53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

We are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic.

Ah yes, the new conservative meme: The word "democracy" is to be excised when talking about the Constitution because people will think it has something to do with the Democratic Party.

In regards to compromise in the House, compromise is not capitulation which is what the Republicans seem to expect. They are proposing the Romney plan of closing unspecified loopholes for the middle class to raise the amount of revenue Obama wants, in return for which they get permanent tax cuts. Even Bowles has disavowed Plan B and said it's bad for the country.

Compromise would be to start with the premise that taxes on the wealthy MUST go back up to the rates in the Clinton era. You can't decide what to spend and where to cut until you know what your anticipated revenues will be. So setting the revenue rates is Step 1. Then you look at what and where you can cut.

I'm not asking the government to set policy based on opinion polls, other than the only poll which mattered which is the results of the last election. Prior to the election, Boehner was saying that if Obama won the election, the Republicans would have no moral grounds to fight taxes increases on the wealthy. As soon as the Tea Party threatened to punish the moderate Republicans at the polls next election, suddenly Boehner is going back to the Romney plan which the voters already said no to during the Presidential election.

The Tea Party is a rump of the Republican Party and is not representative of the majority of the electorate. They live in an alternate universe where you never compromise, and if you do, you're out. They define the term "too extreme".
53% of American voters are morons who want the govt to take care of them because they're too stupid,l incompentent or lazy to take care of themselves. This nation would be much better off if this 53% could be eliminated from our voting rolls.

What a fucking Nazi.
Any paragraph that starts with "how come this race doesn't" is usually followed by a heap of stereotypes and a lot of slanted opinion.

That may be because most stereotypes are based on truth, and opinions are alwways "slanted" by the person's outlooks, beliefs and experiances.
53% of American voters are morons who want the govt to take care of them because they're too stupid,l incompentent or lazy to take care of themselves. This nation would be much better off if this 53% could be eliminated from our voting rolls.

What a fucking Nazi.

Well only as far as Nazis hated communists and eveything they stood for, yeah ok, I can live with that. Far better being considered a Nazi by a dumbass, than to be counted among the liberal left.

Even Republican rising star Bobby Jindal (who ironically counts, or at least used to count, Rush Limbaugh among his biggest fans) refers to the GOP as the "stupid party" and warns against "dumbed down conservatism".

Probably not a rising star now, huh?

When it comes to today's GOP, I'm reminded of a movie scene:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4]Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube[/ame]

Or maybe:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vuW6tQ0218]Monty Python - Dead Parrot - YouTube[/ame]

Even Republican rising star Bobby Jindal (who ironically counts, or at least used to count, Rush Limbaugh among his biggest fans) refers to the GOP as the "stupid party" and warns against "dumbed down conservatism".

Probably not a rising star now, huh?

When it comes to today's GOP, I'm reminded of a movie scene:

Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube

Or maybe:

Monty Python - Dead Parrot - YouTube

they are the stupid party for letting the media and Democrats spread nothing but lies and not coming out and defending themselves.
You must be proud to belong to the lying party

Even Republican rising star Bobby Jindal (who ironically counts, or at least used to count, Rush Limbaugh among his biggest fans) refers to the GOP as the "stupid party" and warns against "dumbed down conservatism".

Probably not a rising star now, huh?

When it comes to today's GOP, I'm reminded of a movie scene:

Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube

Or maybe:

Monty Python - Dead Parrot - YouTube

they are the stupid party for letting the media and Democrats spread nothing but lies and not coming out and defending themselves.
You must be proud to belong to the lying party

No, they're the stupid party for allowing a group of simplistic absolutists to speak for them.

And they paid the price for their stupidity by losing an election they clearly should have won.

Now we'll see if they've learned anything. Early results are not promising, and that worries me.

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Even Republican rising star Bobby Jindal (who ironically counts, or at least used to count, Rush Limbaugh among his biggest fans) refers to the GOP as the "stupid party" and warns against "dumbed down conservatism".

Probably not a rising star now, huh?

When it comes to today's GOP, I'm reminded of a movie scene:

Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube

Or maybe:

Monty Python - Dead Parrot - YouTube

they are the stupid party for letting the media and Democrats spread nothing but lies and not coming out and defending themselves.
You must be proud to belong to the lying party

No, they're the stupid party for allowing a group of simplistic absolutists to speak for them.

And they paid the price for their stupidity by losing an election they clearly should have won.

Now we'll see if they've learned anything. Early results are not promising.


you'll believe you want for the reason they lost..but it doesn't mean it's true..
simplistic absolutists...good grief..
53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

Only the ones that agree with the Republican Leadership. The others simply "voted white" because they hate having a president who is black.

Very intelligent...throw race into to the mix. Nothing to do about politics and points of view!
That's rderp all over. He's pretty much a one-note song.

and you call others, simple
like one photo is suppose to speak for a whole party
If I were you Democrats I'd be more worried about WHY you almost lost a election with your Dear leader as a incumbent..but of course you don't thing anything wrong with YOUR PARTY
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We are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic.

Ah yes, the new conservative meme: The word "democracy" is to be excised when talking about the Constitution because people will think it has something to do with the Democratic Party.
It's not a new meme. It's a basic fact. Your ignorance of our system of government is immaterial.

Democracy is mob rule. That never turns out well.

