54 percent of Americans say President Biden will be remembered as worst US president: Poll

The right to vote REQUIRES the ability to cast your vote without fear of persecution. That's why you use ballot boxes. In any case, I'm done playing your silly game. I neither can nor want to try to educate someone in the nature of good evidence or bad evidence. You want to believe the election was fraudulent without ever actually questioning as to why proof of it is never presented in court go right ahead.
I just want the doj to investigate ppl on tape filling ballot boxes sitting on a side walk.
Just investigate, have half of Americans questions answered
No you don't. You have video that voice overs tell you are people stuffing ballot boxes, but when the election officials went to court, they explained that the voice-overs were lying.

When you are going to stop being gullible fools and believing what right wing media is telling you?
Oh they were lying.. so we know this guys name? Date he was investigated? What’s was his testimony? ADB0B347-8AF2-4426-B5C4-2066560EA36E.jpeg
What "constitution"?

That vanished the day OBulbles walked into the (once) White House and shredded the copy that hung on the wall and smoked it.
I understand Trump tore up the Constitution and tried to seize control of our Government.

AMERICA stopped him
I just want the doj to investigate ppl on tape filling ballot boxes sitting on a side walk.
Just investigate, have half of Americans questions answered
Lol, I can't resist.

The problem isn't a lack of investigation. Any election, especially this one has tens of thousands of people actively trying to show the other side cheated. It has a DOJ that was openly partisan. It has poll watchers, thousands of lawyers, judges nominated by Trump, lawyers FOR Trump saying in open court that they have no evidence of voter fraud on any scale, audits going on LONG after Biden was put in office, in short, every conceivable advantage in regards to prove voter fraud. Yet you still rely on ill-sourced claims, inferences on sketchy evidence, outright debunked lies, in order to hold on to your belief.

I say this with all the respect I can muster but for half of Americans ( an exaggeration but I get your drift) there is no amount of investigating that would dissuade you from the belief that Biden is not the duly elected president.

By the way. That's exactly why Trump is the worst President in my opinion to bring it back to the OP. He succeeded in making a substantial part of the US population question the legitimacy of the current president. In effect questioning the succession of power envisioned by the constitution.
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Lol, I can't resist.

The problem isn't a lack of investigation. Any election, especially this one has tens of thousands of people actively trying to show the other side cheated. It has a DOJ that was openly partisan. It has poll watchers, thousands of lawyers, judges nominated by Trump, lawyers FOR Trump saying in open court that they have no evidence of voter fraud on any scale, audits going on LONG after Biden was put in office, in short, every conceivable advantage in regards to prove voter fraud. Yet you still rely on ill-sourced claims, inferences on sketchy evidence, outright debunked lies, in order to hold on to your belief.

I say this with all the respect I can muster but for half of Americans ( an exaggeration but I get your drift) there is no amount of investigating that would dissuade you from the belief that Biden is not the duly elected president.
Hypothetical question. 99% of the media is democrat and slant left wing..

If they reported Daily that a truck was stolen with 250,000 ballots on it, multiple pictures of republicans stuffing the ballot boxes, chain of custody broken involving thousands of ballots, videos of a woman repeatedly copying the same ballots over and over again..

And this was reported daily.. would the Republican still be in the White House? Would the fbi be investigating? Hehe
Hypothetical question. 99% of the media is democrat and slant left wing..

If they reported Daily that a truck was stolen with 250,000 ballots on it, multiple pictures of republicans stuffing the ballot boxes, chain of custody broken involving thousands of ballots, videos of a woman repeatedly copying the same ballots over and over again..

And this was reported daily.. would the Republican still be in the White House? Would the fbi be investigating? Hehe
Hypothetical question? Is it hypothetical if it's outright wrong? Fox does not slant left wing. Neither does Sinclair media group which owns a majority of local stations. Do you want to look up the market share of either? I'm not even talking about OAN, Breitbart, Gateway pundit, or the entire right-wing radio empire.

None of it is relevant. The media does not control the courts, which are the ultimate arbiters of elections. I don't need to watch any of the pundits to be able to verify that the courts didn't really receive claims of voter fraud on a significant scale ( although you claim it happened). Your entire argument comes down to the same thing over and over. "I saw something on I guess some kind of right-wing media outlet. ( something you claim consists of only 1 percent of the media landscape) They told me what it was, and on the basis of which I'm willing to disregard any evidence to the contrary."
Democrats did January 6th every day for 5 years. Are you on medication? View attachment 596438

No, that would be the right wing insurrectionists which were responsible for the bulk of the violence, arson and looting over the course of 2021.

Last but not least, were any members of the House or Senate threatened or harmed in any of this? Did the protestors at any time request that Donald Trump be barred from staying in office, or attempt, though violence, to subvert the US Contitution?
Of course it's FOX News.

It's just laughable that the Trump Propaganda Network would even conduct such a ridiculous poll.
The poll was done by Gallup, Dumbass.

Once again you demonstrate what a moron you are by not even clicking on the link and watching for 3 seconds to be able to see that it was Gallup.

You are a waste of skin.

White, male Christians is diversity?
You have skewed understanding of what diversity means. Farmers, ranchers, small business owners, house wives (or husbands), preachers, etc. Democrats have the group that wants government to take care of them, and the republicans have the rest.
It must be nice to live life in a state of absolute delusion as to reality. What other President has killed half a million people with his failed covid response? Crashed the economy with his failed covid response? Tried to overthrow the government.

It doesn't get any worse than that, and yet there is so much more damage Trump did to the nation. That's what you're cheering for. An end to the Constitutional Republic.
More Fauci Flu deaths on Veggie Joe's watch than under Trump, and Veggie Joe has had all the Trump vaccines, Dipshit.

That's just one reason why Americans know Veggie Joe is already cemented as the worst POTUS in history. Your KKKanadian fuckwit opinion doesn't matter, so sit down and STFU.
No, that would be the right wing insurrectionists which were responsible for the bulk of the violence, arson and looting over the course of 2021.

Last but not least, were any members of the House or Senate threatened or harmed in any of this? Did the protestors at any time request that Donald Trump be barred from staying in office, or attempt, though violence, to subvert the US Contitution?
Lol you think polls are more important then business owners and average citizens that want to work to keep food on the table.. you worship government, I worship free ppl.
You burnt down American cities, crushed dreams. And your more worried about a politician sad

Bidenflation: Factory Orders Plunge Twice as Much as Expected

New orders for U.S.-made goods fell twice as much as expected in January–and by even more than that in inflation-adjusted terms.

The Commerce Department said on Thursday that factory orders dropped 0.4 percent in December, the largest month-t0-month drop since the pandemic lockdown crash of April 2020. Economists had forecast orders tumbling just 0.2 percent.
You have skewed understanding of what diversity means. Farmers, ranchers, small business owners, house wives (or husbands), preachers, etc. Democrats have the group that wants government to take care of them, and the republicans have the rest.
White farmers, white ranchers, white business owners all vote Republican

That is not diversity
More Fauci Flu deaths on Veggie Joe's watch than under Trump,

Those who died under Trump had no choice

Those who died under Biden were Suicides
They were offered a vaccine to save their lives and turned it down


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