50 years after "I have a dream"....A Progress Report

Today marks 50 years since Dr Kings "I have a dream" speech. What has gone well and what hasn't

The Good

1. We have elected a black President
2. Affirmative Action has been effective. More black representation in politics, doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, military officers, teachers, astronauts, sports managers and executives
3. More integrated neighborhoods and schools
4. Acceptance of interracial marriages
5. A rise in the black middle class
6. Elimination of laws and policies that exclude or segregate blacks

The Bad

1. A disintegration of the black family
2. A black culture that has discouraged advancement, education and strong familiy values
3. Gang and drug culture
4. Surge in incarceration rates of black males
5. 70% of blacks being born to single mothers
6. There is still prejudice. It is no longer openly expressed, but lingers in the shadows


At what point can #6 under The Bad...."There is still prejudice"....morph into a justifiable disgust at #1 thru 5?
No question that Dr King was one of our greatest American patriots. While the revolution he started removed the institutional barriers to racism, strong cultural barriers still hold blacks back

Racism is still there but is not the primary reason blacks have not entered the mainstream. Until black culture significantly changes, they will remain second class
You are 100% correct, and there is no way a black man will ever be president of the US as long as those barriers exist.


Obama had a strong family structure though unconventional. His wife also had a strong family structure

The Obamas are leading by example. It doesn't look like it is making a difference
I agree the racially based inferoirity theory is ludacrous.

However, at some point, the fact that America has ELECTED a black president, TWICE, must be acknowledged as proof that the scales have been tipped, and the constant refrain that "400 years have taken their toll" becomes more of an excuse for personal failure than a real issue.

It was always a 2 pronged problem not just 1. The fact that Obama is a 2 term Black president is reflective of better racial tolerance nowadays. Perceptions have started shifting. The "400 years" is a psychological condition that must be addressed by the Black community in general. We must understand why the bad habits exist from "400 years" and exactly what those habits are doing.

If we don't "understand" yet, then we never will: It appears that the main "bad" habit that the black community needs to break is concentrating on "400 years" and not the next 40 years.

I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.
I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.

You don't even understand that your statement actually proves that there is no "400year doing". It is all in your head.

If you want to be happy - just be it.

And stop spewing the hatred among youngsters, which your "teaching" is all about
I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.

You don't even understand that your statement actually proves that there is no "400year doing". It is all in your head.

If you want to be happy - just be it.

And stop spewing the hatred among youngsters, which your "teaching" is all about

:lol: I guess you dont understand what psychological means then do you? You call it hatred. I call it knowing your history which every race has a right to know and understand how it shapes you as a person "in your head" (since you don't understand words with more than 1 syllable). You sure are a dumbfuck! :lol:
You really don't know your American History that well, do you?

That is too be expected... You must have had Liberal Teachers who wanted to keep you ignorant of the real facts.

But in truth there were over 300,000 White Slaves brought here from England.. From the Debtor's prisons and brothels.

The Scots, for 3 years, sent their prisoners here as slaves instead of imprisoning them.

One does not need to go even that far.

This country is full of people whose ancestors were REAL slaves, like blacks here, in the US.
Heck, on the 50% of the territory of today's Europe slavery was abolished in the same year - i n1861, on some 20% more - in 1848

yet those peope don't blame their nowadays problems on having ancestors in slavery more than 150 years ago.
This victimhood mentality is actually indoctrinated on purpose.

But the glass is either half full or half empty.

It is 2013, for God's sake!!!

get over with this slavery thing! you were not the only ones under the sun!
No question that Dr King was one of our greatest American patriots. While the revolution he started removed the institutional barriers to racism, strong cultural barriers still hold blacks back

Racism is still there but is not the primary reason blacks have not entered the mainstream. Until black culture significantly changes, they will remain second class

Unfortunately one of the most important lessons of Dr. King that has been forgotten is that the most effective way to achieve your goals is non-violent, non-cooperation to force those in power to face their own immorality. :(

"Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals." -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Actually, the most notable is that many young blacks, and those who now carry the Doctors banner, have no content of character.

Dr. King's greatest strength was the conviction of his moral position and the character to carry out that position.

Something sorely lacking in black leadership today.
The fact is that many white men of a certain age can't get over that blacks are their equals.

