50 years after "I have a dream"....A Progress Report

Here is why I refuse to watch anything doing with the speeches today..

MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK

Melanie Campbell, the president of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, said though black Americans are not threatened by biting dogs and KKK members in white hoods, the "dogs are still biting in other ways" and there is still "racism and inequality."

She said, "Today there are no white sheets, but there are judges in black robes in the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, opening the floodgates in many states to pass more voter ID laws... with the goal of ensuring we never see a black man elected to the president, or woman, of the United states of America."
The supposed Black leaders can't accept that this is not the same country as it was 60 years ago and that the biggest proponents of racism are Blacks themselves.

Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ?Martyr? « CBS Tampa

Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice.

In a lead-up to President Barack Obama’s address marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement March on Washington, the former U.N. ambassador under President Jimmy Carter interrupted MSNBC guest host Joy Ann-Reid’s question on troubles in the African-American community to express his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case.

“No, Trayvon is a martyr. We’ve had a string of martyrs from the time of Emmett Till. Every generation has its string of martyrs and they’re going to continue. And we celebrate them and we lift them up to know that they’re not lost,” said Young.

To call a thug, a druggie, a man-boy who committed assault a "Martyr" is just un-fricking-believable.
65% vs. 12% - Percent of Total Population (census)
81% vs. 6% - Percent of Total Management Level Jobs (EEOC)
38% vs. 35% - Percent of Total Abortions in America (CDC)

22% vs. 55% - Children Living with Single Parent (census)
29% vs. 73% - Children Born Out of Wedlock (census)
13% vs. 34% - Children Living in Poverty (census)
8% vs. 20% - Never Married, 45 Years Old+ (census)
29% vs. 18% - College Degrees, 25 Years Old+ (census)
17% vs 47% - Percent in Welfare Programs (BLS)

6.7% vs. 13.5% - Unemployment Rate (BLS)
$55k vs. $32k - Median Household Income (census)
$30k vs. $21k - Median Individual Income (census)
79 vs. 74 - Life Expectancy (CDC)
678 vs. 4347 - Incarceration Rates Per 100,000 Population (FBI)

Blacks accounted for 38% of Violent Crime and 30% of Property Crime in 2011, despite making up just 12% of the U.S. population (FBI)

Blacks score worse than whites, Asians, and Hispanics in all major school subjects (US Dept of Education)

And after slavery, Jim Crow, higher rates of incarceration, unfair justice and law system, Inner City schools being unfunded or barely, unfair hiring practices and unfair housing this surprises you why?
No other race in this country had to deal with Jim Crow. not one. Only the blacks. the funny part is white folks will say, I never owned a slave. How does Slavery or Jim Crow apply today?

Its generational racist bullshit. Period.
Here is why I refuse to watch anything doing with the speeches today..

MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK

Melanie Campbell, the president of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, said though black Americans are not threatened by biting dogs and KKK members in white hoods, the "dogs are still biting in other ways" and there is still "racism and inequality."

She said, "Today there are no white sheets, but there are judges in black robes in the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, opening the floodgates in many states to pass more voter ID laws... with the goal of ensuring we never see a black man elected to the president, or woman, of the United states of America."
The supposed Black leaders can't accept that this is not the same country as it was 60 years ago and that the biggest proponents of racism are Blacks themselves.

Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ?Martyr? « CBS Tampa

Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice.

In a lead-up to President Barack Obama’s address marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement March on Washington, the former U.N. ambassador under President Jimmy Carter interrupted MSNBC guest host Joy Ann-Reid’s question on troubles in the African-American community to express his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case.

“No, Trayvon is a martyr. We’ve had a string of martyrs from the time of Emmett Till. Every generation has its string of martyrs and they’re going to continue. And we celebrate them and we lift them up to know that they’re not lost,” said Young.

To call a thug, a druggie, a man-boy who committed assault a "Martyr" is just un-fricking-believable.

Who the hell called Zimmerman a martyr? Thats just silly.
Or we end the programs and let people proceed on merits, now that government has been legally color blind since the late 1960's.

