54 years ago November 22 1963

I've never even heard of you before today Dippy.

And no, not "after a forward movement". The only forward movement here is the dump you just took on your own credibility.

I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
Yeah...is it true your daddy was on the Grassy Knoll that day?
Doesn't fucking matter "who could make" the shots

of course it does you just made the claim that oswald was "only a sharpshooter"

Now you're just blatantly lying. I've never posted anything about Oswald's shooting ability. At all.
You completely pulled that out of your ass.

Go learn how to read.

Mac Wallace was a professional hit man and sharpshooter. Fact

so it according to you --LOL it was impossible for oswald to take the shots

Apparently the simple fact that a statement about "Wallace" cannot by definition be a statement about "Oswald" sails completely over your head. Why am I not surprised.


it is totally possible for Wallace to take the shots

because he was a "sharpshooter" --LOL ya idiot

No, Shit-for-brains, because his fingerprints were up there, DUMBASS.

No prints from Lee Harvey Oswald were found in that area. Fact.

so what did they find wallaces prints on the gun

Glad you brought that up. Because when the cops first searched the place and located a gun, they inspected it saying "anyone know what this is?" and a firearms expert with them declared whatever they were looking at to be a German Mauser. Which I'm pretty sure is not Italian.

Wallace's fingerprints were found IIRC on some boxes. Presumably ones he either propped his firearm on, or moved out of his way.

Leaving his prints, known as a hit man, was one of several mistakes in this sloppy operation. But it is impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to leave Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints. That's uh, why they use fingerprints. They're individually unique.

Sorry if this is all too complex for your simplistic intellect.

Now you're just blatantly lying. I've never posted anything about Oswald's shooting ability

yes you did now are saying that oswald was capable of firing the three shots

Now you're lying about your own lying.

Go ahead Captain Pissbucket, prove me wrong --- QUOTE me posting something about Lee Harvey Oswald's shooting ability.

Fucking liar.

fuck you ass hole

you are fraud from the fist footage trying to make the claim that the car was stopped

when actually the film was stopped

what a fraud you are
I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
Yeah...is it true your daddy was on the Grassy Knoll that day?

So you admit I destroyed you with facts and evidence which is why you have nothing except hyperbole.

Pretty much your standard MO which proves you lose every argument on this issue.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?
Yes he was up in the window and your claim THAT only another man's fingerprints were found is a falsehood.
Yes the shots including the fatal headshot were all well within the range of his ability.
Three bullets did not hit Kennedy two did and they were both fired from Oswald.
He was never CIA trained.
There was nothing obvious about his killing.

Oswald acted alone as he evidence supports and none refutes, try again without the failure


Care to essplain to the class how a shooter positioned well BEHIND the car is able to put a front shot through the windshield, another front shot that pierces the President's throat and a third front shot that very obviously blasts off the right side of his head pushing his whole body violently BACK?

Nah, didn't think so.

There was no front shot through the windshield. the holes in the windshield were from bullet fragments which originated from BEHIND the president which is consistent with Oswald's position.

There was also no frontal shot which hit the president, the wound in his throat was an exit wound,

The shot did not push his head back. A close examination shows his head was actually pushed slightly forward before moving violently back. A bullet of that size and speed would not push the body in any significant manner it would only move the head an inch or two. The back ward movement was caused by the jet effect and neuro - muscular reaction which is very common.

Yes you do not think which is the problem you are full of inconsistencies and falsehoods which are easily debunked y facts.

Rather than merely listening to any half assed conspiracy theorists try looking at evidence. You are woefully uninformed on this subject

There was no front shot through the windshield

exactly that is another complete falsehood by the poster

did you see the footage he posted

of a stopped film to make the claim

kennedys car was not moving

Doesn't fucking matter "who could make" the shots

of course it does you just made the claim that oswald was "only a sharpshooter"

Now you're just blatantly lying. I've never posted anything about Oswald's shooting ability. At all.
You completely pulled that out of your ass.

Go learn how to read.

Mac Wallace was a professional hit man and sharpshooter. Fact

so it according to you --LOL it was impossible for oswald to take the shots

Apparently the simple fact that a statement about "Wallace" cannot by definition be a statement about "Oswald" sails completely over your head. Why am I not surprised.


it is totally possible for Wallace to take the shots

because he was a "sharpshooter" --LOL ya idiot

No, Shit-for-brains, because his fingerprints were up there, DUMBASS.

No prints from Lee Harvey Oswald were found in that area. Fact.

so what did they find wallaces prints on the gun

Glad you brought that up. Because when the cops first searched the place and located a gun, they inspected it saying "anyone know what this is?" and a firearms expert with them declared whatever they were looking at to be a German Mauser. Which I'm pretty sure is not Italian.

Wallace's fingerprints were found IIRC on some boxes. Presumably ones he either propped his firearm on, or moved out of his way.

Leaving his prints, known as a hit man, was one of several mistakes in this sloppy operation. But it is impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to leave Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints. That's uh, why they use fingerprints. They're individually unique.

