53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.

(watch this)

Do the extremists in the Democrat party drive that party?

Did Obama have the most liberal voting record in the Senate?

Is Nancy Pelosi a radical San Francisco Liberal?

That's different. Somehow. It just is.
53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

...Ummm, I'm black (not bi-racial like Obama) and frankly, I see the man for what he is - a con man.

I would assume that in YOUR world, that makes me an "uncle Tom", right?
I'll handle this for you, RDerp.

How DARE you assume that you have the right to think for yourself! You'd best be thinking what white liberals tell you to think, son, and right now!


Damned uppity coloreds, anyhow!

ROFLMFAO!!!! :clap2:
According to Goldwater republicans and "classic conservatives" (who are in actuality classical liberals) the neocons are extremist.....to the LEFT side.

There's nothing even remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) about interventionist foreign wars, nation building, creating new bureaucracies (EPA, OSHA, DHS, TSA were all created by republicans), new entitlement programs (Medicare D), sacking the OASI trust fund to buy votes, USAPATRIOT Act, NDAA, FISA, the idiotic federal "war" on (some) drugs, the list goes on and on and on.

And now they need to veer even more statist left, to prove that they're not "extreme" to the statist hard left?

I don't think they need to veer left. At all. They need to practice what they preach and actually be limited government, fiscally conservative congressmen, not just when the other party is in office.
It is those people who are being deemed the "crazies" by the leftists, the media, and neocon sellout turds like Boner and McConnell.
Remember, "supporting smaller government" is one of the criteria for this Administration's definition of "potential domestic terrorist".
That's the way to win elections! :thup:

What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

No, that you act more like republicans, not crazy rightwing extremists.

Republicans have lost 4 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

Republicans have lost 5 of the last 6 Presidential popular votes.

Republicans have lost moderates in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

So I guess the answer might be "yes."

Or at least stop being a party so beholden to its base.

Just two years ago the Republicans picked up a historic amount seats in congress. Did they do that by being more like democrats? Of course not. These things are cyclical, but Democrats have fared better, not because their policies are in line what Americans want or believe, more so because of they Democrat's ground game, the media, and Hollywood.

You also failed two years ago to win the Senate, along with gubernatorial elections in New York and California. The GOP did well in 2010 in isolated Congressional districts; but when exposed to a more diverse voting population for Senate and governor races, did poorly. The fact that republicans misread the 2010 elections results was confirmed this year. Also confirmed is the fact a majority of Americans reject the republican message.

Can you explain to me what a Republican is supposed to act like?
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.

Which part of the republican party is extreme?
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.

(watch this)

Do the extremists in the Democrat party drive that party?

Did Obama have the most liberal voting record in the Senate?

Is Nancy Pelosi a radical San Francisco Liberal?

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Spanking the intellectually dishonest is fun.
The dems have done a much better job keeping their crazies in the closet over the last 2 years, if you can't see that, I can't help you.

As to Obama, he is a party man, who doesn't have the balls to stray from party lines in voting, and I wont get in to Pelosi except that if I had my way, she'd retire from politics.

Don't leave out Harry Reid who is not only extreme in my view but the Senate Majority leader Pelosi is about as extreme as it gets I believe the Democrats just sent that radical nut job Alan Grayson back to Congress. The crazy extremist from the left don't get much attention not because the Democrats hide them but because the media ignores them the MSM refer to Republicans as part of the radical or extreme right a good bit yet you never hear Democrats being referred to as part of the extreme or radical left they are always portrayed as moderate or mainstream. There are radical and extremist in both parties but the fact is the press only likes to call attention to them in one party.
It is not the medias job to make sure the American people have a clear understanding of who the republcian party is. The media will go wherever the ratings are, Boehner is a total failure, he has allowed dems to dominate the conversation and becuase of that and those loud nuts in the party, the GOP has been on the defensive constantly trying to combat bad press.

Boner is fixing to lose his job real soon, wont have to worry about him much longer.
The dems have done a much better job keeping their crazies in the closet over the last 2 years, if you can't see that, I can't help you.

As to Obama, he is a party man, who doesn't have the balls to stray from party lines in voting, and I wont get in to Pelosi except that if I had my way, she'd retire from politics.

Don't leave out Harry Reid who is not only extreme in my view but the Senate Majority leader Pelosi is about as extreme as it gets I believe the Democrats just sent that radical nut job Alan Grayson back to Congress. The crazy extremist from the left don't get much attention not because the Democrats hide them but because the media ignores them the MSM refer to Republicans as part of the radical or extreme right a good bit yet you never hear Democrats being referred to as part of the extreme or radical left they are always portrayed as moderate or mainstream. There are radical and extremist in both parties but the fact is the press only likes to call attention to them in one party.
It is not the medias job to make sure the American people have a clear understanding of who the republcian party is. The media will go wherever the ratings are, Boehner is a total failure, he has allowed dems to dominate the conversation and becuase of that and those loud nuts in the party, the GOP has been on the defensive constantly trying to combat bad press.
It's not the medias job to take sides or promote one party over the other either but they do nor is it their job to highlight the extremist in one party and ignore them in the other which they do.It is however the medias job to give the people a honest unbiased fair look at the issues and all the people involved in dealing with them which they have not done. When the people are ready to accept and tolerate a dishonest media your on the track to state run media and one party rule when the media who is supposed to hold those in power accountable for not doing their job are not held accountable for not doing their job your in real trouble.
(watch this)

Do the extremists in the Democrat party drive that party?

