53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

I doubt most of the partisan idiots on USMB even looked at the poll results with any objective POV.

The interesting point to note was that the Republicans were not considered "Too Extreme" (36%) in September 2010 (before they controlled the HoR). However, two years after after winning the November 2010 elections that gained their majority in the HoR, they became "Too extreme?" (53%).

Also interesting is that they MAINTAINED their majority in November 2012 even though they are considered "Too Extreme."

Conclusion: Being "Too Extreme" seems to be a good thing for the Republican Part
Rule of thumb:

If it pisses off the progs, it's good for America.

Rule of thumb #2

If it pisses off all the moderates, it's not.

What did Repubs in the 112th congress do between 2010 and 2012 that was not moderate?

Was it S. 365
"Budget Control Act of 2011"
An act to provide for budget control

That was too extreme?
Rule of thumb:

If it pisses off the progs, it's good for America.

Rule of thumb #2

If it pisses off all the moderates, it's not.

What did Repubs in the 112th congress do between 2010 and 2012 that was not moderate?

Was it S. 365
"Budget Control Act of 2011"
An act to provide for budget control

That was too extreme?

The poll didn't say.

But the majority of Americans blamed the Republican Congress for the debt ceiling debacle. The Ryan budget was a big reason why the Republicans to lost a NY by-election in a district they held for decades. Right now, they are blaming the Republicans for going over the Fiscal Cliff, which we are about to.

So you tell me.
Are you retarded? I care. The fact that Americans see the GOP as too extreme is a great thing for America. If you don't like how your fellow citizens voted, don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Shut the fuck up. You don't even realize how extreme you are, extremely stupid that is. You think anyone who cares about freedom is extreme. Go fuck yourself, asshole!

That's great, just tell everyone you disagree with to go fuck themselves. It's no wonder you guys can't win an election. Keep it up and come 2014 you guys are gonna get bitch slapped so hard you may not wake back up until 2020.

I may agree but that is not what the OP stated.
He told the other OP to fuck himself. Not every person with which he does not agree.
Quite frankly, you people have been gloating over what is essentially very little. Obama retained the White House. Your side made only slight gains in Congress.
Your side LOST several governor's seats and a few states now are dominated by the GOP that have had democrat control for decades.
53% of the population intends to rob 47% of the population. The bad news is the 47% intend to stop them.
So wanting to stop the debt from going to 30 trillion dollars within the next 15 years is too extreme? I think your communism is too extreme.

Goddamn this country is finished.
A wise man, your father.

It's amazing the number of people who simply aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals, isn't it?

Makes you wonder how this nation got as far as it did without their help.

Couldn't agree more. My Pastor, years ago, spoke of "a hand up - not a hand out". Unfortunately, members of my race have been so conditioned to believe that they aren't capable of achieving anything without the help of government, that many have fallen by the way-side and have simply "given in". They are as much slaves today as the were 125 years ago.

Now, as I said earlier, The democrat machine, knowing that they already have the Black citizens under their thumb, have began their enslavement of homosexuals and women. Fear of the unknown makes willing slaves, when offered the "perceived" blanket of protection from the democrats.

How come blacks and hispanics never learn? Obama didn't give either demographic what he promised them and they still voted for him. I understand LULAC sent him an IOU recently. Lets see if he ignores it or not. I still say Obama is done with the blacks and hispanics now. He got what he wanted from them and now they no longer matter to him.

Excellent point. How come blacks and Hispanics never learn? I can answer your question with a question: Why do Hollywood Jews support Obama turning Americas back on Israel? I don't know, but I find it disgusting.

Hispanic support is probably easier to understand because they (Hispanics) are looking to become the voting majority in the near future and want as many of their countrymen here to hurry the process up. My old co-workers, all Americans, absolutely hated the illegals. In their words "all they do is drive down wages" and, frankly, that has proven true time and time again.

Blacks have been programmed for generations to sit back and take. I was raised quite the opposite. My Old Man was constantly on my Brother and Sister (as well as me) to "expect nothing and accept nothing that you haven't worked for" I, as well as my Brother (RIP) and my Sister worked all our lives, graduated High School, served our country, came home and graduated from University.

