53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

I doubt most of the partisan idiots on USMB even looked at the poll results with any objective POV.

The interesting point to note was that the Republicans were not considered "Too Extreme" (36%) in September 2010 (before they controlled the HoR). However, two years after after winning the November 2010 elections that gained their majority in the HoR, they became "Too extreme?" (53%).

Also interesting is that they MAINTAINED their majority in November 2012 even though they are considered "Too Extreme."

Conclusion: Being "Too Extreme" seems to be a good thing for the Republican Party.
Rule of thumb:

If it pisses off the progs, it's good for America.

Rule of thumb #2

If it pisses off all the moderates, it's not.
So, just trying to get an answer here, your answer is "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything."

Is that correct?


That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?


Okay, I'll bite. What is this burning question you want answered? And for Gawd's sake don't come at me with a bunch of politspeak and the expectation that anything you ask has an absolute true false answer.
Oh, believe me, I completely understand. I grew up with it. You see, in the mind of a democrat, liberal; I was born to serve one purpose - To depend on the "kindness" of those "appointed" over me, to serve their needs and to be a thorn In the sides of republicans. Nothing more, nothing less. Just stand there with my hand out and wait for the kindness to flow from my "liberal, rich, white 'Massas"

I have, however, noticed that, of late, the "newest slaves to the party" are actually becoming the homosexuals and women. Suddenly, those groups need the "protection" of the liberals, because, after all..the mean old white guys in the Republican Party are trying to take all their "rights" away from them. Fear is a great arbiter used to control, isn't it?

Again, I was brought up to believe a simple slogan that my Father LIVED by:

Always check the left hand of the man that offers the right hand in help.

A wise man, your father.

It's amazing the number of people who simply aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals, isn't it?

Makes you wonder how this nation got as far as it did without their help.

Couldn't agree more. My Pastor, years ago, spoke of "a hand up - not a hand out". Unfortunately, members of my race have been so conditioned to believe that they aren't capable of achieving anything without the help of government, that many have fallen by the way-side and have simply "given in". They are as much slaves today as the were 125 years ago.

Now, as I said earlier, The democrat machine, knowing that they already have the Black citizens under their thumb, have began their enslavement of homosexuals and women. Fear of the unknown makes willing slaves, when offered the "perceived" blanket of protection from the democrats.

How come blacks and hispanics never learn? Obama didn't give either demographic what he promised them and they still voted for him. I understand LULAC sent him an IOU recently. Lets see if he ignores it or not. I still say Obama is done with the blacks and hispanics now. He got what he wanted from them and now they no longer matter to him.
That would be my answer...keep going on the same track GOP and the Dems will be in control for at least the next 20 years. (not that I think that is a good thing, but actions have consequences)

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?


Okay, I'll bite. What is this burning question you want answered? And for Gawd's sake don't come at me with a bunch of politspeak and the expectation that anything you ask has an absolute true false answer.

Great. The GOP lost an election it should not have lost in 2012 - unemployment at 8%, a very vulnerable President, etc., etc. Yet, all I'm seeing and hearing is Republicans blaming someone else (i.e., stupid voters, RINO's, moderate Republicans) for their losses, and many here who seem to think that everything is fine.

So, does the GOP need to change anything?

The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?


Okay, I'll bite. What is this burning question you want answered? And for Gawd's sake don't come at me with a bunch of politspeak and the expectation that anything you ask has an absolute true false answer.

Great. The GOP lost an election it should not have lost in 2012 - unemployment at 8%, a very vulnerable President, etc., etc. Yet, all I'm seeing and hearing is Republicans blaming someone else (i.e., stupid voters, RINO's, moderate Republicans) for their losses, and many here who seem to think that everything is fine.

So, does the GOP need to change anything?


No one I know is blaming anyone or any of the dumb things you listed...And why do they need to change anything when they nearly BEAT a incumbent President..that is the stupidity of your question
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The strange thing to me is that I can never get one of them to answer that direct question. What does that mean?



The ultimate equivocating bitch accuses someone of fence-straddling.

Simply precious.


Perhaps I could get a response from someone who represents either the GOP or conservatism.


