52 Executive Orders in 20 Days

- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
You ever been in a woman's restroom?
With all those separate stalls.

If a man pees there, so what.
If YOU invade that woman's stall, NOW we have an issue.
Fuck you for invading that woman.
How do you LIVE with your ills?
Believe it or not, I somewhat agree with you. As an example, last year, if a transgender Y chromosome person (man) went into a women's restroom, particularly a single-stalled one, no one would give a hoot.

I don't think it is one of the most urgent issues to be addressed considering the state of the world and how few people are actually affected by this.

I also think it is more appropriate for the legislature, rather than executive order. He is legislating things that benefit 0.1% of the population and the other 99.9% don't have a say.

He is pandering. Just like one of Clinton's first actions was Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

You assume that I am some kind of homophobe simply because I am Conservative and don't like this EO. You are wrong. On the contrary, I am one of the few Conservatives who consistently believe in freedom, as long as you don't harm others. I don't endorse a gay lifestyle personally, but I am a Constitutionalist, and all citizens have the right to pursue happiness (14th Amendment, Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Declaration of Independence)....

The Declaration of Independence says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might also be relevant, even though it does not specifically mention sexual orientation.

I have learned to get over my innate biases against others for being different than I am. As long as they are law-abiding and do not harm others, these US citizens also deserve the opportunity to pursue their own happiness. I think that is consistent with me thinking of myself as a true Conservative.

So go be gay if you want. Just please don't push it in may face. I'll even be your friend, and support you, if you are a good person.

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- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
You ever been in a woman's restroom?
With all those separate stalls.

If a man pees there, so what.
If YOU invade that woman's stall, NOW we have an issue.
Fuck you for invading that woman.
How do you LIVE with your ills?
Believe it or not, I somewhat agree with you. As an example, last year, if a transgender Y chromosome person (man) went into a women's restroom, particularly a single-stalled one, no one would give a hoot.

I don't think it is one of the most urgent issues to be addressed considering the state of the world and how few people are actually affected by this.

I also think it is more appropriate for the legislature, rather than executive order. He is legislating things that benefit 0.1% of the population and the other 99.9% don't have a say.

He is pandering. Just like one of Clinton's first actions was Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

You assume that I am some kind of homophobe simply because I am Conservative and don't like this EO. You are wrong. On the contrary, I am one of the few Conservatives who consistently believe in freedom, as long as you don't harm others. I don't endorse a gay lifestyle personally, but I am a Constitutionalist, and all citizens have the right to pursue happiness (14th Amendment, Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Declaration of Independence)....

The Declaration of Independence says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might also be relevant, even though it does not specifically mention sexual orientation.

I have learned to get over my innate biases against others for being different than I am. As long as they are law-abiding and do not harm others, these US citizens also deserve the opportunity to pursue their own happiness. I think that is consistent with me thinking of myself as a true Conservative.

So go be gay if you want. Just please don't push it in may face. I'll even be your friend, and support you, if you are a good person.

You know what, I don't believe you, first if you support Trump you are simply a enemy of this country, There is no way around it, You don't deserve a voice in this country and you shouldn't be able to vote in this country ever again , ALL SUPPORTERS OF TRUMP ARE TRAITORS TO MY COUNTRY.and I support the fact that they shoot traitors in this country.

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