53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

Fuck off. You racist piece of shit.
in other news, 47% of Americans have yet to be swayed by the bullshit spewed by the MSM...

That's the way to win elections! :thup:

What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

That's exactly what the MSM WANTS Americans to believe.
And yes, those who voted for Obamaclaus and his sleigh full of free shit are already complaining. They are screeching about how businesses are doing certain things to cut the impending taxes and other expenses tied to Obamacare.
Silly ass whining bastards. Not a brain between you. Older than both of you. Yes, I remember how it was in the late 40's, 50's, and 60's. We had people like Joe McCarthy and Westbrook Pegler. We had thieves and killers. But we also had only 150 million people in this nation then. More wide open spaces equals more freedom.

As for the world ending, Daveboy, you are a drama queen. Disappointed by yesterday?:lol:

I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

Well, I was only 4 years old. I didn't have much of a political stance back then. It's a fact that McCarthy, in his drunken haze, in all that time never found ONE 'communist'
Silly ass whining bastards. Not a brain between you. Older than both of you. Yes, I remember how it was in the late 40's, 50's, and 60's. We had people like Joe McCarthy and Westbrook Pegler. We had thieves and killers. But we also had only 150 million people in this nation then. More wide open spaces equals more freedom.

As for the world ending, Daveboy, you are a drama queen. Disappointed by yesterday?:lol:

I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.
That's the way to win elections! :thup:

What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

That's exactly what the MSM WANTS Americans to believe.
And yes, those who voted for Obamaclaus and his sleigh full of free shit are already complaining. They are screeching about how businesses are doing certain things to cut the impending taxes and other expenses tied to Obamacare.

Wait'll Obama's other ideas get a foot hold. Bussinesses are going to stop hiring and lower production to avoid the higher taxes. And Obama care?? Oh God! You don't even want to know what a cluster-shtup that's going to be.
I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.

Yeah, we just discussed that about 2 pages back.
Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.

Yeah, we just discussed that about 2 pages back.
Cool when it's late I usually skip to the last page of post.
I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.

Off topic, but yes. I use that name because I met King once and he autographed my copy of The Stand.
I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

Well, I was only 4 years old. I didn't have much of a political stance back then. It's a fact that McCarthy, in his drunken haze, in all that time never found ONE 'communist'

Yeah, I apologize,that comment wasn't directed at you but rather the "85" year old that posted his curses before you. My bad. Old age is creeping up. :D
Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

Well, I was only 4 years old. I didn't have much of a political stance back then. It's a fact that McCarthy, in his drunken haze, in all that time never found ONE 'communist'

Yeah, I apologize,that comment wasn't directed at you but rather the "85" year old that posted his curses before you. My bad. Old age is creeping up. :D

No prob. To be honest I do remember lobbying for ice cream and staying up past 9 o'clock.:D
Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.

Off topic, but yes. I use that name because I met King once and he autographed my copy of The Stand.
Neat glad you went with that instead of trash can man.
Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

This has nothing to do with the original topic but wasn't Randall Flagg a character in Stephen Kings The Stand.

Off topic, but yes. I use that name because I met King once and he autographed my copy of The Stand.

He autographed my copy of Christine. BIG fan. HUGE!!
Toro, you know how this goes.
Not a democrat nor a member of LULAC could be counted on to look into the future and see how really bad it's going to get in Obama's second term. They have to be not only shown but actually have their noses rubbed in it.
You'll hear America singing a different tune in about a year from now when the free goodies fail to materialize and Obama's spending hits critical mass. The pendulum ALWAYS swings back. I just hope there is something left to swing back to.

I hope the pendulum swings back, but don't assume it will certainly happen. The Democrats held the House for 40 years. We heard all the same apocalyptic scenarios in 08 that didn't happen. If the Republicans don't get competitive, then we can have a long period of Democrat rule. And I think that's a bad thing.

Politics is about attaining power and implementing as much of your agenda as possible, not being ideologically pure and getting all or none. The Republican party today reminds me of the Democrats in the 70s and 80s.