Okay, here are my credentials. I believe anything a woman does with her own body is between herself, her doctor and her God. I don't give a damn who marries who. But when it comes to my pocket book get your hands OFF. I'll be the judge of how my money is spent, not some whiney little community organizer who's never handled over $200 in his life that wasn't handed to him. I want my bills READ before they're passed. I want my sec'y of state to not let ANYTHING stop her from coming forth when our people are attacked overseas. I want to know my representatives aren't using their positions to make good buys in the stock market. I'd like a president that cares more about creating a budget than getting his picture taken while he pats himself on the back and I want MY FUCKING MONEY BACK when my elected officials don't perform.
Will that serve??
Okay, here are my credentials. I believe anything a woman does with her own body is between herself, her doctor and her God. I don't give a damn who marries who.

On this we can agree. NOT having an abortion is also a choice. If you personally oppose abortion, don't have one. This should be a no-brainer in the land of liberty.

But when it comes to my pocket book get your hands OFF. I'll be the judge of how my money is spent, not some whiney little community organizer who's never handled over $200 in his life that wasn't handed to him.

This relentless vilifying of social programs by the right misses the point entirely. You have entire communities who are struggling. Literally millions of young people are growing up in poverty with few opportunities or outlets to develop their potential. Unless serious steps are taken to improve education, nutrition and opportunties, this group will truly become a permanent underclass.

I want my bills READ before they're passed.

On this we can agree. I would go further and say that I am tired of politicians who vote against something which would be good for the country just because the other side introduced it. I say this about BOTH sides.

I want my sec'y of state to not let ANYTHING stop her from coming forth when our people are attacked overseas.

Not even national security interests? Because the CIA has testified that THEY asked the SoS and the White House not to disclose that they had information about a terrorist attack because that would have blown their cover in Benghazi and revealed that the CIA there was listening into their radio transmissions. Because the Republicans, who were aware of this operation because of their seats on the Senate oversight committee, forced the CIA into making this public admission, now the terrorists know that the CIA is monitoring their radio traffic, and the entire operation has been blown. Well done, Republicans!!!

I want to know my representatives aren't using their positions to make good buys in the stock market.

Or in any other way, profitting from their position as an elected representative. But my biggest issue is with PAC's and their funding of election campaigns. The Citizen's United decision needs to be overturned. Corporations are NOT people, they cannot vote, and their rights as a "person" are limited to the ability to own and deal with property as can a person. The broader interpretation of corporate rights as a person beyond that of property ownership has further corrupted the political process.

I'd like a president that cares more about creating a budget than getting his picture taken while he pats himself on the back and I want MY FUCKING MONEY BACK when my elected officials don't perform.
Will that serve??

You seem blinded by your hatred of Obama. Part of the President's JOB is to get his picture taken. And given the mess he was given to deal with he's not done a bad job, despite the Republicans avowed campaign to limit his presidency to one term.

No politican manages to get everything done that they set out to do. I knew when Obama was first elected that he would be a huge disappointment to many because no one could have possibly fulfilled all of the expectations that were heaped upon him, especially given that the economy was in freefall when he took office.

In some regards, he's done better than I would have expected (getting the ACA passed in the teeth of formidable opposition, foreign policy - ending the wars, killing Bin Laden, slowing the growth of government spending in a very bad economy), and in others, he's disappointed (totally lacked a spine in dealing with Republicans until recently, could cut military spending but must be careful about job losses).

The thing is, either way, it's not YOUR money. It's the amount you paid in taxes for the infrastructure, public education, opportunity to live in a democratic society, and the freedom and security to enjoy them all. Once you pay your fair share, you get to participate in the discussion of how the public purse is spent, but your side lost the election. You want to change things, fine, but you have to wait another two years before anything can happen.
The bitter, hate group that posts here could save themselves some time by just typing "ditto" over and over again.

Obama won. Deal with it.
53% of American voters are morons who want the govt to take care of them because they're too stupid,l incompentent or lazy to take care of themselves. This nation would be much better off if this 53% could be eliminated from our voting rolls.
Okay, I'll bite. What is this burning question you want answered? And for Gawd's sake don't come at me with a bunch of politspeak and the expectation that anything you ask has an absolute true false answer.

