54 years ago November 22 1963

Never really looked into the assignation in depth, but I saw a documentary suggesting secret service agent Hickey also shot the president, albeit accidentally. They made a compelling case for a negligent discharge followed by a government cover up to shield the secret service from complete upheaval. Among on the points they made, the one that stuck with me was the head shot. When I first saw it uncensored years ago, I thought "That doesn't look like what a .30 caliber solid bullet does, that looks like a faster, hollow point...like a .223 can be." This was among the evidence the program presented.

Anyway, I suspect we'll never know the truth for sure.
"It was very clear, it was a through and through bullet hole, through the windshield of the car, from the front to the back". -- Dr Evalea Glanges, describing what she saw on Kennedy's limousine after it parked at Parkland Memorial Hospital on 22 November 1963.

"It was a good clean bullet hole right through the screen from the front, right, this had a clean round hole in the front and the fragmentation coming out of the back" -- George Whitaker Snr., describing the same bullet hole at a Ford lab in Detroit three days later

Neither one mentioned anything about magic U-Turn bullets that could do that from behind. :dunno:
Oswald read that JFKs motorcade would be driving by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

Yep, happens every day.
You failed to provide a plausible explanation
In any crime, you can always uncover odd stuff that does not support the explanation of the crime or any explanation in which case it is not evidence. Conspiracy theorists love this stuff.
Oswald read that JFKs motorcade would be driving by his window at work. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

Yep, happens every day.
You failed to provide a plausible explanation
In any crime, you can always uncover odd stuff that does not support the explanation of the crime or any explanation in which case it is not evidence. Conspiracy theorists love this stuff.
Yeah that explains the numerous inconsistencies, discrepancies, and coincidental events in the deep state murder of JFK.
"It was very clear, it was a through and through bullet hole, through the windshield of the car, from the front to the back". -- Dr Evalea Glanges, describing what she saw on Kennedy's limousine after it parked at Parkland Memorial Hospital on 22 November 1963.

"It was a good clean bullet hole right through the screen from the front, right, this had a clean round hole in the front and the fragmentation coming out of the back" -- George Whitaker Snr., describing the same bullet hole at a Ford lab in Detroit three days later

Neither one mentioned anything about magic U-Turn bullets that could do that from behind. :dunno:

the cone is backwards with the narrowest from the inside to the cone out

meaning the bullet came from behind

you can clearly see it in frame 225
"It was very clear, it was a through and through bullet hole, through the windshield of the car, from the front to the back". -- Dr Evalea Glanges, describing what she saw on Kennedy's limousine after it parked at Parkland Memorial Hospital on 22 November 1963.

"It was a good clean bullet hole right through the screen from the front, right, this had a clean round hole in the front and the fragmentation coming out of the back" -- George Whitaker Snr., describing the same bullet hole at a Ford lab in Detroit three days later

Neither one mentioned anything about magic U-Turn bullets that could do that from behind. :dunno:

the cone is backwards with the narrowest from the inside to the cone out

meaning the bullet came from behind

you can clearly see it in frame 225

Those are two eyewitnesses, unrelated and a thousand miles apart, with deep knowledge of guns and auto glass, looking at and describing the same object..

You on the other hand are a wanker who never saw the object at all, looking for cheap internet message board "points".

Guess which one wins.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
Actually you recall wrong.

the limo was cleaned and repaired but only AFTER the evidence was collected. Including the windshield which clearly proved that the bullets came from above and behind.

Wallace had no involvement
There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
About ten years before JFK was murdered by the State you love, two people were executed for Soviet espionage. You might have heard of them. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It can be argued rather successfully that they did less than what Oswald is purported to have done. He defected to the USSR and claimed to have given them classified information he learned while stationed in Atsugi, Japan a U2 base...he loudly renounced his US citizenship. ...funny...since when does an avowed commie enlist in the Marine Corp....LMFAO.

Then...by magic and hocus pocus, he is allowed back in the USA without a peep (the Rosenberg's were electrocuted). This alone blows up the lying State's narrative...along with about a thousand other things associated with the Deep State murder of JFK.

The most famous CIA operative of all time...no doubt his name is on the Memorial Wall at Langley...will in spirit.
No it cannot be argued that the Rosenburgs did LESS than Oswald.

What they did was give nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR.

Oswald merely traveled to the USSR which is neither treason nor illegal.

He never made any such claim about giving them secret information as he had none to give.

You have never presented any evidence that he worked for the CIA and you are incapable of doing so.

he never was and that is the end of it.
Oh now that is hilarious and proves once again you are a CIA plant.

A US Marine defecting to the USSR, renouncing his US Citizenship, and loudly proclaiming he would gladly give the Soviets classified information he learned while working on a U2 base at the height of the Cold War...is NOT merely traveling to the USSR.

You are getting your ass beat big time. You better enlist more support from your friends at Langley.

There is no evidence or proof of anyone being a CIA plant.

He had no classified information to give.

He did not work on a U2 base silly. He worked at an enormous airbase in Yokohoma japan which was sectioned off in different areas. The U2 flew out of a CIA compound which he never entered.
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
About ten years before JFK was murdered by the State you love, two people were executed for Soviet espionage. You might have heard of them. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It can be argued rather successfully that they did less than what Oswald is purported to have done. He defected to the USSR and claimed to have given them classified information he learned while stationed in Atsugi, Japan a U2 base...he loudly renounced his US citizenship. ...funny...since when does an avowed commie enlist in the Marine Corp....LMFAO.

