51% Of American Muslims Want Sharia... (NOT in All Caps Now..)

51% is only the given poll figure, probably the actual number is much higher!

ALL true Muslims believe in Sharia Law, it's the anchor of their religion.

That's bullshit.
No Bullshit.

View attachment 78535

It's bullshit because neither your nor the other poster have the standing to declare what is or isn't a true Muslim.

As we seem to know a lot more about Islam and its danger, we are in a much better position and standing than you!

You seem to choose to be ignorant, as you don't have the courage to face the truth!


It's that simple.
51% is only the given poll figure, probably the actual number is much higher!

ALL true Muslims believe in Sharia Law, it's the anchor of their religion.

That's bullshit.
No Bullshit.

View attachment 78535

It's bullshit because neither your nor the other poster have the standing to declare what is or isn't a true Muslim.

As we seem to know a lot more about Islam and its danger, we are in a much better position and standing than you!

You seem to choose to be ignorant, as you don't have the courage to face the truth!


It's that simple.

I think if we treat Islam as the enemy we are going to lose the public debate on this issue. Most Americans are fucking naive. I'm an American and I just realized that most of my fellow Americans are naive. We don't believe that government is capable of doing any kind of evil whatsoever despite the fact that governments violate our homes more than the people who live under their authority. We have never grown up in a country where the leaders were outright evil and didn't even hide their evil from the people. They just did it. It is because of this that we assume that governments can't harm us because ours never has to the extent they have in other countries.

The point I am making is that Americans assume that other people naturally have good intentions because we have good intentions. We can't understand why a guy in Iran wants to nuke Israel for no reason. Israel and ourselves must have done something to provoke them and that is exactly the justification given by most Americans for their behavior. We have must have done something to provoke them because aren't every other country in the world ran by good and decent people?

Pointing out the evils of how Islam is practiced today just makes people think that this must be crazy because no religion wants to harm others. We have never faced religious persecution in this country so we can't figure out why another religion can be so bad. Americans are like fucking children who live in a bad neighborhood.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Businesses have a right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. That's not circumventing the constitution, that's you apparently not knowing what Constitutional rights are. Nobody has a right to force a business to serve them. If they refuse you, go to their competitor.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Businesses have a right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. That's not circumventing the constitution, that's you apparently not knowing what Constitutional rights are. Nobody has a right to force a business to serve them. If they refuse you, go to their competitor.
Kim Davis was not refusing to do business with a customer. Kim Davis was a government agent refusing to extend a government service to someone that was qualified to receive it based on personal bias. They are two completely different animals and it is unconstitutional - the government cannot refuse to service a citizen without just cause.
"51% Of American Muslims Want Sharia... (NOT in All Caps Now..)"

‘All caps’ or not, this is still ignorant rightwing bigotry: rightwing ignorance of Sharia, rightwing ignorance of the law, bigotry that fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Components of Sharia used in a contract must conform to a given state’s contract law; indeed, American courts have acknowledged elements of Sharia law for years:

“The true story of Sharia in American courts is not one of a plot for imminent takeover but rather another part of the tale of globalization. Marriages, divorces, corporations and commercial transactions are global, meaning that US courts must regularly interpret and apply foreign law. Islamic law has been considered by American courts in everything from the recognition of foreign divorces and custody decrees to the validity of marriages, the enforcement of money judgments, and the awarding of damages in commercial disputes and negligence matters.”

The True Story of Sharia in American Courts
The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to ban all abortion. That's Christian Sharia.
And Liberals want to allow the murder of babies. They already are, actually.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage. That's Christian Sharia.
Not only is that false, but I'd like you to prove the entirety of the party wants it.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Businesses have a right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. That's not circumventing the constitution, that's you apparently not knowing what Constitutional rights are. Nobody has a right to force a business to serve them. If they refuse you, go to their competitor.
Kim Davis was not refusing to do business with a customer. Kim Davis was a government agent refusing to extend a government service to someone that was qualified to receive it based on personal bias. They are two completely different animals and it is unconstitutional - the government cannot refuse to service a citizen without just cause.
My bad, I got this case mixed up with the cake incident.
The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to ban all abortion. That's Christian Sharia.
And Liberals want to allow the murder of babies. They already are, actually.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage. That's Christian Sharia.
Not only is that false, but I'd like you to prove the entirety of the party wants it.

It's in the Republican Party platform.
51% is only the given poll figure, probably the actual number is much higher!

ALL true Muslims believe in Sharia Law, it's the anchor of their religion.

That's bullshit.
No Bullshit.

View attachment 78535

It's bullshit because neither your nor the other poster have the standing to declare what is or isn't a true Muslim.

As we seem to know a lot more about Islam and its danger, we are in a much better position and standing than you!

You seem to choose to be ignorant, as you don't have the courage to face the truth!


It's that simple.

That is no more true than saying a true Catholic must refrain from birth control.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Businesses have a right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. That's not circumventing the constitution, that's you apparently not knowing what Constitutional rights are. Nobody has a right to force a business to serve them. If they refuse you, go to their competitor.

You are ignorant on the subject. Businesses cannot refuse to serve anyone for any reason.
Let's look to other Western Civilizations that have let Sharia into their legal system. Is it a success? How can America benefit from that? What if Sharia prevents them from accepting bathrooms for how a gender self identifies? Will Sharia recognize Gay Marriage or Civil Unions? How do Liberals think Sharia can coexist with their agenda? Think the Sharia legal folks are going to respect tolerance of gays? Is it really coexist or simply more appeasement.

Conservatives in this country wouldn't tolerate gays if they weren't forced to by the law of the land.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.
---------------------------------- the guy seems to like shariah type muslim law just so its put off till LATER ehh Eric ??
And we have all the Christian goofies that want law by the Bible.

You disobedient teenagers better watch the fuck out!
and if USA Government is ok with the situation then there is no resistance to shariah as time goes on and as the imported muslim population grows . And the imported muslims vote and change laws with their votes and politicians and change comes slowly and incrementally . See 'londonistan' with its new muslim mayor . Trump may at least slow things down for my lifetime . Course I see the millennials and their kids living in a pretty messed up USA and thats part of the reason that I support the TRUMP but I support the TRUMP for me as I am not worried about millennial or unserious people or their kids Erik .
---------------------------------- well , its USA government that is allowing the growth of people [ a fifth column] into the USA that like and support muslim shariah law Ogiblilim .
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,

GW Bush murdered tens of thousands in Iraq.

And btw, would you like me to repost some of the names of USMB posters who have called for nuking Mecca?

I'm guessing some of them think they're Christians.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.

Christians do not call for the murder of non Christians,
Neither does sharia. Run along.

BS, the Koran calls for the elimination of non muslim infidels. sharia is the law of the Koran, you run along, boy

The Bible calls for killing homosexuals.

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