50th Anniversary of Israel’s Infamous USS Liberty Attack

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We have nothing other than bullshit from IslamoNazi internet jihadis like you. This event was investigated by six govt. agencies, all of which found this to be an accident, and coroborated by the NSA tapes as well. Israel apologized. Case closed.

But that's not going to stop antisemtic morons from posting this another million times. Hey, two million is a charmer, eh?

Don't know on this one. There are NO TAPES.. But there are recollections from too many people who read transcripts of those tapes that did exist.

Now I got 2 ways to interpret that. One is -- Those transcripts were very damaging and got fully hidden. OR -- there's enough "Jew haters" in military and foreign intelligence to believe and propagate that story. But the story of the attack pilots communications is almost identical between 3 or 4 people with "LIKELY" access to that material. Several that I saw would NOT have the clearances or access to see those intercepts..

So I can believe that there WAS an order to attack. And someone for some reason, CONTINUED the attack once the vessel was identified. Don't think it was STRATEGIC top level error. But it was in the heat of battle and probably not caught and stopped by higher authority..

Now before the resident Islamo-Suck-Ups cheer this opinion. The US has bombed CHINESE Embassies, commuter trains, Intl Relief Hospitals, even their OWN POSITIONS.. So shit happens..
Wow, this must be the millionth time a dirtbag antisemite has posted crap about the USS Liberty, in a failed attempt to gin up more antisemtism. How fucking original.

They must be sooo happy that it was the 50th anniversary, so it would give them an excuse to dredge it up again. I remember how that pbel schmuck used to post about every six months or so, and he would always make it sound like it JUST happened! "ISRAEL ATTACKS AMERICAN SHIP!!" All in caps for dramatic effect and sounding like breaking news...
Yeah well.,.when this is the only "dirt" antisemites have on Israel, and they've posted it a million times, what do they do? Why of course....POST IT ONCE AGAIN! Maybe a million and one is a charmer, who knows! What a sad existence they have.
LOL at "the only dirt." Anyone who calls mass murdering Americans as "dirt" must be a shill for the enemy... no way around it.

fog of war, errors in communication by the navy, wrong place at wrong time.................

you think the US or any country does not hit civilian, friendly or other wrong targets?

Mistakes in war happen.

Ships even fly false flags at times, like soldiers wear false uniforms to sneak into enemy lines.

Navy insisted they had no ship in the area.

Israel had been attacked.
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There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread
We have nothing other than bullshit from IslamoNazi internet jihadis like you. This event was investigated by six govt. agencies, all of which found this to be an accident, and coroborated by the NSA tapes as well. Israel apologized. Case closed.

But that's not going to stop antisemtic morons from posting this another million times. Hey, two million is a charmer, eh?

Don't know on this one. There are NO TAPES.. But there are recollections from too many people who read transcripts of those tapes that did exist.

Now I got 2 ways to interpret that. One is -- Those transcripts were very damaging and got fully hidden. OR -- there's enough "Jew haters" in military and foreign intelligence to believe and propagate that story. But the story of the attack pilots communications is almost identical between 3 or 4 people with "LIKELY" access to that material. Several that I saw would NOT have the clearances or access to see those intercepts..

So I can believe that there WAS an order to attack. And someone for some reason, CONTINUED the attack once the vessel was identified. Don't think it was STRATEGIC top level error. But it was in the heat of battle and probably not caught and stopped by higher authority..

Now before the resident Islamo-Suck-Ups cheer this opinion. The US has bombed CHINESE Embassies, commuter trains, Intl Relief Hospitals, even their OWN POSITIONS.. So shit happens..
The US at the time was not an official ally of Israel. Nor was it a supplier of arms. The Arabs however were official client states of the Soviets, and thus as a matter of concern the US had sent its spy ship, the USS Liberty to monitor the situation and report back. As such it misidentified as an Egyptian ship and shot at. That's the gist of it.
We have nothing other than bullshit from IslamoNazi internet jihadis like you. This event was investigated by six govt. agencies, all of which found this to be an accident, and coroborated by the NSA tapes as well. Israel apologized. Case closed.

