50th Anniversary of Israel’s Infamous USS Liberty Attack

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ProudVeteran is probably just that--a Proud Veteran. He probably saw alot of unfortunate friendly fire incidents during his service.
A proud israeli veteran no doubt and calling this planned attack on an unarmed ship "unfortunate" is pretty sick. They killed and wounded over 200 Americans. And look how you people treat the survivors. They are all lying... sure they are, assholes. You are 1st class tools, I'll give you that.

He's an American veteran and I don't believe he's Jewish either.
ProudVeteran is probably just that--a Proud Veteran. He probably saw alot of unfortunate friendly fire incidents during his service.
I am also a veteran, and my high school friend whom I was drafted with on the same day, was killed by friendly fire on a FSB in 1971.

So yes, it does happen, although it's rare.

But the savage attack on the USS Liberty was planned, deliberate, and criminal. .... :cool:
The Israel's machine gunned all of the lifeboats and rafts the ships crew had put into the water. Which is a violation of International Law.

And is just another indicator the Israeli's wanted no eyewitness survivors of the criminal false flag sinking they were planning to blame on Egypt. .... :cool:

Well they certainly failed to come close to blaming it on Egypt. Because MOST survived to tell everyone that the attackers were CLEARLY Israeli. That's why I don't believe it was some kind of Dayan brain fart "to pull the US into the war".
They tried and failed like their fiasco with the King David Hotel, the Lavon affair, etc..
Well they certainly failed to come close to blaming it on Egypt. Because MOST survived to tell everyone that the attackers were CLEARLY Israeli. That's why I don't believe it was some kind of Dayan brain fart "to pull the US into the war".
It wasn't for lack of trying on the Israeli's part.

The ship just wouldn't sink. ..... :cool:
They tried and failed like their fiasco with the King David Hotel, the Lavon affair, etc..
You mean when the evil Jews called ahead of time so everyone would leav and no one would get blown up.
Like the Muslims animals do all the time.
Feeling stupid yet, asshole?
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

It is clear they did not realize it was an american ship. They believed it to be egyptian.

This part MAY NOT be true. Because too many with access to the Intel have come forward with the same recollection of what they SAW in transcripts from the original Intel collections..

I prefer the theory that some Commander on the Sinai was trying to stop naval shelling from off-shore. OR what he THOUGHT was coming was from off-shore. And the Tact Ops people simply reacted without checking the Intel sources that KNEW the Liberty was in the area..
Well they certainly failed to come close to blaming it on Egypt. Because MOST survived to tell everyone that the attackers were CLEARLY Israeli. That's why I don't believe it was some kind of Dayan brain fart "to pull the US into the war".
It wasn't for lack of trying on the Israeli's part.

The ship just wouldn't sink. ..... :cool:

