50 years later: has government dependency helped or hurt blacks?

Evidently you missed the part where I said it was not the fault of white kids. I merely stated they provided a lucrative consumer base for it. Thats a fact. Don Lemon doesnt know what he is talking about. its not looked down as a "white thing" its looked down on as being stupid or square because everyone knows "you cant make no money working for someone else". What these kids have a problem with is being willing to wait for the results of hard work to end up with a better lifestyle.

Don Lemon knows EXACTLY what he's talking about! He's making the same points that Bill Cosby has made in the past about young urban black men. What you don't like about his comments is that he refuses to play the "victim game" that is so much a part of your schtick here. You're an Al Sharpton clone...nothing is ever the fault of blacks because "overt racism" is a hurdle that black teens can't over come. Therefore when they refuse to take entry level jobs and work their way up...you pat them on the head and tell them that it's OK because "society" owes them for what was done to their great great grandfathers. Then you wonder why blacks are struggling to narrow the gap in personal wealth? They say that one definition of insanity is when someone keeps doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. That's YOU, my friend!

Its not that I dont like what he said. I disagree with some of the things he said but totally agree on others. I just think he is wrong having lived it.

I've read that post 3 times now and I still don't know what you're trying to say here. Who are you speaking of when you say "he is wrong having lived it"...Don Lemon or yourself?

If you're making the point that Don Lemon hasn't lived as a black man in America then you've just added to your rapidly growing list of ridiculous things you've posted here. Lemon grew up in the South not only black but gay. I'd have to think that Lemon understands a little about discrimination.
And if you're talking about yourself...then explain WHY you think he's wrong, having lived it. Or is this another of your "it's just my opinion" things?
Don Lemon knows EXACTLY what he's talking about! He's making the same points that Bill Cosby has made in the past about young urban black men. What you don't like about his comments is that he refuses to play the "victim game" that is so much a part of your schtick here. You're an Al Sharpton clone...nothing is ever the fault of blacks because "overt racism" is a hurdle that black teens can't over come. Therefore when they refuse to take entry level jobs and work their way up...you pat them on the head and tell them that it's OK because "society" owes them for what was done to their great great grandfathers. Then you wonder why blacks are struggling to narrow the gap in personal wealth? They say that one definition of insanity is when someone keeps doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. That's YOU, my friend!

Its not that I dont like what he said. I disagree with some of the things he said but totally agree on others. I just think he is wrong having lived it.

I've read that post 3 times now and I still don't know what you're trying to say here. Who are you speaking of when you say "he is wrong having lived it"...Don Lemon or yourself?

If you're making the point that Don Lemon hasn't lived as a black man in America then you've just added to your rapidly growing list of ridiculous things you've posted here. Lemon grew up in the South not only black but gay. I'd have to think that Lemon understands a little about discrimination.

I wasnt gay and i didnt grow up in the south. I grew up in a urban ghetto. He is flat wrong about some things. He did not have the experiences inner city kids go through. So when you say someone is right youre only saying that because you agree with him and not because that is the actual reality. I hung around gang bangers and drug dealers. I think i would know a little more than he would about how they think.
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And if you're talking about yourself...then explain WHY you think he's wrong, having lived it. Or is this another of your "it's just my opinion" things?

How is that so different than you having your opinion that he is right? His experience would have been vastly different even if he did grow up in an urban setting. Being gay its likely he would have stood out like a sore thumb. His view of the situation may have been a lot worse since the environment is very homophobic.
Dealing with the knowledge that I was not safe and my parents couldnt protect me
Pretending not to be smart.
Doing just enough to get by.
Not visualizing my future

None of that is exclusive to any particular 'race.' Countless millions of kids of all 'races' have experienced that over the past "400 years."
Dealing with the knowledge that I was not safe and my parents couldnt protect me
Pretending not to be smart.
Doing just enough to get by.
Not visualizing my future

None of that is exclusive to any particular 'race.' Countless millions of kids of all 'races' have experienced that over the past "400 years."

A white kid gets bullied and its bullying.
A black kid gets bullied and its racism.

Understand it now?
Dealing with being called the n word at the age of 5 by an white adult.

What, once? When you were 5? That was the shackle you had to cast off? Really?

What are you talking about when you say shackle? Thats your description not mine. I said I had to deal with it as a 5 year old and it coming from an adult before I had any knowledge of what slavery was. I know that it seems unimportant to you but you probably aren't well versed on child psychology and what something like that can do to a child. i didnt even know what the word was but I felt like someone had thrown a warm bucket of vomit on me. Once I had it explained to me and what happened during slavery it changed me for the worse.
Dealing with the knowledge that I was not safe and my parents couldnt protect me
Pretending not to be smart.
Doing just enough to get by.
Not visualizing my future

None of that is exclusive to any particular 'race.' Countless millions of kids of all 'races' have experienced that over the past "400 years."

