5th Circuit strikes down ATF bump stock ban.

Since you like these things maybe you can say what they are good for other than murdering a bunch of people.
They are good at fun at the range. Otherwise they are pretty worthless. They are definitely worthless for any kind real tactical use.

As a range officer I see them all the time. They are range toys, not anything serious.

I've shot them a couple of times for shits and giggles and have no desire to own one.

However, me not caring about them is no reason for the filthy ass government to infringe upon the right of other people to own them.

The court agrees.

God bless the Bruen decision.
I know that certainly isn't for me; But others might like it. Not my place to tell people what they can't have.
What is alcohol for other than getting drunk and making bad decisions?

What are sports cars for other than speeding a driving recklessly?

People can own things that are potentially dangerous to others but simply use them safely for their own enjoyment.

Didn't you claim to have been a soldier?

Then you know what I mean.
Gun nutters are responsible for the ease with which mass shooters can get a mass murder weapon. In my view this is at odds with the ideal of responsible gun ownership. Opposing everything as a matter of principal is an effort to shirk responsibility for the damage your hobby causes.
Gun nutters are responsible for the ease with which mass shooters can get a mass murder weapon. In my view this is at odds with the ideal of responsible gun ownership. Opposing everything as a matter of principal is an effort to shirk responsibility for the damage your hobby causes.
If a person is determined to kill ... you're never going to ban enough to stop them.

It's the person that's the problem...not the thing.
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If a person is determined to kill ... you're never going to ban enough to stop them.

It's the person that's the problem...not the things.
Turns out the gun lobby opposes all efforts to address the problem from that angle as well.
Gun nutters are responsible for the ease with which mass shooters can get a mass murder weapon. In my view this is at odds with the ideal of responsible gun ownership. Opposing everything as a matter of principal is an effort to shirk responsibility for the damage your hobby causes.
We "gun nuts" are not responsible for other people committing crimes.

You Moon Bats always have difficulty understanding personal responsibility, don't you? None of the firearms I own are responsible for anything you do with the firearms you own.
Turns out the gun lobby opposes all efforts to address the problem from that angle as well.
No, they don't. What they oppose is any suspension of the legal axiom "innocent until proven guilty".

A court determination should be required to deprived any citizen of their Constitutional Rights.
We "gun nuts" are not responsible for other people committing crimes.

You Moon Bats always have difficulty understanding personal responsibility, don't you? None of the firearms I own are responsible for anything you do with the firearms you own.
Crazy people being able to buy all the murder weapons they want is entirely the result of not being able to pass anything that might prevent them.
Crazy people being able to buy all the murder weapons they want is entirely the result of not being able to pass anything that might prevent them.
You may not know this because you are a stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat.

The right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutional right and it shall not be infringed. I shit you not. Go look it up if you don't beleive me.

The great majority of gun crimes in this country are committed by druggies, gang bangers and street thug criminals who could give a shit about any gun control law you deranged Moon Bats want to pass.

Now the people have the opportunity to have their Constitutional rights strengthen by the Bruen decision. The decision will have no effect on the gun crime committed in this country because criminals will ignore any law. But, as we saw in this case, it will restore the rights of the normal American that likes to go to the range and have fun blasting away. Just because you a pussy that is afraid of firearms don't mean the rest of us are.

Now, if some idiot Democrat Moon Bat asshole wants to take away your Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the fact they don't like the arm (like with bump stocks) won't be enough. Because of the Bruen decision they need one hellva good reason. The bump stock ban did not meet that threshold and that is a good thing.
Crazy people being able to buy all the murder weapons they want is entirely the result of not being able to pass anything that might prevent them.

You guys said background checks.

Ok...we did that Nationally.

Nope... That's not enough. Universal Background checks.

Ok...New York did that.

Nope...red flag laws...need those too.

Ok...New York did that too.

Wait, wait...these black rifles are scary...need to ban them too.

Ok...New York passed that.

And also standard capacity magazines...they gotta go.

Alright...New York implemented that.

And yet...

New York’s restrictive gun laws didn’t stop the Buffalo shooter

We're always going to be "just one gun law away" from stopping mass shootings.

Everyone has heard "with great power comes great responsibility".

It's corollary is "With great liberty comes the risk of those who would pervert that liberty to evil purposes."

To increase safety, you must reduce liberty.
If Sleepy Joe wants it, he should ask Congress to pass a LEGAL ban on it that he can actually sign.

Which is what the Trump administration should have done back in 2018.

I agree with the decision by the court, it seems obvious that a bump stock is not a machine gun. It is an accessory.

But for the life of me, being an owner of multiple firearms, including one that would easily accommodate a bump stock, I can think of no reason the average American gun owner would need a bump stock. And yes, I know that the 2nd Amendment is not about need... this is just my personal opinion.
You may not know this because you are a stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat.

The right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutional right and it shall not be infringed. I shit you not. Go look it up if you don't beleive me.

The great majority of gun crimes in this country are committed by druggies, gang bangers and street thug criminals who could give a shit about any gun control law you deranged Moon Bats want to pass.