Great. The GOP lost an election it should not have lost in 2012 - unemployment at 8%, a very vulnerable President, etc., etc. Yet, all I'm seeing and hearing is Republicans blaming someone else (i.e., stupid voters, RINO's, moderate Republicans) for their losses, and many here who seem to think that everything is fine.

So, does the GOP need to change anything?


No one I know is blaming anyone or any of the dumb things you listed...And why do they need to change anything when they nearly BEAT a incumbent President..that is the stupidity of your question

Holy crap, my freakin' kingdom for a freakin' straight answer.

So that's a "no", correct?



The ultimate equivocating bitch accuses someone of fence-straddling.

Simply precious.


Perhaps I could get a response from someone who represents either the GOP or conservatism.


Okay, here are my credentials. I believe anything a woman does with her own body is between herself, her doctor and her God. I don't give a damn who marries who. But when it comes to my pocket book get your hands OFF. I'll be the judge of how my money is spent, not some whiney little community organizer who's never handled over $200 in his life that wasn't handed to him. I want my bills READ before they're passed. I want my sec'y of state to not let ANYTHING stop her from coming forth when our people are attacked overseas. I want to know my representatives aren't using their positions to make good buys in the stock market. I'd like a president that cares more about creating a budget than getting his picture taken while he pats himself on the back and I want MY FUCKING MONEY BACK when my elected officials don't perform.
Will that serve??

So that's a "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything", right?


I never really expect straight answers from partisans on either end of the spectrum, but I think I deserve an "A" for effort!


Great. The GOP lost an election it should not have lost in 2012 - unemployment at 8%, a very vulnerable President, etc., etc. Yet, all I'm seeing and hearing is Republicans blaming someone else (i.e., stupid voters, RINO's, moderate Republicans) for their losses, and many here who seem to think that everything is fine.

So, does the GOP need to change anything?


No one I know is blaming anyone or any of the dumb things you listed...And why do they need to change anything when they nearly BEAT a incumbent President..that is the stupidity of your question

Holy crap, my freakin' kingdom for a freakin' straight answer.

So that's a "no", correct?


Absolutely they need to change something. A lot of somethings. But it would certainly help if every grass roots movement wasn't co-opted by the lunatics. People listen too much to the loons and think, because they get all the press, that we all feel that way. Nonsense.
Your question is loaded because you are working from a false assumption. Most of us have a pretty good grip on whats going on in this country and nobody ever hears from us.
I think BOTH parties could do with a little clean-out.
The ONLY reason Obama was re-elected is because of LULAC and freeloaders.

Perhaps I could get a response from someone who represents either the GOP or conservatism.


Okay, here are my credentials. I believe anything a woman does with her own body is between herself, her doctor and her God. I don't give a damn who marries who. But when it comes to my pocket book get your hands OFF. I'll be the judge of how my money is spent, not some whiney little community organizer who's never handled over $200 in his life that wasn't handed to him. I want my bills READ before they're passed. I want my sec'y of state to not let ANYTHING stop her from coming forth when our people are attacked overseas. I want to know my representatives aren't using their positions to make good buys in the stock market. I'd like a president that cares more about creating a budget than getting his picture taken while he pats himself on the back and I want MY FUCKING MONEY BACK when my elected officials don't perform.
Will that serve??

So that's a "no, the GOP doesn't need to change anything", right?


I think my basic views encompass issues both partys are sensitive about. I'm independent and that's not just a political stance, it's a way of life.

I never really expect straight answers from partisans on either end of the spectrum, but I think I deserve an "A" for effort!



I gave you a straight answer. You just need to summon the brains to process it.:D
Absolutely they need to change something. A lot of somethings. But it would certainly help if every grass roots movement wasn't co-opted by the lunatics. People listen too much to the loons and think, because they get all the press, that we all feel that way. Nonsense.
Your question is loaded because you are working from a false assumption. Most of us have a pretty good grip on whats going on in this country and nobody ever hears from us.
I think BOTH parties could do with a little clean-out.

The ONLY reason Obama was re-elected is because of LULAC and freeloaders.

Agree completely with much of that. The Tea Party, for example, had my attention in its early days when its message was about responsible spending. But then the Palin/Bachmann/Beck brigade co-opted it and it was off to the loon races.