Of course you want to say its not race related and you are entitled to your opinion. However, if you are doing those things or coming to that resolution because of the color of your skin its definitely race related. You asked if I had only been called the n word once? The answer is no. Its happened countless times until i got old enough and big enough to where no one wanted to deal with the consequences. I had a cop put a gun to my head at the age of 9 for no reason while liberally using the word to describe his hate for my race. He threatened to kill my family if I ever told anyone. If you dont see how those experiences are racial in nature and can take the promise away from anyones life you're either intellectually dishonest or ignorant.
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Dealing with being called the n word at the age of 5 by an white adult.

What, once? When you were 5? That was the shackle you had to cast off? Really?

What are you talking about when you say shackle? Thats your description not mine. I said I had to deal with it as a 5 year old and it coming from an adult before I had any knowledge of what slavery was. I know that it seems unimportant to you but you probably aren't well versed on child psychology and what something like that can do to a child. i didnt even know what the word was but I felt like someone had thrown a warm bucket of vomit on me. Once I had it explained to me and what happened during slavery it changed me for the worse.

Sounds like you were an unstable child and now you're a bitter adult. You really think you are the only kid - yes, yes, of any 'race' - to have been called a name? Sounds like the screw was loose to start with.
Dealing with the knowledge that I was not safe and my parents couldnt protect me
Pretending not to be smart.
Doing just enough to get by.
Not visualizing my future

None of that is exclusive to any particular 'race.' Countless millions of kids of all 'races' have experienced that over the past "400 years."

Of course you want to say....

What I "want to say" is exactly what I did say. What I did say is true.
You asked if I had only been called the n word once? The answer is no. Its happened countless times until i got old enough and big enough to where no one wanted to deal with the consequences. I had a cop put a gun to my head at the age of 9 for no reason while liberally using the word to describe his hate for my race. He threatened to kill my family if I ever told anyone.

Since we have established that you are an admitted liar, it's a little hard to take your personal anecdotes with anything less than a boulder of salt. And since you 'led' with being called a name at the age of 5 as your example of personal experience with racism rather than the far more dramatic 'gun to the head' story, I have to call BS. Most people wouldn't even recall being called a bad name once at the age of 5, and they sure as hell wouldn't think of it first before 'coming up with' something like a gun to the head. Something tells me that if we keep going you will suddenly 'remember' the time when you were 13 and a hoard of 10,000 Klansmen chased you down a four-lane highway with pitchforks and torches. No one reasonable is denying that racism still perniciously persists, but your credibility is hovering right around zero.
You asked if I had only been called the n word once? The answer is no. Its happened countless times until i got old enough and big enough to where no one wanted to deal with the consequences. I had a cop put a gun to my head at the age of 9 for no reason while liberally using the word to describe his hate for my race. He threatened to kill my family if I ever told anyone.

Since we have established that you are an admitted liar, it's a little hard to take your personal anecdotes with anything less than a boulder of salt. And since you 'led' with being called a name at the age of 5 as your example of personal experience with racism rather than the far more dramatic 'gun to the head' story, I have to call BS. Most people wouldn't even recall being called a bad name once at the age of 5, and they sure as hell wouldn't think of it first before 'coming up with' something like a gun to the head. Something tells me that if we keep going you will suddenly 'remember' the time when you were 13 and a hoard of 10,000 Klansmen chased you down a four-lane highway with pitchforks and torches. No one reasonable is denying that racism still perniciously persists, but your credibility is hovering right around zero.

Why did you even bother asking me then?!! :lol: Here I thought you really wanted an answer.
I think we've established the problem. A culture that lays off personal responsibility and explains every negative by pointing to "racism" and victimhood. It is sad. It is shameful. Some groups that were legitimately the targets of racism, like the Chinese, have overcome that past and prospered with a culture that admires success. Blacks have adopted a culture that admires defiance and violence and explains their setbacks by reference to things that happened hundreds of years ago.
Of course you want to say....

What I "want to say" is exactly what I did say. What I did say is true.

No its not true. .

Really? You really don't believe any other kids of any other 'race' ever felt insecure or unsafe? You really don't believe that any other kids ever acted dopey because they hung around with dopey friends? You really don't believe any other kids of any other race ever failed to think about their future? Are you familiar with human beings at all?

You are not interested in a discussion. You are not interested in an honest exchange. You are just pushing an agenda. You are a dishonest, one-dimensional mumpsimus.
You asked if I had only been called the n word once? The answer is no. Its happened countless times until i got old enough and big enough to where no one wanted to deal with the consequences. I had a cop put a gun to my head at the age of 9 for no reason while liberally using the word to describe his hate for my race. He threatened to kill my family if I ever told anyone.

Since we have established that you are an admitted liar, it's a little hard to take your personal anecdotes with anything less than a boulder of salt. And since you 'led' with being called a name at the age of 5 as your example of personal experience with racism rather than the far more dramatic 'gun to the head' story, I have to call BS. Most people wouldn't even recall being called a bad name once at the age of 5, and they sure as hell wouldn't think of it first before 'coming up with' something like a gun to the head. Something tells me that if we keep going you will suddenly 'remember' the time when you were 13 and a hoard of 10,000 Klansmen chased you down a four-lane highway with pitchforks and torches. No one reasonable is denying that racism still perniciously persists, but your credibility is hovering right around zero.

Why did you even bother asking me then?!! .

I wanted an honest answer, but it sure doesn't seem like I got one.

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