53% of Americans Think Republicans are Too Extreme

One's a CNN poll and the other a ABC/WashintonCompost poll..

when they do the one asking if people think Democrats are too extreme then we'll take them serious

but you find it funny we NEVER see those kinds of polls from?
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well people, it's a ABC/WashintonCompost poll..

when they do the one asking if people think Democrats are too extreme then we'll take them serious

Yeah, the Washington Post didn't even call the election correctly. They should have read the "Unskewed" polls, and listened to the analysis of Karl Rove and Dick Morris. Oh wait..... The Washington Post did call the election correctly. It was the right wing morons on this board who were claiming the polls were skewed.
One's a CNN poll and the other a ABC/WashintonCompost poll..

when they do the one asking if people think Democrats are too extreme then we'll take them serious

but you find it funny we NEVER see those kinds of polls from?

As an "extreme" liberal who thinks your policy ideas are out of the middle ages, I heartily endorse your position of staying "true" to your "conservative" ideology. Keep up the good work Steph!
One's a CNN poll and the other a ABC/WashintonCompost poll..

when they do the one asking if people think Democrats are too extreme then we'll take them serious

but you find it funny we NEVER see those kinds of polls from?

As an "extreme" liberal who thinks your policy ideas are out of the middle ages, I heartily endorse your position of staying "true" to your "conservative" ideology. Keep up the good work Steph!

oh don't worry, I will stay true to what I believe..most of you just fly with the polls or what's the feel good policy of the day is
and thinking personal Responsibility and a government that wasn't suppose to be over bearing and BANKRUPING the people is from the middle ages says more about you then me
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One's a CNN poll and the other a ABC/WashintonCompost poll..

when they do the one asking if people think Democrats are too extreme then we'll take them serious

but you find it funny we NEVER see those kinds of polls from?

As an "extreme" liberal who thinks your policy ideas are out of the middle ages, I heartily endorse your position of staying "true" to your "conservative" ideology. Keep up the good work Steph!

oh don't worry, I will stay true to what I believe..most of you just fly with the polls or what's the feel good policy of the day is
and thinking personal Responsibility and a government that wasn't suppose to be over bearing and BANKRUPING the people is from the middle ages says more about you then me

IOWs, you don't care about facts. You believe what you believe in spite of facts. That's very right wing of you.
I hope the pendulum swings back, but don't assume it will certainly happen. The Democrats held the House for 40 years. We heard all the same apocalyptic scenarios in 08 that didn't happen. If the Republicans don't get competitive, then we can have a long period of Democrat rule. And I think that's a bad thing.

Politics is about attaining power and implementing as much of your agenda as possible, not being ideologically pure and getting all or none. The Republican party today reminds me of the Democrats in the 70s and 80s.

Truth is, Toro, if you are under 35 (Obama's base being young people and freeloaders) you don't remember what this country used to be. You look around at the squalid mess that is todays politics, featuring a snarky, smart-assed 'president' that derides his colleagues AND his constituents like an immature grade-schooler, a congress that only cares about their next raise, political parties being run by Creme de la Cream babies that were brought up to believe there are no winners and no losers and self-esteem is more important than integrity and you think this is how it's supposed to be.
You don't remember a time when we weren't afraid all the time. You don't remember a time when a president, no matter what party, was a guy to be looked up to, not be embarrassed by. You don't remember when the working man had a fair shot and the dollar was worth something.
It's a shame we taught our children to be such crumbs, to think Mommy and Daddy owe them health insurance til they're 26, who have no interest in tryng to make things better because it's just too hard.
I wish they could have seen my America. Warts and all. It would make them ashamed (can we even have that emotion anymore?) that they've settled so cheaply and for so little.
I was around in the 40's, 50's, and 60's and remember those times quite well. Those days, just as today were a mixture of good and bad.

The kids of today are different. There're smarter, more open to new ideas and are less concerned with race, religion, or nationality. They work harder in school and on the job. They expect more from themselves, their community, and their government.

Competition to get into good schools and good jobs was never greater. I think most kids realize that. Unfortunately, there are lot of kids that just don't have what it takes to be successful and they will end up on some form of government support. Being willing to work hard, is just not enough today to be successful.

That's how I see it.

For the most part I agree with you. However (and I might have misunderstand your statement) but as I read your statement Competition to get into good schools and good jobs was never greater I am taking that to mean that you, like me, are making the supposition that College admittance was much more rigorous "back in the day" as opposed to the admittance standards of today.

Shoot, a GED will get you admittance into nearly every state school in the country today. The idea that "every kid should attend College" is preposterous and disingenuous. A large portion of those young men and women who are saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of school loan debt, chasing worthless IT degrees and the like, would be much better served learning a trade ( Plumber, Electrician, Truck Driver, Machinist, etc).

