50% of Republicans believe jobs have been lost under Biden

He may be the dumbest.

refineries raise their costs and add a few more bucks to send it to the cartels selling retail gas stations and therein is the problem.

What's your solution?
You are one of the dumbest, but I digress. Post my entire comment so the reader can comprehend a solution, that being Nixon's EO.
99% of me does not care what average morons think about almost anything.

ALL POTUS's, ALL MSM's, 99% of major bureaucrats and 99.9% of politicians suck.

If you believe otherwise?
You are too stupid/gullible to vote.
And I asked you what YOUR solution was, moron.
Can you not fucking ask the guy something without your ad hominem's?

Apparently not...troll.

Big fucking man, throwing insults out while being faceless/nameless and hiding behind his computer screen.


Bye now.
Can you not fucking ask the guy something without your ad hominem's?

Apparently not...troll.

Big fucking man, throwing insults out while being faceless/nameless and hiding behind his computer screen.


Bye now.
This is USMB. If you are going to get mad at being called a moron you are in the wrong place. Try Christian Mingle dot com.
Some still believe there's a labor shortage. Simply not true. Only bad businesses have trouble finding workers. It's all on the business owners themselves.
Some still believe there's a labor shortage. Simply not true. Only bad businesses have trouble finding workers. It's all on the business owners themselves.
Unemployment is 3.6%. It’s hard to find workers. Still, you are correct, better companies will get the better employees and the least desirable roles won’t get filled.
We’ll need to open up immigration if the birth rate doesn’t improve.
The birth rate is plenty good right now.
It’s not.

A lower birthrate means more job availability. Less desirable jobs go unfilled as it should be.
I’m not sure what to say about the lala land people live in these days. Has partisanship warped reality?

Source poll



Why Biden’s jobs boom isn’t translating

Republicans, 47 percent of whom believed jobs had been lost over the last 12 months.

Needless to say, that’s wildly inaccurate: The unemployment rate was 6.4 percent when JOE BIDEN took office.

That these basic facts aren’t translating to the public says a lot about how news isdisseminated and consumed. It’s also an illustration about how difficult it’s been for the White House to communicate its successes in light of the setbacks that have come along too.
Job boom????


Giving Biden credit for old jobs that his own party killed 2 years ago lol
Job boom????


Giving Biden credit for old jobs that his own party killed 2 years ago lol

Weird how when Trump took credit for creating 4 million jobs in May of 2020 not a single one of you people were singing this tune.

Is it hard to shave being this two faced?
Unemployment is 3.6%. It’s hard to find workers. Still, you are correct, better companies will get the better employees and the least desirable roles won’t get filled.
We’ll need to open up immigration if the birth rate doesn’t improve.
No we don't. America should be closed to immigration. With 330 million people we are full. The last thing we need now are more immigrant welfare queens like we are seeing now.

What we need to do id do away with the welfare state so that people have an incentive to work.

No more welfare will fix any worker shortage pretty damn quick.
There is no worker shortage. If a business can't find workers that is ALL on the business.
Xiden Chief Science advisor recommended it...Trump listened.

He gave guidelines, to flatten the curve.

But why didn't they listen to him when he said to reopen? You said late April....gosh it was years later before we saw Dembots reopen....and they did it when a Dem was President, and FAR FAR more people died from Covid on his watch

You must not understand the president's job. Presidents have advisors. They cover the bases with the president but it's the president's job to decide which advice to run with. That's why you hear the term, the buck stops at the president's desk, and not, the buck stops at the president's advisor's desk.

Trump owns it.

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