50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

I didn't realize you were so old!

Me either until my knees hurt after playing 4 hours of basketball yesterday.

Well, at 400 it's certainly understandable.

Ok I get you now. You do realize that a lot of the habits and ideas we have are passed on via our ancestors experiences right? You do know if i am taught to not play on the freeway chances are I will pass it to my children correct? Thats how racism is passed on. Its learned and not something you naturally acquire. Its extremely hard to break the habit if it literally translates to a survival skill.
Me either until my knees hurt after playing 4 hours of basketball yesterday.

Well, at 400 it's certainly understandable.

Ok I get you now. You do realize that a lot of the habits and ideas we have are passed on via our ancestors experiences right? You do know if i am taught to not play on the freeway chances are I will pass it to my children correct? Thats how racism is passed on. Its learned and not something you naturally acquire. Its extremely hard to break the habit if it literally translates to a survival skill.

So, which iterations of racial oppression can you trace back 400 years that you personally have had to "shake off"?
Me either until my knees hurt after playing 4 hours of basketball yesterday.

Well, at 400 it's certainly understandable.

Ok I get you now. You do realize that a lot of the habits and ideas we have are passed on via our ancestors experiences right? You do know if i am taught to not play on the freeway chances are I will pass it to my children correct? Thats how racism is passed on. Its learned and not something you naturally acquire. Its extremely hard to break the habit if it literally translates to a survival skill.

That's just utter nonsense.

I tell my kids that in this city only 50 years ago there were restaurants blacks couldnt eat at. Or water fountains they couldn't drink from. And they look at me like I'm nuts. It's a totally alien concept to them. And this is something people basically took for granted as normal 50 years ago. So don't tell me racism is inherited and passed down.
What I was saying is don't attempt to tell me how simple it is to shake off 400 years of racial oppression until youve actually done it yourself.
A big part of slavery was working hard, seems blacks were able to "shake off" that part of slavey real fast :lol:
Thats not Black culture. Thats a sub culture. That is a result of people still battling with a slave mindset. This is brought about by an angry back lash at racism in America. What has fueled it even further is the white suburban kids buying gangsta rap up like hot cakes. When the rappers with positive messages were showcased no one outside of the Black population really consumed to that degree. Seems like white society is eager to hear Black rap talking about gang violence, killing cops, pimpin, demoralizing women and all the other things that validate their beliefs about Black culture.

You continue to amuse. Now black on black crime in the inner city is the fault of white suburban kids buying gangsta rap and inner city blacks are only embracing the "thug" lifestyle because they think it sells? Do you REALLY believe the nonsense that you spout here?

It's a lot closer to the truth that suburban white kids imitate blacks from the inner city for the same reason kids from my generation imitated the punk cuture thirty years ago..they do it because they want to rebel against their parents. They can't grow their hair out or get tattoos because mom and dad have already been there and done that.

You might want to step back and ask what this generation is going to do with the rest of their lives as soon as "gangsta" becomes as lame as "punk". They've throw away the opportunity to get an education because, as Don Lemon pointed out, learning is a "white" thing and looked down upon by the modern urban black culture. The idiocy of that concept is staggering. "Learning" is the only way to get out of poverty. It's why generations of immigrants to this country worked two or even three jobs to send their kids to school so they would have a better life. Where is THAT in the black urban culture?

Evidently you missed the part where I said it was not the fault of white kids. I merely stated they provided a lucrative consumer base for it. Thats a fact. Don Lemon doesnt know what he is talking about. its not looked down as a "white thing" its looked down on as being stupid or square because everyone knows "you cant make no money working for someone else". What these kids have a problem with is being willing to wait for the results of hard work to end up with a better lifestyle.