Tough luck that.
Today marks 50 years since Dr Kings "I have a dream" speech. What has gone well and what hasn't

The Good

1. We have elected a black President
2. Affirmative Action has been effective. More black representation in politics, doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, military officers, teachers, astronauts, sports managers and executives
3. More integrated neighborhoods and schools
4. Acceptance of interracial marriages
5. A rise in the black middle class
6. Elimination of laws and policies that exclude or segregate blacks

The Bad

1. A disintegration of the black family
2. A black culture that has discouraged advancement, education and strong familiy values
3. Gang and drug culture
4. Surge in incarceration rates of black males
5. 70% of blacks being born to single mothers
6. There is still prejudice. It is no longer openly expressed, but lingers in the shadows

1) Funny how the ones concerned about race are the ones who claim nothing should be about race
2) Affirmative action is racist in nature and against the concept of equality in treatment.. Against what Dr. King was for
3) Integration happened long ago.. it is just increases in population causing higher numbers
4) There is no law of acceptance... nor tolerance.. you cannot make this bogus claim.. you can say that they, like all marriages, are legally protected and legally recognized
5) Actually it is now in decline, thanks to liberal policy such as welfare, food stamps, business taxation, etc
6) Again, segregation laws were enacted LONG ago

1) That is not a government thing, nor something government can or should be trying to 'fix'
2) It is not a 'black' culture.. it is the urban entitlement liberal culture
3) Yet you and your ilk preach that drugs are not bad and should be legal...
4) Crime is on the individual, not the race
5) Again.. it is not a government thing, nor something government can or should be trying to 'fix'
6) Again.. there is prejudice everywhere.. whether it be due to race, people thinking they know more because of a piece of paper, being against religion or for it, or whatever else.. and it will go nowhere.. it will always be in the fringes no matter what law you make

Affirmative action worked. Not just for blacks but moreso for women. Dr King encouraged affirmative action policies. You help those who need help

Integration of our society was a direct result of the Civil Rights movement

Not all of our progress or lack thereof is because of government. Much of it is cultural

you keep forgetting that white women are high achievers in the classroom as well as the workplace
It seems Republicans all had something better to do today than accept invitations to attend the celebration at the Mall.

you mean like going to work?.....hey just sayin.....

Congress is on recess

Can't expect them to interrupt their golf games

oh im sorry....i did not know she was talking just about Congress members since she did not specify.....Republicans means anyone who is a Republican....words have meaning.....yea i know....i was shocked too when i was told this....
It seems Republicans all had something better to do today than accept invitations to attend the celebration at the Mall.

seems like they weren't invited, unless you have proof otherwise?

Rick Scotts spokesman says the organizers never invited him, or Clarence Thomas.....then again if they had invited Thomas, Melanie Campbell, the president of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, would not have been able to compare him to bull connor types etc... :rolleyes:
you mean like going to work?.....hey just sayin.....

Congress is on recess

Can't expect them to interrupt their golf games

oh im sorry....i did not know she was talking just about Congress members since she did not specify.....Republicans means anyone who is a Republican....words have meaning.....yea i know....i was shocked too when i was told this....

Republicans are in a no win situation

If they don't go, the will get criticized for racial insensitivity
If they do go, they sit through rhetoric that is uncomfortable for Republicans or god forbid....get their picture taken with Obama
No question that Dr King was one of our greatest American patriots. While the revolution he started removed the institutional barriers to racism, strong cultural barriers still hold blacks back

Racism is still there but is not the primary reason blacks have not entered the mainstream. Until black culture significantly changes, they will remain second class
You are 100% correct, and there is no way a black man will ever be president of the US as long as those barriers exist.


Obama had a strong family structure though unconventional. His wife also had a strong family structure

The Obamas are leading by example. It doesn't look like it is making a difference

maybe because he is still looked at as just being another wealthy politician who lives in his big mansion and when he leaves that mansion he will just move to another big house in his Gated Community and rub elbows with all those who made all this wealth possible....just sayin.....
Congress is on recess

Can't expect them to interrupt their golf games

oh im sorry....i did not know she was talking just about Congress members since she did not specify.....Republicans means anyone who is a Republican....words have meaning.....yea i know....i was shocked too when i was told this....

Republicans are in a no win situation

If they don't go, the will get criticized for racial insensitivity
If they do go, they sit through rhetoric that is uncomfortable for Republicans or god forbid....get their picture taken with Obama

or get stuck sitting next to Dean.....i could imagine if that happened.....

50 years ago black people wanted a seat at the lunch counter. Today they can sit there but can't read the menu.

50 years ago black people wanted to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today they want to be judged by the color of their skin and ignore the lack of character.

50 years ago black people wanted an equal chance. Today they want an increase in welfare.

50 years ago black people wanted a seat at the lunch counter. Today they can sit there but can't read the menu.

50 years ago black people wanted to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today they want to be judged by the color of their skin and ignore the lack of character.

50 years ago black people wanted an equal chance. Today they want an increase in welfare.

"they" yup, Katzndogz is racialist by her own words

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