50 years after "I have a dream"....A Progress Report

I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.

You don't even understand that your statement actually proves that there is no "400year doing". It is all in your head.

If you want to be happy - just be it.

And stop spewing the hatred among youngsters, which your "teaching" is all about

:lol: I guess you dont understand what psychological means then do you? You call it hatred. I call it knowing your history which every race has a right to know and understand how it shapes you as a person "in your head" (since you don't understand words with more than 1 syllable). You sure are a dumbfuck! :lol:

they do not have psychological problems. you complain exactly about that:
I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did.Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them

you WANT them to have psychological problems and you fill them with hatred, because, God forbid they might finally become simply AMERICANS, not victimized runners from the plantation from which you have never cut your umbilical cord.

It's in your HEAD, idiot :lol:

If you can not be happy - let the others be and stop spewing your complexes and hatred.
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50 years ago black people wanted a seat at the lunch counter. Today they can sit there but can't read the menu.

50 years ago black people wanted to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today they want to be judged by the color of their skin and ignore the lack of character.

50 years ago black people wanted an equal chance. Today they want an increase in welfare.
As conservatives continue to endear themselves to the "coloreds"
Affirmative action worked. Not just for blacks but moreso for women. Dr King encouraged affirmative action policies. You help those who need help

Integration of our society was a direct result of the Civil Rights movement

Not all of our progress or lack thereof is because of government. Much of it is cultural

Affirmative action never works and is a stain upon this country. Choosing skin color over someone more qualified is not progress.

Didn't bother the whites to do it to the Africans, Chinese, Mexicans etc., over the last 250 years.

so the black on white crime rate is a reflection of that?
You don't even understand that your statement actually proves that there is no "400year doing". It is all in your head.

If you want to be happy - just be it.

And stop spewing the hatred among youngsters, which your "teaching" is all about

:lol: I guess you dont understand what psychological means then do you? You call it hatred. I call it knowing your history which every race has a right to know and understand how it shapes you as a person "in your head" (since you don't understand words with more than 1 syllable). You sure are a dumbfuck! :lol:

they do not have psychological problems. you complain exactly about that:
I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did.Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them

you WANT them to have psychological problems and you fill them with hatred, because, God forbid they might finally become simply AMERICANS, not victimized runners from the plantation from which you have never cut your umbilical cord.

It's in your HEAD, idiot :lol:

If you can not be happy - let the others be and stop spewing your complexes and hatred.

Everyone has psychological problems unless they led a trauma free life you dumbass. As far as I've heard thats most people. Racial oppression is a trauma you wouldn't understand unless you have experienced it and or lived with the aftermath handed down generation after generation. If you dont understand your problems how do you deal with it and the bad habits it creates? Your advice to "just be happy" is pretty typical of people that dont know the first thing about psychology. Blacks Americans are already Americans clown. I know whats bothering you about that but I know you dont. You dont even understand that if something is in your head its psychological! :lol: What a dipshit.

50 years ago black people wanted a seat at the lunch counter. Today they can sit there but can't read the menu.

50 years ago black people wanted to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today they want to be judged by the color of their skin and ignore the lack of character.

50 years ago black people wanted an equal chance. Today they want an increase in welfare.
is that all black people Katz?.....or just some?....im surprised you did not say they ALL smoke pot too.....

50 years ago black people wanted a seat at the lunch counter. Today they can sit there but can't read the menu.

50 years ago black people wanted to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Today they want to be judged by the color of their skin and ignore the lack of character.

50 years ago black people wanted an equal chance. Today they want an increase in welfare.
is that all black people Katz?.....or just some?....im surprised you did not say they ALL smoke pot too.....
Naw that would be libertarians.
Do you believe that true equality has been achieved in the workforce? I dont but I do believe in achieving on my own merits personally. My personal problem with AA is that no matter what kind of job you do someone will always disrespect you because you had to have assistance. I left the workforce because I was in a constant state of anger even though I personally never benefitted from AA. There was always some clown who thought I shouldnt be the position.

The workforce will sort itself out as long as the government is color blind, this includes the courts. Do you really think a business that is known to discriminate will have any future continuing in large scale business?

You keep forgetting gender? I'm sure you are making it only about race and that's just an awful coinky dink. :eusa_shifty:

No, you keep nit-picking while avoiding the overall topic.
Yeah, no offense, but I just don't see how racial desegregation and it's impact bears upon gender discrimination. Not that there isn't gender discrimination, but it's a whole different animal.
It was always a 2 pronged problem not just 1. The fact that Obama is a 2 term Black president is reflective of better racial tolerance nowadays. Perceptions have started shifting. The "400 years" is a psychological condition that must be addressed by the Black community in general. We must understand why the bad habits exist from "400 years" and exactly what those habits are doing.