Don Lemon knows EXACTLY what he's talking about! He's making the same points that Bill Cosby has made in the past about young urban black men. What you don't like about his comments is that he refuses to play the "victim game" that is so much a part of your schtick here. You're an Al Sharpton clone...nothing is ever the fault of blacks because "overt racism" is a hurdle that black teens can't over come. Therefore when they refuse to take entry level jobs and work their way up...you pat them on the head and tell them that it's OK because "society" owes them for what was done to their great great grandfathers. Then you wonder why blacks are struggling to narrow the gap in personal wealth? They say that one definition of insanity is when someone keeps doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. That's YOU, my friend!
A couple means 2. There are way more than that. It doesn't surprise me that Black people on this board would exhibit racist tendencies. Whites enslaved our ancestors. Whites sicked dogs on our grandparents and parents just because they wanted equal treatment. Does it really come as a shock to you that Blacks dont trust white people to do right? Yes discrimination is illegal but nowadays any complaints are called playing the race card.

Several customers doesn't make for a population. I know the stuff I had to shake off to be successful. Every Black person on my level economically has pretty much the same story if they grew up in the environment I did. The ones that already were middle class can relate to the racism but not the additional struggles of growing up poor in the ghetto. if you have never had the unique combination of being Black and growing up in a dangerous poor environment you cant even guess as to how strong you have to be to make it out.

OK there are more than 2 racists. And one of them is you. I am white. You want to blame me for siccing dogs on your ancestors. My ancestors were in Russia at the time. So obviously I am blameless here.
You want to generalize a lot. Not all white people enslaved your ancestors. Not all black people's ancestors were enslaved (like Barack Obama).
I agree that people who make it out of the ghetto deserve respect for overcoming difficult circumstances. But there is no reason everyone can't do that. The ghetto is of their own making.

I dont blame you specifically for anything other than being your typical deny to the very end average white person. You generalize all the time so I can do it as well. Not every white enslaved Blacks but a very large majority supported the institution that did. Matter of fact some states went to war over it. I never said all whites promoted Jim Crow. However the National Guard had to be called out to enforce desegregation. I never said some whites did not assist in Blacks obtaining Civil Rights but some did have to give their lives over it along with innocent Blacks. I wasn't saying that Blacks that make it out of the ghetto need extra kudos. What I was saying is don't attempt to tell me how simple it is to shake off 400 years of racial oppression until youve actually done it yourself.

Let me promise you something, Asclepias. If you keep telling black kids that the system is stacked against them and that they can't become successful because of "overt racism"...then I guarantee you that those black kids WILL fail. Why? Because getting oneself out of poverty is hard. It requires sacrifice and work. It requires persistence. It requires encouragement and mentoring. When you pontificate about how it's not the fault of black teens that they can't find work because of society...when in fact it's because those teens have done everything possible to make themselves unsuitable TO work...then you are not doing them any favors.
Well, at 400 it's certainly understandable.

Ok I get you now. You do realize that a lot of the habits and ideas we have are passed on via our ancestors experiences right? You do know if i am taught to not play on the freeway chances are I will pass it to my children correct? Thats how racism is passed on. Its learned and not something you naturally acquire. Its extremely hard to break the habit if it literally translates to a survival skill.

So, which iterations of racial oppression can you trace back 400 years that you personally have had to "shake off"?

I'll give you the short version.

Dealing with being called the n word at the age of 5 by an white adult.
Dealing with the knowledge that I was not safe and my parents couldnt protect me
Pretending not to be smart.
Doing just enough to get by.
Not visualizing my future
OK there are more than 2 racists. And one of them is you. I am white. You want to blame me for siccing dogs on your ancestors. My ancestors were in Russia at the time. So obviously I am blameless here.
You want to generalize a lot. Not all white people enslaved your ancestors. Not all black people's ancestors were enslaved (like Barack Obama).
I agree that people who make it out of the ghetto deserve respect for overcoming difficult circumstances. But there is no reason everyone can't do that. The ghetto is of their own making.