Do you believe that true equality has been achieved in the workforce? I dont but I do believe in achieving on my own merits personally. My personal problem with AA is that no matter what kind of job you do someone will always disrespect you because you had to have assistance. I left the workforce because I was in a constant state of anger even though I personally never benefitted from AA. There was always some clown who thought I shouldnt be the position.

The workforce will sort itself out as long as the government is color blind, this includes the courts. Do you really think a business that is known to discriminate will have any future continuing in large scale business?

Exactly, but it's not necessarily color blind. IF Apple or ATT wants faces of all color in their retail stores, and target a specific ethnicity for an opening, there's nothing wrong with that, because its a biz decsion and not aimed at denying people of a spec race a fair shot.
It seems Republicans all had something better to do today than accept invitations to attend the celebration at the Mall.

riiiiiiiight so how many were invited? And frankly lets get real, this thing is like an naacp meeting, long on bashing and trashing and short on substance.

example; I caught the last 5 minutes on TV but had to go back and watch it all,c-span is the only place I could find it, this woman mind you- Randi Weingarten is half the reason why the flunk rate/lack of prep. for minorities at colleges is so high and to this day their numbers amongst engineers/hard sciences etc. is abysmally low...

get a load of this populist bullshit ( and at a MLK 50th rally to boot)...they pump this kid up with what can only be classified as uber-narcissist pathological denial.....programmed by the very forces who undermine his future.

King most certainly is rolling in his grave...

Realize the Dream Rally and March
Aug 24, 2013

C-Span coverage

Randi Weingarten, move the bar up to approx. 3:16: 53...

Realize the Dream Rally and March - C-SPAN Video Library
65% vs. 12% - Percent of Total Population (census)
81% vs. 6% - Percent of Total Management Level Jobs (EEOC)
38% vs. 35% - Percent of Total Abortions in America (CDC)

22% vs. 55% - Children Living with Single Parent (census)
29% vs. 73% - Children Born Out of Wedlock (census)
13% vs. 34% - Children Living in Poverty (census)
8% vs. 20% - Never Married, 45 Years Old+ (census)
29% vs. 18% - College Degrees, 25 Years Old+ (census)
17% vs 47% - Percent in Welfare Programs (BLS)

6.7% vs. 13.5% - Unemployment Rate (BLS)
$55k vs. $32k - Median Household Income (census)
$30k vs. $21k - Median Individual Income (census)
79 vs. 74 - Life Expectancy (CDC)
678 vs. 4347 - Incarceration Rates Per 100,000 Population (FBI)

Blacks accounted for 38% of Violent Crime and 30% of Property Crime in 2011, despite making up just 12% of the U.S. population (FBI)

Blacks score worse than whites, Asians, and Hispanics in all major school subjects (US Dept of Education)

And after slavery, Jim Crow, higher rates of incarceration, unfair justice and law system, Inner City schools being unfunded or barely, unfair hiring practices and unfair housing this surprises you why?
No other race in this country had to deal with Jim Crow. not one. Only the blacks. the funny part is white folks will say, I never owned a slave. How does Slavery or Jim Crow apply today?

Its generational racist bullshit. Period.

what the hell?

explain please.....this ought to be good.....:rolleyes:
And after slavery, Jim Crow, higher rates of incarceration, unfair justice and law system, Inner City schools being unfunded or barely, unfair hiring practices and unfair housing this surprises you why?
No other race in this country had to deal with Jim Crow. not one. Only the blacks. the funny part is white folks will say, I never owned a slave. How does Slavery or Jim Crow apply today?