Sorry if this is all too complex for your simplistic intellect.

Now you're just blatantly lying. I've never posted anything about Oswald's shooting ability

yes you did now are saying that oswald was capable of firing the three shots

Now you're lying about your own lying.

Go ahead Captain Pissbucket, prove me wrong --- QUOTE me posting something about Lee Harvey Oswald's shooting ability.

Fucking liar.

Oswald was a sharpshooter in the Marines which his record proves.

The shooting he accomplished was not difficult or challenging it was in fact within the capability ot literally millions of shooters and deer hunters.

Oswald's prints were found at the scene your claim that it was strictly Malcolm Wallace is false.
In fact there is no record whatsoever of fingerprints of a Malcolm Wallace at the scene.

But there are arrest of records of several people in Dealey that day which you also lied about

In fact there is no record whatsoever of fingerprints of a Malcolm Wallace at the scene.

you can only find that claim in crackpot websites
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.

these paid shills,such as soupnazi,the OP and USMB's resident troll wrongwinger never can explain that if oswald was trying to make his mark on history and was seeking fame as the warren commission says,WHY would he DENY he did it instead of proudly boasting about it as the profile of a crazed assassin always did in the past when he said-i did not shoot anybody,Im just a patsy.:cuckoo:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are and getting paid huge amounts of money for their ass beatings like the one you just gave the OP in this post of yours.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Oswald fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.
There was no magic bullet only morons who don’t understand the trajectory of the shot

Where is your plausible explanation

You're skilled at satire, usually. But it's not working here.
the understatement of the century.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

they got to TRY and put some satire in it,thats what their bosses pay them for.:D
swald was a sharpshooter in the Marines which his record proves.

His "record" huh?

And who gave you "his record"? The CIA? The FBI? LBJ? The same entities who had reason to off JFK, but are such boy scouts that they would never ever make something up (like that doctored Oswald photo) and you'll believe whatever they say?

Ah, Gullible's Travels.

The shooting he accomplished was not difficult or challenging it was in fact within the capability ot literally millions of shooters and deer hunters.

You don't find it "challenging" to hit targets from the front when you're standing behind them?

My, don't you have a bright future.

Oswald's prints were found at the scene your claim that it was strictly Malcolm Wallace is false.
In fact there is no record whatsoever of fingerprints of a Malcolm Wallace at the scene.

Right here, Bubbles.

But there are arrest of records of several people in Dealey that day which you also lied about

I've said nothing about arrest records. Go learn how to read.
Oswald fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.

all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

WRONGwinger can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after you took him to school.:up:

remember WRONGwinger whines and crys in defeat everyday trying to convince himself the rams are still playing in st louis he is so butthurt over being wrong on THAT little thing incredibly.
I've never even heard of you before today Dippy.

And no, not "after a forward movement". The only forward movement here is the dump you just took on your own credibility.

I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
About ten years before JFK was murdered by the State you love, two people were executed for Soviet espionage. You might have heard of them. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It can be argued rather successfully that they did less than what Oswald is purported to have done. He defected to the USSR and claimed to have given them classified information he learned while stationed in Atsugi, Japan a U2 base...he loudly renounced his US citizenship. ...funny...since when does an avowed commie enlist in the Marine Corp....LMFAO.

Then...by magic and hocus pocus, he is allowed back in the USA without a peep (the Rosenberg's were electrocuted). This alone blows up the lying State's narrative...along with about a thousand other things associated with the Deep State murder of JFK.

The most famous CIA operative of all time...no doubt his name is on the Memorial Wall at Langley...will in spirit.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

the trolls can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school here.dont forget how johnson illegally destroyed the evidence of the limo because has it been available for examination you would have more than one forensic cop on the spot saying the bullet hole was an entrance shot.

He is the one who was schooled and like you is the only one slinging shit in defeat.

The evidence proves you wrong
Oswald fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.

all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

WRONGwinger can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after you took him to school.:up:

remember WRONGwinger whines and crys in defeat everyday trying to convince himself the rams are still playing in st louis he is so butthurt over being wrong on THAT little thing incredibly.

As usual you reinforce the defeat of the idiots by merely childishly posting crap which has been debunked.
AFTER a forward movement which destroys your illogical theory.,

The film proves you wrong it is you failing to learn after I destroyed you on other threads.

I've never even heard of you before today Dippy.

And no, not "after a forward movement". The only forward movement here is the dump you just took on your own credibility.

I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

Doesn't look like that one can BE educated.

But salient point. If he had been shot from behind why isn't Jackie crawling forward into the driver's seat to retrieve the brain? Because she knew where it went, that's why.

Hard to believe there are drones droning around willing to pretend they don't understand simple principles of inertia.
I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

There is no such video and i just posted the Zapruder film which proves you wrong.

His hands were moving in the classic Thorburn reaction which has been seen in many victims hundreds of times and is caused by a bullet to the back.

Brain and skull fragments went to the front AND rear AND sides as is typical.

