58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)

PATRIOTS please vote.
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Brandon has no intention of lifting a finger.

He wants these Soviet style show trials for purely partisan political-attack purposes.

What he has already done here in this regard is reprehensible. But the senile old turd isn’t about to suddenly behave in a moral fashion.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)
I say that you folks are lying to yerself.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)
They can't help themselves, don't you understand?

Their rage and hate drive them as they are no longer in control of their own faculties.
Brandon has no intention of lifting a finger.

He wants these Soviet style show trials for purely partisan political-attack purposes.

What he has already done here in this regard is reprehensible. But the senile old turd isn’t about to suddenly behave in a moral fashion.
If they were Soviet style Trump would be in prison
I fully support actually holding politicians accountable. However, that isnt what this country does.
This is just an attack on the peaches-n-chief. Which I dont agree with. "lawfare" as they say.
So im torn about the question.
In a recent McLaughlin Group poll, 58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump.

56% of those polled say Biden wants Trump jailed before the election.

What say you?

(You can change your vote if any discussion changes your mind.)
It's not his job to interfere with prosecutors. Let the system play out. Let Trump be treated just like any other US citizen would be.
He wants these Soviet style show trials for purely partisan political-attack purposes

You clearly don't know anything about Soviet trials and how they fundamentally differ from our justice system.

You say you are lawyer but you post like an ignorant nutbag, ready to shit all over American justice system at a drop of Trump's hat.
Which is exactly what a President that respects our justice system should be (not) doing.
Wrong. If the scumbag ever respected our system, he and his cohorts wouldn’t have sought the political persecutions of Trump in the first place.

Plus, the two federal cases are absolutely within his power to terminate. And since they are unquestionably improperly-brought persecutions, as President, he damn well should cancel both of them.
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The president should not violate the independence of the DoJ. Biden has not done so and I have complete confidence that he will keep it that way. Trump did when he was president and has promised to do it again.
Boy, did I call that, or what? :auiqs.jpg:

They can't help themselves, don't you understand?

Their rage and hate drive them as they are no longer in control of their own faculties.
I think there is a lot of truth in this though. But so far as our leaders go I think it is desire for the money and power for themselves that drives them more than rage and hate.

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