500 companies return $1 trillion to shareholders in tax-cut surge

Republicans aren't fiscally responsible. That's a myth. They explode debt for a temporary stimulus for shareholders. When they are out of power they will blame it on others and claim they are the responsible ones to fix it. It's a scam

Part of the reason they're exploding the debt is so they can use it as the excuse to cut the hell out of the safetynet. The bastards want the American people to be the cheap labor for the rich so fucking bad that they can taste it.
True. And the reason I believe it is true is that I don't hear any conservatives or fiscal conservatives saying a thing about how irresponsible it is to cut taxes that much without spending cuts while increasing spending. They don't give a fuck about the deficit unless they can use it to blame or for political advantage. Hell just look on any forum not just this one and conservatives blame Obama for most of the deficit when the truth is republicans are responsible for plenty of it, starting with Reagans tax cuts. The fantasy that we can just cut every social program is rediculous and a recipe for disaster. So is the "tax is theft" idiocy. Do you want the United States to be a modern country or a shithole?

True or false: Tax revenue after the tax cuts is higher?
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.
Part of the reason they're exploding the debt is so they can use it as the excuse to cut the hell out of the safetynet. The bastards want the American people to be the cheap labor for the rich so fucking bad that they can taste it.
True. And the reason I believe it is true is that I don't hear any conservatives or fiscal conservatives saying a thing about how irresponsible it is to cut taxes that much without spending cuts while increasing spending. They don't give a fuck about the deficit unless they can use it to blame or for political advantage. Hell just look on any forum not just this one and conservatives blame Obama for most of the deficit when the truth is republicans are responsible for plenty of it, starting with Reagans tax cuts. The fantasy that we can just cut every social program is rediculous and a recipe for disaster. So is the "tax is theft" idiocy. Do you want the United States to be a modern country or a shithole?

True or false: Tax revenue after the tax cuts is higher?
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.

Pretending that a tax cut that increased tax revenue, is clearly the cause of a deficit, is the bullshit you are selling.

The difference is, my opinion is based on the facts. Your opinion is based on your bullshit ideology.
Seriously, does anyone that is honest with a brain really think revenue has increased enough because of the tax cut to cover the huge loss of tax revenue. This is the same bullshit liars like Andy claim every time and then when it isn't working the answer will be that entitlements are the reason so we need to cut those.

"Over the next decade, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will reduce federal revenues by $1 trillion"
5 Takeaways From CBO's Budget Outlook
True. And the reason I believe it is true is that I don't hear any conservatives or fiscal conservatives saying a thing about how irresponsible it is to cut taxes that much without spending cuts while increasing spending. They don't give a fuck about the deficit unless they can use it to blame or for political advantage. Hell just look on any forum not just this one and conservatives blame Obama for most of the deficit when the truth is republicans are responsible for plenty of it, starting with Reagans tax cuts. The fantasy that we can just cut every social program is rediculous and a recipe for disaster. So is the "tax is theft" idiocy. Do you want the United States to be a modern country or a shithole?

True or false: Tax revenue after the tax cuts is higher?
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.

Pretending that a tax cut that increased tax revenue, is clearly the cause of a deficit, is the bullshit you are selling.

The difference is, my opinion is based on the facts. Your opinion is based on your bullshit ideology.
Lets see your facts
True. And the reason I believe it is true is that I don't hear any conservatives or fiscal conservatives saying a thing about how irresponsible it is to cut taxes that much without spending cuts while increasing spending. They don't give a fuck about the deficit unless they can use it to blame or for political advantage. Hell just look on any forum not just this one and conservatives blame Obama for most of the deficit when the truth is republicans are responsible for plenty of it, starting with Reagans tax cuts. The fantasy that we can just cut every social program is rediculous and a recipe for disaster. So is the "tax is theft" idiocy. Do you want the United States to be a modern country or a shithole?

True or false: Tax revenue after the tax cuts is higher?
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.

Pretending that a tax cut that increased tax revenue, is clearly the cause of a deficit, is the bullshit you are selling.

The difference is, my opinion is based on the facts. Your opinion is based on your bullshit ideology.
Here is some facts:
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028
Andylusion promotes an illusion and is a prime example how republicans do not deal in facts and should be ignored and voted out.
all those 1000$ employee bonuses were taxed creating revenue .. those same tax cuts add $9.5 trillion dollars to the debt in 10 years

who cares.

S&P 500 companies return $1 trillion to shareholders in tax-cut surge

In the 12 months through March, S&P 500 companies paid out $428 billion in dividends and bought up $573 billion of their own shares, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices analyst Howard Silverblatt.

That compares to combined dividends and buybacks worth $939 billion during the year through March 2017, Silverblatt said in a research note.

Earnings per share of S&P 500 companies surged 26 percent in the March quarter, boosted by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Republican lawmakers in December.

Companies have been returning much of that profit windfall to shareholders via share buybacks and increased dividends at never before seen amounts, highlighted by Apple’s record $23.5 billion worth of shares repurchased in the first quarter.

Gambling is illegal in most of the US, unless of course it's gambling on the stick market.

Say what?

