58% of Moonbats Think Russia Literally Rigged Election

Everyone know that Putin used his "Mind Changer" beam to flip Hillary voters in key swing states
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.
But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected

Ha ha. Good point. Liberals think it is paranoid to think that illegals could possibly be voting under an assumed identity, but it is wholly reasonable to suggest that a country rigged our election.
Actually, we Liberals WANT an investigation of trump's claim that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast. Why hasn't the so-called president called for an investigation of this SERIOUS accusation?
I handed my ballot to this guy. He claimed to be a representative from the Kentucky Garbage Bins.

But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected

Ha ha. Good point. Liberals think it is paranoid to think that illegals could possibly be voting under an assumed identity, but it is wholly reasonable to suggest that a country rigged our election.
Actually, we Liberals WANT an investigation of trump's claim that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast. Why hasn't the so-called president called for an investigation of this SERIOUS accusation?
Per years of leftists telling us the election process is secure, now the entire election process is controlled by foreign governments, which crazy rant you going with today?
But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected
If it's indeed 'firm and sound', how was it that millions of illegal votes were cast? That's according to the little man who can't shut up about the fact he won the damn thing!
Five thousand five hundred illegals voted in Virginia alone. Hossfly just posted the story hours ago.
Hossfly is your source? :rofl:
There I was, all ready to vote for Trump in Colorado....a state that Hillary was going to win anyways...and a man in a red beret took my ballot and voted for TRUMP on my ballot...along with all the local legislative voting that he supported.

Oddly, the Russian operative who took my balllot DID NOT vote for the BLACK MAN running for Senate as a Republican. Colorado Dems are RACIST...so Daryl Glen lost. They wouldn't vote for a black man for Senator because they are racist.
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.

Minds are changed by campaigns, Hillary and her campaign sucked.

I talked to people who didn't vote for her here in Florida because they got tired of her stupid TV ads.
I've never talked to anyone who didn't vote for her because of Russian interference.
Some guy drove up to the polling place with a "I'm with her" bumper sticker. The poll workers came out and said they were taking him out to dinner at a restaurant for being the 100th voter. I never knew they were giving out prizes.
The guy in front of me when I was voting.
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The problem with catching Russians entering the voting booth is that they are normal looking white people. Even Putin knows that the registrars only hassle black and Hispanic voters

As a result, up to 5 million Russians voted for Trump in the last election
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.
so you know you've lost your mind?
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.

Minds are changed by campaigns, Hillary and her campaign sucked.

I talked to people who didn't vote for her here in Florida because they got tired of her stupid TV ads.
I've never talked to anyone who didn't vote for her because of Russian interference.
because the russians didn't. ask anyone for proof.
Everyone know that Putin used his "Mind Changer" beam to flip Hillary voters in key swing states
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.

Not for the "fake news" accusation. To this day -- NOBODY has shown me a credible example of a "planted news story" VERIFIED as originating in Russia -- that isn't just knee-slapping garbage. I've gotta conclude -- it didn't happen..

Now a couple lefties have shoved ridiculous tabloid headlines that came from unemployed teens living in the Balkans trying to raise money for band equipment. But NOTHING from Russia that would have changed a single mind with an IQ over 66.. .
It will all come out (it always does) in time. Patience, kids. Watergate wasn't built in a day.

You mean YOU never saw any? I NEVER saw any. And it's all made up highly classified bull crap.. Where the fuck is this MIND-ALTERING Russian propaganda? ONE example..

Pretty special if NO ONE ever saw it right???? :badgrin: I don't really care if it was "on RT".. Nobody watches RT unless they are Larry King fans and 80+ yrs old..
It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks. There's far too much smoke here for there to be no fire. Patience, people.

Much more smoke over in the Podesta camp where he had MILLIONS of Russian clients clamoring for him to get DC agreements FAVORABLE to their interests. Even a FIRE in Jill Stein camp where she sat at a table with Putin at an RT awards ceremony and was given private time with top Kremlin officials to discuss her policy favorable to the Russians.

Fact that NEITHER of these smoldering blazes is ever mentioned is Proof Positive this is a witchhunt and a distraction and NOT an "investigation"...
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.
Putin hacked your mind?

Please explain how that happened
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.
Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.


Not one election machine was hacked or even connected to the Internet!
We'll see (but it's the voters not the votes).
See nothing! No voting machine was hacked. You lost the hearts and minds of the voters.
Not really. She still won the popular vote.
It's funny how the #RussianW can only think of machines, not minds.
Putin hacked your mind?

Please explain how that happened
Putin has free rent inside the minds of every leftist.

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