Its generational racist bullshit. Period.

what the hell?

explain please.....this ought to be good.....:rolleyes:

Explain what?
The Good

1. We have elected a black President - Yet one of the worst ones! One of the negative things about his winning is he won because of his skin color and not too much the content of his character!
2. Affirmative Action has been effective. More black representation in politics, doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, military officers, teachers, astronauts, sports managers and executives - LOL liberals always say this, but it's been utterly ineffective. Most African-Americans that succeed do it on their own without special help ----> What you should have stated is the we have seen the REMOVAL OF THE GLASS CEILING FOR BLACKS AND WOMEN ALIKE!!!
3. More integrated neighborhoods and schools - Another clueless one, ever seen any of the major cities - many neighborhoods are MORE homogenous than ever!
4. Acceptance of interracial marriages - yea finally got one!
5. A rise in the black middle class - don't over state it, Black still make up a higher per capitia of the poverty class than than another other race and it's entirely their fault now!
6. Elimination of laws and policies that exclude or segregate blacks - Good one

The Bad

1. A disintegration of the black family Cause SOLELY by liberalize
2. A black culture that has discouraged advancement, education and strong familiy values - Not the white man's fault, rather it's the race baiters and black apologist like Sharpton and Jackson
3. Gang and drug culture - caused by the break down of the black family which is caused by liberalism
4. Surge in incarceration rates of black males - See #3
5. 70% of blacks being born to single mothers - Liberalism is the culprit again! Shocker!
6. There is still prejudice. It is no longer openly expressed, but lingers in the shadows - Esp in the shadows of liberal minds that view Blacks and inferior children that need their great white parents to take care of them from cradle to the grave
7. The Rise in Black Racism - It's OK to hate on whitey and do it openly.
8. Guilty By White - Blacks used to be convicted of crimes in this country when everyone knew they were innocent, SOLELY because they were black. The reverse has happened. Whites are condemned when they are innocent, SOLELY because they are white or in Zimmerman's case, Latino.
9. Black on White Hate Crimes - Be white and go to inner City of Chicago RIGHT-WINGER, I dare ya, you won't be coming back. Black kids are playing a game called Polar Bear Hunting; heck you can't even go to the Magnificent Mile without worrying about getting robbed now-a-days! It's amazing

The list goes on and on. Liberalism is the cause, not sure what the cure is anymore!
I think the whole unspoken truth about AA is that some people are going to suffer individually for the collective good of society. To most people that sounds good in theory until they dont get that job because of a quota.

But is taking discrimination and simply reversing it really good for society?

White males have somehow managed to survive affirmative action. While at one time nearly every position of importance was deemed to capable of only being performed by white males....we have learned that it is not necessarily the case

We are a stronger society because of it

Is this how we are to achieve "racial equality" today in this country? Can you tell me what is the PURPOSE of setting qualified standards to do a job safely and effectively?

DAYTON, OHIO — The city of Dayton plans to discard the test scores of the 748 people who passed its police recruit exam in November and will instead hire officers based only on a subjective oral interview — a change meant to improve the city’s ability to hire more minorities.

The announcement comes after the U.S. Department of Justice forced the city to lower its passing score to allow for more minorities into the hiring pool as part of a federal discrimination lawsuit the city settled in 2009.

Those scores are no longer relevant and all candidates are now on equal footing. The oral exam will consist of five situation-based questions asked by an expert panel and last 30 minutes per candidate.

Salisbury News: Dayton Throws Out Written Police Exam Scores, Will Rely On Oral Interviews Only
IMo contending that inner city schools are underfunded really misses the mark of progress in 50 years. I grew up in Denver in the 60s, and I can assure the gao doesn't lie. Things have changed dramatically. What inner city kids lack is caring and committed parents.


Differences in per-pupil spending between selected inner city and
suburban schools varied by metropolitan areas in our study.12 Inner city
schools in Boston, Chicago, and St. Louis generally spent more per pupil
than neighboring suburban schools, whereas selected suburban schools in
Fort Worth and New York almost always spent more per pupil than the
inner city schools. In Denver and Oakland, no clear pattern of spending
emerged. Three factors generally explained spending differences between
inner city and suburban schools: (1) average teacher salaries; (2) studentteacher
ratios; and (3) ratios of students to student support staff, such as
guidance counselors, librarians, and nurses. When we adjusted per-pupil
expenditures to account for the extra resources students facing poverty,
disabilities, and limited English proficiency might need, inner city schools
almost always spent less per pupil than suburban schools. To compensate
for additional challenges faced by schools in these areas, federal education
dollars are generally targeted to low-income areas. As a result, federal
funds have played an important role in increasing funding to inner city
But is taking discrimination and simply reversing it really good for society?