But that's not going to stop antisemtic morons from posting this another million times. Hey, two million is a charmer, eh?

Don't know on this one. There are NO TAPES.. But there are recollections from too many people who read transcripts of those tapes that did exist.

Now I got 2 ways to interpret that. One is -- Those transcripts were very damaging and got fully hidden. OR -- there's enough "Jew haters" in military and foreign intelligence to believe and propagate that story. But the story of the attack pilots communications is almost identical between 3 or 4 people with "LIKELY" access to that material. Several that I saw would NOT have the clearances or access to see those intercepts..

So I can believe that there WAS an order to attack. And someone for some reason, CONTINUED the attack once the vessel was identified. Don't think it was STRATEGIC top level error. But it was in the heat of battle and probably not caught and stopped by higher authority..

Now before the resident Islamo-Suck-Ups cheer this opinion. The US has bombed CHINESE Embassies, commuter trains, Intl Relief Hospitals, even their OWN POSITIONS.. So shit happens..
The US at the time was not an official ally of Israel. Nor was it a supplier of arms. The Arabs however were official client states of the Soviets, and thus as a matter of concern the US had sent its spy ship, the USS Liberty to monitor the situation and report back. As such it misidentified as an Egyptian ship and shot at. That's the gist of it.

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread2
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

Your clip does not in any way shape or form show a verbal exchange like that. You are a fraud.
We have nothing other than bullshit from IslamoNazi internet jihadis like you. This event was investigated by six govt. agencies, all of which found this to be an accident, and coroborated by the NSA tapes as well. Israel apologized. Case closed.

But that's not going to stop antisemtic morons from posting this another million times. Hey, two million is a charmer, eh?

Don't know on this one. There are NO TAPES.. But there are recollections from too many people who read transcripts of those tapes that did exist.

Now I got 2 ways to interpret that. One is -- Those transcripts were very damaging and got fully hidden. OR -- there's enough "Jew haters" in military and foreign intelligence to believe and propagate that story. But the story of the attack pilots communications is almost identical between 3 or 4 people with "LIKELY" access to that material. Several that I saw would NOT have the clearances or access to see those intercepts..

So I can believe that there WAS an order to attack. And someone for some reason, CONTINUED the attack once the vessel was identified. Don't think it was STRATEGIC top level error. But it was in the heat of battle and probably not caught and stopped by higher authority..

Now before the resident Islamo-Suck-Ups cheer this opinion. The US has bombed CHINESE Embassies, commuter trains, Intl Relief Hospitals, even their OWN POSITIONS.. So shit happens..
The US at the time was not an official ally of Israel. Nor was it a supplier of arms. The Arabs however were official client states of the Soviets, and thus as a matter of concern the US had sent its spy ship, the USS Liberty to monitor the situation and report back. As such it misidentified as an Egyptian ship and shot at. That's the gist of it.

The U.S. had been sending arms to Israel since 1962. The Liberty incident occurred in 1967. You are, as usual, a propagandistic liar.

Report of a Patton tank sale in 1966, reported by the JTA.

"February 7, 1966


Israeli sources here made it clear today that the deal between the United States and Israel under which the American Government consented to supply Israel with a number of M-48 Patton tanks — revealed yesterday by the State Department–had been made prior to the recent escalation and intensification of the rearmament of the Arab states.

The Israeli sources voiced their comment after the State Department reported here that the U.S.A. has been selling tanks to Israel. The State Department confirmed the deal with Israel after Al Ahram, an influential daily newspaper published in Cairo, had claimed last week that Israel had received 200 of the Patton tanks from the United States. However, the State Department did not indicate the number of tanks sold to Israel."

Arms Deal Between U.S. and Israel Revealed; Made Prior to Escalation
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

It's all a recreation you moron. Nothing would be handed over to Al Jezeera in this day and age ON A FUCKING REEL TO REEL tape... That does not mean they are making it totally up. But they are relying on 3rd hand maybe even 4th hand accounts of people WHO DID have access to the recordings. Apparently..
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

It's all a recreation you moron. Nothing would be handed over to Al Jezeera in this day and age ON A FUCKING REEL TO REEL tape... That does not mean they are making it totally up. But they are relying on 3rd hand maybe even 4th hand accounts of people WHO DID have access to the recordings. Apparently..