If we don't "understand" yet, then we never will: It appears that the main "bad" habit that the black community needs to break is concentrating on "400 years" and not the next 40 years.

I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.

I did not mean to imply that the black community would try to forget their past.

However, CONCENTRATING on their past is irrelevant if they ignore their future. It appears (based on statistical evidence of public school drop-out rates) that the black community does not value education as much as other races, thus, they do not value their future as much as other races.

When was the last time BET produced educational programming? How often has Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson contributed to a media campaign targeting Black Youth to remain in school, and achieve high grades in challenging Math and Science courses?

These two old men are the PAST.

Present and Future Black Leaders will focus on the next 40 years if they plan to be successful....Interestingly, this is exactly the theme of the "Have A Dream" speech, Where MLK envisioned the FUTURE.
The workforce will sort itself out as long as the government is color blind, this includes the courts. Do you really think a business that is known to discriminate will have any future continuing in large scale business?

You keep forgetting gender? I'm sure you are making it only about race and that's just an awful coinky dink. :eusa_shifty:

No, you keep nit-picking while avoiding the overall topic.

Those nit picky facts you keep omitting from the conversation? :lol:

AA is racist and you want me to drop the fact that it helps white women as a rebuttal to the claims of racist? Now why would you want that? :lol:
Affirmative action worked. Not just for blacks but moreso for women. Dr King encouraged affirmative action policies. You help those who need help

Integration of our society was a direct result of the Civil Rights movement

Not all of our progress or lack thereof is because of government. Much of it is cultural

Affirmative action never works and is a stain upon this country. Choosing skin color over someone more qualified is not progress.

Didn't bother the whites to do it to the Africans, Chinese, Mexicans etc., over the last 250 years.

so, what did WHITES do to these people exactly?
that is disgusting and you got atta boys for that stupid comment
If we don't "understand" yet, then we never will: It appears that the main "bad" habit that the black community needs to break is concentrating on "400 years" and not the next 40 years.

I disagree with that assessment. I encounter grown adults everyday both black and white that dont understand what "400" years did. Youngsters are even more clueless because no one has taught them and they were not there to see the progress. You cant concentrate on the next 40 years and hope to get there if you don't understand the last 400 gave you some bad habits that will derail your journey every time.

I did not mean to imply that the black community would try to forget their past.

However, CONCENTRATING on their past is irrelevant if they ignore their future. It appears (based on statistical evidence of public school drop-out rates) that the black community does not value education as much as other races, thus, they do not value their future as much as other races.

When was the last time BET produced educational programming? How often has Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson contributed to a media campaign targeting Black Youth to remain in school, and achieve high grades in challenging Math and Science courses?

These two old men are the PAST.

Present and Future Black Leaders will focus on the next 40 years if they plan to be successful....Interestingly, this is exactly the theme of the "Have A Dream" speech, Where MLK envisioned the FUTURE.

I know you didnt. It seemed to me that you were saying that in order to move forward they would need to just let it go. That cant happen until people deal with the issue. Not concentrate and wallow around in it! Nowhere else that I can think of was a group of people that had so much of what and who they really are hidden from them and destroyed. I am still learning a lot myself and this has been at least 5 years into it. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson both do a lot of the very programs you mentioned but that stuff doesnt get reported by the media. BET? Dont make me laugh!! They have some shows but by and large that was IMO one Uncle Tom exploiting his own kind. No every single Black family does not stress the importance of education. However a lot fo them do. The road to success is littered with obstacles real and imagined however and some people simply give up because they dont have the coping skills to deal with adversity. Thats not something thats confined to the Black race but hurts us even more because of pre-existing damage. I learned a method a little while back that helps solve questions with what appears to be obvious answers. Its called 7 levels. You ask a question. When you get the answer ask "but why?". You keep on until you get at least 7 levels deep. If you cant do that you are either not being honest or you just want to hold onto your previous assumptions.
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1) Funny how the ones concerned about race are the ones who claim nothing should be about race
2) Affirmative action is racist in nature and against the concept of equality in treatment.. Against what Dr. King was for
3) Integration happened long ago.. it is just increases in population causing higher numbers
4) There is no law of acceptance... nor tolerance.. you cannot make this bogus claim.. you can say that they, like all marriages, are legally protected and legally recognized
5) Actually it is now in decline, thanks to liberal policy such as welfare, food stamps, business taxation, etc
6) Again, segregation laws were enacted LONG ago