But then, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat. Thanks for illustrating!

and you call others, simple
like one photo is suppose to say something
If I were you Democrats I'd be more worried about WHY you almost lost a election with your Dear leader as a incumbent..but of course you don't thing anything wrong with YOUR PARTY

"and you call others, simple
like one photo is suppose to say something"

Expand a little bit. Think about how this kind of attitude spread itself across an entire movement. Come on.

"If I were you Democrats..."

Sorry, not a Democrat.

You're doing what the party in general is doing: Denying that there's a problem. That's fine, part of the grieving process, but if the party doesn't get its shit together soon, we're going to have one party in real control, and that scares the living shit out of me.

You may think the party is just fine, that its messaging and approach are just fine. I realize there will be people like that. I can only hope that people with influence in the party are willing to admit there's a problem, and that they have the balls to do something about it.



I believe you were saying something about simplistic absolutists...?

Indeed, there are crazies on both ends, always have been, always will be.

Can you think of a group of legislators right now who are stopping the legislative process in its tracks, one part of one party of one third of government?

My guess is that you can't, but I remain hopeful.

The poll didn't say.

But the majority of Americans blamed the Republican Congress for the debt ceiling debacle. The Ryan budget was a big reason why the Republicans to lost a NY by-election in a district they held for decades. Right now, they are blaming the Republicans for going over the Fiscal Cliff, which we are about to.

So you tell me.

First, I'm not sure what a Ryan budget, and its impact on a NY election might have to do with a national poll result associated with the entire Republican Party; However, I would not object if you had some elightening information proving the effect was more than tangiential at best.

Second, there is no "Republican Congress." The Senate is controlled by the Democratic Party. The HoR is narrowly controlled by the Republican Party. Why should the HoR bear more responsibility for, "going over a fiscal cliff?"

Finally, whether or not there is a "Debt Ceiling Debacle" is somewhat subjective and more significantly, a result of compromise between both parties, not a construct of only Republicans.

The poll identified Republicans as, "Too Extreme." They ARE. However, we should not conclude that "too extreme" is "bad." After all, Republicans maintained control of HoR despite being "too extreme."

It is the function of the party that has minority control of government (Dems control both the Presidency and Senate) to be "extreme" or better put, contrarian, to the majority party.

Medicare was a big, if not the biggest issue in the NY by-election.

The Republicans have a 50 seat majority. It is not "narrow." I was referring to the House when I said "Congress." My bad.

I agree on the debt ceiling. I blamed Obama first and foremost. Most Americans did not, however.

"Too extreme" is bad if you can't get elected. I am more right wing IRL than I let on, but I'd rather have 60% of what I want instead of 0%. The extremists don't see it that way. It's the nature of extremists, no matter what political stripe.

I knew you meant The HoR: but my point is that although they are the majority party Americans do not find Obama or the DNC-controlled Senate for being "Too extreme." By definition, the majority party will never be more extreme than the minority party. Being "extreme" is the very nature of the minority (anagolous to how far from the center of a "bell-curve average" the deviation is). CNN seems to imply that this is "bad" when Republicans are considered too extreme; however I cannot find evidence that the term is used to describe Democrats OR Republicans when Democrats were in the minority (Bush was President).
The poll identified Republicans as, "Too Extreme." They ARE. However, we should not conclude that "too extreme" is "bad." After all, Republicans maintained control of HoR despite being "too extreme."

It is the function of the party that has minority control of government (Dems control both the Presidency and Senate) to be "extreme" or better put, contrarian, to the majority party.

It is the obligation of the minority party to compromise, especially on an issue on which the American public has voted, in particular, raising taxes for those earning the most. Obama was elected on a platform of raising taxes for the highest income tax payers and yet still the Leader of the House has yet to propose a single new tax, and in fact is only offering to close loopholes. That was Romney's proposal and the electorate rejected that proposal when they elected Obama as their President.

Polls consistently show that even the majority of those who voted Republican still want taxes raised on the highest income brackets.

"Obligation of the Minority Party to Compromise?"

Actually, I was under the impression that BOTH Parties were obliged to compromise.


Perhaps you haven't heard of "Plan B"- essentially the plan Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York proposed some time ago, allowing tax rates to rise for households with more than $1 million of annual income.

Of course, this is tied to spending cuts that Dems refuse to accept.

"Extremism" is ironically equal to "Change," part of the Obama Administration's original premise for leadership. Obama was not elected ONLY because of a promise to raise taxes for the wealthy, but also to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO OF GOVERNMENT ENTITLEMENTS.
I knew you meant The HoR: but my point is that although they are the majority party Americans do not find Obama or the DNC-controlled Senate for being "Too extreme." By definition, the majority party will never be more extreme than the minority party. Being "extreme" is the very nature of the minority (anagolous to how far from the center of a "bell-curve average" the deviation is). CNN seems to imply that this is "bad" when Republicans are considered too extreme; however I cannot find evidence that the term is used to describe Democrats OR Republicans when Democrats were in the minority (Bush was President).

CNN wasn't implying anything from what I saw. They just asked the question.

I don't think being extreme is the nature of the minority. 53% is the highest reading since that poll started. Since 2000, both parties have registered between 25% and 40% no matter which party was in power. Until this poll, there had been no reading above 40%. So either the poll is way off or the GOP has moved too far to the right. I think its the latter.
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