That's my biggest "pet-peeve" with this president. A man that spent his entire life being handed degree after degree, never working an honest days work in his life, preaching that all American kids should use HIS model as a pathway to success. Disingenuous as hell.
The nation has tipped into a majority of leeches. The only way a republican could get more public support is to promise more freebies.
I'll handle this for you, RDerp.

How DARE you assume that you have the right to think for yourself! You'd best be thinking what white liberals tell you to think, son, and right now!


Damned uppity coloreds, anyhow!


Trust me when I tell you this...I've heard that more times that I care to admit. But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

I can't recall the democrat politician who was quoted in the 60s as saying "somebody needs to tell these damn darkies to just shut up and let us help 'em"

The very LAST thing that democrats EVER want is for Blacks to not "need" them...

Your views, of course, will be attacked by liberals -- because your views are not the ones they've decided you should have.

Oh, believe me, I completely understand. I grew up with it. You see, in the mind of a democrat, liberal; I was born to serve one purpose - To depend on the "kindness" of those "appointed" over me, to serve their needs and to be a thorn In the sides of republicans. Nothing more, nothing less. Just stand there with my hand out and wait for the kindness to flow from my "liberal, rich, white 'Massas"

I have, however, noticed that, of late, the "newest slaves to the party" are actually becoming the homosexuals and women. Suddenly, those groups need the "protection" of the liberals, because, after all..the mean old white guys in the Republican Party are trying to take all their "rights" away from them. Fear is a great arbiter used to control, isn't it?

Again, I was brought up to believe a simple slogan that my Father LIVED by:

Always check the left hand of the man that offers the right hand in help.
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But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

In righty kookland, it's impossible for blacks to be intelligently voting in their own self-interest. The very strong implication they're deliberately making is that blacks are so stupid that they let themselves be controlled.

To think they wonder why blacks don't vote for them. Blacks vote against Republicans not because they're dumb, but because they're smart enough to recognize the disgusting patronizing racism of the right.
That's rich, coming from the side that believes blacks can't succeed without help from white liberals. :cool:
What are you suggesting?? Republicans be more like Democrats??

Voters made the wrong decision. Hopefully they'll wise up in the future. End of story.

Republicans have lost 4 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

Republicans have lost 5 of the last 6 Presidential popular votes.

Republicans have lost moderates in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections.

So I guess the answer might be "yes."

Or at least stop being a party so beholden to its base.

Just two years ago the Republicans picked up a historic amount seats in congress. Did they do that by being more like democrats? Of course not. These things are cyclical, but Democrats have fared better, not because their policies are in line what Americans want or believe, more so because of they Democrat's ground game, the media, and Hollywood.

I agree that its cyclical, but to a point. Republicans, for example, won 5 of 6 Presidential from Nixon to GHW Bush. I also agree about the ground game. I don't agree about the media and Hollywood. The Republican party, broadly, is moving to the right and away from the center. During the primaries, every single candidate got on stage and refused to raise taxes on the wealthy even if it meant 9:1 spending cuts to tax increases. Yet polls continuously showed over the past few years that most Americans agreed that taxes on the wealthy should go up, including at times the majority of Republicans.

Republicans should have won this election. They didn't lose because they "weren't conservative enough." They should have 49 seats in the Senate instead of 45 because they nominated candidates who were too far from the center. Conservatives like to bitch and complain about Harry Reid, but because of the candidate they nominated, he's still in the Senate. Yet they persist with vacuous self-serving bromides about ideological purity when the past two years are staring at them in the face.

Trust me when I tell you this...I've heard that more times that I care to admit. But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

I can't recall the democrat politician who was quoted in the 60s as saying "somebody needs to tell these damn darkies to just shut up and let us help 'em"

The very LAST thing that democrats EVER want is for Blacks to not "need" them...

Your views, of course, will be attacked by liberals -- because your views are not the ones they've decided you should have.

Oh, believe me, I completely understand. I grew up with it. You see, in the mind of a democrat, liberal; I was born to serve one purpose - To depend on the "kindness" of those "appointed" over me, to serve their needs and to be a thorn In the sides of republicans. Nothing more, nothing less. Just stand there with my hand out and wait for the kindness to flow from my "liberal, rich, white 'Massas"

I have, however, noticed that, of late, the "newest slaves to the party" are actually becoming the homosexuals and women. Suddenly, those groups need the "protection" of the liberals, because, after all..the mean old white guys in the Republican Party are trying to take all their "rights" away from them. Fear is a great arbiter used to control, isn't it?

Again, I was brought up to believe a simple slogan that my Father LIVED by:

Always check the left hand of the man that offers the right hand in help.

A wise man, your father.