White males have somehow managed to survive affirmative action. While at one time nearly every position of importance was deemed to capable of only being performed by white males....we have learned that it is not necessarily the case

We are a stronger society because of it

Is this how we are to achieve "racial equality" today in this country? Can you tell me what is the PURPOSE of setting qualified standards to do a job safely and effectively?

DAYTON, OHIO — The city of Dayton plans to discard the test scores of the 748 people who passed its police recruit exam in November and will instead hire officers based only on a subjective oral interview — a change meant to improve the city’s ability to hire more minorities.

The announcement comes after the U.S. Department of Justice forced the city to lower its passing score to allow for more minorities into the hiring pool as part of a federal discrimination lawsuit the city settled in 2009.

Those scores are no longer relevant and all candidates are now on equal footing. The oral exam will consist of five situation-based questions asked by an expert panel and last 30 minutes per candidate.

Salisbury News: Dayton Throws Out Written Police Exam Scores, Will Rely On Oral Interviews Only

That is as bad, if not worse, as the Judge in New York who ordered that every person would have 6 votes to ensure that minorities got elected to local office.
Here is why I refuse to watch anything doing with the speeches today..

MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK

Melanie Campbell, the president of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, said though black Americans are not threatened by biting dogs and KKK members in white hoods, the "dogs are still biting in other ways" and there is still "racism and inequality."

She said, "Today there are no white sheets, but there are judges in black robes in the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, opening the floodgates in many states to pass more voter ID laws... with the goal of ensuring we never see a black man elected to the president, or woman, of the United states of America."
The supposed Black leaders can't accept that this is not the same country as it was 60 years ago and that the biggest proponents of racism are Blacks themselves.

Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ?Martyr? « CBS Tampa

Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice.

In a lead-up to President Barack Obama’s address marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement March on Washington, the former U.N. ambassador under President Jimmy Carter interrupted MSNBC guest host Joy Ann-Reid’s question on troubles in the African-American community to express his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case.

“No, Trayvon is a martyr. We’ve had a string of martyrs from the time of Emmett Till. Every generation has its string of martyrs and they’re going to continue. And we celebrate them and we lift them up to know that they’re not lost,” said Young.

To call a thug, a druggie, a man-boy who committed assault a "Martyr" is just un-fricking-believable.

Yeah why watch it yourself when you can get your spin spoon fed
Andrew Young is wrong in his definition of TM and OriginalShroom is wrong in his natal hatred.
65% vs. 12% - Percent of Total Population (census)
81% vs. 6% - Percent of Total Management Level Jobs (EEOC)
38% vs. 35% - Percent of Total Abortions in America (CDC)

22% vs. 55% - Children Living with Single Parent (census)
29% vs. 73% - Children Born Out of Wedlock (census)
13% vs. 34% - Children Living in Poverty (census)
8% vs. 20% - Never Married, 45 Years Old+ (census)
29% vs. 18% - College Degrees, 25 Years Old+ (census)
17% vs 47% - Percent in Welfare Programs (BLS)

6.7% vs. 13.5% - Unemployment Rate (BLS)
$55k vs. $32k - Median Household Income (census)
$30k vs. $21k - Median Individual Income (census)
79 vs. 74 - Life Expectancy (CDC)
678 vs. 4347 - Incarceration Rates Per 100,000 Population (FBI)

Blacks accounted for 38% of Violent Crime and 30% of Property Crime in 2011, despite making up just 12% of the U.S. population (FBI)

Blacks score worse than whites, Asians, and Hispanics in all major school subjects (US Dept of Education)

You forgot one statistic:

White vs Black

0 vs 100% - Number of ancestors enslaved in the USA
Here is why I refuse to watch anything doing with the speeches today..

MLK Anniversary Speaker Compares Supreme Court Justices to KKK

Melanie Campbell, the president of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, said though black Americans are not threatened by biting dogs and KKK members in white hoods, the "dogs are still biting in other ways" and there is still "racism and inequality."