Then...by magic and hocus pocus, he is allowed back in the USA without a peep (the Rosenberg's were electrocuted). This alone blows up the lying State's narrative...along with about a thousand other things associated with the Deep State murder of JFK.

The most famous CIA operative of all time...no doubt his name is on the Memorial Wall at Langley...will in spirit.
No it cannot be argued that the Rosenburgs did LESS than Oswald.

What they did was give nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR.

Oswald merely traveled to the USSR which is neither treason nor illegal.

He never made any such claim about giving them secret information as he had none to give.

You have never presented any evidence that he worked for the CIA and you are incapable of doing so.

he never was and that is the end of it.
Oh now that is hilarious and proves once again you are a CIA plant.

A US Marine defecting to the USSR, renouncing his US Citizenship, and loudly proclaiming he would gladly give the Soviets classified information he learned while working on a U2 base at the height of the Cold War...is NOT merely traveling to the USSR.

You are getting your ass beat big time. You better enlist more support from your friends at Langley.

There is no evidence or proof of anyone being a CIA plant.

He had no classified information to give.

He did not work on a U2 base silly. He worked at an enormous airbase in Yokohoma japan which was sectioned off in different areas. The U2 flew out of a CIA compound which he never entered.

He only traveled to the USSR which is legal and does not remotely compare to giving away communist secrets.

It does demonstrate how contradictory and stupid you are however as you make false claims that he was an anti communist but then admit he went to the USSR because he was a communist.

Congratulations little one you defeated yourself
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

I think it was a FALSE FLAG!! :D


A "false flag" is when one entity commits an act of aggression and blames it on another entity. And it's not uncommon in the world.

This however is simply a highly-organized mob style hit, to eliminate what that mob sees as a threat. Followed of course by a coverup. Neither of which were executed smoothly.

It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else
Did you hear the latest?

Oswald merely went on a vacation to the USSR.....:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:o_Oo_Oo_O:udaman::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Which you have no evidence to refute.

Much like LARAM you think emojis are evidence when they only prove you have any factual evidence to prove your idiotic claims
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
...and a really natural death was George de Mohrenschildt (a CIA agent)....who just happened to swallow a shotgun shell just two days before testifying before the HSCA...he also was considered a "crucial witness."

It's just plain happenstance....:confused::rolleyes:o_O:cool:

Yep, very common at least as far as those scheduled to testify there. Surely it was some kind of infectious virus. :eusa_angel:

--- and had nothing in the world to do with De Mohrenschildt being both Oswald's CIA handler and George Bush's "friend" -- or so he thought --

De Mohrenschildt was not a CIA handler for anyone least of all Oswald.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
Yep. Wallace was just another naturally occurring thing that just so happened to dozens of people familiar with the assassination...so thinks the dummy.

No doubt his print was there because " Mac Wallace's Fingerprints" was one of the books stored in the building. It was a best seller at the time.
Except that it was not
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

Oh by the way if anybody's interested, this Malcolm Wallace was killed in 1971 at the ripe old age of 49, when he mysteriously fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning after "somebody" fucked with his exhaust pipe. Which is ironic since that's exactly the method Wallace tried to use for the Marshall killing.

Sometimes you set up a car crash... sometimes it's a plane crash.... sometimes you send Jack Ruby in with a pistol ..... whatever it takes.
...and a really natural death was George de Mohrenschildt (a CIA agent)....who just happened to swallow a shotgun shell just two days before testifying before the HSCA...he also was considered a "crucial witness."

It's just plain happenstance....:confused::rolleyes:o_O:cool:
He was never a CIA agent boy. And neither was oswald.

As usual you only have idiotic assertions with no evidence
"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

Yep, as I recall LBJ had the car completely cleaned up and repaired by Ford before it could be evidenced. And actually he did exactly the same thing with the truck involved in the Marshall killing (also involving Wallace) years before. Exact same M.O.

However there were witnesses to it including at Parkland hospital before that could take place. And I believe there are photos.

I think it was a FALSE FLAG!! :D


A "false flag" is when one entity commits an act of aggression and blames it on another entity. And it's not uncommon in the world.

This however is simply a highly-organized mob style hit, to eliminate what that mob sees as a threat. Followed of course by a coverup. Neither of which were executed smoothly.

It was nothing more than an act of murder by one man Oswald with no evidence of involvement of anyone else

One man armed with an amazing "U-turn bump stock" that shot boomerang bullets.

Quite the inventor he was.
"It was very clear, it was a through and through bullet hole, through the windshield of the car, from the front to the back". -- Dr Evalea Glanges, describing what she saw on Kennedy's limousine after it parked at Parkland Memorial Hospital on 22 November 1963.

"It was a good clean bullet hole right through the screen from the front, right, this had a clean round hole in the front and the fragmentation coming out of the back" -- George Whitaker Snr., describing the same bullet hole at a Ford lab in Detroit three days later

Neither one mentioned anything about magic U-Turn bullets that could do that from behind. :dunno:

Except that the bullet never did a U turn or anything else magical.

the wounds line up and were caused by that one bullet except for the head shot which was caused by the third bullet.

You are only showing massive ignorance

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