You obviously have not had time to view the video posted in full, moron. And recreation my ass. It's well documented by multiple sources. The haaretz piece was already posted here as it was on the thread that got deleted.
There are NO TAPES..

Watch the whole thing, but pay special attention for a moment starting at 2:30.

PILOT: What state does the ship belong to?


And they torpedoed the ship 9 HOURS AFTER THEY KNEW!

/end thread

It's all a recreation you moron. Nothing would be handed over to Al Jezeera in this day and age ON A FUCKING REEL TO REEL tape... That does not mean they are making it totally up. But they are relying on 3rd hand maybe even 4th hand accounts of people WHO DID have access to the recordings. Apparently..

You obviously have not had time to view the video posted in full, moron. And recreation my ass. It's well documented by multiple sources. The haaretz piece was already posted here as it was on the thread that got deleted.

No wonder you're so chronically misinformed. You actually believe that a journalistic RE-Creation of events is playing an ACTUAL TAPE.. Someone that easily duped is to be mostly ignored..
Oh I watched the tape spinning part and the RE-created audio. Saw bullet holes and charred ship upper deck. MAYBE NOT from the Liberty huh?? . I just dont have time right now to watch the Al Jezeerah version of something I've seen several times..
The Israel's machine gunned all of the lifeboats and rafts the ships crew had put into the water. Which is a violation of International Law.

And is just another indicator the Israeli's wanted no eyewitness survivors of the criminal false flag sinking they were planning to blame on Egypt. .... :cool:
The Israel's machine gunned all of the lifeboats and rafts the ships crew had put into the water. Which is a violation of International Law.

And is just another indicator the Israeli's wanted no eyewitness survivors of the criminal false flag sinking they were planning to blame on Egypt. .... :cool:
And that they were set up to take the Golan Heights in Syria which they still occupy to this day..
sink the Liberty????

The ship did not even need help from Israel to keep afloat and travel home. Sink? Not even close. Damage was not that bad. Israel offered help, none was needed.
If they had intended to sink the Liberty they would have fired lower in the hull.
Torpedo ship responded to Liberty fire at them, against Captains orders.
It was a mistake by both sides, not intentional against the US
You're retarded .... :cuckoo:

You're worse then Retarded. You're a Muslim
sink the Liberty????

The ship did not even need help from Israel to keep afloat and travel home. Sink? Not even close. Damage was not that bad. Israel offered help, none was needed.
If they had intended to sink the Liberty they would have fired lower in the hull.
Torpedo ship responded to Liberty fire at them, against Captains orders.
It was a mistake by both sides, not intentional against the US
You're retarded .... :cuckoo:

You're worse then Retarded. You're a Muslim

And you are even worse, justifying the killing of Amercian servicemen by the Israelis.
sink the Liberty????

The ship did not even need help from Israel to keep afloat and travel home. Sink? Not even close. Damage was not that bad. Israel offered help, none was needed.
If they had intended to sink the Liberty they would have fired lower in the hull.
Torpedo ship responded to Liberty fire at them, against Captains orders.
It was a mistake by both sides, not intentional against the US
You're retarded .... :cuckoo:

You're worse then Retarded. You're a Muslim

And you are even worse, justifying the killing of Amercian servicemen by the Israelis.

ProudVeteran is probably just that--a Proud Veteran. He probably saw alot of unfortunate friendly fire incidents during his service.
ProudVeteran is probably just that--a Proud Veteran. He probably saw alot of unfortunate friendly fire incidents during his service.
A proud israeli veteran no doubt and calling this planned attack on an unarmed ship "unfortunate" is pretty sick. They killed and wounded over 200 Americans. And look how you people treat the survivors. They are all lying... sure they are, assholes. You are 1st class tools, I'll give you that.
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