1) That is not a government thing, nor something government can or should be trying to 'fix'
2) It is not a 'black' culture.. it is the urban entitlement liberal culture
3) Yet you and your ilk preach that drugs are not bad and should be legal...
4) Crime is on the individual, not the race
5) Again.. it is not a government thing, nor something government can or should be trying to 'fix'
6) Again.. there is prejudice everywhere.. whether it be due to race, people thinking they know more because of a piece of paper, being against religion or for it, or whatever else.. and it will go nowhere.. it will always be in the fringes no matter what law you make

Affirmative action worked. Not just for blacks but moreso for women. Dr King encouraged affirmative action policies. You help those who need help

Integration of our society was a direct result of the Civil Rights movement

Not all of our progress or lack thereof is because of government. Much of it is cultural

Affirmative action never works and is a stain upon this country. Choosing skin color over someone more qualified is not progress.

Since that's not exactly what "affirmative action" is....

We'll flush your statement down the toilet of FAIL.

Consider this -- perhaps the skin color is what makes them "more qualified"...
You keep forgetting gender? I'm sure you are making it only about race and that's just an awful coinky dink. :eusa_shifty:

No, you keep nit-picking while avoiding the overall topic.

Those nit picky facts you keep omitting from the conversation? :lol:

AA is racist and you want me to drop the fact that it helps white women as a rebuttal to the claims of racist? Now why would you want that? :lol:

And ive said its sexist as well, a point you keep ignoring.
No, you keep nit-picking while avoiding the overall topic.

Those nit picky facts you keep omitting from the conversation? :lol:

AA is racist and you want me to drop the fact that it helps white women as a rebuttal to the claims of racist? Now why would you want that? :lol:

And ive said its sexist as well, a point you keep ignoring.

Ok, so Explain how something that helps mostly white women Is racist against whites. :lol::lol:
Those nit picky facts you keep omitting from the conversation? :lol:

AA is racist and you want me to drop the fact that it helps white women as a rebuttal to the claims of racist? Now why would you want that? :lol:

And ive said its sexist as well, a point you keep ignoring.

Ok, so Explain how something that helps mostly white women Is racist against whites. :lol::lol:

when it helps a woman get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is sexist.

when it helps a minority get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is racist.

Not that hard to figure out.
And ive said its sexist as well, a point you keep ignoring.

Ok, so Explain how something that helps mostly white women Is racist against whites. :lol::lol:

when it helps a woman get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is sexist.

when it helps a minority get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is racist.

Not that hard to figure out.

2 things wrong with your comment.

1. AA was implemented to help level the field not necessarily to find the most qualified person. Thats dumb because someone not qualified can walk in off the street and become better than the qualified person after ramping up.

2. Do you know what racist means? Nowhere in AA does it say pick the person that belongs to the superior race. Its actually trying to get away from that mentality that formed the good ole boy networks.
And ive said its sexist as well, a point you keep ignoring.

Ok, so Explain how something that helps mostly white women Is racist against whites. :lol::lol:

when it helps a woman get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is sexist.

when it helps a minority get something instead of someone else equally or better qualified it is racist.

Not that hard to figure out.

Take away both those things and this happens

... How often has Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson contributed to a media campaign targeting Black Youth to remain in school, and achieve high grades in challenging Math and Science courses?

These two old men are the PAST.

Present and Future Black Leaders will focus on the next 40 years if they plan to be successful....Interestingly, this is exactly the theme of the "Have A Dream" speech, Where MLK envisioned the FUTURE.

.... Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson both do a lot of the very programs you mentioned but that stuff doesnt get reported by the media. .....

They do? I guess they are even unreported in:

Rev. Al Sharpton | Black America Web


What is reported is the following Pablum, designed to reinforce the IMAGE that these guys are doing anything constructive:

Rev. Sharpton is a leader on issues regarding education and the fight to ensure equity in the U.S. education system that continues to fail its highest-need students, despite the 55 years that have lapsed since Brown v. Board of Education.

How PRECISELY has he "lead" anyone, or "fought" anything if for the most part of 55 years, the system continues to fail the black community?

I submit that it is not THE SYSTEM that is failing, but Black Leadership, particularly Al Sharpton, et al., that have failed

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