5'2", 110lbs. Can you handle him?

Very small, but growing so probably in your acceptable range. Regardless, cops are trained to avoid harming innocent people. If they used a potato cannon to kill him that would be even a smaller statistic. :cuckoo:

i think the presumption of innocence from the cops' POV goes away when he flees the car and hides in an abandoned house.

call me crazy

I have not once seen an innocent person run from the cops ...

Ever see a tiger eat a man alive?

Bad parent either way you look at it ... if the kid was taught right he wouldn't have run, if innocent you know the cops are there to help, so you go to them.

Bad parenting? WTF?

I had excellent parents but I ran from the cops dozens of times when I was a teenager.

It was part of being a kid.

Look back, why did you run from the cops?

Because I was scared shitless of getting in trouble. It had nothing to do with what my mommy and daddy told me to do in a situation involving the police.
and if they didn't use a taser, they would have been accused of beating him...KK is right, cops just never do right in some people's eyes.


I was arrested a couple of times as a teenager when I weighed all of 110 lbs and even though I resisted the cops were able to get me down and cuff me w/out any difficulties. I was bumped up a bit but there was no stink made about it because I was guilty as all hell and a little soreness didn't kill me.

Most times, that would be the result of a taser to, just a little soreness. But the same risk of injury occurs for the criminal when they are "wrestled", it's just different injuries. Tasers were put into use because people kept complaining about the cops using "excessive force" ... now those same people are whining about tasers ...

Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.
"There were 103 Taser stun gun-related deaths in the United States and Canada between June 2001 and March 2005, according to an Amnesty International report."

Taser-related deaths top 100

Yeah, even the wingnuts on the left can't justify their hatred of tasers, 25,000 people died in one year from auto related incidents ... tasers, 103 in 4 years. Sure, that's really bad.

Where do the left wingnuts state they hate tasers KK? I would think that would be their weapon of choice over a gun for their own protection, don't you?

What people on here are upset about, with no political agenda by the way, are the way they think the police used excessive force on a 110# 16 year old boy, to the extent of tasering him until he died. Something is rotten in Denmark if 2 men couldn't restrain him. Maybe we will learn more details as time goes on.

Spot on, EZ.
Bad parenting? WTF?

I had excellent parents but I ran from the cops dozens of times when I was a teenager.

It was part of being a kid.

Look back, why did you run from the cops?

Because I was scared shitless of getting in trouble. It had nothing to do with what my mommy and daddy told me to do in a situation involving the police.

Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

I was arrested a couple of times as a teenager when I weighed all of 110 lbs and even though I resisted the cops were able to get me down and cuff me w/out any difficulties. I was bumped up a bit but there was no stink made about it because I was guilty as all hell and a little soreness didn't kill me.

Most times, that would be the result of a taser to, just a little soreness. But the same risk of injury occurs for the criminal when they are "wrestled", it's just different injuries. Tasers were put into use because people kept complaining about the cops using "excessive force" ... now those same people are whining about tasers ...

Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.

According to some here, there are three year old babies that would require a taser. No shit. Just read the thread. People have actually argued that you can't restrain a toddler and that justifies using a taser.

People are nuts.

I was arrested a couple of times as a teenager when I weighed all of 110 lbs and even though I resisted the cops were able to get me down and cuff me w/out any difficulties. I was bumped up a bit but there was no stink made about it because I was guilty as all hell and a little soreness didn't kill me.

Most times, that would be the result of a taser to, just a little soreness. But the same risk of injury occurs for the criminal when they are "wrestled", it's just different injuries. Tasers were put into use because people kept complaining about the cops using "excessive force" ... now those same people are whining about tasers ...

Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.

You would have also hurt him anyway, and there is a higher chance of injury no matter how you spin it.

I was arrested a couple of times as a teenager when I weighed all of 110 lbs and even though I resisted the cops were able to get me down and cuff me w/out any difficulties. I was bumped up a bit but there was no stink made about it because I was guilty as all hell and a little soreness didn't kill me.

Most times, that would be the result of a taser to, just a little soreness. But the same risk of injury occurs for the criminal when they are "wrestled", it's just different injuries. Tasers were put into use because people kept complaining about the cops using "excessive force" ... now those same people are whining about tasers ...

Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.

Yet a police officer DOES have the training to do that, but somehow didn't. This is where the questions come in. Let's say even if they tasered him one time, they could have subdued a boy of his size then.
Most times, that would be the result of a taser to, just a little soreness. But the same risk of injury occurs for the criminal when they are "wrestled", it's just different injuries. Tasers were put into use because people kept complaining about the cops using "excessive force" ... now those same people are whining about tasers ...

Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.

Yet a police officer DOES have the training to do that, but somehow didn't. This is where the questions come in. Let's say even if they tasered him one time, they could have subdued a boy of his size then.

Again, there is a MUCH higher chance of serious injury to both when using any other form of subduction.
Look back, why did you run from the cops?

Because I was scared shitless of getting in trouble. It had nothing to do with what my mommy and daddy told me to do in a situation involving the police.

Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

Have you yet caught that this kid had a learning disability?

But that's all bullshit anyway. Granted he ran, granted he may have been guilty of something, granted he was a kid that weighed 110 pounds. And two cops couldn't subdue him without the aid of a weapon.

This is so easy. Even if the cops don't hurt him, if two cops can't take a 110lb kid, they should get a job at the hair salon.

If you were 12 and I was 12, I would throw a dirt clod at you about now. And you would cry. To your mama.