I dont blame you specifically for anything other than being your typical deny to the very end average white person. You generalize all the time so I can do it as well. Not every white enslaved Blacks but a very large majority supported the institution that did. Matter of fact some states went to war over it. I never said all whites promoted Jim Crow. However the National Guard had to be called out to enforce desegregation. I never said some whites did not assist in Blacks obtaining Civil Rights but some did have to give their lives over it along with innocent Blacks. I wasn't saying that Blacks that make it out of the ghetto need extra kudos. What I was saying is don't attempt to tell me how simple it is to shake off 400 years of racial oppression until youve actually done it yourself.

Let me promise you something, Asclepias. If you keep telling black kids that the system is stacked against them and that they can't become successful because of "overt racism"...then I guarantee you that those black kids WILL fail. Why? Because getting oneself out of poverty is hard. It requires sacrifice and work. It requires persistence. It requires encouragement and mentoring. When you pontificate about how it's not the fault of black teens that they can't find work because of society...when in fact it's because those teens have done everything possible to make themselves unsuitable TO work...then you are not doing them any favors.

I would suggest you are wrong. All my children are high achieving. So far every single one of the kids I mentor are also doing great. Nothing wrong with preparing them for battle. It would be stupid and irresponsible of me not to.
Well, at 400 it's certainly understandable.

Ok I get you now. You do realize that a lot of the habits and ideas we have are passed on via our ancestors experiences right? You do know if i am taught to not play on the freeway chances are I will pass it to my children correct? Thats how racism is passed on. Its learned and not something you naturally acquire. Its extremely hard to break the habit if it literally translates to a survival skill.

That's just utter nonsense.

I tell my kids that in this city only 50 years ago there were restaurants blacks couldnt eat at. Or water fountains they couldn't drink from. And they look at me like I'm nuts. It's a totally alien concept to them. And this is something people basically took for granted as normal 50 years ago. So don't tell me racism is inherited and passed down.

Did you teach them to be racist? I honestly dont believe you have children that are not racist if you taught them to be. If you did then you are lucky they are not.
You continue to amuse. Now black on black crime in the inner city is the fault of white suburban kids buying gangsta rap and inner city blacks are only embracing the "thug" lifestyle because they think it sells? Do you REALLY believe the nonsense that you spout here?

It's a lot closer to the truth that suburban white kids imitate blacks from the inner city for the same reason kids from my generation imitated the punk cuture thirty years ago..they do it because they want to rebel against their parents. They can't grow their hair out or get tattoos because mom and dad have already been there and done that.

You might want to step back and ask what this generation is going to do with the rest of their lives as soon as "gangsta" becomes as lame as "punk". They've throw away the opportunity to get an education because, as Don Lemon pointed out, learning is a "white" thing and looked down upon by the modern urban black culture. The idiocy of that concept is staggering. "Learning" is the only way to get out of poverty. It's why generations of immigrants to this country worked two or even three jobs to send their kids to school so they would have a better life. Where is THAT in the black urban culture?

Evidently you missed the part where I said it was not the fault of white kids. I merely stated they provided a lucrative consumer base for it. Thats a fact. Don Lemon doesnt know what he is talking about. its not looked down as a "white thing" its looked down on as being stupid or square because everyone knows "you cant make no money working for someone else". What these kids have a problem with is being willing to wait for the results of hard work to end up with a better lifestyle.

Don Lemon knows EXACTLY what he's talking about! He's making the same points that Bill Cosby has made in the past about young urban black men. What you don't like about his comments is that he refuses to play the "victim game" that is so much a part of your schtick here. You're an Al Sharpton clone...nothing is ever the fault of blacks because "overt racism" is a hurdle that black teens can't over come. Therefore when they refuse to take entry level jobs and work their way up...you pat them on the head and tell them that it's OK because "society" owes them for what was done to their great great grandfathers. Then you wonder why blacks are struggling to narrow the gap in personal wealth? They say that one definition of insanity is when someone keeps doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. That's YOU, my friend!

Its not that I dont like what he said. I disagree with some of the things he said but totally agree on others. I just think he is wrong having lived it.

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