But then again, My Old Man was one of those worthless republicans......:lol:
Any paragraph that starts with "how come this race doesn't" is usually followed by a heap of stereotypes and a lot of slanted opinion.
I'd love to see this happen. If the hardcore absolutists are so sure they can win on their own -- and they clearly are -- then they should stop complaining about "RINO's" and moderates and get on with it. Start a new party, let's go.

What are they waiting for?


They're no more "hard core absolutists" than liberals are. In fact at this point the greatest "hard core absolutists" in our government is obama. To him it's "my way or the highway." You know it, I know it, we all know... however it seems only those who don't worship obama will admit it.

The republicans need to find their back bone and get rid of the weasels. Yes, conservatism can win, someone who will stand their ground will win, we found that out in 2010 when the Tea Party gave the democrats a "shellacking." The only people that are all up in arms and ridiculing and calling names are the "hard core libroid hacks," because UNDERSTANDABLY, they HATE true conservatives and are doing everything in their power to run them down, so they created this false narrative that true conservatives can't win, when nothing could be further from the truth. Romney got the moderate vote in HUGE numbers, those coveted MIDDLE ground people, and he still LOST the election. Why? Because he DIDN'T GET THE CONSERVATIVE VOTE! The republicans need a person to say what needs to be said and not be afraid. I see the republicans right now as a bunch of discombooberated pussies afraid of everything. When they find their balls they'll reemerge as winners. 'Til then, they'll keep losing elections.

We'll have to disagree on who the hardcore absolutists are. Right now, all I see (and all voters see) is a small group from one party in one of the three branches of government holding everything up because they absolutely refuse to budge on anything.

But anyway, I'm trying to get to the bottom line here, and it's been tough as hell for me to get a straight answer from the others.

You're saying that, if the GOP gets rid of those they feel are RINO's and moderates, they'll be able to win more elections?


Correct. Liberalism is destroying the nation.
The kind of far left liberalism we see from Obama and his followers is pushing the nation too far to the left. It's all about "what will government do for me".
The Obama admin has divided this country so deeply, it may take years to correct this.
This is what liberalism stand for. Place people into groups and pit them against each other.
The other day, Obama made a speech. In that speech he said "no one will get everything they want." That was a lie.
Obama's enormous ego will not allow for anything but his way.
Excellent point. How come blacks and Hispanics never learn? I can answer your question with a question: Why do Hollywood Jews support Obama turning Americas back on Israel? I don't know, but I find it disgusting.

Perhaps because Obama didn't turn his back on Isreal but rather called them to task for some rather serious human rights violations that have been going on for a long time. Obama has a very good relationship with the Isreali government and Joe Biden is a close personal friend of Bibi N. Obama hasn't pandered to the Isreali position, but then unlike Romney, he also hasn't suggested just kickin that can down the road because it can't be solved.

Hispanic support is probably easier to understand because they (Hispanics) are looking to become the voting majority in the near future and want as many of their countrymen here to hurry the process up. My old co-workers, all Americans, absolutely hated the illegals. In their words "all they do is drive down wages" and, frankly, that has proven true time and time again.

Hispanics voted for Obama in spite of his immigration policies and the huge number of deportations which have gone on during his administration. Look at the numbers. The Republicans blew a real opportunity here because the Hispanic population was plenty pissed about the deportations.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don’t think that’s enough.

Of course, this being today's Republican Party, they blew this opportunity to embrace the Hispanic community by saying it wasn't enough.

Blacks have been programmed for generations to sit back and take. I was raised quite the opposite. My Old Man was constantly on my Brother and Sister (as well as me) to "expect nothing and accept nothing that you haven't worked for" I, as well as my Brother (RIP) and my Sister worked all our lives, graduated High School, served our country, came home and graduated from University.

But then again, My Old Man was one of those worthless republicans......:lol:

Except that inner city kids today have little chance of graduating high school. And if they do, the quality of the education they will have received is so substandard, they will basically be qualified to do nothing. Education is the gateway to opportunity so if you want to keep an entire socio-economic class from rising up, the first thing you do is fail to educate them, and then confine them to jobs which don't pay enough to keep a roof over their heads or feed their families.