It's amazing the number of people who simply aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals, isn't it?

Makes you wonder how this nation got as far as it did without their help.

I doubt most of the partisan idiots on USMB even looked at the poll results with any objective POV.

The interesting point to note was that the Republicans were not considered "Too Extreme" (36%) in September 2010 (before they controlled the HoR). However, two years after after winning the November 2010 elections that gained their majority in the HoR, they became "Too extreme?" (53%).

Also interesting is that they MAINTAINED their majority in November 2012 even though they are considered "Too Extreme."

Conclusion: Being "Too Extreme" seems to be a good thing for the Republican Party.

Your views, of course, will be attacked by liberals -- because your views are not the ones they've decided you should have.

Oh, believe me, I completely understand. I grew up with it. You see, in the mind of a democrat, liberal; I was born to serve one purpose - To depend on the "kindness" of those "appointed" over me, to serve their needs and to be a thorn In the sides of republicans. Nothing more, nothing less. Just stand there with my hand out and wait for the kindness to flow from my "liberal, rich, white 'Massas"

I have, however, noticed that, of late, the "newest slaves to the party" are actually becoming the homosexuals and women. Suddenly, those groups need the "protection" of the liberals, because, after all..the mean old white guys in the Republican Party are trying to take all their "rights" away from them. Fear is a great arbiter used to control, isn't it?

Again, I was brought up to believe a simple slogan that my Father LIVED by:

Always check the left hand of the man that offers the right hand in help.

A wise man, your father.

It's amazing the number of people who simply aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals, isn't it?

Makes you wonder how this nation got as far as it did without their help.

Couldn't agree more. My Pastor, years ago, spoke of "a hand up - not a hand out". Unfortunately, members of my race have been so conditioned to believe that they aren't capable of achieving anything without the help of government, that many have fallen by the way-side and have simply "given in". They are as much slaves today as the were 125 years ago.

Now, as I said earlier, The democrat machine, knowing that they already have the Black citizens under their thumb, have began their enslavement of homosexuals and women. Fear of the unknown makes willing slaves, when offered the "perceived" blanket of protection from the democrats.

I doubt most of the partisan idiots on USMB even looked at the poll results with any objective POV.

The interesting point to note was that the Republicans were not considered "Too Extreme" (36%) in September 2010 (before they controlled the HoR). However, two years after after winning the November 2010 elections that gained their majority in the HoR, they became "Too extreme?" (53%).

Also interesting is that they MAINTAINED their majority in November 2012 even though they are considered "Too Extreme."

Conclusion: Being "Too Extreme" seems to be a good thing for the Republican Party.
Rule of thumb:

If it pisses off the progs, it's good for America.
Oh, believe me, I completely understand. I grew up with it. You see, in the mind of a democrat, liberal; I was born to serve one purpose - To depend on the "kindness" of those "appointed" over me, to serve their needs and to be a thorn In the sides of republicans. Nothing more, nothing less. Just stand there with my hand out and wait for the kindness to flow from my "liberal, rich, white 'Massas"

I have, however, noticed that, of late, the "newest slaves to the party" are actually becoming the homosexuals and women. Suddenly, those groups need the "protection" of the liberals, because, after all..the mean old white guys in the Republican Party are trying to take all their "rights" away from them. Fear is a great arbiter used to control, isn't it?

Again, I was brought up to believe a simple slogan that my Father LIVED by:

Always check the left hand of the man that offers the right hand in help.

A wise man, your father.

It's amazing the number of people who simply aren't good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals, isn't it?

Makes you wonder how this nation got as far as it did without their help.

Couldn't agree more. My Pastor, years ago, spoke of "a hand up - not a hand out". Unfortunately, members of my race have been so conditioned to believe that they aren't capable of achieving anything without the help of government, that many have fallen by the way-side and have simply "given in". They are as much slaves today as the were 125 years ago.

Now, as I said earlier, The democrat machine, knowing that they already have the Black citizens under their thumb, have began their enslavement of homosexuals and women. Fear of the unknown makes willing slaves, when offered the "perceived" blanket of protection from the democrats.

It's been really funny watching the feminists this year agree with the Democratic Party that they're nothing more than vaginas.

And by "funny", I mean "pathetic".
But then, wouldn't that make sense from the democrats who have kept people enslaved for their purposes for decades??

In righty kookland, it's impossible for blacks to be intelligently voting in their own self-interest. The very strong implication they're deliberately making is that blacks are so stupid that they let themselves be controlled.

To think they wonder why blacks don't vote for them. Blacks vote against Republicans not because they're dumb, but because they're smart enough to recognize the disgusting patronizing racism of the right.

I gotta say, whoever programmed you did a great job. You barf up the party line right on cue.
Well done!!:D:D:D:D

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