58% of Moonbats Think Russia Literally Rigged Election

Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.

Not for the "fake news" accusation. To this day -- NOBODY has shown me a credible example of a "planted news story" VERIFIED as originating in Russia -- that isn't just knee-slapping garbage. I've gotta conclude -- it didn't happen..

Now a couple lefties have shoved ridiculous tabloid headlines that came from unemployed teens living in the Balkans trying to raise money for band equipment. But NOTHING from Russia that would have changed a single mind with an IQ over 66.. .
It will all come out (it always does) in time. Patience, kids. Watergate wasn't built in a day.

You mean YOU never saw any? I NEVER saw any. And it's all made up highly classified bull crap.. Where the fuck is this MIND-ALTERING Russian propaganda? ONE example..

Pretty special if NO ONE ever saw it right???? :badgrin: I don't really care if it was "on RT".. Nobody watches RT unless they are Larry King fans and 80+ yrs old..
It really doesn't matter what anyone thinks. There's far too much smoke here for there to be no fire. Patience, people.

Much more smoke over in the Podesta camp where he had MILLIONS of Russian clients clamoring for him to get DC agreements FAVORABLE to their interests. Even a FIRE in Jill Stein camp where she sat at a table with Putin at an RT awards ceremony and was given private time with top Kremlin officials to discuss her policy favorable to the Russians.

Fact that NEITHER of these smoldering blazes is ever mentioned is Proof Positive this is a witchhunt and a distraction and NOT an "investigation"...
If anything it points directly at more swamp creatures.
But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected

The majority of moonbat GOP still doubt that President Obama was born in the United States- hell one of them is our President.

Poll: Persistent Partisan Divide Over 'Birther' Question

Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama's citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July of more than 1,700 registered voters. And this skepticism even exists among Republicans high in political knowledge.

But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected

The majority of moonbat GOP still doubt that President Obama was born in the United States- hell one of them is our President.

Poll: Persistent Partisan Divide Over 'Birther' Question

Seventy-two percent of registered Republican voters still doubt President Obama's citizenship, according to a recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July of more than 1,700 registered voters. And this skepticism even exists among Republicans high in political knowledge.

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NBC poll, same ones who said Hillary locked up her win!
So go arrest Putin.

And Obama for wiretapping our German ally.
Trump is about to reward Putin for giving him a leg up. He is going to give back the spy compounds they had on US soil which Obama shut down.
Tell Validimer I will have more flexibility after the election.
So go arrest Putin.

And Obama for wiretapping our German ally.
Trump is about to reward Putin for giving him a leg up. He is going to give back the spy compounds they had on US soil which Obama shut down.
Obama said he’d have more flexibilityafter his reelection, and the Kremlin got what it wanted.

In the throes of the 2016 campaign, the FBI found itself with an escalating problem: Russian diplomats, whose travel was supposed to be tracked by the State Department, were going missing.

The diplomats, widely assumed to be intelligence operatives, would eventually turn up in odd places, often in middle-of-nowhere USA. One was found on a beach, nowhere near where he was supposed to be. In one particularly bizarre case, relayed by a U.S. intelligence official, another turned up wandering around in the middle of the desert. Interestingly, both seemed to be lingering where underground fiber optics cables tend to run.

According to another U.S. intelligence official, “They find these guys driving around in circles in Kansas. It’s a pretty aggressive effort.”

It’s a trend that has led intelligence officials to conclude the Kremlin is waging a quiet effort to map the United States’ telecommunications infrastructure, perhaps preparing for an opportunity to disrupt it.

“Half the time they’re never confronted,” the official, who declined to be identified discussing intelligence matters, said of the incidents. “We assume they’re mapping our infrastructure.”

Russia escalates spy games after years of U.S. neglect
So go arrest Putin.

And Obama for wiretapping our German ally.
Trump is about to reward Putin for giving him a leg up. He is going to give back the spy compounds they had on US soil which Obama shut down.
Obama said he’d have more flexibilityafter his reelection, and the Kremlin got what it wanted.
That comment has fuck all to do with Russia interfering in our election.

Why are you trying to throw up smoke for Putin, comrade?
So go arrest Putin.

And Obama for wiretapping our German ally.
Trump is about to reward Putin for giving him a leg up. He is going to give back the spy compounds they had on US soil which Obama shut down.
Obama said he’d have more flexibilityafter his reelection, and the Kremlin got what it wanted.
That comment has fuck all to do with Russia interfering in our election.

Why are you trying to throw up smoke for Putin, comrade?
The world is still waiting for a remote tad of evidence and what law was broken.

Your psycho babble is getting old.
But the election process is firm and sound, we don't need investigations!

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump Elected
lets not get into the intelligence of the US people, 60% don't believe in evolution
40% believe explosions naturally evolve into order and if you stare at a rock long enough it will start to write Beethoven.
No one believes that.

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