Truth is, Toro, if you are under 35 (Obama's base being young people and freeloaders) you don't remember what this country used to be. You look around at the squalid mess that is todays politics, featuring a snarky, smart-assed 'president' that derides his colleagues AND his constituents like an immature grade-schooler, a congress that only cares about their next raise, political parties being run by Creme de la Cream babies that were brought up to believe there are no winners and no losers and self-esteem is more important than integrity and you think this is how it's supposed to be.
You don't remember a time when we weren't afraid all the time. You don't remember a time when a president, no matter what party, was a guy to be looked up to, not be embarrassed by. You don't remember when the working man had a fair shot and the dollar was worth something.
It's a shame we taught our children to be such crumbs, to think Mommy and Daddy owe them health insurance til they're 26, who have no interest in tryng to make things better because it's just too hard.
I wish they could have seen my America. Warts and all. It would make them ashamed (can we even have that emotion anymore?) that they've settled so cheaply and for so little.
I was around in the 40's, 50's, and 60's and remember those times quite well. Those days, just as today were a mixture of good and bad.

The kids of today are different. There're smarter, more open to new ideas and are less concerned with race, religion, or nationality. They work harder in school and on the job. They expect more from themselves, their community, and their government.

Competition to get into good schools and good jobs was never greater. I think most kids realize that. Unfortunately, there are lot of kids that just don't have what it takes to be successful and they will end up on some form of government support. Being willing to work hard, is just not enough today to be successful.

That's how I see it.
I hope the pendulum swings back, but don't assume it will certainly happen. The Democrats held the House for 40 years. We heard all the same apocalyptic scenarios in 08 that didn't happen. If the Republicans don't get competitive, then we can have a long period of Democrat rule. And I think that's a bad thing.

Politics is about attaining power and implementing as much of your agenda as possible, not being ideologically pure and getting all or none. The Republican party today reminds me of the Democrats in the 70s and 80s.

Truth is, Toro, if you are under 35 (Obama's base being young people and freeloaders) you don't remember what this country used to be. You look around at the squalid mess that is todays politics, featuring a snarky, smart-assed 'president' that derides his colleagues AND his constituents like an immature grade-schooler, a congress that only cares about their next raise, political parties being run by Creme de la Cream babies that were brought up to believe there are no winners and no losers and self-esteem is more important than integrity and you think this is how it's supposed to be.
You don't remember a time when we weren't afraid all the time. You don't remember a time when a president, no matter what party, was a guy to be looked up to, not be embarrassed by. You don't remember when the working man had a fair shot and the dollar was worth something.
It's a shame we taught our children to be such crumbs, to think Mommy and Daddy owe them health insurance til they're 26, who have no interest in tryng to make things better because it's just too hard.
I wish they could have seen my America. Warts and all. It would make them ashamed (can we even have that emotion anymore?) that they've settled so cheaply and for so little.
I was around in the 40's, 50's, and 60's and remember those times quite well. Those days, just as today were a mixture of good and bad.

The kids of today are different. There're smarter, more open to new ideas and are less concerned with race, religion, or nationality. They work harder in school and on the job. They expect more from themselves, their community, and their government.

Competition to get into good schools and good jobs was never greater. I think most kids realize that. Unfortunately, there are lot of kids that just don't have what it takes to be successful and they will end up on some form of government support. Being willing to work hard, is just not enough today to be successful.

That's how I see it.
Well said.
...Ummm, I'm black (not bi-racial like Obama) and frankly, I see the man for what he is - a con man.

I would assume that in YOUR world, that makes me an "uncle Tom", right?
I'll handle this for you, RDerp.

How DARE you assume that you have the right to think for yourself! You'd best be thinking what white liberals tell you to think, son, and right now!


Damned uppity coloreds, anyhow!


Trust me when I tell you this...I've heard that more times that I care to admit. But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

I can't recall the democrat politician who was quoted in the 60s as saying "somebody needs to tell these damn darkies to just shut up and let us help 'em"

The very LAST thing that democrats EVER want is for Blacks to not "need" them...

