51% Of American Muslims Want Sharia... (NOT in All Caps Now..)

99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Wow you found a plum. That defines what Christianity stands for in this nation. It sure shows how we have acted within the political and legal process. It clearly illustrates how we want to take over this nation and demand you get on your knees.

99% my foot. Yes... we are sharia, "Christian style" I guess. Yet, we would be the first ones to pick you out of the gutter and try to meet all your basic needs free of charge, even free of sermon.
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99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.
I am no lawyer, but sharia law violates the separation of church and state. Christians may want the biblical law instituted too, and we all know the backlash against that. Sleep tight tonight, Islam isn't going to take over.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Wow you found a plum. That defines what Christianity stands for in this nation. It sure shows how we have acted within the political and legal process. It clearly illustrates how we want to take over this nation and demand you get on your knees.

99% my foot. Yes... we are sharia, "Christian style" I guess. Yet, we would be the first ones to pick you out of the gutter and try to meet all your basic needs free of charge.

Childish personal insults are a poor excuse for an argument.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to ban all abortion. That's Christian Sharia.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage. That's Christian Sharia.

How many Muslim legislative initiatives in this country can you cite that attempt to change the Constitution to impose Islamic Sharia Law on the US?
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Wow you found a plum. That defines what Christianity stands for in this nation. It sure shows how we have acted within the political and legal process. It clearly illustrates how we want to take over this nation and demand you get on your knees.

99% my foot. Yes... we are sharia, "Christian style" I guess. Yet, we would be the first ones to pick you out of the gutter and try to meet all your basic needs free of charge.

Childish personal insults are a poor excuse for an argument.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to ban all abortion. That's Christian Sharia.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage. That's Christian Sharia.

How many Muslim legislative initiatives in this country can you cite that attempt to change the Constitution to impose Islamic Sharia Law on the US?

Are you daft? That's sharia in action?

So for the first 200 years of this nation we were acting as sharia components? The only reason either one of those became laws is because of activist courts. It wasn't more than 10 years ago that the first 30 states to vote on gay marriage in referendums all defeated the measure soundly, including liberal bastions like California and Oregon? Were all those liberals who voted against it sharia types back then? What changed? They are the wishy washy ones, just like their president who campaigned against it himself in 2008.

For those who know who God is, abortion is an abomination in His sight. Good luck trying to tell God He is wrong when you meet Him.

And there is no such thing as gay marriage, no matter what your activist judges tell you.

But we are not flopping like crappies over this. We Christians simply live in a democratic republic and will go through the legal process to hopefully elect representatives to reinstate morality and common good into our land. If we fail, we will not pick up swords and guns and start a jihad against the government. Even though you wish we would to justify your fraudulent claims.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.

99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.
Wow you found a plum. That defines what Christianity stands for in this nation. It sure shows how we have acted within the political and legal process. It clearly illustrates how we want to take over this nation and demand you get on your knees.

99% my foot. Yes... we are sharia, "Christian style" I guess. Yet, we would be the first ones to pick you out of the gutter and try to meet all your basic needs free of charge.

Childish personal insults are a poor excuse for an argument.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to ban all abortion. That's Christian Sharia.

The Republican Party wants a constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage. That's Christian Sharia.

How many Muslim legislative initiatives in this country can you cite that attempt to change the Constitution to impose Islamic Sharia Law on the US?

Some want an amendment, but they don't go around shooting up clubs ...oh never mind tying to explain anything remotely logical to you is a waste of time.
100% of fundie nutter christians want sharia law. Obviously, we need to guard against both.

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99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.

I said if we keep doing this. Look at Europe now and see the US future if this goes unchecked.
So why are we importing the tool of our own nation's demise?

Welcome to Obama's 'Fundamental Change'! Unfortunately there are a LOT of Americans (Liberals) whose light hasn't come on yet.

Obama admittedly was / has:

- Sired by an Anti-American, anti-colonialist father who wanted the US eliminated as a world power and influence...

- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis...

- Studied Socialist Saul Alinsky - even quoted him during an Inauguration speech

- Mentored for decades by a hate-spewing racist anti-American 'pastor',

- Friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops

- Declared he would stand with Muslims if the political winds blow ugly

- Declared the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam (Convert to Islam or die, as in no future for YOU...sound familiar)

- Armed the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood

- Armed Al Qaeda

- Dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a dictator we put into power - WHO WAS JUST BEGINNING TO HELP US COMBAT TERRORISTS IN NTHRN AFRCIA - and Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, to help Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi and take over their own nation as a safe haven....all this at a time when Obama was declaring Al Qaeida was on the run!