And I do agree with your point "most of us have a pretty good grip on whats going on in this country and nobody ever hears from us." Amen - the loons have not only supplied the energy, they've also been the loudest. The party's problem is that the media is going to give all the attention to the loons and not to the adults. These people have wrecked the GOP brand, at least temporarily.

I even think it's possible the GOP can avoid changing its stance on the issues if it would just fix its horrific messaging - and marginalize the loons.

Okay, here are my credentials. I believe anything a woman does with her own body is between herself, her doctor and her God. I don't give a damn who marries who.

On this we can agree. NOT having an abortion is also a choice. If you personally oppose abortion, don't have one. This should be a no-brainer in the land of liberty.

But when it comes to my pocket book get your hands OFF. I'll be the judge of how my money is spent, not some whiney little community organizer who's never handled over $200 in his life that wasn't handed to him.

This relentless vilifying of social programs by the right misses the point entirely. You have entire communities who are struggling. Literally millions of young people are growing up in poverty with few opportunities or outlets to develop their potential. Unless serious steps are taken to improve education, nutrition and opportunties, this group will truly become a permanent underclass.

On this we can agree. I would go further and say that I am tired of politicians who vote against something which would be good for the country just because the other side introduced it. I say this about BOTH sides.

Not even national security interests? Because the CIA has testified that THEY asked the SoS and the White House not to disclose that they had information about a terrorist attack because that would have blown their cover in Benghazi and revealed that the CIA there was listening into their radio transmissions. Because the Republicans, who were aware of this operation because of their seats on the Senate oversight committee, forced the CIA into making this public admission, now the terrorists know that the CIA is monitoring their radio traffic, and the entire operation has been blown. Well done, Republicans!!!

I want to know my representatives aren't using their positions to make good buys in the stock market.

Or in any other way, profitting from their position as an elected representative. But my biggest issue is with PAC's and their funding of election campaigns. The Citizen's United decision needs to be overturned. Corporations are NOT people, they cannot vote, and their rights as a "person" are limited to the ability to own and deal with property as can a person. The broader interpretation of corporate rights as a person beyond that of property ownership has further corrupted the political process.

I'd like a president that cares more about creating a budget than getting his picture taken while he pats himself on the back and I want MY FUCKING MONEY BACK when my elected officials don't perform.
Will that serve??

You seem blinded by your hatred of Obama. Part of the President's JOB is to get his picture taken. And given the mess he was given to deal with he's not done a bad job, despite the Republicans avowed campaign to limit his presidency to one term.

No politican manages to get everything done that they set out to do. I knew when Obama was first elected that he would be a huge disappointment to many because no one could have possibly fulfilled all of the expectations that were heaped upon him, especially given that the economy was in freefall when he took office.

In some regards, he's done better than I would have expected (getting the ACA passed in the teeth of formidable opposition, foreign policy - ending the wars, killing Bin Laden, slowing the growth of government spending in a very bad economy), and in others, he's disappointed (totally lacked a spine in dealing with Republicans until recently, could cut military spending but must be careful about job losses).

The thing is, either way, it's not YOUR money. It's the amount you paid in taxes for the infrastructure, public education, opportunity to live in a democratic society, and the freedom and security to enjoy them all. Once you pay your fair share, you get to participate in the discussion of how the public purse is spent, but your side lost the election. You want to change things, fine, but you have to wait another two years before anything can happen.

Blind hatred don't cover it, Sis. I think he's a monster and re-electing him is the most irresponsible, lackluster dangerous move this country has ever made!
'Done pretty good ' my ass. He hasn't done ANYTHING except whine about the republicans being mean to him. Hell, he's never even passed a budget.
Personally I think we'll look back some day and thank the republican party for NOT letting that selfserving, petty, tyranical little pisher have his way and run this country into the ground.
Stick to yer guns boys. Back that little twit right off that fiscal cliff!:D:D:D

wouldnt a tyrant not let this country go over a fiscal cliff and just ram something through by decree? Wouldnt he have done this you know 2 years ago instead of trying to work with the right?

Obama, the biggest limp-wristed, war monger, who is a tyrant, but can't do anything, but will come and take your guns, and toss you into a fema camp.

i love rightwing thinking.

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