5'2", 110lbs. Can you handle him?

Two cops, one 110 lb kid?


But since you asked ...

Any cop should be able to singlehandedly overpower a 110 lb kid, wrap his arms up, put him on the ground and cuff him. But since they had two cops to handle this 110 lbs (did I mention this kid was one hundred and ten pounds?) they could have simply had one cop overpower the kid, wrap his arms up, put the him on the ground and restrain while the other one cuffs.

Not too difficult at all. This is a 110 lbs kid not a 200 lb grown ass man.

But that makes too much sense Article15. We should just blindly accept what has happened without any questions, and move on. It's all black and white, no gray areas whatsoever,eh? :rolleyes:

You mean the way you're blindly accepting Article 15's assertion that "surely there's something they could have done", without ever asking WHAT that something is?

Maybe YOU can tell me precisely how they should have handled the situation, since Article 15 has no fucking clue.

hmmmm, HOW would they have done it WITHOUT a taser when cops did NOT have tasers?

are you really this obtuse cecilie?

they would not have been able to use a firearm in this case, unless he had committed a felony....?

so, did cops just twiddle their thumbs before tasers cecilie?
I repeat. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cop cuffs.

I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Well ... if they did, they probably would have caused more physical damage, and even if they had just bruised him, people would STILL want to rant and rave that the cops used too much force, and bruising would have happened period.
No, the stupid thing is that the cops get in trouble no matter how they handle a situation.

If it was your special needs child that was killed, would you feel the same?

Special needs child? He was "learning disabled". What does that even MEAN? Dyslexics are learning disabled, as well, and they still have the simple brain power needed to figure out that you don't jump out of the car and haul ass down the street when the cops pull you over. What, exactly, was his "disability"? It sounds like something thrown into the article to garner sympathy.

It worked......tell an asperger's kid as many times as you want not to run when pulled over by the cops, and if he gets scared, he may still run. Same with ADD. There's a short circuit in the frontal lobe of the brain and they often react without thinking it through.

My asperger's son is 24 years old but has the social skills of a young teenager. I'm not at all certain that he wouldn't run if I got pulled over by the cops while he was in the car.

Now, my son is almost 6 feet and over 200 pounds, but I would still be upset if they killed him with a taser. You aren't allowed to shoot a fleeing suspect unless he/she puts someone's life in IMMEDIATE danger, why in the heck are they allowed to taser such suspects?
I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Well ... if they did, they probably would have caused more physical damage, and even if they had just bruised him, people would STILL want to rant and rave that the cops used too much force, and bruising would have happened period.

I did answer your question:

Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. The other cuffs.

Really? Wrap up his arms, huh? He was RUNNING AWAY FROM THEM, you moron. Did you even read the article? How were they supposed to get his arms to wrap them up?

The next time you answer my question, actually answer my question.

Sorry my bad.

Catch up with kid. Grab him. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cops cuffs.

So your position is that it would have been better for the cops to run down the busy street, full of pedestrians and other motorists, after a kid they know nothing about EXCEPT the fact that he's completely panicked by the sight of cops - never an encouraging sign - taking the chance that the reason he's so panicked is that he's armed and is now going to start shooting at them, perhaps hitting them or perhaps (and more likely) hitting an innocent bystander. In the best case scenario, they catch up to him, tackle him, slam him to the ground, subdue him, cuff him, and he sues them for brutality because he got too bruised. Next-to-worst case scenario, (the worst case being where he's actually armed and kills someone) he has a heart attack or stroke from the chase, or runs out in front of a car and gets hit, and then they're STILL sued.

Or . . . they can taser him, which subdues him before he has a chance of hurting anyone else, and carries a much lower physical risk for him AND them. There IS a reason why police departments issue their officers tasers, you know.
50,000 WATTS is 150 AMPS kitten and sweet willy....since the both of you did NOT know....not 15 amps not 20 amps but 150 amps.

one strike of the taser is 50,000 WATTS/150 amp.

Don't talk about what you don't undersatand. You won't look foolish to many but me.

Please, tell me where I can get one of these 150 amp tasers.

huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?

"milli" is thousandths

"micro" is millionths

:razz: Sor-ry ... I always get the decimal point in the wrong place.

I repeat. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cop cuffs.

I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Catch up with kid. Grab him. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cops cuffs.

This is fun.