You are the3 one being educated and pwned AGAIN
About ten years before JFK was murdered by the State you love, two people were executed for Soviet espionage. You might have heard of them. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

It can be argued rather successfully that they did less than what Oswald is purported to have done. He defected to the USSR and claimed to have given them classified information he learned while stationed in Atsugi, Japan a U2 base...he loudly renounced his US citizenship. ...funny...since when does an avowed commie enlist in the Marine Corp....LMFAO.

Then...by magic and hocus pocus, he is allowed back in the USA without a peep (the Rosenberg's were electrocuted). This alone blows up the lying State's narrative...along with about a thousand other things associated with the Deep State murder of JFK.

The most famous CIA operative of all time...no doubt his name is on the Memorial Wall at Langley...will in spirit.
No it cannot be argued that the Rosenburgs did LESS than Oswald.

What they did was give nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR.

Oswald merely traveled to the USSR which is neither treason nor illegal.

He never made any such claim about giving them secret information as he had none to give.

You have never presented any evidence that he worked for the CIA and you are incapable of doing so.

he never was and that is the end of it.
I've never even heard of you before today Dippy.

And no, not "after a forward movement". The only forward movement here is the dump you just took on your own credibility.

I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

Doesn't look like that one can BE educated.

But salient point. If he had been shot from behind why isn't Jackie crawling forward into the driver's seat to retrieve the brain? Because she knew where it went, that's why.

Hard to believe there are drones droning around willing to pretend they don't understand simple principles of inertia.

His brains splattered everywhere and she merely had to pick a direction to go in a moment of panic which means you have nothing.

Yes you refuse to be educated at all even though each of your claims has been debunked and destroyed by facts.

You know you have been beaten as well but are too immature to admit it.
swald was a sharpshooter in the Marines which his record proves.

His "record" huh?

And who gave you "his record"? The CIA? The FBI? LBJ? The same entities who had reason to off JFK, but are such boy scouts that they would never ever make something up (like that doctored Oswald photo) and you'll believe whatever they say?

Ah, Gullible's Travels.

The shooting he accomplished was not difficult or challenging it was in fact within the capability ot literally millions of shooters and deer hunters.

You don't find it "challenging" to hit targets from the front when you're standing behind them?

My, don't you have a bright future.

Oswald's prints were found at the scene your claim that it was strictly Malcolm Wallace is false.
In fact there is no record whatsoever of fingerprints of a Malcolm Wallace at the scene.

Right here, Bubbles.

But there are arrest of records of several people in Dealey that day which you also lied about

I've said nothing about arrest records. Go learn how to read.
No silly one the MARINES published his records long before the Kennedy assassination as they do with all military personal files with the exception of medical and financial files.

The fact is his record proves you wrong and you have no evidence to dispute it.

There is no evidence that the Oswald photos were doctored.

Yes you did claim there were no records of arrests in Dealey that day and now you are lying boy.
No you are not at all you are completely ignorant uninformed and immature.

you also know that you lost every argument and I made you my bitch which is why you dropped it and ran away

NOBODY is your bitch Nazi Boy - which is why you lose pretty much every argument. :wink:
They most certianly are and you are lying as you know damn good and well I destroyed their arguments and yours as well.

Just line up to join the crowd of whiney losers i will own your uneducated ass as well
Oswald fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.

all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

WRONGwinger can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after you took him to school.:up:

remember WRONGwinger whines and crys in defeat everyday trying to convince himself the rams are still playing in st louis he is so butthurt over being wrong on THAT little thing incredibly.
I never said you heard of me or should have.

Dead wrong little boy the back and to the left movement clearly and irrefutably happened after a slight forward movement

Fct visible to all and you proves you wrong
the forward movement was from the bullet that entered his throat...then the head shot from the front right sent him back and to the left.

Only a dupe would think otherwise....or a CIA plant, which you clearly are.

There was no entrance wound to his throat proving you wrong.

The head would not move at all from a wound below the head.

There are no CIA plants and the evidence proves you wrong and a liar
You must have watched the CIA approved Zap film. LMFAO!!!

Clearly he brings his hands up to clutch his throat (from the bullet entering his throat) and binding forward, he takes the head shot from the front right, which sends his brain and skull fragments to the rear...resulting in Jackie crawling on the trunk lid to get his skull...and the SS agent who jumped on the car covered in JFK's brains.

Must I educate you on everything?

Doesn't look like that one can BE educated.

But salient point. If he had been shot from behind why isn't Jackie crawling forward into the driver's seat to retrieve the brain? Because she knew where it went, that's why.

Hard to believe there are drones droning around willing to pretend they don't understand simple principles of inertia.

His brains splattered everywhere and she merely had to pick a direction to go in a moment of panic which means you have nothing.

Yes you refuse to be educated at all even though each of your claims has been debunked and destroyed by facts.

You know you have been beaten as well but are too immature to admit it.
Is it true you have this picture over your bed and you give it your devotion every night. You are so proud of his sacrifice in saving the nation from peace.


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