5'2", 110lbs. Can you handle him?

And your proof that his parent's demonized the cops is????

Fact is, he was learning disabled - which does not only mean dyslexic; it can run the gamut from retarded to autistic (varying degrees) to mental competency (varying degrees) including stupid - and he was petrified. Again you give out a blanket, black-and-white statement and never once consider the fact or ability of this kid's mental capacity.

It's not a black and white statement, it's a simple fact. Someone had to have demonized the cops, there is no way a 15 year old would be clueless as to the existence or job of the police. Or, he was guilty as hell about something. Even the insane know what cops do.

Haven't hung around special needs kids much, have you? You are stating this in black-and-white terms. You're giving 'demonized cops' or 'guilty' as the only two choices. He was learning disabled - to what degree?? - and he was petrified . . . so he ran.

Actually, I have "hung around" a lot of DD children of many ages. Volunteer work was really popular and I volunteered in schools. I have seen everything from those who are unable to do more than babble to those who just had something simple. Don't pull that "I'm the only one ..." bullshit, it's lame. They always knew, when you were in trouble and needed help you trust the cop first, since that was their job. They knew it and knew it well, and their parents re-enforced it.

Again, how could the cops have done better in this situation?
According to one article I read he was resisting a pat-down when they tasered him. What should they have done? Used the least amount of force to subdue him. Two cops, one kid...they should have grabbed his arms and cuffed him. A no brainer.

This is the police force that was recently in the news for tasering a stuffed animal. lol!

A bit trigger happy and it sounds as if they need some serious training.
They tried that, a few allergic reactions resulted in a few deaths and people whined about that so they had to try something else, which is what lead into the taser guns.

They might want to go back and revisit the pepper spray since tasers also kill.

If they were within distance of using a taser then they were within distance of grabbing him and bringing him to the ground and cuffing him. As previously stated, I by myself have done this with a kid the exact age, height and weight as this kid. If I can do this, two trained cops would certainly be able to. They misjudged the situation and chose the wrong course of action and a 16 year old boy is now dead.

Taser guns fire up to 50 feet, within distance of a taser is not grappling range.

As for the pepper spray, well, it costs them millions to keep changing, and when they ask for the tax dollars to make any change or force increase people whine more. So will you be writing the next check yourself?

Come on Kitten, engage that real world sense you talk about so much.

50 feet? Grappling range? What? Was this an abandoned mansion with 50' rooms?

Use your brain. You are arguing with that dang ol' book learnin". Or in your case, interent search learning.
They might want to go back and revisit the pepper spray since tasers also kill.

If they were within distance of using a taser then they were within distance of grabbing him and bringing him to the ground and cuffing him. As previously stated, I by myself have done this with a kid the exact age, height and weight as this kid. If I can do this, two trained cops would certainly be able to. They misjudged the situation and chose the wrong course of action and a 16 year old boy is now dead.

Taser guns fire up to 50 feet, within distance of a taser is not grappling range.

As for the pepper spray, well, it costs them millions to keep changing, and when they ask for the tax dollars to make any change or force increase people whine more. So will you be writing the next check yourself?

Come on Kitten, engage that real world sense you talk about so much.

50 feet? Grappling range? What? Was this an abandoned mansion with 50' rooms?

Use your brain. You are arguing with that dang ol' book learnin". Or in your case, interent search learning.

Okay, now I see, you are just being a moron and have no interest in thinking, just regurgitating some crap you read somewhere. Think more, please, you are just embarrassing now.
It's not a black and white statement, it's a simple fact. Someone had to have demonized the cops, there is no way a 15 year old would be clueless as to the existence or job of the police. Or, he was guilty as hell about something. Even the insane know what cops do.

Haven't hung around special needs kids much, have you? You are stating this in black-and-white terms. You're giving 'demonized cops' or 'guilty' as the only two choices. He was learning disabled - to what degree?? - and he was petrified . . . so he ran.

Actually, I have "hung around" a lot of DD children of many ages. Volunteer work was really popular and I volunteered in schools. I have seen everything from those who are unable to do more than babble to those who just had something simple. Don't pull that "I'm the only one ..." bullshit, it's lame. They always knew, when you were in trouble and needed help you trust the cop first, since that was their job. They knew it and knew it well, and their parents re-enforced it.

Again, how could the cops have done better in this situation?