That would be the problem right there. To you, it's just a "fun" exercise in imagination while you surf the Net. To them, it was a matter of potential life and death, theirs and everyone on the street, that had to be decided in a split second. That's why your untrained armchair-quarterbacking and second-guessing sounds so completely asinine.
50,000 WATTS is 150 AMPS kitten and sweet willy....since the both of you did NOT know....not 15 amps not 20 amps but 150 amps.

one strike of the taser is 50,000 WATTS/150 amp.

Don't talk about what you don't undersatand. You won't look foolish to many but me.

Please, tell me where I can get one of these 150 amp tasers.

huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?


amps =watts/volts

It would depend on the voltage.
50,000 WATTS is 150 AMPS kitten and sweet willy....since the both of you did NOT know....not 15 amps not 20 amps but 150 amps.

one strike of the taser is 50,000 WATTS/150 amp.

Don't talk about what you don't undersatand. You won't look foolish to many but me.

Please, tell me where I can get one of these 150 amp tasers.

huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?


I am saying that there is no 150 amp taser. You are mistaken.

A 150 amp taser would require an extra cop to carry the battery. Or a very long drop cord.
But that makes too much sense Article15. We should just blindly accept what has happened without any questions, and move on. It's all black and white, no gray areas whatsoever,eh? :rolleyes:

You mean the way you're blindly accepting Article 15's assertion that "surely there's something they could have done", without ever asking WHAT that something is?

Maybe YOU can tell me precisely how they should have handled the situation, since Article 15 has no fucking clue.

He has answered your question. Many times now. What part didn't you understand?

Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cop cuffs.
she didn't think the cops should have to exercise some by running after him...
Really? Wrap up his arms, huh? He was RUNNING AWAY FROM THEM, you moron. Did you even read the article? How were they supposed to get his arms to wrap them up?

The next time you answer my question, actually answer my question.

Sorry my bad.

Catch up with kid. Grab him. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cops cuffs.

So your position is that it would have been better for the cops to run down the busy street, full of pedestrians and other motorists, after a kid they know nothing about EXCEPT the fact that he's completely panicked by the sight of cops - never an encouraging sign - taking the chance that the reason he's so panicked is that he's armed and is now going to start shooting at them, perhaps hitting them or perhaps (and more likely) hitting an innocent bystander. In the best case scenario, they catch up to him, tackle him, slam him to the ground, subdue him, cuff him, and he sues them for brutality because he got too bruised. Next-to-worst case scenario, (the worst case being where he's actually armed and kills someone) he has a heart attack or stroke from the chase, or runs out in front of a car and gets hit, and then they're STILL sued.

Or . . . they can taser him, which subdues him before he has a chance of hurting anyone else, and carries a much lower physical risk for him AND them. There IS a reason why police departments issue their officers tasers, you know.

What are you talking about?

They DID chase the kid down and finally caught up with him in the abandoned house THEN they tazed him.
You mean the way you're blindly accepting Article 15's assertion that "surely there's something they could have done", without ever asking WHAT that something is?

Maybe YOU can tell me precisely how they should have handled the situation, since Article 15 has no fucking clue.

He has answered your question. Many times now. What part didn't you understand?

Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cop cuffs.
she didn't think the cops should have to exercise some by running after him...

The funny thing is she's talking out her rear. They did run after him.
I repeat. Wrap up arms. Put on ground. One cop restrains. One cop cuffs.

I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Uh, I didn't get the impression that they "caught up with him" at all. The article said nothing about chasing him, unless I completely missed it. And tasering is still easier and safer than engaging in hand-to-hand contact with him. Have you even stopped to ask yourself why the police department teaches them to do it that way if just tackling him would be better? Or were you just going to redesign the Training Academy's program according to your personal understanding of how it "should" be done, no doubt gleaned from countless hours of watching "Law and Order"?
I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Uh, I didn't get the impression that they "caught up with him" at all. The article said nothing about chasing him, unless I completely missed it. And tasering is still easier and safer than engaging in hand-to-hand contact with him. Have you even stopped to ask yourself why the police department teaches them to do it that way if just tackling him would be better? Or were you just going to redesign the Training Academy's program according to your personal understanding of how it "should" be done, no doubt gleaned from countless hours of watching "Law and Order"?

They started training many officers to use tasers after all the complaints from when they were wrestling with the criminals, now they are complaining about tasers, people just always have to find someone else to blame instead of the criminals.

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