5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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House made and offer. Passed it. Senate refused to take it up. Political games
The house bill went too far. They knew there was no way Dems would vote for it as it went against their ideology. The senate bill addresses issues that the GoP have been running on. It doesn’t go as far as they want but it does give them something. They don’t have a legit reason to not even discuss it except for one thing… Trump.
The house bill went too far. They knew there was no way Dems would vote for it as it went against their ideology. The senate bill addresses issues that the GoP have been running on. It doesn’t go as far as they want but it does give them something. They don’t have a legit reason to not even discuss it except for one thing… Trump.

Your Ideology of OPEN BORDERS and Sanctuary. Fuck That
An everyone who wants to cross is allowed to cross. About 5000/ day is all who want to cross. The difference is that Trump can cut that number by 90% the day he gets into office. The bill prevents him from reducing that number for the entire time he is in office.

Again, not going to help much if they just keep ignoring the limits.

We need comprehensive immigration reform, not pretending a wall will make you feel better.
Not even close. I’m just calling out your BS and pathetic fealty to a conman
Your LIES only work on WOKE ass kids. Not.

Now another year of LOOK WHAT YOU DID

UP YOURs. That POS on office let in more in 1 year than 15 States Entire Populations.
You first. You broke the dang border. Fix it. That Senate bill good for toilet paper

I've never once in my life visited U.S./Mexican Border. Yes, I've been San Diego and dated Woman who lived San Ysidro BUT I never went tto the border. Never had the desire.

You people had majorities in both the House and in the Senate and a for shit excuse of president who would signed border legislation and you did nothing. Your really big on doing nothing and blaming other when doing nothing blows up in your ugly orange face.

IF Border Patrol Union wants the bill, then that should be enough for you....I mean as a unit the Border Patrol knows way more border security than some lame ass MAGA MAGGOT who only knows to blame others for his failures.

The Democrats are NOT to blame for this. Mango Mussolini wanted legislation killed. He thinks (not very well and not to often) that can then blame Mr. Biden who has already said he would close of the bill was passed.

This whole and entire fucking mess belongs to the ReNaziKlan Party and MAGA MAGGOTS.

Now, go back upstairs and MOMMY for milk and graham crackers. Your late for your nap.
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I've never once in my life visited U.S./Mexican Border. Yes, I've been San Diego and dated Woman who lived San Ysidro BUT I never went tto the border. Never had the desire.

You people had majorities in both the House and in the Senate and a for shit excuse of president who would signed border legislation and you did nothing. Your really big on doing nothing and blaming other when doing nothing blows up in your ugly orange face.

IF Border Patrol Union wants the bill, then that should be enough for you....I mean as a unit the Border Patrol knows way more border security than some lame ass MAGA MAGGOT who only knows to blame others for his failures.

The Democrats are NOT to blame for this. Mango Mussolini wanted legislation killed. He thinks (not very well and not to often) that can blame Mr. Biden who has already said he would close of the bill was passed.

This whole and entire fucking mess belongs to the ReNaziKlan Party and MAGA MAGGOTS.

Now, go back upstairs and MOMMY for milk and graham crackers. Your late for your nap.
I smell desperation in yout lies
Let me know when you come original material eagle. Rehashing MAGA MAGGOT BULLSHIT is boring
Let me know when you want to stop LYING. Of course you a pro at it.

Maybe you can sell your BS to a Swifty.?
House bill goes too far for Dems to support it. Easier to get support too little over too much when it comes to law making
You mean it doesn't waste enough money and allow enough illegals into the country?
Screw that. That bill was hatched for politics not border security. Now the Senate is hatching 2 bills for Ukraine and Israel.

Done KNOWING the House would never accept that POS BILL.

So they will continue the flood and try to Blame shift

Braim dead idiots will believe them, which is what they want.

Same shit different day for the corrupt WEF clowns
The senate had a bill for Ukraine and Israel aid.

McConnell said Republicans Senators would not vote for the foreign aid bill WITHOUT Border security being attached to it. McConnell appointed republican Senator Lankford to create a border security bill with senator Murphy and senator Sinema.

Then Trump saw the border security bill was good, and would help tremendously on the border, which would also in Trump's mind, help President Biden, so he reached Speaker Johnson, and McConnell and ordered them to call off the border security.

We know who you are, by your rotten fruit.

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