Until the basic problems with education and opportunity are dealt with, there will be little chance for those currently in poverty, to rise above it. Investment in education would be the first step to helping this generation succeed, but other supports are needed, for now, like food stamps and Medicaid, just so these kids will have the same opportunities as you do, because after 30+ years of Republican policy, they don't have even close to the opportunities you did.
They're no more "hard core absolutists" than liberals are. In fact at this point the greatest "hard core absolutists" in our government is obama. To him it's "my way or the highway." You know it, I know it, we all know... however it seems only those who don't worship obama will admit it.

The republicans need to find their back bone and get rid of the weasels. Yes, conservatism can win, someone who will stand their ground will win, we found that out in 2010 when the Tea Party gave the democrats a "shellacking." The only people that are all up in arms and ridiculing and calling names are the "hard core libroid hacks," because UNDERSTANDABLY, they HATE true conservatives and are doing everything in their power to run them down, so they created this false narrative that true conservatives can't win, when nothing could be further from the truth. Romney got the moderate vote in HUGE numbers, those coveted MIDDLE ground people, and he still LOST the election. Why? Because he DIDN'T GET THE CONSERVATIVE VOTE! The republicans need a person to say what needs to be said and not be afraid. I see the republicans right now as a bunch of discombooberated pussies afraid of everything. When they find their balls they'll reemerge as winners. 'Til then, they'll keep losing elections.

We'll have to disagree on who the hardcore absolutists are. Right now, all I see (and all voters see) is a small group from one party in one of the three branches of government holding everything up because they absolutely refuse to budge on anything.

But anyway, I'm trying to get to the bottom line here, and it's been tough as hell for me to get a straight answer from the others.

You're saying that, if the GOP gets rid of those they feel are RINO's and moderates, they'll be able to win more elections?


Correct. Liberalism is destroying the nation.
The kind of far left liberalism we see from Obama and his followers is pushing the nation too far to the left. It's all about "what will government do for me".
The Obama admin has divided this country so deeply, it may take years to correct this.
This is what liberalism stand for. Place people into groups and pit them against each other.
The other day, Obama made a speech. In that speech he said "no one will get everything they want." That was a lie.
Obama's enormous ego will not allow for anything but his way.

Yes, that's a description of why you think the GOP should take control away from the Democrats, but it does nothing to describe how you're going to get enough votes without appealing to "RINOs" and moderates.

Too extreme because we understand that you can't put most of the population on welfare?
Too extreme because we understand that we live in a fucked up world?
Too extreme because we don't want our debt to go to 30-40 trillion dollars over the next few decades.

You democrats are blind.
Rule of thumb #2

If it pisses off all the moderates, it's not.

What did Repubs in the 112th congress do between 2010 and 2012 that was not moderate?

Was it S. 365
"Budget Control Act of 2011"
An act to provide for budget control

That was too extreme?

The poll didn't say.

But the majority of Americans blamed the Republican Congress for the debt ceiling debacle. The Ryan budget was a big reason why the Republicans to lost a NY by-election in a district they held for decades. Right now, they are blaming the Republicans for going over the Fiscal Cliff, which we are about to.

So you tell me.

First, I'm not sure what a Ryan budget, and its impact on a NY election might have to do with a national poll result associated with the entire Republican Party; However, I would not object if you had some elightening information proving the effect was more than tangiential at best.

Second, there is no "Republican Congress." The Senate is controlled by the Democratic Party. The HoR is narrowly controlled by the Republican Party. Why should the HoR bear more responsibility for, "going over a fiscal cliff?"

Finally, whether or not there is a "Debt Ceiling Debacle" is somewhat subjective and more significantly, a result of compromise between both parties, not a construct of only Republicans.

The poll identified Republicans as, "Too Extreme." They ARE. However, we should not conclude that "too extreme" is "bad." After all, Republicans maintained control of HoR despite being "too extreme."

It is the function of the party that has minority control of government (Dems control both the Presidency and Senate) to be "extreme" or better put, contrarian, to the majority party.
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What did Repubs in the 112th congress do between 2010 and 2012 that was not moderate?

Was it S. 365
"Budget Control Act of 2011"
An act to provide for budget control

That was too extreme?

The poll didn't say.

But the majority of Americans blamed the Republican Congress for the debt ceiling debacle. The Ryan budget was a big reason why the Republicans to lost a NY by-election in a district they held for decades. Right now, they are blaming the Republicans for going over the Fiscal Cliff, which we are about to.

