53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

why should I, you people don't ever see anything the democrats need to change..
you think people who are Republicans should be ashamed

So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?

So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?



The ultimate equivocating bitch accuses someone of fence-straddling.

Simply precious.

So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?


Using logic and reason I would have to say it is because deep down they know these positions aren't sustainable. Of course, with these type of extreme positions, logic and reason don't mean a hill of beans.

Merry Christmas!

That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?



The ultimate equivocating bitch accuses someone of fence-straddling.

Simply precious.


Perhaps I could get a response from someone who represents either the GOP or conservatism.

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why should I, you people don't ever see anything the democrats need to change..
you think people who are Republicans should be ashamed

So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

LOL. Then rename the party the Whigs. Because that is where you people will be at. Either pick up the mantle of the party of Eisenhower, or die.
they are conservatives.

they are against any change by nature.

that is what makes them cons.

the USING of this basic position by the wealthy influences is why they are now so insane and disfunctional.

they have molded the right into such a perverse creature that holds contridictory and shallow believes over the last few years that now they are left to their basic tendenancy.

Resist change at all costs.

the only problem is everything they believe is now based in lies from fox news
They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

I'd love to see this happen. If the hardcore absolutists are so sure they can win on their own -- and they clearly are -- then they should stop complaining about "RINO's" and moderates and get on with it. Start a new party, let's go.

What are they waiting for?

So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

LOL. Then rename the party the Whigs. Because that is where you people will be at. Either pick up the mantle of the party of Eisenhower, or die.

Conservatism will never die. Neither will liberlism. There will be however realignments to both as the years go by. Does the republican party need a realignment? I'd say yes, and I've already posted what I feel they need to do.
So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

LOL. Then rename the party the Whigs. Because that is where you people will be at. Either pick up the mantle of the party of Eisenhower, or die.

yeah. Wonder how much longer the super wealthy rw's can stand being associated w/ their zany base.
i'm surprised it's not a larger number.

Right. That leaves 47 % who think they aren't too extreme. I wonder what percentage thinks both parties are too extreme?

There is extremism on both ends of the spectrum. Republicans get strapped with you Libertarian freaks even though you really don't vote for them.

But we reject your extremism. I mean, we ran Mitt Romney for POTUS, for cryin out loud!

Democrats, on the other hand, are controlled by their extreme elements.

POLL: Voters more likely to see Democrats as dominated by extremists - The Hill

As usual, the point evades you. "Extremism" is in the eye of the beholder. I certainly reject your neo-con authoritarian bullshit as extreme, and would expect you to be against anything that didn't fall in line with that ideology as 'extreme' in your view.
They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

I'd love to see this happen. If the hardcore absolutists are so sure they can win on their own -- and they clearly are -- then they should stop complaining about "RINO's" and moderates and get on with it. Start a new party, let's go.

What are they waiting for?


They're no more "hard core absolutists" than liberals are. In fact at this point the greatest "hard core absolutists" in our government is obama. To him it's "my way or the highway." You know it, I know it, we all know... however it seems only those who don't worship obama will admit it.

The republicans need to find their back bone and get rid of the weasels. Yes, conservatism can win, someone who will stand their ground will win, we found that out in 2010 when the Tea Party gave the democrats a "shellacking." The only people that are all up in arms and ridiculing and calling names are the "hard core libroid hacks," because UNDERSTANDABLY, they HATE true conservatives and are doing everything in their power to run them down, so they created this false narrative that true conservatives can't win, when nothing could be further from the truth. Romney got the moderate vote in HUGE numbers, those coveted MIDDLE ground people, and he still LOST the election. Why? Because he DIDN'T GET THE CONSERVATIVE VOTE! The republicans need a person to say what needs to be said and not be afraid. I see the republicans right now as a bunch of discombooberated pussies afraid of everything. When they find their balls they'll reemerge as winners. 'Til then, they'll keep losing elections.
A second poll by the Washington Post/ABC News supports the findings of the CNN poll.

Republicans have a message problem, not a messenger problem

A majority of Americans (53 percent) say the Republicans’ problem is that they are overly conservative and unconcerned “with the welfare of the people, particularly those in the lower and middle income levels.” By contrast, 38 percent say the bigger issue is that Republicans “need a better leader to explain and win support” for their policies.

They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

I'd love to see this happen. If the hardcore absolutists are so sure they can win on their own -- and they clearly are -- then they should stop complaining about "RINO's" and moderates and get on with it. Start a new party, let's go.

What are they waiting for?


They're no more "hard core absolutists" than liberals are. In fact at this point the greatest "hard core absolutists" in our government is obama. To him it's "my way or the highway." You know it, I know it, we all know... however it seems only those who don't worship obama will admit it.

The republicans need to find their back bone and get rid of the weasels. Yes, conservatism can win, someone who will stand their ground will win, we found that out in 2010 when the Tea Party gave the democrats a "shellacking." The only people that are all up in arms and ridiculing and calling names are the "hard core libroid hacks," because UNDERSTANDABLY, they HATE true conservatives and are doing everything in their power to run them down, so they created this false narrative that true conservatives can't win, when nothing could be further from the truth. Romney got the moderate vote in HUGE numbers, those coveted MIDDLE ground people, and he still LOST the election. Why? Because he DIDN'T GET THE CONSERVATIVE VOTE! The republicans need a person to say what needs to be said and not be afraid. I see the republicans right now as a bunch of discombooberated pussies afraid of everything. When they find their balls they'll reemerge as winners. 'Til then, they'll keep losing elections.

We'll have to disagree on who the hardcore absolutists are. Right now, all I see (and all voters see) is a small group from one party in one of the three branches of government holding everything up because they absolutely refuse to budge on anything.

But anyway, I'm trying to get to the bottom line here, and it's been tough as hell for me to get a straight answer from the others.

You're saying that, if the GOP gets rid of those they feel are RINO's and moderates, they'll be able to win more elections?

They need to get rid of the RINO's and moderates is what they need to do. Let them start their own party... call themselves "The Fence Sitting Party."

Because so called republicans constantly caving in to obama and the socialist democrat party is a losing strategy. We found that out in the last election.

LOL. Then rename the party the Whigs. Because that is where you people will be at. Either pick up the mantle of the party of Eisenhower, or die.

yeah. Wonder how much longer the super wealthy rw's can stand being associated w/ their zany base.

dotty dear, 7 out of the top 10 wealthy in congress ARE Democrats..
and they for sure put up with their zany base because they know they will vote for a letter D, not the person, their integrity, morals, standards or anything else..
not something you all should be proud of being looked at as just useful tools
Must be a skewed poll.

Someone get Dean Chambers on the case.

35% described themselves as Democrats 41% as Independents and 25% as Republican yeah that does seem a tad skewed.

I can't imagine why people aren't self-identifying as Republicans when polled. That's a head-scratcher!

Best to unskew to get more pleasant results. Worked for the Romney campaign.

Plus, if you do the math-thingy, equalize the number of Republicans and Democrats, and assume all Republicans don't think the GOP is too extreme while all Democrats do, the number of Americans who think the Republican party is too extreme falls from 53% to 48%, i.e. keep moving, nothing to see here.
A second poll by the Washington Post/ABC News supports the findings of the CNN poll.

Republicans have a message problem, not a messenger problem

A majority of Americans (53 percent) say the Republicans’ problem is that they are overly conservative and unconcerned “with the welfare of the people, particularly those in the lower and middle income levels.” By contrast, 38 percent say the bigger issue is that Republicans “need a better leader to explain and win support” for their policies.



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