She said, "Today there are no white sheets, but there are judges in black robes in the U.S. Supreme Court striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, opening the floodgates in many states to pass more voter ID laws... with the goal of ensuring we never see a black man elected to the president, or woman, of the United states of America."
The supposed Black leaders can't accept that this is not the same country as it was 60 years ago and that the biggest proponents of racism are Blacks themselves.

Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ?Martyr? « CBS Tampa

Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice.

In a lead-up to President Barack Obama’s address marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement March on Washington, the former U.N. ambassador under President Jimmy Carter interrupted MSNBC guest host Joy Ann-Reid’s question on troubles in the African-American community to express his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case.

“No, Trayvon is a martyr. We’ve had a string of martyrs from the time of Emmett Till. Every generation has its string of martyrs and they’re going to continue. And we celebrate them and we lift them up to know that they’re not lost,” said Young.

To call a thug, a druggie, a man-boy who committed assault a "Martyr" is just un-fricking-believable.

Yeah why watch it yourself when you can get your spin spoon fed

Why watch a bunch of Racist haters spout lies and misinformation?

I see enough of that by some the Liberals here.
The Good

1. We have elected a black President - Yet one of the worst ones! One of the negative things about his winning is he won because of his skin color and not too much the content of his character!
2. Affirmative Action has been effective. More black representation in politics, doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, military officers, teachers, astronauts, sports managers and executives - LOL liberals always say this, but it's been utterly ineffective. Most African-Americans that succeed do it on their own without special help ----> What you should have stated is the we have seen the REMOVAL OF THE GLASS CEILING FOR BLACKS AND WOMEN ALIKE!!!
3. More integrated neighborhoods and schools - Another clueless one, ever seen any of the major cities - many neighborhoods are MORE homogenous than ever!
4. Acceptance of interracial marriages - yea finally got one!
5. A rise in the black middle class - don't over state it, Black still make up a higher per capitia of the poverty class than than another other race and it's entirely their fault now!
6. Elimination of laws and policies that exclude or segregate blacks - Good one

The Bad

1. A disintegration of the black family Cause SOLELY by liberalize
2. A black culture that has discouraged advancement, education and strong familiy values - Not the white man's fault, rather it's the race baiters and black apologist like Sharpton and Jackson
3. Gang and drug culture - caused by the break down of the black family which is caused by liberalism
4. Surge in incarceration rates of black males - See #3
5. 70% of blacks being born to single mothers - Liberalism is the culprit again! Shocker!
6. There is still prejudice. It is no longer openly expressed, but lingers in the shadows - Esp in the shadows of liberal minds that view Blacks and inferior children that need their great white parents to take care of them from cradle to the grave
7. The Rise in Black Racism - It's OK to hate on whitey and do it openly.
8. Guilty By White - Blacks used to be convicted of crimes in this country when everyone knew they were innocent, SOLELY because they were black. The reverse has happened. Whites are condemned when they are innocent, SOLELY because they are white or in Zimmerman's case, Latino.
9. Black on White Hate Crimes - Be white and go to inner City of Chicago RIGHT-WINGER, I dare ya, you won't be coming back. Black kids are playing a game called Polar Bear Hunting; heck you can't even go to the Magnificent Mile without worrying about getting robbed now-a-days! It's amazing

The list goes on and on. Liberalism is the cause, not sure what the cure is anymore!

On a day celebrating Dr Martin Luther King, best to just ignore
Whites make up far more than 65% of the population.

Someone better go study classification of Hispanics.
65% vs. 12% - Percent of Total Population (census)
81% vs. 6% - Percent of Total Management Level Jobs (EEOC)
38% vs. 35% - Percent of Total Abortions in America (CDC)

22% vs. 55% - Children Living with Single Parent (census)
29% vs. 73% - Children Born Out of Wedlock (census)
13% vs. 34% - Children Living in Poverty (census)
8% vs. 20% - Never Married, 45 Years Old+ (census)
29% vs. 18% - College Degrees, 25 Years Old+ (census)
17% vs 47% - Percent in Welfare Programs (BLS)