Your views, of course, will be attacked by liberals -- because your views are not the ones they've decided you should have.
Truth is, Toro, if you are under 35 (Obama's base being young people and freeloaders) you don't remember what this country used to be. You look around at the squalid mess that is todays politics, featuring a snarky, smart-assed 'president' that derides his colleagues AND his constituents like an immature grade-schooler, a congress that only cares about their next raise, political partys being run by Creme de la Cream babies that were brought up to believe there are no winners and no losers and self-esteem is more important than integrity and you think this is how it's supposed to be.
You don't remember a time when we weren't afraid all the time. You don't remember a time when a president, no matter what party, was a guy to be looked up to, not be embarrassed by. You don't remember when the working man had a fair shot and the dollar was worth something.
It's a shame we taught our children to be such crumbs, to think Mommy and Daddy owe them health insurance til they're 26, who have no interest in tryng to make things better because it's just too hard.
I wish they could have seen my America. Warts and all. It would make them ashamed (can we even have that emotion anymore?) that they've settled so cheaply and for so little.

I see you came from the same time as me......you know, everything changes. That's the natural order of the universe. Unfortunately, as Yeats said so well:

Things fall apart; The center does not hold.

Things are quickly falling apart in this country. Very quickly.

Or, as T.S. Elliot stated:

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper

Thanks for your post. I had began to believe that I was the only person left alive who remembered "America"

God bless you!

Silly ass whining bastards. Not a brain between you. Older than both of you. Yes, I remember how it was in the late 40's, 50's, and 60's. We had people like Joe McCarthy and Westbrook Pegler. We had thieves and killers. But we also had only 150 million people in this nation then. More wide open spaces equals more freedom.

As for the world ending, Daveboy, you are a drama queen. Disappointed by yesterday?:lol:
Hey, dumbass. That wasn't me.

Good Gaea, but you're a stupid, stupid little man. How did you ever get the ridiculous idea that you're anything BUT a moron?
I see you came from the same time as me......you know, everything changes. That's the natural order of the universe. Unfortunately, as Yeats said so well:

Things fall apart; The center does not hold.

Things are quickly falling apart in this country. Very quickly.

Or, as T.S. Elliot stated:

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper

Thanks for your post. I had began to believe that I was the only person left alive who remembered "America"

God bless you!

Silly ass whining bastards. Not a brain between you. Older than both of you. Yes, I remember how it was in the late 40's, 50's, and 60's. We had people like Joe McCarthy and Westbrook Pegler. We had thieves and killers. But we also had only 150 million people in this nation then. More wide open spaces equals more freedom.

As for the world ending, Daveboy, you are a drama queen. Disappointed by yesterday?:lol:

I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D
You'll have to excuse Roxy. Like all progressives, all he sees of America are her warts -- exactly as programmed.

I, too, remember America as it was. Optimism. Pride. The idea that hard work brings success.

Now it's gloom. Bitterness. Envy. The idea that other people OWE you a living.

You know why the left hates Ronald Reagan so passionately? Not for anything he did.

He told us it was okay to be proud of America.

The left loathes that idea.

And they still do.
Not a democrat nor a member of LULAC could be counted on to look into the future and see how really bad it's going to get in Obama's second term. They have to be not only shown but actually have their noses rubbed in it.
You'll hear America singing a different tune in about a year from now when the free goodies fail to materialize and Obama's spending hits critical mass. The pendulum ALWAYS swings back. I just hope there is something left to swing back to.

Gee, if you change the name from "Obama" to "Bush" in the reference to spending and you have what liberals were saying at the beginning of Bush's second term. And you know what, there really wasn't anything left to swing back to. When Obama took office the economy was in freefall, the auto industry was about to go out of business, and foreclosures had reached record numbers. Oh, and the entire world's banking system was in crisis.

Think where we would be now if there was some way W could have stolen another election.
He would have to have stolen one to be able to steal another.

But don't let reality get in the way of a good moonbat rant!

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