C:\__A\BOLANDER\LITIGATION\Summary Judgment\Sworn statements\Waxman\Notice of filing corrected 1-30-2009 SWORN STATEMENT OF men

The above link points to a case, you'll have to read through a bit, where as I suspected, a suspect was killed by a taser strike that passed between far points on his body. Rather than the current traveling between two points a couple inches apart, it traveled across his body, resulting in his death. I am still betting this is the leading cause of taser death. Not hearts or pacemakers, but the inherent lethal nature of the device.

so how, who, what, and where,and of course why, were these tazers approved for use on man???

Who knows. Maybe we can revisit the accepted use of mathamphetamine in the US many years ago for answers.

We've been known to swallow all kinds of crap becuase someone wanted to make a buck.

well, I'm asking because it is important to know if they were tried and tested for safety and by whom.. donchyathink???
Because I was scared shitless of getting in trouble. It had nothing to do with what my mommy and daddy told me to do in a situation involving the police.

Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

Have you yet caught that this kid had a learning disability?

But that's all bullshit anyway. Granted he ran, granted he may have been guilty of something, granted he was a kid that weighed 110 pounds. And two cops couldn't subdue him without the aid of a weapon.

This is so easy. Even if the cops don't hurt him, if two cops can't take a 110lb kid, they should get a job at the hair salon.

... and the police are suppose to read minds how?
Tasers can kill??? News to me folks. I had no idea. Seriously.

Sorry, my son is just about 16 is about 5'2" and weighs right around the 110 mark. A big kid he is not. If a short, middle-aged mom in good shape can handle this kid, two cops - regardless of gender or height - certainly should have been able to handle this kid. No excuses.

Aren't cops trained to assess situations? If he was learning disabled - and that can mean many things - this may very well have been apparent by his response to the cop's questions. If my son were confronted by anyone, they would know within 5 seconds after he answered a question that he was special needs. Not saying the same is true for this kid but . . . . it may be.

You didn't read the article at all, did you? He didn't answer any questions for them to assess. He was in the car, they pulled the car over, he jumped out and ran. They DID assess the situation: some guy's running like hell over a traffic stop. Something bad must be wrong for a reaction like that.

From the article: "They ordered him several times not to resist, and he continued to resist," Dwyer said. "They had no alternative to use what they felt at the time was non-lethal force." Do you know that he didn't respond to their orders? That he didn't answer them? Don't cops wear radio sets? The kid's cousin would have told the cops at the car that the kid was learning disabled and this info. would have been relayed to the officers.

Two trained cops who are unable to take down a 5'2", 110 16 year old themselves should go back to cop school.
Two trained cops would only need to use a reasonable amount of 'force' to get a 5'2", 110 lb. kid down. I'm 5'2", as is my son. He's strong but I can bring him down and keep him there, if needed. And I've got zero training. Bullshit on the taser in this situation. They could have cuffed the kid without using it.

Yet a police officer DOES have the training to do that, but somehow didn't. This is where the questions come in. Let's say even if they tasered him one time, they could have subdued a boy of his size then.

Again, there is a MUCH higher chance of serious injury to both when using any other form of subduction.

You understand there is a 100% chance this kid is DEAD? We aren't talking injury, let's talk dead.
Look back, why did you run from the cops?

Because I was scared shitless of getting in trouble. It had nothing to do with what my mommy and daddy told me to do in a situation involving the police.

Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

So the bad parent has a kid run when he's innocent but a good parent's kid runs from the cops when he's guilty?
Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

Have you yet caught that this kid had a learning disability?

But that's all bullshit anyway. Granted he ran, granted he may have been guilty of something, granted he was a kid that weighed 110 pounds. And two cops couldn't subdue him without the aid of a weapon.

This is so easy. Even if the cops don't hurt him, if two cops can't take a 110lb kid, they should get a job at the hair salon.

... and the police are suppose to read minds how?

You need to read the kid's mind now to know that he's tiny?!

The facts are often ignored to demonize the police. Hell, I've been electrocuted several times from wall sockets and I still live, and my weight proportions are about the same. The cops had no idea it would kill the kid, the kid simply should not have resisted, period.

KK, he was learning disabled. He very well may not have realized what the cops wanted and/or was scared shitless.

On that subject, why is Ms. "They're supposed to protect us" raising her kid to be that terrified of cops? I can promise you that none of MY children feel the slightest urge to take off running at the sight of a police officer.

HE WAS LEARNING DISABLED. Did you miss that part? :cuckoo:
Thus your parents raised you right, you knew they put people who did something wrong in jail.

An innocent person doesn't run from them unless they are wrongly informed as to what the job of the police is.

Have you yet caught that this kid had a learning disability?

But that's all bullshit anyway. Granted he ran, granted he may have been guilty of something, granted he was a kid that weighed 110 pounds. And two cops couldn't subdue him without the aid of a weapon.

This is so easy. Even if the cops don't hurt him, if two cops can't take a 110lb kid, they should get a job at the hair salon.

... and the police are suppose to read minds how?

They don't kitten. But you don't have to read minds. You know the kid was disabled. Yet, you still ramble on about what he should have been taught by his parents.
Yet a police officer DOES have the training to do that, but somehow didn't. This is where the questions come in. Let's say even if they tasered him one time, they could have subdued a boy of his size then.

Again, there is a MUCH higher chance of serious injury to both when using any other form of subduction.

You understand there is a 100% chance this kid is DEAD? We aren't talking injury, let's talk dead.

But tasers have a much lower chance of killing than tackling someone ... seriously, do you ever think without your head up your ass? He died from a serious injury caused by electricity ... since you are so big on word play. You do realize more people die of a simple bump on the head than from electricity? Of course not, you don't care, you just want to hang the people who risk their lives every day to keep you safe until you need them.

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