5'2", 110lbs. Can you handle him?

I repeat. How do you "wrap up arms" on someone who's running away from you, Einstein?

Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Uh, I didn't get the impression that they "caught up with him" at all. The article said nothing about chasing him, unless I completely missed it. And tasering is still easier and safer than engaging in hand-to-hand contact with him. Have you even stopped to ask yourself why the police department teaches them to do it that way if just tackling him would be better? Or were you just going to redesign the Training Academy's program according to your personal understanding of how it "should" be done, no doubt gleaned from countless hours of watching "Law and Order"?

Here's what you missed:

Warren police had pulled over Mitchell's cousin, Chris Davis, for having an expired license plate when Mitchell "jumped out and started running," Davis said.

"I told him not to, but he was real scared," Davis told CNN. "He was petrified. He hopped out the car and started running."

Police followed Mitchell into an abandoned house about two blocks away. Officers tried to apprehend him once he was inside, but he resisted, Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer told CNN.
Don't talk about what you don't undersatand. You won't look foolish to many but me.

Please, tell me where I can get one of these 150 amp tasers.

huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?


I am saying that there is no 150 amp taser. You are mistaken.

A 150 amp taser would require an extra cop to carry the battery. Or a very long drop cord.
tasers are 50,000 watts....can that be converted in to an amp figure?

if yes, what would the amp equivalent be?
Uh, they caught up to him to taser him, don't you think they could have caught him to grab him, wrap him, and put on ground and restrain and cuff him? :cuckoo:

Uh, I didn't get the impression that they "caught up with him" at all. The article said nothing about chasing him, unless I completely missed it. And tasering is still easier and safer than engaging in hand-to-hand contact with him. Have you even stopped to ask yourself why the police department teaches them to do it that way if just tackling him would be better? Or were you just going to redesign the Training Academy's program according to your personal understanding of how it "should" be done, no doubt gleaned from countless hours of watching "Law and Order"?

They started training many officers to use tasers after all the complaints from when they were wrestling with the criminals, now they are complaining about tasers, people just always have to find someone else to blame instead of the criminals.

Someone died here that's why questions are being asked.
huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?


I am saying that there is no 150 amp taser. You are mistaken.

A 150 amp taser would require an extra cop to carry the battery. Or a very long drop cord.
tasers are 50,000 watts....can that be converted in to an amp figure?

if yes, what would the amp equivalent be?

There isn't a direct correlation between watts and amps.
huh? kitten said she was shocked or electrocuted by 15 amps and that would kill 50% of the time or something of the such....i just did some reading on watt conversion to amp and it said that 50k in watts is equilalent to 150 amps? are you saying it isn't?


I am saying that there is no 150 amp taser. You are mistaken.

A 150 amp taser would require an extra cop to carry the battery. Or a very long drop cord.
tasers are 50,000 watts....can that be converted in to an amp figure?

if yes, what would the amp equivalent be?

You are mistaken. I refuse to believe there is such a thing. It would require a battery the sizde of a car battery and would kill half the people you hit with it, if not all of them. I will have to see this taser to believe it.
Uh, I didn't get the impression that they "caught up with him" at all. The article said nothing about chasing him, unless I completely missed it. And tasering is still easier and safer than engaging in hand-to-hand contact with him. Have you even stopped to ask yourself why the police department teaches them to do it that way if just tackling him would be better? Or were you just going to redesign the Training Academy's program according to your personal understanding of how it "should" be done, no doubt gleaned from countless hours of watching "Law and Order"?

They started training many officers to use tasers after all the complaints from when they were wrestling with the criminals, now they are complaining about tasers, people just always have to find someone else to blame instead of the criminals.

Someone died here that's why questions are being asked.

People died while being wrestled to ... so your point?
They started training many officers to use tasers after all the complaints from when they were wrestling with the criminals, now they are complaining about tasers, people just always have to find someone else to blame instead of the criminals.

Someone died here that's why questions are being asked.

People died while being wrestled to ... so your point?

because that sop in a police force..
Tasers can kill??? News to me folks. I had no idea. Seriously.

Sorry, my son is just about 16 is about 5'2" and weighs right around the 110 mark. A big kid he is not. If a short, middle-aged mom in good shape can handle this kid, two cops - regardless of gender or height - certainly should have been able to handle this kid. No excuses.

Aren't cops trained to assess situations? If he was learning disabled - and that can mean many things - this may very well have been apparent by his response to the cop's questions. If my son were confronted by anyone, they would know within 5 seconds after he answered a question that he was special needs. Not saying the same is true for this kid but . . . . it may be.

here! read this

HowStuffWorks "How Stun Guns Work"
They started training many officers to use tasers after all the complaints from when they were wrestling with the criminals, now they are complaining about tasers, people just always have to find someone else to blame instead of the criminals.