Did Obama have the most liberal voting record in the Senate?

Is Nancy Pelosi a radical San Francisco Liberal?

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Spanking the intellectually dishonest is fun.

Speaking of spanking, I think that would be an awesome punishment. Every time these people "On both sides of the isle" votes outside of the constitution, the public should be able to publicly spank them in the ass with a 2x4 in front of the whitehouse. And the president should be forced to watch from the lawn.
Who cares what Americans think at this point?! They showed how much they thought when they re-elected Obama.

61 million is not all of or even half of America.
But I will say if they did not vote they might as well have voted for obama.
It's a sad day that the welfare class dictate to those who have, and those who have worked there ass off to keep from being on welfare.

The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D
Who cares what Americans think at this point?! They showed how much they thought when they re-elected Obama.

61 million is not all of or even half of America.
But I will say if they did not vote they might as well have voted for obama.
It's a sad day that the welfare class dictate to those who have, and those who have worked there ass off to keep from being on welfare.

The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D

I really thought America had a chance - a moonshot chance but a chance nonetheless - to get behind Romney and drive a Reaganesque 'grow our way into balance' economic comeback over the next decade.

Now, even average people just see it as a goodie grab until our creditors cut America off in one globally devastating rejection of our pretend currency.
61 million is not all of or even half of America.
But I will say if they did not vote they might as well have voted for obama.
It's a sad day that the welfare class dictate to those who have, and those who have worked there ass off to keep from being on welfare.

The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D

I really thought America had a chance - a moonshot chance but a chance nonetheless - to get behind Romney and drive a Reaganesque 'grow our way into balance' economic comeback over the next decade.

Now, even average people just see it as a goodie grab until our creditors cut America off in one globally devastating rejection of our pretend currency.

I'm kind of thinking that a cliff diving trip might take some of those damn fuckers with their hands out down a notch or two.
The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D

I really thought America had a chance - a moonshot chance but a chance nonetheless - to get behind Romney and drive a Reaganesque 'grow our way into balance' economic comeback over the next decade.

Now, even average people just see it as a goodie grab until our creditors cut America off in one globally devastating rejection of our pretend currency.

I'm kind of thinking that a cliff diving trip might take some of those damn fuckers with their hands out down a notch or two.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7740YPUiVhI]Cliff jump fail - YouTube[/ame]
61 million is not all of or even half of America.
But I will say if they did not vote they might as well have voted for obama.
It's a sad day that the welfare class dictate to those who have, and those who have worked there ass off to keep from being on welfare.

The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D

I really thought America had a chance - a moonshot chance but a chance nonetheless - to get behind Romney and drive a Reaganesque 'grow our way into balance' economic comeback over the next decade.

Now, even average people just see it as a goodie grab until our creditors cut America off in one globally devastating rejection of our pretend currency.

Romney and Ryan would have been a good choice for this country. I doubt we'll ever get another chance at two people who actually understand how things work.
The world is laughing at us now for being so foolish and if I may, I'd like to paraphrase Michelle Obama: " For the first time in my life I'm embarrassed for my country."
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The funny part is gonna be when the welfare class doesn't get all the freebies they think they have coming. Obama got what he wanted. He's through with those idiots now. You think he's going to deliver on those promises? Any more than he's delivered on anything else? Think again, dummies. But then that's why you're Obama voters in the first place, right?:D:D

I really thought America had a chance - a moonshot chance but a chance nonetheless - to get behind Romney and drive a Reaganesque 'grow our way into balance' economic comeback over the next decade.

Now, even average people just see it as a goodie grab until our creditors cut America off in one globally devastating rejection of our pretend currency.

I'm kind of thinking that a cliff diving trip might take some of those damn fuckers with their hands out down a notch or two.

I just hope it hits Obama voters first and hardest. That would be justice.
53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

...Ummm, I'm black (not bi-racial like Obama) and frankly, I see the man for what he is - a con man.

I would assume that in YOUR world, that makes me an "uncle Tom", right?
I'll handle this for you, RDerp.

How DARE you assume that you have the right to think for yourself! You'd best be thinking what white liberals tell you to think, son, and right now!


Damned uppity coloreds, anyhow!


Trust me when I tell you this...I've heard that more times that I care to admit. But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

I can't recall the democrat politician who was quoted in the 60s as saying "somebody needs to tell these damn darkies to just shut up and let us help 'em"

The very LAST thing that democrats EVER want is for Blacks to not "need" them...

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