I'm not pulling the 'I'm the only one' anything. Simply stating that mentally disabled comes in very wide and varying degrees and yes, some of them will run regardless of what they have been taught. Some of them will do the exact opposite of what you expect. And I am speaking from 16 years of hands-on, personal, daily experience.

Already answered the question on how they could have handled it differently, several times. Do you know if the cops back with the cousin (in the car) were in contact with the two cops chasing the kid? The kid's cousin knew that the kid was learning disabled. Wouldn't he have told the cops who then would have informed the other cops?
According to one article I read he was resisting a pat-down when they tasered him. What should they have done? Used the least amount of force to subdue him. Two cops, one kid...they should have grabbed his arms and cuffed him. A no brainer.

This is the police force that was recently in the news for tasering a stuffed animal. lol!

A bit trigger happy and it sounds as if they need some serious training.

Have you seen how hard it is to cuff someone who is resisting? It's not as easy as it sounds. There is more to it than weight and strength, sometimes, you just have no choice. they followed their training, as was dictated by the PEOPLE in the city, so if you insist on pointing fingers, the people in that city are the parties at fault.
According to one article I read he was resisting a pat-down when they tasered him. What should they have done? Used the least amount of force to subdue him. Two cops, one kid...they should have grabbed his arms and cuffed him. A no brainer.

This is the police force that was recently in the news for tasering a stuffed animal. lol!

A bit trigger happy and it sounds as if they need some serious training.

Can you link the article?
According to one article I read he was resisting a pat-down when they tasered him. What should they have done? Used the least amount of force to subdue him. Two cops, one kid...they should have grabbed his arms and cuffed him. A no brainer.

This is the police force that was recently in the news for tasering a stuffed animal. lol!

A bit trigger happy and it sounds as if they need some serious training.

Have you seen how hard it is to cuff someone who is resisting? It's not as easy as it sounds. There is more to it than weight and strength, sometimes, you just have no choice. they followed their training, as was dictated by the PEOPLE in the city, so if you insist on pointing fingers, the people in that city are the parties at fault.

And it's not as hard as you are making it out what with two grown trained cops and one 110 lb. short 16 year old. I've done this (not literally put the cuffs on but brought down and restrained) a kid this exact height, weight and age by myself.
Police in Detroit had trouble with 16 year old boy, 5 feet, 2 inches tall, 110 pounds. So they tasered him and it killed him.

The tasers are getting a bit out of hand. If you can't handle a scrawny kid, find a job you are qualified for.

Just my 2 cents.

'No excuse' for learning-disabled teen's Taser death, mother says - CNN.com

I don't like pigs. Never did. I think they're pushy, arrogant, and aggressive. They TRY and get you mad, just so they can rough you up.

This taser death is inexcusable. The pig that did it should be tried for murder.
Okay, here is the only possible way it could have gone better (beside the kid NOT running from them in the first fucking place):

The officers would have had to have ESP and known that ...

1. The kid was not armed.

2. The kid was somehow DD.

3. The kid had to have a condition making the taser deadly.

4. The kid was actually innocent and just scared instead of a junky high on something and guilty as hell.

Yeah ... what dream world is this again?
According to one article I read he was resisting a pat-down when they tasered him. What should they have done? Used the least amount of force to subdue him. Two cops, one kid...they should have grabbed his arms and cuffed him. A no brainer.

This is the police force that was recently in the news for tasering a stuffed animal. lol!

A bit trigger happy and it sounds as if they need some serious training.

Have you seen how hard it is to cuff someone who is resisting? It's not as easy as it sounds. There is more to it than weight and strength, sometimes, you just have no choice. they followed their training, as was dictated by the PEOPLE in the city, so if you insist on pointing fingers, the people in that city are the parties at fault.

And it's not as hard as you are making it out what with two grown trained cops and one 110 lb. short 16 year old. I've done this (not literally put the cuffs on but brought down and restrained) a kid this exact height, weight and age by myself.

Yet ... you also knew the kid was not armed, or are stupid.
Taser guns fire up to 50 feet, within distance of a taser is not grappling range.

As for the pepper spray, well, it costs them millions to keep changing, and when they ask for the tax dollars to make any change or force increase people whine more. So will you be writing the next check yourself?

Come on Kitten, engage that real world sense you talk about so much.

50 feet? Grappling range? What? Was this an abandoned mansion with 50' rooms?

Use your brain. You are arguing with that dang ol' book learnin". Or in your case, interent search learning.

Okay, now I see, you are just being a moron and have no interest in thinking, just regurgitating some crap you read somewhere. Think more, please, you are just embarrassing now.