- Supplied, Armed, Trained, & Protected ISIS, dropped leaflets to them, after the Paris attack, to warn them that French and Russian bombers were coming to drop bombs on the ISIS Black Market oil facilities Obama was protecting that funded 50% of their terrorist activities - to include the Paris attack (can you say 'aiding and abetting the enemy'?!)

- Mocked Americans over their concerns for our national security and their safety, even after he admitted his 'vetting process' was virtually non-existent - claiming all they had to fear after the Paris attacks were 'widows and orphans' - only to have the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa murder 12 Americans in California

Obama has sacrificed American lives for his personal political benefit / re-election. He has defended Islam by blaming a video for the needless murder of 4 Americans, by calling a terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence', by sending out his AG to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercised their right to Free Speech, by having his DHS openly declare Conservatives (who he called his 'enemies' and whom he used his IRS to target) greater threats than Islamic extremists, & has lectured the very same Americans he has bullied and vilified who are being targeted by Radical Islamists.

Obama has failed to protect Iraq, a nation our nation's soldiers had liberated at great cost, by allowing ISIS to freely enter Iraq without opposition, while he supplied/armed/trained/protected them and called them a 'JV Team'.

Despite admitting his vetting process is virtually non-existent...

Despite his FBI already spread beyond the breaking point investigating 1,000 cases involving ISIS threats in the US...

Despite ISIS declaring they are going to infiltrate the refugees...

Despite his CIA warning ISIS IS infiltrating the 'refugees' coming in...

Despite more successful terrorist attacks having been carried out under his administration than any in our nation's history...

Despite the American body count directly tied to his policies and actions Obama CONTINUES to bring in hundreds of un-vetted Muslims from a civil war-torn nation - a war between terrorists Obama has supported and a dictator - that is the home base for ISIS!

Arizona, Tennessee, Texas, California, Benghazi, Florida...while the bodies keep piling up Obama's DHS is declaring the enemy is AMERICANS and works to 'ban' the words 'Jihad' and 'Sharia' as Obama refuses to say the words 'Radical Islam' and 'Islamic extremists' because 'it means we are at war with all of Islam'.

Why is he still President? Nothing to see here...move along.

You are being redirected...
Are you still campaigning against Obama?

Guess what? He isn't running for a third term, and your manufactured bullshit memes have gone stale.

Move along now.
His 3d term will be in Leavenworth in the suite next to Hillary. Then they can collaborate to write the new best seller, "Unser Kampf."



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99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.


Duh Donuld notwithstanding, a particular religion will never be banned in the US.

Eat your hearts out fascist trumpkins.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.
-------------------------------------- so Erik says anytime SOON . I put no timeline so maybe it'll be later . No matter though , muslims are coming into the USA and are the fifth column that will fight for sharian and islam while Americans say or think that it can't happen in the USA Erik .
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.
-------------------------------------- so Erik says anytime SOON . I put no timeline so maybe it'll be later . No matter though , muslims are coming into the USA and are the fifth column that will fight for sharian and islam while Americans say or think that it can't happen in the USA Erik .

Feel free to get your buds together and round them up, then.
and if USA Government is ok with the situation then there is no resistance to shariah as time goes on and as the imported muslim population grows . And the imported muslims vote and change laws with their votes and politicians and change comes slowly and incrementally . See 'londonistan' with its new muslim mayor . Trump may at least slow things down for my lifetime . Course I see the millennials and their kids living in a pretty messed up USA and thats part of the reason that I support the TRUMP but I support the TRUMP for me as I am not worried about millennial or unserious people or their kids Erik .
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---------------------------- Christian derived law is a heck of a lot better that Islamic shariah derived law . And you or your kids may find that out sometime in the future Carbineer .

We're a secular nation.

Not if we keep importing Muslims who support sharia law. But then again the only thing you and your ilk are worried about I making they are registered dems in time for the 2016 election.

You're a supreme dumbass if you believe there would be enough Muslims in this country to do anything like that anytime soon.
-------------------------------------- so Erik says anytime SOON . I put no timeline so maybe it'll be later . No matter though , muslims are coming into the USA and are the fifth column that will fight for sharian and islam while Americans say or think that it can't happen in the USA Erik .

