50’s Public Information Film-Watch Out For Homosexuals

Yeah you're a kind soul aren't you?

I bet you're a regular churchgoer too.
I am kind, not compassionate. I do not attend any church at all. I have has the misfortune to live in the cities that are now undergoing transformation by the Walking Dead. They cannot be helped. Toleration is dangerous. Acceptance is unthinkable. The most, MOST, that can be said for them is that they were human beings at one time.
I am kind, not compassionate. I do not attend any church at all. I have has the misfortune to live in the cities that are now undergoing transformation by the Walking Dead. They cannot be helped. Toleration is dangerous. Acceptance is unthinkable. The most, MOST, that can be said for them is that they were human beings at one time.

I lived on the streets for more than 2 years between the ages of 14 and 17. Unlike you I have a very good understanding of poverty, homelessness, drug addiction and the mentally ill

providing medical treatment for the mentally ill is not acceptance it is actually the opposite.

You wanting to ignore the need is the one who is accepting the status quo.
Yeah people try drugs all the time.

the vast majority who do never become addicts.

Pot does not cause people to be addicts

You know what the first drug is that most people try? Alcohol. So are you saying that alcohol is the reason people try heroin or meth too?
You don't ever answer direct questions, do you?

We need more of these films in our schools

You know and I know however that homosexuality does not equate with pedophilia. I know a lot of gay people and there isn't a pedophile in the lot. I would trust any one of them with my child. It is unfortunate that the video clip used that term instead of pedophile.
I lived on the streets for more than 2 years between the ages of 14 and 17. Unlike you I have a very good understanding of poverty, homelessness, drug addiction and the mentally ill

providing medical treatment for the mentally ill is not acceptance it is actually the opposite.

You wanting to ignore the need is the one who is accepting the status quo.
I have a very good idea of homelessness. I was homeless until I was 8 years old. I have seen homelessness and concomitant insanity up close and very personal. There isn't one in a hundred that can be helped. The status quo is not acceptable. What's acceptable is to remove the semi humans and former humans from the streets.
I have a very good idea of homelessness. I was homeless until I was 8 years old. I have seen homelessness and concomitant insanity up close and very personal. There isn't one in a hundred that can be helped. The status quo is not acceptable. What's acceptable is to remove the semi humans and former humans from the streets.

Too bad someone didn't remove you when you were an 8 year old semi human.
Drug fueled homelessness is destroying the cities and will spread everywhere. Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, New York, Philadelphia are already gone.

These places are gone.
Too bad someone didn't remove you when you were an 8 year old semi human.
Killing the non drug using children is one solution. Or treat them young until they become drug users. Such is the solution of democrats. Or, the democrat alternative. Sell such children into sex slavery. It's the 21st century way.
Killing the non drug using children is one solution. Or treat them young until they become drug users. Such is the solution of democrats. Or, the democrat alternative. Sell such children into sex slavery. It's the 21st century way.

So you're a democrat then since you just want to remove these "semi humans".
According to you, children should be given drugs until they become drug addicts. Therefore worth living. That's the democrat way.

Where did I say that?

Drugs are for adult use and I never said otherwise.

If you think I did quote the post.

I can quote the post where you said semi-humans need to be removed.
Where did I say that?

Drugs are for adult use and I never said otherwise.

If you think I did quote the post.

I can quote the post where you said semi-humans need to be removed.
And you expressed some disappointment that my non drug using 8 year old self be removed. That could only be because I, at 8 years old, did not use drugs.
And you expressed some disappointment that my non drug using 8 year old self be removed. That could only be because I, at 8 years old, did not use drugs.

You were a "semi human" homeless creature when you were 8 according to your own words.

I guess you're just lucky that no one got rid of you huh?
You were a "semi human" homeless creature when you were 8 according to your own words.

I guess you're just lucky that no one got rid of you huh?
Semi humans are drug users. To you, semi humans are non drug using children. You do support abortion. That would follow.
Using alcohol is a first step for just as many people who will use opioids.

You don't understand that pot dot doesn't turn people into junkies.

People use hard drugs for all kinds of reasons but those reasons and in that list of reasons pot is not on the list.

I actually lived with a heroin addict for many years and I actually have know countless heroin, crack and meth addicts and none of them became addicts simply because they might have smoked weed.
Pot is a gateway drug, is addictive and causes psychosis, psychotic episodes, depression and anxiety disorders.
As someone who deals with drug and alcohol affected people daily... I have to say that alcohol abuse will cause just as much long term damage as drug abuse.

I'd much rather deal with the opioid users, they tend to be more sedate and less combative than meth or alcohol addicts.
But none justify the others.

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