58% of Moonbats Think Russia Literally Rigged Election

They didn't tamper with the votes (more than likely), they tampered with the voters - to get their puppet elected.
Like Obama using tax dollars to tamper with the Israeli elections?
No lie is too big for you in pursuit of your own degradation.
and no truth you don't like will ever be true.

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election
Everyone know that Putin used his "Mind Changer" beam to flip Hillary voters in key swing states
Putin used hackers. No Mind Changer beam was necessary.

What did they hack?
The DNC, and God only knows what else. And the GOP as well (they'd have to) since Trump isn't GOP.

The DNC says they weren't hacked.
Plus, the DNC is not part of our government and has no control of elections.
You liberals act like it's some kind of official agency, it's a private organization promoting their candidates.
Exposing the DNC internals hurt Clinton and helped Trump. It's as simple as that.
not sure what you're referring to.
They didn't tamper with the votes (more than likely), they tampered with the voters - to get their puppet elected.
Like Obama using tax dollars to tamper with the Israeli elections?

How quickly Republicans start lying to the faithful to rewrite Democrat history. Bill Clinton has gone from being more popular than Ronald Reagan, harassed and hounded by a corrupt Republican Party who impeached him for lying about a blow job, to a corrupt serial rapist, taking bribes, colluding to steal, based on the lies Republicans kept repeating without questioning where they came from so that now, the Clinton name destroyed, regardless of the long history of actual scandal free politics.

The Clinton Foundation had been one of the most effective tools in reducing deaths by AIDS in areas of the world where there is little in the way of sanitation or health care.

These are the people you vilify while raising up a man who just handed off the leadership of the free world to benefit his buddy, Vladimir Putin, who is now free to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

NATO was created to keep Germany from ever re-arming itself. Now Trump is making sure that they do.

This is how the world ends. Or welcome to the new American Reality TV show - How to create a Fascist Dictatorship.

1. Season 1 - Destroy the free press
What did they hack?
The DNC, and God only knows what else. And the GOP as well (they'd have to) since Trump isn't GOP.

The DNC says they weren't hacked.
Plus, the DNC is not part of our government and has no control of elections.
You liberals act like it's some kind of official agency, it's a private organization promoting their candidates.
Exposing the DNC internals hurt Clinton and helped Trump. It's as simple as that.

Funny how the left admit Hillary needed to lie to get votes.
It had little to do with the truth. It had to do with how politics here really works (which Americans don't know about).
man runs for president, wins the needed 272 electoral votes and wins the election. anything beyond that is just butthurt, batshit losers whining daily in here.
They didn't tamper with the votes (more than likely), they tampered with the voters - to get their puppet elected.
Like Obama using tax dollars to tamper with the Israeli elections?

How quickly Republicans start lying to the faithful to rewrite Democrat history. Bill Clinton has gone from being more popular than Ronald Reagan, harassed and hounded by a corrupt Republican Party who impeached him for lying about a blow job, to a corrupt serial rapist, taking bribes, colluding to steal, based on the lies Republicans kept repeating without questioning where they came from so that now, the Clinton name destroyed, regardless of the long history of actual scandal free politics.

The Clinton Foundation had been one of the most effective tools in reducing deaths by AIDS in areas of the world where there is little in the way of sanitation or health care.

These are the people you vilify while raising up a man who just handed off the leadership of the free world to benefit his buddy, Vladimir Putin, who is now free to rebuild the Soviet Empire.

NATO was created to keep Germany from ever re-arming itself. Now Trump is making sure that they do.

This is how the world ends. Or welcome to the new American Reality TV show - How to create a Fascist Dictatorship.

1. Season 1 - Destroy the free press
Putin made Hillary NOT make a final pass through Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Hillary wanted to go to those states just for sound strategy, but Putin MADE her not go to those states.

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