So you tell me.

First, I'm not sure what a Ryan budget, and its impact on a NY election might have to do with a national poll result associated with the entire Republican Party; However, I would not object if you had some elightening information proving the effect was more than tangiential at best.

Second, there is no "Republican Congress." The Senate is controlled by the Democratic Party. The HoR is narrowly controlled by the Republican Party. Why should the HoR bear more responsibility for, "going over a fiscal cliff?"

Finally, whether or not there is a "Debt Ceiling Debacle" is somewhat subjective and more significantly, a result of compromise between both parties, not a construct of only Republicans.

The poll identified Republicans as, "Too Extreme." They ARE. However, we should not conclude that "too extreme" is "bad." After all, Republicans maintained control of HoR despite being "too extreme."

It is the function of the party that has minority control of government (Dems control both the Presidency and Senate) to be "extreme" or better put, contrarian, to the majority party.

Medicare was a big, if not the biggest issue in the NY by-election.

The Republicans have a 50 seat majority. It is not "narrow." I was referring to the House when I said "Congress." My bad.

I agree on the debt ceiling. I blamed Obama first and foremost. Most Americans did not, however.

"Too extreme" is bad if you can't get elected. I am more right wing IRL than I let on, but I'd rather have 60% of what I want instead of 0%. The extremists don't see it that way. It's the nature of extremists, no matter what political stripe.
Any paragraph that starts with "how come this race doesn't" is usually followed by a heap of stereotypes and a lot of slanted opinion.
Sorry Amy but we are ALL DIFFERENT races. This isn't a bad thing. Each race has it's own characteristics and customs that MAKE THEM UNIQUE.
It's only small minded people like you that try to turn the obvious into something dirty and shameful .Shame on you for being so closeminded.

Turns out YOU are the biggest 'racist' of them all.
The poll identified Republicans as, "Too Extreme." They ARE. However, we should not conclude that "too extreme" is "bad." After all, Republicans maintained control of HoR despite being "too extreme."

It is the function of the party that has minority control of government (Dems control both the Presidency and Senate) to be "extreme" or better put, contrarian, to the majority party.

It is the obligation of the minority party to compromise, especially on an issue on which the American public has voted, in particular, raising taxes for those earning the most. Obama was elected on a platform of raising taxes for the highest income tax payers and yet still the Leader of the House has yet to propose a single new tax, and in fact is only offering to close loopholes. That was Romney's proposal and the electorate rejected that proposal when they elected Obama as their President.

Polls consistently show that even the majority of those who voted Republican still want taxes raised on the highest income brackets.
Personally I think we'll look back some day and thank the republican party for NOT letting that selfserving, petty, tyranical little pisher have his way and run this country into the ground.
Stick to yer guns boys. Back that little twit right off that fiscal cliff!:D:D:D

wouldnt a tyrant not let this country go over a fiscal cliff and just ram something through by decree? Wouldnt he have done this you know 2 years ago instead of trying to work with the right?

Obama, the biggest limp-wristed, war monger, who is a tyrant, but can't do anything, but will come and take your guns, and toss you into a fema camp.

i love rightwing thinking.

Naw, I don't think that at all. The bastard isn't going to get MY guns, you can bet on that. And there are no contradicions in my thinking either. Obama will Forrest Gump this country into the worst quagmire it's ever been in. Period.
Excellent point. How come blacks and Hispanics never learn? I can answer your question with a question: Why do Hollywood Jews support Obama turning Americas back on Israel? I don't know, but I find it disgusting.

Perhaps because Obama didn't turn his back on Isreal but rather called them to task for some rather serious human rights violations that have been going on for a long time. Obama has a very good relationship with the Isreali government and Joe Biden is a close personal friend of Bibi N. Obama hasn't pandered to the Isreali position, but then unlike Romney, he also hasn't suggested just kickin that can down the road because it can't be solved.

Hispanic support is probably easier to understand because they (Hispanics) are looking to become the voting majority in the near future and want as many of their countrymen here to hurry the process up. My old co-workers, all Americans, absolutely hated the illegals. In their words "all they do is drive down wages" and, frankly, that has proven true time and time again.