Now the people have the opportunity to have their Constitutional rights strengthen by the Bruen decision. The decision will have no effect on the gun crime committed in this country because criminals will ignore any law. But, as we saw in this case, it will restore the rights of the normal American that likes to go to the range and have fun blasting away. Just because you a pussy that is afraid of firearms don't mean the rest of us are.

Now, if some idiot Democrat Moon Bat asshole wants to take away your Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the fact they don't like the arm (like with bump stocks) won't be enough. Because of the Bruen decision they need one hellva good reason. The bump stock ban did not meet that threshold and that is a good thing.
Most people on either side of the argument agree that auto-fire weapons should at least be heavily regulated. In this case we have a clear effort to skirt the law and put a half-assed auto-fire weapon in the hands of anyone who wants one. I don't see the utility of this thing except to shoot into a crowd. I get it that people get a stiffy playing Rambo but your erection is not among my list of priorities.
Most people on either side of the argument agree that auto-fire weapons should at least be heavily regulated. In this case we have a clear effort to skirt the law and put a half-assed auto-fire weapon in the hands of anyone who wants one. I don't see the utility of this thing except to shoot into a crowd. I get it that people get a stiffy playing Rambo but your erection is not among my list of priorities.

You may be a pussy but I sure as hell don't agree that "auto fire weapons" should be regulated at all. I have a M-16 machine gun and it was oppressive and against my Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms to have to pay that goddamn $200 NFA tax to get it back in 1976.

A criminal sure as hell hell would not bother to pay an NFA tax if they wanted to use a F-A weapon in a crime, would they?

Having them regulated like they oppressively are now does nothing to prevent any crime. It just puts a burden on law abiding Americans.

The unconstitutional NFA laws were created in the 1930s to deter organized crime from using F-A but it did nothing to stop any crime. In fact organized crime grew in the 40s, 50s and 60s and now there is even more illegal F-A weapons on the streets by the druggies and gang bangers.
You may be a pussy but I sure as hell don't agree that "auto fire weapons" should be regulated at all. I have a M-16 machine gun and it was oppressive and against my Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms to have to pay that goddamn $200 NFA tax to get it back in 1976.

A criminal sure as hell hell would not bother to pay an NFA tax if they wanted to use a F-A weapon in a crime, would they?

Having them regulated like they oppressively are now does nothing to prevent any crime. It just puts a burden on law abiding Americans.

The unconstitutional NFA laws were created in the 1930s to deter organized crime from using F-A but it did nothing to stop any crime. In fact organized crime grew in the 40s, 50s and 60s and now there is even more illegal F-A weapons on the streets by the druggies and gang bangers.
Of course a fringe type like yourself would want autofire weapons no matter what damage it causes. After all you already refuse to see the connection between permissive gun laws and gun crime.
Gun nutters are responsible for the ease with which mass shooters can get a mass murder weapon. In my view this is at odds with the ideal of responsible gun ownership. Opposing everything as a matter of principal is an effort to shirk responsibility for the damage your hobby causes.

How many actual nuts have their been?

In 2022....12



Total murdered by mass public shooters in 2022?


The democrat party, on the other hand? We went from about 10,000 gun murders by criminals in 2019, to now about 19,000 in 2021......all due to the actual policies of the democrat party...

Can you see which number is freaking bigger than the other number?

The democrat party is responsible for the massive increase in deaths...deaths, by the way, that occur most often among young black men....living in democrat party controlled cities.....

The democrat party has decided they need to deconstruct the police...they vote republican too much...so in 2015 they began their war on the police.....to the point the police, since 2015, can't or won't do their jobs, started quitting and retiring in massive numbers.

This means the democrat policy has allowed violent criminals to run free in the cities they control...the police won't risk their lives and freedom to do anything more than they absolutely have to do to keep their jobs....

Then, the democrat party realized that they needed more crime on the streets.....and normal Americans who own guns don't use those guns for crime and murder...so now the democrats are releasing violent, gun criminals over and over again, with their decarceration policies......

Democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are creating policies and passing laws that allow the most dangerous and violent criminals to walk out of jail and prison over and over and over again...

Yet you want to focus on the rarest of rare events....to ban and confiscate guns from law abiding people.....and to shield the democrat party from the fall out of their murderous policies towards violent criminals........
Of course a fringe type like yourself would want autofire weapons no matter what damage it causes. After all you already refuse to see the connection between permissive gun laws and gun crime.
My M-16 never caused any damage because I didn't use it for a crime. Just having fun at the range.

Well actually it did cause some damage to my bank account because it is expensive to shoot up a lot of ammo.

If you knew anything about full auto (which you obviously don't) you would understand that it is not useful for much of anything other than suppression fire.

We used F-A in Vietnam when we couldn't see the little bastards as spray and pray. Most of the time ineffective. However, we didn't do it as near as much as you see in the movies because it too quickly used up the ammo. My son saw combat in Iraq as a Cav Scout but very seldom used burst on his M-4. Semi auto was better for most circumstances.

Criminals don't give a shit about the stupid NFA laws. Its only affect is to curtail the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Hopefully the right law suit will be brought against the filthy NFA laws and under the strict scrutiny requirement of Bruen will be struck down.

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