Wasn't a large difficult ship to sink. There was some confliction in "their will" to sink it. It had Zero defense. It was literally target practice..
You mean when the evil Jews called ahead of time so everyone would leav and no one would get blown up.
Like the Muslims animals do all the time.
Feeling stupid yet, asshole?
Cuz you said so, I know. You, like cloudy are only here to somehow make the other idiots seem somehow reasonable.
I can't say with certainty what happened there. I was 4 years old and living in America at the time. But even a judge that hears out a case is allowed to take his own life experience into account. People come onto this board with all kinds of preconceived notions. Some posters have said that Israelis hate Americans because it says in the Talmud that Jews must hate Goyim. How can you argue with that kind of ignorance? I have a ton of Israeli relatives and I have been there, and so I know that Israelis worship America--even a little too much so, in my opinion. So this is something that alot of posters here just don't know about. From what my grandmother told me, it was the same way in the 1950's and 60's. That's why it's hard for me to believe, knowing what I know, that Israelis would deliberately kill Americans. Arabs yes, but not Americans.
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I can't say with certainty what happened there. I was 4 years old and living in America at the time. But even a judge that hears out a case is allowed to take his own life experience into account. People come onto this board with all kinds of preconceived notions. Some posters have said that Israelis hate Americans because it says in the Talmud that Jews must hate Goyim. How can you argue with that kind of ignorance? I have a ton of Israeli relatives and I have been there, and so I know that Israelis worship America--even a little too much so, in my opinion. So this is something that alot of posters hear just don't know about. From what my grandmother told me, it was the same way in the 1950's and 60's. That's why it's hard for me to believe, knowing what I know, that Israelis would deliberately kill Americans. Arabs yes, but not Americans.
The zionists in power don't even give a shit about the common run of the mill israeli.
I can't say with certainty what happened there. I was 4 years old and living in America at the time. But even a judge that hears out a case is allowed to take his own life experience into account. People come onto this board with all kinds of preconceived notions. Some posters have said that Israelis hate Americans because it says in the Talmud that Jews must hate Goyim. How can you argue with that kind of ignorance? I have a ton of Israeli relatives and I have been there, and so I know that Israelis worship America--even a little too much so, in my opinion. So this is something that alot of posters hear just don't know about. From what my grandmother told me, it was the same way in the 1950's and 60's. That's why it's hard for me to believe, knowing what I know, that Israelis would deliberately kill Americans. Arabs yes, but not Americans.
The zionists in power don't even give a shit about the common run of the mill israeli.
Just as those in power in any nation don't give a shit about the common run of the mill citizen.
The fact that Israel is like any other nation should give you great comfort.
We have the original audio and have for some time. The hasbara lies have been debunked BY THE ISRAELIS THEMSELVES!

The NSA position proves nothing more than they are controlled by the bandit state who stole the name "Israel" and have nuclear weapons pointed all over the world including America.
Ahhhh. When all else fails, the conspiracy theory.

The NSA purposely doctored the audio recordings in part of the vast conspiracy.
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

That is really lame. Yes, Israel did finally realize it was an American ship. In fact, Israel was the first to send rescue helicopters to get the survivors. The so called "tape" has no context.

As opposed to the NSA transcripts on the NSA website that clearly shows that the Israelis thought it was first an Egyptian supply ship then an Egyptian warship.
ProudVeteran is probably just that--a Proud Veteran. He probably saw alot of unfortunate friendly fire incidents during his service.
A proud israeli veteran no doubt and calling this planned attack on an unarmed ship "unfortunate" is pretty sick. They killed and wounded over 200 Americans. And look how you people treat the survivors. They are all lying... sure they are, assholes. You are 1st class tools, I'll give you that.
America has fired upon allies and even itself in friendly fire incidents.

There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

It is clear they did not realize it was an american ship. They believed it to be egyptian.

That has been debunked for years.

read the transcripts, even to the end they still believe the ship was egytian.

as for the torpedo, that was because the Liberty fired on them against captains orders.

Beside a "flag", why did the Liberty not identify itself? Why did the Navy deny it had a ship there?

The ship was not so damaged that it needed help to return home.

>>Former Navy Chief Petty Officer Marvin Nowicki, the chief Hebrew-language analyst aboard a U.S. Navy EC-121 spy plane that was intercepting Israeli aircraft communications as they were assaulting the Liberty, believed the attack was an accident. He stated in a letter to the Wall Street Journal in 2001 that though he heard and recorded Israeli pilots’ and captains’ references to the U.S. flag flying on the deck of the Liberty, these remarks were made only after the attack was underway, and not before. It was when aircraft and motor torpedo boat operators moved closer to the Liberty, recalled Nowicki, that they were able to recognize and therefore reference the American flag.<<

Why were reports by crew of life raft being targeted not in initial reports but only years afterward in paid interviews?

Why were "holiday" colors only raised after the fact, after the original flag was missing?

Why do you rely on a TV report by al-jazeera, a hamas support station, despite evidence to the contrary?

It was a tragedy to be sure, but so are all friendly fire accidents in war.
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