52 Executive Orders in 20 Days

The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.

The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
Give Joe a break, man.
The man is unspeakably evil. He just doesn't deserve even that much consideration.
- Kill thousands of American jobs by cancelling the Keystone pipeline on day one.
Kick that damned labor union and the government-mandated mental health insurance out of the picture, and see if there are any real jobs left.
- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
You mean like the male coach of the girls basketball team?
- Let boys compete in girls' sports, ruining the careers of some women, and disenfranchising some of them from getting sports scholarships.
Dude, you're just plain fucking too many whores, and forcing other men to pay the price for your beer and pizza which they didn't order.
the whore, is a wanna be vp...thats the whore you fucked up demonRATS voted for
- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
You ever been in a woman's restroom?
With all those separate stalls.

If a man pees there, so what.
If YOU invade that woman's stall, NOW we have an issue.
Fuck you for invading that woman.
How do you LIVE with your ills?
Remember when Joe Biden and Democrats were saying how those who rule by executive orders were dictators?

I mean, this is real life. This isn't an SNL skit.

If we had a living, breathing media, they'd call him on it. But we don't, it's a Democrat propaganda arm, defending it.
No I don't remember that nor does anyone , you can' sell your bullshit here. You piece of shit God and leader looks pretty bad after the first day.
You don't remember because you're a spoonfed CNN spastic.
What do you think he said about executive orders, not even close to what you small minded magats say he says , run that video a few times ,
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
THEIR total erasure.
Maybe you live in a Dem city with substandard ecucational standards.
Move to a red state and save yourself.
- Let Creepy men pee in our daughters' restrooms
You ever been in a woman's restroom?
With all those separate stalls.

If a man pees there, so what.
If YOU invade that woman's stall, NOW we have an issue.
Fuck you for invading that woman.
How do you LIVE with your ills?
You can't say Man and Woman. That's so 2020.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
What xiden is doing is erasing history , now, the true patriots move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator, xiden. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of the , douchebags of the demonRATs....oh say can you see....
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
THEIR total erasure.
Maybe you live in a Dem city with substandard ecucational standards.
Move to a red state and save yourself.
one more time for effect , You can't try to bring down our Demacracy/F and try to force in a piece of shit dictator and even call yourself a American ever again, Your a traitor to this country and this country shoots traitors.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
Anyone who supports xiden, is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
THEIR total erasure.
Maybe you live in a Dem city with substandard ecucational standards.
Move to a red state and save yourself.
one more time for effect , You can't try to bring down our Demacracy/F and try to force in a piece of shit dictator and even call yourself a American ever again, Your a traitor to this country and this country shoots traitors.

As I said before, your best option in life is to abandon those who have clearly abandoned you.
Biden is not your friend. He loathes the working class of all colours. The MAGA people, with or without Trump are invariably nicer people, more down to earth, more accomodating. Go and talk to them. Don't buy the media story.
patriotism and nationalism will rise again against globalist marxism.
Trump was not a dictator.
Dictators tend to rig elections, not fall to rigged elections.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
THEIR total erasure.
Maybe you live in a Dem city with substandard ecucational standards.
Move to a red state and save yourself.

The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
THEIR total erasure.
Maybe you live in a Dem city with substandard ecucational standards.
Move to a red state and save yourself.
one more time for effect , You can't try to bring down our Demacracy/F and try to force in a piece of shit dictator and even call yourself a American ever again, Your a traitor to this country and this country shoots traitors.

As I said before, your best option in life is to abandon those who have clearly abandoned you.
Biden is not your friend. He loathes the working class of all colours. The MAGA people, with or without Trump are invariably nicer people, more down to earth, more accomodating. Go and talk to them. Don't buy the media story.
patriotism and nationalism will rise again against globalist marxism.
Trump was not a dictator.
Dictators tend to rig elections, not fall to rigged elections.
Your a small small person, a nothing in the order of things , I'm litterally 1000 times more important then you, traitors to this country like you have no value. All anyone has to do to be 1000 times more then you in every way, is just be human.
Remember when Joe Biden and Democrats were saying how those who rule by executive orders were dictators?

I mean, this is real life. This isn't an SNL skit.

If we had a living, breathing media, they'd call him on it. But we don't, it's a Democrat propaganda arm, defending it.
You moron - he hasn't written a single law via EO. He's using them to change policy and reverse TR☭MP's disasters.

Why are Republicans like you such fucking ignoramuses?

LOL Trump "disasters" helped business which Barry's and Biden's did not. Why do you think before the very convenient Chinese virus we had jobs all across this country and a great economy??

It was all because of Trump's "disasters." With Biden you will get the Second Great Depression. You voted for the jack ass so I hope you enjoy cause no other tax payer will.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.
Won't work ace , Anyone who supports trump is pond scum and has to be erased , you don't get to try to bring down our democracy and force in your pile of shit dictator. That's the only thing that counts , my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb means nothing compared to the scum that support Trump and there total erasure from this great country
Wrong. We have a non duly elected illegitimate fraud in office now. Own it. He's all yours.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.

Some stoner deviant, is all. The Democrats have the dumbest and least educated voters; even the average Red Chinese is better informed than their American puppets.
The moron doesn't even know what he's signing. After his morning oatmeal, Pelosi brings in the daily batch of EOs for him to sign. It's straight out of a sit-com only the jokes on us.
What he is doing is erasing the idea even that Trump even existed , we are hoping for 100 in the next few days. erase that pile of shit and then we move on to all of you who supported trying to bring down our republic to force in your pile of shit dictator. Every patriot in this country have you traitors marked for the rest of your lives , you sold out your country , you pissed on our constitution and flag , All pond scum has to go , that is every single one of Trump supporters.
Are you drunk or a POC? Your English is abysmal.

Some stoner deviant, is all. The Democrats have the dumbest and least educated voters; even the average Red Chinese is better informed than their American puppets.
Trouble is as normal the facts don't support you as far as Trump supporters are concerned , they are one large group of dumb fucks. No one even has to ask why.

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