53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

"Too extreme" is a leftist meme that basically tells me nothing...."Extreme" as defined how and by whose estimation?


Gosh, I'm crushed. I hope I can recover.


Some day.


I think a lot of Americans are starting to like the "so called" free stuff from the government. They aren't feeling the pinch of the debt that it's creating, and as long as the government can manipulate the dollar it's going to keep happening.
Eventually what goes up has to come down....until that day.....

Go long....then go short....so?
53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

...Ummm, I'm black (not bi-racial like Obama) and frankly, I see the man for what he is - a con man.

I would assume that in YOUR world, that makes me an "uncle Tom", right?
I'll handle this for you, RDerp.

How DARE you assume that you have the right to think for yourself! You'd best be thinking what white liberals tell you to think, son, and right now!


Damned uppity coloreds, anyhow!
I hope the pendulum swings back, but don't assume it will certainly happen. The Democrats held the House for 40 years. We heard all the same apocalyptic scenarios in 08 that didn't happen. If the Republicans don't get competitive, then we can have a long period of Democrat rule. And I think that's a bad thing.

Politics is about attaining power and implementing as much of your agenda as possible, not being ideologically pure and getting all or none. The Republican party today reminds me of the Democrats in the 70s and 80s.

You're probably right, I just don't know how the party can extricate itself from its crazies. Between the influence of the dittoheads and gerrymandering, the crazies probably still have a pretty long run. I'd bet the adults in the party would give up elections in the short term if it meant fumigating the party for the long run.

Must be a skewed poll.

Someone get Dean Chambers on the case.

35% described themselves as Democrats 41% as Independents and 25% as Republican yeah that does seem a tad skewed.

I can't imagine why people aren't self-identifying as Republicans when polled. That's a head-scratcher!

Best to unskew to get more pleasant results. Worked for the Romney campaign.
You're probably right, I just know how the party can extricate itself from its crazies. Between the influence of the dittoheads and gerrymandering, the crazies probably still have a pretty long run. I'd bet the adults in the party would give up elections in the short term if it meant fumigating the party for the long run.

The "adults" in the party are responsible for facilitating the sacking of the OASI "trust fund" to float the socialistic welfare state, the military-industrial complex, the domestic police/nanny state, interventionist foreign wars, nation building, ad nauseum.

If those are the "adults" gimmie the "crazies".
You're probably right, I just know how the party can extricate itself from its crazies. Between the influence of the dittoheads and gerrymandering, the crazies probably still have a pretty long run. I'd bet the adults in the party would give up elections in the short term if it meant fumigating the party for the long run.

The "adults" in the party are responsible for facilitating the sacking of the OASI "trust fund" to float the socialistic welfare state, the military-industrial complex, the domestic police/nanny state, interventionist foreign wars, nation building, ad nauseum.

If those are the "adults" gimmie the "crazies".

Better yet, take Cain's advice and form a third party. If these folks are so sure they have the answers to electoral victory, if they're so sure the RINO's are hurting them, if they're so sure they don't need independents, I wonder what exactly they're waiting for.

Who cares what Americans think at this point?! They showed how much they thought when they re-elected Obama.

61 million is not all of or even half of America.
But I will say if they did not vote they might as well have voted for obama.
It's a sad day that the welfare class dictate to those who have, and those who have worked there ass off to keep from being on welfare.
in other news, 47% of Americans have yet to be swayed by the bullshit spewed by the MSM...

That's the way to win elections! :thup:

What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

No, that you act more like republicans, not crazy rightwing extremists.

What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

Republicans have lost 4 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

Republicans have lost 5 of the last 6 Presidential popular votes.

Republicans have lost moderates in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

So I guess the answer might be "yes."

Or at least stop being a party so beholden to its base.

Just two years ago the Republicans picked up a historic amount seats in congress. Did they do that by being more like democrats? Of course not. These things are cyclical, but Democrats have fared better, not because their policies are in line what Americans want or believe, more so because of they Democrat's ground game, the media, and Hollywood.

You also failed two years ago to win the Senate, along with gubernatorial elections in New York and California. The GOP did well in 2010 in isolated Congressional districts; but when exposed to a more diverse voting population for Senate and governor races, did poorly. The fact that republicans misread the 2010 elections results was confirmed this year. Also confirmed is the fact a majority of Americans reject the republican message.
Must be a skewed poll.

Someone get Dean Chambers on the case.

35% described themselves as Democrats 41% as Independents and 25% as Republican yeah that does seem a tad skewed.

I can't imagine why people aren't self-identifying as Republicans when polled. That's a head-scratcher!

Best to unskew to get more pleasant results. Worked for the Romney campaign.

If a poll is looking for a specific outcome they will be sure to try and get a majority of respondents who will give them that answer when a poll only has 25% who self identify as Republican it makes one wonder how hard they were trying to find them. I'm very sure if a poll was done about extreme Democrats that had the breakdown of 35% Republican 41% Independents and 25% Democrats it would quickly be labeled as a right wing poll perhaps even by you or not at the very least I suspect would question the breakdown.
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.
You're probably right, I just know how the party can extricate itself from its crazies. Between the influence of the dittoheads and gerrymandering, the crazies probably still have a pretty long run. I'd bet the adults in the party would give up elections in the short term if it meant fumigating the party for the long run.

The "adults" in the party are responsible for facilitating the sacking of the OASI "trust fund" to float the socialistic welfare state, the military-industrial complex, the domestic police/nanny state, interventionist foreign wars, nation building, ad nauseum.

If those are the "adults" gimmie the "crazies".

Better yet, take Cain's advice and form a third party. If these folks are so sure they have the answers to electoral victory, if they're so sure the RINO's are hurting them, if they're so sure they don't need independents, I wonder what exactly they're waiting for.

Meh...It's a better strategy to run the neocon tools like Boner, McConnell, Christ and the Bushies out of the GOP.
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.

(watch this)

Do the extremists in the Democrat party drive that party?

Did Obama have the most liberal voting record in the Senate?

Is Nancy Pelosi a radical San Francisco Liberal?

I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.
By whose definition of "extreme"?
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.
In other words you want a liberal version of them democratic party within the GOP?
Once the GOP turns to the left it's over for the GOP.
I try not to let the talk on this site influence me to think most republicans feel like the republicans on here.

I think most of them recognize the extreme aspect of their party, and want to work to prevent those voices from driving the party.


There are a few here (their names are obvious) who I suspect aren't Republicans or even conservatives. They're just angry kids with self-esteem issues who leverage parts of conservatism as a conduit to distribute their impotent rage.

The dems have done a much better job keeping their crazies in the closet over the last 2 years, if you can't see that, I can't help you.

As to Obama, he is a party man, who doesn't have the balls to stray from party lines in voting, and I wont get in to Pelosi except that if I had my way, she'd retire from politics.

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