Hispanics voted for Obama in spite of his immigration policies and the huge number of deportations which have gone on during his administration. Look at the numbers. The Republicans blew a real opportunity here because the Hispanic population was plenty pissed about the deportations.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don’t think that’s enough.

Of course, this being today's Republican Party, they blew this opportunity to embrace the Hispanic community by saying it wasn't enough.

Blacks have been programmed for generations to sit back and take. I was raised quite the opposite. My Old Man was constantly on my Brother and Sister (as well as me) to "expect nothing and accept nothing that you haven't worked for" I, as well as my Brother (RIP) and my Sister worked all our lives, graduated High School, served our country, came home and graduated from University.

But then again, My Old Man was one of those worthless republicans......:lol:

Except that inner city kids today have little chance of graduating high school. And if they do, the quality of the education they will have received is so substandard, they will basically be qualified to do nothing. Education is the gateway to opportunity so if you want to keep an entire socio-economic class from rising up, the first thing you do is fail to educate them, and then confine them to jobs which don't pay enough to keep a roof over their heads or feed their families.

Until the basic problems with education and opportunity are dealt with, there will be little chance for those currently in poverty, to rise above it. Investment in education would be the first step to helping this generation succeed, but other supports are needed, for now, like food stamps and Medicaid, just so these kids will have the same opportunities as you do, because after 30+ years of Republican policy, they don't have even close to the opportunities you did.
What a bunch of lib psycho-babble.
Latinos do not, repeat, do not vote on immigration issues.
Case and point. When Ronald Reagan was elected to his first term, he received 37% of the Latino vote. He got about the same percentage for his second term Reagan relaxed immigration essentially giving 3.5 million illegals immunity from deportation. Ironically, when Bush 41 was elected, now remember a republican made 3.5 million Latinos LEGAL, he only received 30% of the Latino vote.
Now look, to say inner city kids have "little chance" to graduate from High School is not only false, it is a racist insult. Everyone has an equal chance. One only has to apply themselves.
The problem is that black kids that try are hassled by other black kids. And that's a fact.
I find it disturbing that Obama is opposed to voucher programs by the way. He'd rather kowtow to teacher's unions than see black kids in Washington DC for example, be permitted to go to better public schools than the ones to which they are assigned.
Here's a dose of reality for you. A regular Liberal Arts high school education is not designed to prepare kids for life. It's to prepare them to go to college. The thing is maybe 2/3rds of all HS students are actually College material. Academics are not in the cards for the other third. And that number is a guess. It could be more. The point is, it is not a failure of the schools in general. The failure lies in the inability or unwillingness of school districts to identify kids who's best destiny is to learn a trade or other work skills. The other part of the problem is many parents view a move from academics to work skills as their kid being singled out or "special". And "special" in this case carries a stigma.
In any event, kids are products of their environment and the expectations placed upon them. In other words if those charged with the duty of education give kids the idea they will not be achievers, the kids pick up on that.
In conclusion, throwing money at these problems has been tried. That is a FAIL.
The breakdown of the family unit in the black community( 70% of all black babies are born out of wedlock) is THE problem. There is also a failure of the Churches in the community which in the past used to be the institution that tied the black community together.
No government handout. No additional taxation. No government program. No amount of do-gooder tongue wagging is going to correct this. It has to come from within. Within the community itself. Human beings when shown they can and should help themselves can accomplish anything they to which they set their mind.
I am fascinated how anyone can make the leap by equating food stamps and welfare to education. I do not see the connection.
And if you are suggesting that growing the size and scope of social safety nets until such time as some government bureaucrat figures out a way to make kids become interested in their own future is a whole bunch of hooey.
Making public assistance more available and more of it simply perpetuates the existing problem by making poverty even more comfortable.
No, we don't throw people out into the street. No we don't let them starve.
First thing is to seek out, find and purge from the rolls all of those who are gaming the social safety net system. Then for those really in need, create incentives for them to transition from recipient to one who earns.
We've done it your way for 70 years. We were promised the social safety nets would end all poverty. We were told make work programs and government employment would get people who can work, off the public assistance rolls. None of this has happened and today we STILL have politicians singing the same tune as you, demanding more from the taxpaying producing and working people. No more.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
Please do not respond with the same old tired lib talking points containing" "easy for you to say" or some nonsense about growing up privileged..I am not listening to that garbage.

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