Someone died here that's why questions are being asked.

People died while being wrestled to ... so your point?

The point is that when suspects are killed in the apprehension process inquiries and blame assessment are inevitable.
because that sop in a police force..

So you are saying that the cops should just not arrest anyone?

no damnit,, I am saying it is standard operational procedure to have an inquiry or an investigation when someone dies as a result of police action..

They do investigate, they look into the why and how, hell, they even try to find ways to prevent more, even though that's actually impossible.
It isn't eay to wrap your mind around these numbers. Let me give you some easy things to relate. When speaking of watts, convert them into 100 watt light bulbs in your house. Now imagine taking the power to run 5,000 of those bulbs, imagine the heat, the power of that, and coursing into a human body. Using something you knwo to relate may help you understand how absurd this sounds to an, and yes I am, an expert, on this subject.

With that in mind, I want you guys to consider something while I go out for dog food. What is the difference in a taser strike from two nodes that land a few inches apart and a taser strike from perhaps a side angle where one node enters the left shoulder and one the right hand? Hint: the latter of these two will cause fatalities 100's of times more than the former.

The people that make these won't tell you, the cops probably don't even know. If everyone did know, they would be outlawed. They are deadly. If they don't hit you a few inches apart, chances are, you will be killed. I'd bet most of these fatalities, weak hearts or not, are results of these taser points entering points on the body that transverse the torso.
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It isn't eay to wrap your mind around these numbers. Let me give you some easy things to relate. When speaking of watts, convert them into 100 watt light bulbs in your house. Now imagine taking the power to run 5,000 of those bulbs, imagine the heat, the power of that, and coursing into a human body. Using something you knwo to relate may help you understand how absurd this sounds to an, and yes I am, an expert, on this subject.

With that in mind, I want you guys to consider something while I go out for dog food. What is the difference in a taser strike from two nodes that land a few inches apart and a taser strike from perhaps a side angle where one node enters the left shoulder and one the right hand? Hint: the latter of these two will cause fatalities 100's of times more than the former.

The people that make these won't tell you, the cops probably don't even know. If everyone did know, they would be outlawed. They are deadly. If they don't hit you a few inches apart, chances are, you will be killed. I'd bet most of these fatalities, weak hearts or not, are results of these taser points entering points on the body that transverse the torso.

*eye roll* Yeah ... an expert ... sure. Posting Wicrapedia as your sources. Most of the electrical current actually flows along the skin ... or did you miss that day in class? Also, have you ever heard of a Tesla Coil? Don't look it up, try to use your brain here. Same principle, and the shock from the Tesla Coil has no secondary node, you have to ground it. Also do a little study on static electricity, those little shocks you get when you touch the door knob.
journeyman electricians know that an expert "electrical engineer" cannot do what they do! jez saying! :eusa_whistle:
When we scuff our shoes upon a rug on a dry winter day, our bodies typically charge up to a potential of several thousand volts with respect to the ground. In physics this is a well-known fact, and is easily verified by meter measurements. Touch a grounded object, and a spark will leap between the object and your fingertip. This kind of electric spark can only exist when a high voltage is present. The tiniest spark requires about 500 volts. Big, nasty, painful sparks require lots more voltage, up to several thousand volts. But even when no sparks are jumping, there is still a high voltage between your charged body and the ground, and your charged body is surrounded with an invisible electric field.
Kitten, I only posted a source for you dear. I don't need a source to tell what electrocution is. Get it? I tried fruitlessly to clue you in without having to go for a source. You do understand what an electrocution is now? Is there another more trustworthy source you prefer to learn that from? Webster? Encarta? NEC?

Current travels the path of least resistance. (Check out what Ohm has to say about it)That may or may not be the skin. In the case of taser barbs, penetration depends on skin thickness. Take one in the eye, on the lips, through the skin, and the current doesn't travel along the skin. This is a difference in tasers and stun guns. The taser sends barbs to penetrate the skin.

30 milliamps is sufficient to kill. Sometimes 20. A taser has as much as 150 milliamps. 5 times the known lethal amount. How this current travels is the most vital part of the equation. A taser barbs penetrating distances apart have a much greater potential to kill. I can't find any data yet but I'll bet anyone that half or more fatalities come from this scenario. A defensive posture that puts a hand or arm from one side of the body in position to take a barb in opposite limbs. Perhaps an eye and a hand.

Tesla has nothing to do with this Kitten but sure, I built a Tesla coil for the eigth grade sience fair. I still have it and it still works.

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