6.7% vs. 13.5% - Unemployment Rate (BLS)
$55k vs. $32k - Median Household Income (census)
$30k vs. $21k - Median Individual Income (census)
79 vs. 74 - Life Expectancy (CDC)
678 vs. 4347 - Incarceration Rates Per 100,000 Population (FBI)

Blacks accounted for 38% of Violent Crime and 30% of Property Crime in 2011, despite making up just 12% of the U.S. population (FBI)

Blacks score worse than whites, Asians, and Hispanics in all major school subjects (US Dept of Education)

You forgot one statistic:

White vs Black

0 vs 100% - Number of ancestors enslaved in the USA

You really don't know your American History that well, do you?

That is too be expected... You must have had Liberal Teachers who wanted to keep you ignorant of the real facts.

But in truth there were over 300,000 White Slaves brought here from England.. From the Debtor's prisons and brothels.

The Scots, for 3 years, sent their prisoners here as slaves instead of imprisoning them.

White Slavery, what the Scots already know
The Journal of Negro History #52 pp.251-273 states, “The sources of racial thought in Colonial America pertaining to slave trade worked both directions with white merchandise as well as black.”

Thomas Burton recorded in his Parliament Diary 1656-1659 vol. 4 pp. 253-274 a debate in the English Parliament focusing on the selling of British whites into slavery in the New World. The debate refers to whites as slaves ‘whose enslavement threatened the liberties of all Englishmen.’

The British government had realized as early as the 1640’s how beneficial white slave labor was to the profiting colonial plantations. Slavery was instituted as early as 1627 in the British West Indies. The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series of 1701 records 25000 slaves in Barbados in which 21700 were white slaves.

George Downing wrote a letter to the honorable John Winthrop Colonial Governor of Massachusetts in 1645, “planters who want to make a fortune in the West Indies must procure white slave labor out of England if they wanted to succeed.” Lewis Cecil Gray’s History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 vol.1 pp 316, 318 records Sir George Sandys’ 1618 plan for Virginia, referring to bound whites assigned to the treasurer’s office. “To belong to said office forever. The service of whites bound to Berkeley Hundred was deemed perpetual.”

The Quoke Walker case in Massachusetts 1773 ruled that; slavery contrary to the state Constitution was applied equally to Blacks and Whites in Massachusetts.

Statutes at Large of Virginia, vol. 1 pp. 174, 198, 200, 243 & 306 did not discriminate Negroes in bondage from Whites in Bondage.

Marcellus Rivers and Oxenbridge Foyle, England’s Slaves 1659 consists of a statement smuggled out of the New World and published in London referring to whites in bondage who did not think of themselves as indentured servants but as “England’s Slaves” and “England’s merchandise.”

Colonial Office, Public Records Office, London 1667, no. 170 records that “even Blacks referred to the White forced laborers in the colonies as “white slaves.” Pages 343 through 346 of Historical Sketch of the Persecutions Suffered by the Catholics of Ireland by; Patrick F. Moran refers to the transportation of the Irish to the colonies as the “slave-trade.”

Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South explain that white enslavement was crucial to the development of the Negro slave system. The system set up for the white slaves governed, organized and controlled the system for the black slaves. Black slaves were “late comers fitted into a system already developed.” Pp 25-26. John Pory declared in 1619, “white slaves are our principle wealth.”

The above quotations from various authors are just the tip of the iceberg on the white slave trade of the Americas. People from the British Isles were kidnapped, put in chains and crammed into ships that transported hundreds of them at a time. Their destination was Virginia Boston, New York, Barbados and the West Indies. The white slaves were treated the same or worse than the black slave. The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves.

Governments have allowed this part of American and British history to be swallowed up. The contemptible black slavery has taken a grip on people associated with American History. Yet, no one will tell of these accountings that are well established on to the middle 1800’s.

Slavery is not something to be proud of but it is a fact that happened to every country, kingdom and empire that has been on this earth. Each of us needs to search our hearts and find the answer to stop racial hatred. One place to begin; realize that the black race was not the only race in the last 400 years that was in bondage.

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