Kitten, use that common sense. You claim that book learning doesn't compare. I know that you read taser range is 50 feet. Now use some common sense and tell me if this kid was 50 feet away. Come on, try.
Come on Kitten, engage that real world sense you talk about so much.

50 feet? Grappling range? What? Was this an abandoned mansion with 50' rooms?

Use your brain. You are arguing with that dang ol' book learnin". Or in your case, interent search learning.

Okay, now I see, you are just being a moron and have no interest in thinking, just regurgitating some crap you read somewhere. Think more, please, you are just embarrassing now.

Kitten, use that common sense. You claim that book learning doesn't compare. I know that you read taser range is 50 feet. Now use some common sense and tell me if this kid was 50 feet away. Come on, try.

Again, if the kid had been armed more people would have likely died, the cops themselves, the kid, and anyone else the kid took out along the way ... think about more than just the kid, that's what cops are suppose to do, why can't you?
Okay, here is the only possible way it could have gone better (beside the kid NOT running from them in the first fucking place):

The officers would have had to have ESP and known that ...

1. The kid was not armed.

2. The kid was somehow DD.

3. The kid had to have a condition making the taser deadly.

4. The kid was actually innocent and just scared instead of a junky high on something and guilty as hell.

Yeah ... what dream world is this again?

You fail to concede even the most obvious. You are either extremely dense or you are intentionally obtuse.

The very first, and very obvious way this could have gone better is for the kid NOT TO BE DEAD.
Okay, here is the only possible way it could have gone better (beside the kid NOT running from them in the first fucking place):

The officers would have had to have ESP and known that ...

1. The kid was not armed.

2. The kid was somehow DD.

3. The kid had to have a condition making the taser deadly.

4. The kid was actually innocent and just scared instead of a junky high on something and guilty as hell.

Yeah ... what dream world is this again?

Boy you just won't listen about special needs people, will you?

Two grown, trained cops could have apprehended him without the use of a taser. They were within what, 50 feet of him with guns on him? Did the kid pull a weapon? You mean one cop couldn't keep a gun on the kid while the other cop grabbed him? If they believed he had a weapon they could have shot him in the leg then cuffed him. Hole int he leg, but alive.

Were the cops who were back with the cousin in contact with the cops who were chasing the kid? The cousin would have said that the kid was learning disabled . . . . why wouldn't the cops have relayed this information to the two cops?
Okay, here is the only possible way it could have gone better (beside the kid NOT running from them in the first fucking place):

The officers would have had to have ESP and known that ...

1. The kid was not armed.

2. The kid was somehow DD.

3. The kid had to have a condition making the taser deadly.

4. The kid was actually innocent and just scared instead of a junky high on something and guilty as hell.

Yeah ... what dream world is this again?

You fail to concede even the most obvious. You are either extremely dense or you are intentionally obtuse.

The very first, and very obvious way this could have gone better is for the kid NOT TO BE DEAD.

How? Without using those idiotic dreams, what could have been done with 100% chance of a perfect and gleeful outcome? 100% mind you, since that's what you are asking for, where not one person is in danger.
I don't like grumps. Never did. I think they're pushy, arrogant, and aggressive. They TRY and get you mad, just so they can rough you up.
[You fail to concede even the most obvious. You are either extremely dense or you are intentionally obtuse.

The very first, and very obvious way this could have gone better is for the kid NOT TO BE DEAD.

I'm sure the cops didn't want him dead.

He shouldn't have run, and I don't think the rest of us have a right to judge something in a situation none of us were in. It's easy to sit and dissect something after the event. I have been in court whereby both the defense and prosecution, combined, spent over 5 hours talking about an incident that was done and dusted in 45 seconds...
Okay, now I see, you are just being a moron and have no interest in thinking, just regurgitating some crap you read somewhere. Think more, please, you are just embarrassing now.

Kitten, use that common sense. You claim that book learning doesn't compare. I know that you read taser range is 50 feet. Now use some common sense and tell me if this kid was 50 feet away. Come on, try.

Again, if the kid had been armed more people would have likely died, the cops themselves, the kid, and anyone else the kid took out along the way ... think about more than just the kid, that's what cops are suppose to do, why can't you?

Kid wasn't armed, cops have made no such claim that they ever thought he was. Let's be factual.

If the kid had tuberculosis they could have been infected.

If the kid had a wooden leg, they could get splinters.

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