Tell me a state where you can't play the lottery?

S&P 500 companies return $1 trillion to shareholders in tax-cut surge

In the 12 months through March, S&P 500 companies paid out $428 billion in dividends and bought up $573 billion of their own shares, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices analyst Howard Silverblatt.

That compares to combined dividends and buybacks worth $939 billion during the year through March 2017, Silverblatt said in a research note.

Earnings per share of S&P 500 companies surged 26 percent in the March quarter, boosted by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Republican lawmakers in December.

Companies have been returning much of that profit windfall to shareholders via share buybacks and increased dividends at never before seen amounts, highlighted by Apple’s record $23.5 billion worth of shares repurchased in the first quarter.

Gambling is illegal in most of the US, unless of course it's gambling on the stick market.

Say what?

Tell me a state where you can't play the lottery?

Damn I thought they all did, my mistake .

Lottery illegal States
Thirty years later, New Hampshire followed suit. Now, nearly every state, with the exception of Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, Utah and Alabama, has a state lottery. Today, most of the big-prize lotteries are operated across many states.Aug 24, 2017
Good for shareholders, bad for America in general.


So you don't have a brain and the stock market is to complicated for a uninformed voter liberal?
True or false: Tax revenue after the tax cuts is higher?
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.

Pretending that a tax cut that increased tax revenue, is clearly the cause of a deficit, is the bullshit you are selling.

The difference is, my opinion is based on the facts. Your opinion is based on your bullshit ideology.
Here is some facts:
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028

This doesn't make a point.

If you increase spending, which Trump has done, I would expect higher deficits.

That doesn't change the fact, that tax cuts resulted in higher tax revenue.

One fact, doesn't disprove another fact. These are not mutually exclusive.
So you don't have a brain

Is English your primary language? If it is then you ought to be careful with those stones inside that pretty glass house of yours.

And that's English numb nuts?

I find that a person's ability to write properly is often a pretty good indicator of their level of intelligence. I don't normally go there, but I can't help it when you start calling people dumb while using improper grammar.
Andylusion promotes an illusion and is a prime example how republicans do not deal in facts and should be ignored and voted out.

Coming from someone who still refuses to admit the fact that after the tax cut, tax revenue went up.

By the way, the Reagan tax cuts were much larger, and the result was tax revenue literally doubled by the end of his presidency.

Again, WheelieAddict, like any other addict, is living in his own world of nonsense.
So you don't have a brain

Is English your primary language? If it is then you ought to be careful with those stones inside that pretty glass house of yours.

And that's English numb nuts?

I find that a person's ability to write properly is often a pretty good indicator of their level of intelligence. I don't normally go there, but I can't help it when you start calling people dumb while using improper grammar.

And you are using proper grammar ? You post worse then me tard.....

Is English your primary language? If it is then you ought to be careful with those stones inside that pretty glass house of yours.
True or false: the deficit is increasing faster due to the irresponsible republican tax cuts?

False. In order to claim the tax cuts caused deficits to increase, you would have to prove they lowered revenue.
Revenue went up. This is a fact. The tax cut did not cause the deficit.
Cherry picking a short term revenue increase while ignoring a long term increase in the deficit is the bullshit you are selling.

Pretending that a tax cut that increased tax revenue, is clearly the cause of a deficit, is the bullshit you are selling.

The difference is, my opinion is based on the facts. Your opinion is based on your bullshit ideology.
Here is some facts:
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028

This doesn't make a point.

If you increase spending, which Trump has done, I would expect higher deficits.

That doesn't change the fact, that tax cuts resulted in higher tax revenue.

One fact, doesn't disprove another fact. These are not mutually exclusive.
The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028
Seriously, does anyone that is honest with a brain really think revenue has increased enough because of the tax cut to cover the huge loss of tax revenue. This is the same bullshit liars like Andy claim every time and then when it isn't working the answer will be that entitlements are the reason so we need to cut those.

"Over the next decade, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will reduce federal revenues by $1 trillion"
5 Takeaways From CBO's Budget Outlook

Ironically, Bill Clinton in the 1990s, had his team of economic advisors in 1994, research the 1980s tax cuts, and they found.... Bill Clinton's own team.... found that it was in fact the 1980s tax cuts that resulted in the economic growth of the late 80s and 90s.

So, in other words..... yes stupid. Educated people, that are not brain dead idological idiotic addicts like you... do think that tax cuts results in higher revenue.

Even Forest Gump could figure out what you apparently can't.

If you have more money, you can buy and invest in more things. IF you buy and invest in more things, the economy grows. If the economy grows, tax revenue goes up.

The stupidest people on this planet, can figure out what your half-baked grey matter can't.

If you were right, Greece should have been awash in endless money. After all, their tax rates were double ours, and their economy was trash.

You are not qualified to even be on this forum, let alone this thread. People like you, are the reason Venezuela and Greece, and all the rest of the crap countries in this world decline in to poverty. Too stupid to even figure out simple economics.

It's pathetic. This forum would have twice the average IQ, if we could just get some of you neanderthals to leave. Need to contact the rehab centers, and have them cut off your internet time.

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