Feel free to get your buds together and round them up, then.
-------------------------- not me Erik , its my thinking that its you liberals , millennials plus your kids that will get what I am describing Erik . As I don't see you or most like you to be serious or thoughtful persons I am thinking that you may get exactly what you deserve Erik .
So why are we importing the tool of our own nation's demise?

Welcome to Obama's 'Fundamental Change'! Unfortunately there are a LOT of Americans (Liberals) whose light hasn't come on yet.

Obama admittedly was / has:

- Sired by an Anti-American, anti-colonialist father who wanted the US eliminated as a world power and influence...

- Tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis...

- Studied Socialist Saul Alinsky - even quoted him during an Inauguration speech

- Mentored for decades by a hate-spewing racist anti-American 'pastor',

- Friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops

- Declared he would stand with Muslims if the political winds blow ugly

- Declared the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam (Convert to Islam or die, as in no future for YOU...sound familiar)

- Armed the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood

- Armed Al Qaeda

- Dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a dictator we put into power - WHO WAS JUST BEGINNING TO HELP US COMBAT TERRORISTS IN NTHRN AFRCIA - and Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, to help Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi and take over their own nation as a safe haven....all this at a time when Obama was declaring Al Qaeida was on the run!

- Supplied, Armed, Trained, & Protected ISIS, dropped leaflets to them, after the Paris attack, to warn them that French and Russian bombers were coming to drop bombs on the ISIS Black Market oil facilities Obama was protecting that funded 50% of their terrorist activities - to include the Paris attack (can you say 'aiding and abetting the enemy'?!)

- Mocked Americans over their concerns for our national security and their safety, even after he admitted his 'vetting process' was virtually non-existent - claiming all they had to fear after the Paris attacks were 'widows and orphans' - only to have the terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa murder 12 Americans in California

Obama has sacrificed American lives for his personal political benefit / re-election. He has defended Islam by blaming a video for the needless murder of 4 Americans, by calling a terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence', by sending out his AG to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercised their right to Free Speech, by having his DHS openly declare Conservatives (who he called his 'enemies' and whom he used his IRS to target) greater threats than Islamic extremists, & has lectured the very same Americans he has bullied and vilified who are being targeted by Radical Islamists.

Obama has failed to protect Iraq, a nation our nation's soldiers had liberated at great cost, by allowing ISIS to freely enter Iraq without opposition, while he supplied/armed/trained/protected them and called them a 'JV Team'.

Despite admitting his vetting process is virtually non-existent...

Despite his FBI already spread beyond the breaking point investigating 1,000 cases involving ISIS threats in the US...

Despite ISIS declaring they are going to infiltrate the refugees...

Despite his CIA warning ISIS IS infiltrating the 'refugees' coming in...

Despite more successful terrorist attacks having been carried out under his administration than any in our nation's history...

Despite the American body count directly tied to his policies and actions Obama CONTINUES to bring in hundreds of un-vetted Muslims from a civil war-torn nation - a war between terrorists Obama has supported and a dictator - that is the home base for ISIS!

Arizona, Tennessee, Texas, California, Benghazi, Florida...while the bodies keep piling up Obama's DHS is declaring the enemy is AMERICANS and works to 'ban' the words 'Jihad' and 'Sharia' as Obama refuses to say the words 'Radical Islam' and 'Islamic extremists' because 'it means we are at war with all of Islam'.

Why is he still President? Nothing to see here...move along.

You are being redirected...
Are you still campaigning against Obama?

Guess what? He isn't running for a third term, and your manufactured bullshit memes have gone stale.

Move along now.
His 3d term will be in Leavenworth in the suite next to Hillary. Then they can collaborate to write the new best seller, "Unser Kampf."



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I would like to see the filth get a Biblical punishment but if they don't jail will be fine with me.
99% of RWnuts think America is a Christian nation, and want the laws to be adjusted accordingly...

...aka the Christian version of Sharia.
You are out of your mind, providing there was one to begin with.

99% of the conservative Christians on this board defended Kim Davis when she tried to use her religion to assert a right to circumvent the Constitution.

That is how it goes with those people.

Where in the Constitution of the United States does it give gays the "right" to marry? Where. I would LOVE to see this, because no where does it give the "right" of ANYONE to marry.
Get ready to feel the LOVE.

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Our laws bestow gifts on married people. Joint tax returns, Social Security survivor benefits, and a thousand others. Gays are entitled to equal protections granted in those laws.

I'll ask you one more time - Where in the Constitution does it give ANYONE the right to marry? Where? Where? Where?

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