?
hahaha wait you are the one making the claim i did something…prove it dembot…

the reality is i didn’t make the claim in 2020…i had prior when he was creating jobs….not when people were simply returning to work after being off due to covid

the reality is, as you highlighted back in 2020 trump was bringing people back at an amazing rate…the fact we are still in such a shitty economy and massive inflation is due to the demafascist putting a stop to that recovery…policies that made people want to stay at home with “free money” - not get back to work, which also created record inflation.
Which president chose to run with that advice?
Trump didnt “run with it”

he passed it along to the baby hitlers at the state and city level who embraced it with gusto to dictate behavior of their citizens
Trump didnt “run with it”

he passed it along to the baby hitlers at the state and city level who embraced it with gusto to dictate behavior of their citizens
Trump listened to the advice of the so called experts…Dr Fauci…Xiden’s medical advisor. 15 days to slow the spread…

The leftist in their own states took it to another level, and keep lock downs long after trump pushed reopening….they attacked him for it…play politics with it.

it’s tragic
Trump didnt “run with it”

he passed it along to the baby hitlers at the state and city level who embraced it with gusto to dictate behavior of their citizens

Of course he ran with it. It was Trump, not Fauci, who made the public announcement, releasing recommendations and guidelines for the public to follow.
Trump listened to the advice of the so called experts…Dr Fauci…Xiden’s medical advisor. 15 days to slow the spread…

The leftist in their own states took it to another level, and keep lock downs long after trump pushed reopening….they attacked him for it…play politics with it.

it’s tragic

You're lying again. Tsk, tsk. Trump recommended extending it past the first 15 days until the end of April.

Of course he ran with it. It was Trump, not Fauci, who made the public announcement, releasing recommendations and guidelines for the public to follow.
I can imagine how you would have reacted if trump had not followed recommendations from fauchi to lockdown the economy

whatever he thought privately not even trump was willing to ignore the wuflu hysteria gripping the world
You're lying again. Tsk, tsk. Trump recommended extending it past the first 15 days until the end of April.
Very few small businesses would have died with a 45 day lockdown

but democrats took it WAY beyond that
We Americans believe that the Democrats running the White House and Congress have fucked us with tremendous inflation, astronomical debt, high energy prices, reduced family income, more taxation, a weakened military, millions of goddamn Illegals, a stolen election and a weak foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world.

On top of all of that a piss poor post pandemic recovery.

We will show the filthy Democrats how pissed we are in the coming midterm elections, just like we recently did in Virginia and other states.

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