53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Not a democrat nor a member of LULAC could be counted on to look into the future and see how really bad it's going to get in Obama's second term. They have to be not only shown but actually have their noses rubbed in it.
You'll hear America singing a different tune in about a year from now when the free goodies fail to materialize and Obama's spending hits critical mass. The pendulum ALWAYS swings back. I just hope there is something left to swing back to.

Gee, if you change the name from "Obama" to "Bush" in the reference to spending and you have what liberals were saying at the beginning of Bush's second term. And you know what, there really wasn't anything left to swing back to. When Obama took office the economy was in freefall, the auto industry was about to go out of business, and foreclosures had reached record numbers. Oh, and the entire world's banking system was in crisis.

Think where we would be now if there was some way W could have stolen another election.
What exactly did Bush do to triggor the crisis?
Presidenting while Republican.

That's treason to the progs.
But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

In righty kookland, it's impossible for blacks to be intelligently voting in their own self-interest. The very strong implication they're deliberately making is that blacks are so stupid that they let themselves be controlled.

To think they wonder why blacks don't vote for them. Blacks vote against Republicans not because they're dumb, but because they're smart enough to recognize the disgusting patronizing racism of the right.
I DID say warts and all. Nice thing was we didn't have to hear quite as much from people like you, either.:D

Yep, and there were many warts. As a Black man, I have a suspicion that I have seen more "warts" than most of you here. This country is in FAR worse condition than it was then.

But unlike you, and those like you, the majority of Americans "back then" tried to work together for the common good. I also notice that several of you "old-timers" constantly bring up Joe McCarthy. I remember Joe McCarthy as well. He was a paranoid, joke of a man who was concerned for his country.

Did he haul YOU before Congress? Or did you luck out and stay under the radar?

Well, I was only 4 years old. I didn't have much of a political stance back then. It's a fact that McCarthy, in his drunken haze, in all that time never found ONE 'communist'
You would, in fact, be wrong about that.
Who cares what Americans think at this point?! They showed how much they thought when they re-elected Obama.

Are you retarded? I care. The fact that Americans see the GOP as too extreme is a great thing for America. If you don't like how your fellow citizens voted, don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Shut the fuck up. You don't even realize how extreme you are, extremely stupid that is. You think anyone who cares about freedom is extreme. Go fuck yourself, asshole!

That's great, just tell everyone you disagree with to go fuck themselves. It's no wonder you guys can't win an election. Keep it up and come 2014 you guys are gonna get bitch slapped so hard you may not wake back up until 2020.
53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

you should be banned
I think a lot of Americans are starting to like the "so called" free stuff from the government. They aren't feeling the pinch of the debt that it's creating, and as long as the government can manipulate the dollar it's going to keep happening.
Eventually what goes up has to come down....until that day.....

you still going with that "free stuff" nonsense?

it has nothing to do with "free stuff". it has to do with -- the proven failure of the policies of the right.

if it were 'free stuff', the red states, which take way more from the feds than they give, would be blue states.
I think a lot of Americans are starting to like the "so called" free stuff from the government. They aren't feeling the pinch of the debt that it's creating, and as long as the government can manipulate the dollar it's going to keep happening.
Eventually what goes up has to come down....until that day.....

you still going with that "free stuff" nonsense?

it has nothing to do with "free stuff". it has to do with -- the proven failure of the policies of the right.

if it were 'free stuff', the red states, which take way more from the feds than they give, would be blue states.

lol, and we are seeing the successful polices of the left with 8% unemployment, record numbers on welfare, etc etc

and with Obama being re-elected with his horrible record maybe Mister hit the nail on the head

I have to hand it to the Republicans.

Some people might be depressed, ashamed and profoundly introspective after what happened in November, but not them.

Ideology is a powerful, powerful thing.


yeah, almost 50% of the people voted against your Dear leader and Democrats but they are supposed to be ashamed

give us a friggen break

you're really no better than anyone else..for hack partisanship
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(watch this)

Do the extremists in the Democrat party drive that party?

No. When was the last time the far left wing side of the Democratic party held the country hostage? Did any of those "Communists" that Allen West sussed out ever sign a pledge to a Grover Norquist-like individual? Yeah, didn't think so.

Did Obama have the most liberal voting record in the Senate?

No. How can you say, with a straight face, that Obama is more "liberal" than Bernie Sanders. Seriously?

Is Nancy Pelosi a radical San Francisco Liberal?

A San Francisco Liberal, yes. Radical, no.

I have to hand it to the Republicans.

Some people might be depressed, ashamed and profoundly introspective after what happened in November, but not them.

Ideology is a powerful, powerful thing.


yeah, almost 50% of the people voted against your Dear leader and Democrats but they are supposed to be ashamed

give us a friggen break

you're really no better than anyone else..for hack partisanship

An illustration of my point.


I have to hand it to the Republicans.

Some people might be depressed, ashamed and profoundly introspective after what happened in November, but not them.

Ideology is a powerful, powerful thing.


yeah, almost 50% of the people voted against your Dear leader and Democrats but they are supposed to be ashamed

give us a friggen break

you're really no better than anyone else..for hack partisanship

An illustration of my point.


who cares..you just proved my point too
yeah, almost 50% of the people voted against your Dear leader and Democrats but they are supposed to be ashamed

give us a friggen break

you're really no better than anyone else..for hack partisanship

An illustration of my point.


who cares..you just proved my point too

Wow Steph...that's such an original response. I haven't heard it since grade school.

who cares..you just proved my point too

Wow Steph...that's such an original response. I haven't heard it since grade school.


well I'm happy for you

In U.S., Nearly Half Identify as Economically Conservative

Conservatives out number liberals almost two to one .. 46% to 20% on economic issues
On social issues..38% conservatives to 28% liberal..
Still more of us Americans are conservative economically/socially then YOU NON-AMERICAN liberals.

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