5th Circuit strikes down ATF bump stock ban.

Why can people who shouldn't have guns get them? Half of that equation are the people who sell them. What does their well-funded lobby say? Regulating gun sales bad.

Because they break the law. Wow...that was simple. The people who sell them to known criminals are breaking the law.

Gun sales are already regulated...what does your brain dead anti-gun fanatic groups tell you about that?

The problem is that the democrat party will not keep violent gun offenders in prison.....democrat party prosecutors first bargain away gun charges, which also reduces the time any criminal will serve....democrat party politicians also remove penalties for gun possession by known gun criminals......why do they do that? Do your anti-gun fanatic groups explain that to you?

2nd Amendment groups try to keep criminals in jail......the democrats you support keep releasing them...you are the problem, not normal gun owners...
Why can people who shouldn't have guns get them? Half of that equation are the people who sell them. What does their well-funded lobby say? Regulating gun sales bad.

Hey...dipshit....you have to explain these actions by the democrat party.....

Explain them......

Washington state...

So why are Washington Democrats offering up a bill in the state legislature to lower the penalties for drive-by shootings?

Well, there’s woke and then there’s just plain stupid. Washington state Democrats are vying to become the best stupid they can be, bless ’em.

Currently, Washington law holds that a drive-by shooter should get an aggravated enhancement if he is arrested and prosecuted—and that’s a big if. Such an enhancement could land a drive-by murderer a life prison sentence.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Washington State Democrats Want Decreased Penalties for Drive-By Shooters Because... Aw, You Guessed

New York...

The Mayor of New York City held a press conference yesterday that was full of fire and brimstone. The cover of the New York Post really says it all.

Mayor’s plea: We took 2,600 guns… But the shooters are back on the streets.”


The Mayor is clearly frustrated and it’s reached the point where he feels compelled to point out the obvious. He said, “after the shooting, after the arrest, after being let go — You know what they do? They go do another shooting.” The NYPD is already aware of this because they keep arresting the same people over and over again.

He pointed out that criminals in New York City “no longer believe you can’t do a shooting.” He continued, saying that criminals don’t take criminal justice seriously anymore.

While the Mayor didn’t mention him by name, he was clearly making a reference to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The DA came into office promising to put fewer people behind bars and proceeded to make good on that threat.

NYC Mayor: Our prosecutors are "a laughingstock" of the country


Two days after the Uvalde shooting in Texas, the California State Senate passed a bill that would allow schools not to report threats or attacks against employees to law enforcement.


According to the Bill, it would repeal the provision of existing law where it requires that “whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.”

SB 1273 would then make such reports to law enforcement voluntary.

California Senate Passes Bill to Allow Schools Not to Report Threats to Police



This year, though, we’ve jumped the shark. We’re on pace for over 600 murders—the most ever. An Inquirer story last week laid out some even more disturbing findings. Since Krasner took office, the number of gun crime arrests has nearly tripled, but the conviction rate for gun crimes has plunged from 63 percent in 2017 to 49 percent in 2019. In January, I reported that, under Krasner, homicides have jumped a whopping 58 percent; just 21 percent of shootings since 2015 led to criminal charges, and less than one-tenth of those resulted in convictions.


The DA’s own data dashboard shows that, every year of his tenure, Krasner’s office has dismissed or withdrawn more violent cases and gun cases than the year before. In fact, the average annual number of such cases that were dismissed or withdrawn has increased by 85 percent during Krasner’s tenure, compared with the four years before he took office. All of this despite the fact that the police are making more gun arrests than at any time since 2015.

Larry Krasner is losing the battle against homicide. Will voters even care?

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds

Wrong. And you can't ban them anyway. All laws do is affect the law abiding.

Here's a novel concept. Use a gun to commit a crime you go to prison for life without parole.

THAT would greatly diminish gun crimes.
If the gun nutters simply took the responsibility to police their own the problem of armed criminals would be much diminished. Their ease of procuring weapons is directly linked to loopholes in the legal gun trade. No interest by the usually tough on crime republicans in doing anything about it.
Used to tote an M60 around while in the field. Not a huge thrill for me anymore. I'm not against guns. I just think responsible gun ownership should extend to responsible gun lobbying and laws.
If I had a legal M-60 and invited you to drive up here from (Florida?) to have a day at the range... you would tell me 'no thanks'?

As another person who has handle automatic weaponry during my military service...I find that difficult to believe.
If the gun nutters simply took the responsibility to police their own the problem of armed criminals would be much diminished. Their ease of procuring weapons is directly linked to loopholes in the legal gun trade. No interest by the usually tough on crime republicans in doing anything about it.

Hey.......dumb ass....respond to post #62.........you won't, because you can't....

Washington state...

So why are Washington Democrats offering up a bill in the state legislature to lower the penaltiesfor drive-by shootings?

Well, there’s woke and then there’s just plain stupid. Washington state Democrats are vying to become the best stupid they can be, bless ’em.

Currently, Washington law holds that a drive-by shooter should get an aggravated enhancement if he is arrested and prosecuted—and that’s a big if. Such an enhancement could land a drive-by murderer a life prison sentence.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Washington State Democrats Want Decreased Penalties for Drive-By Shooters Because... Aw, You Guessed

New York...

The Mayor of New York City held a press conference yesterday that was full of fire and brimstone. The cover of the New York Post really says it all.

Mayor’s plea: We took 2,600 guns… But the shooters are back on the streets.”


The Mayor is clearly frustrated and it’s reached the point where he feels compelled to point out the obvious. He said, “after the shooting, after the arrest, after being let go — You know what they do? They go do another shooting.” The NYPD is already aware of this because they keep arresting the same people over and over again.

He pointed out that criminals in New York City “no longer believe you can’t do a shooting.” He continued, saying that criminals don’t take criminal justice seriously anymore.

While the Mayor didn’t mention him by name, he was clearly making a reference to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The DA came into office promising to put fewer people behind bars and proceeded to make good on that threat.

NYC Mayor: Our prosecutors are "a laughingstock" of the country


Two days after the Uvalde shooting in Texas, the California State Senate passed a bill that would allow schools not to report threats or attacks against employees to law enforcement.


According to the Bill, it would repeal the provision of existing law where it requires that “whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.”

SB 1273 would then make such reports to law enforcement voluntary.

California Senate Passes Bill to Allow Schools Not to Report Threats to Police



This year, though, we’ve jumped the shark. We’re on pace for over 600 murders—the most ever. An Inquirer story last week laid out some even more disturbing findings. Since Krasner took office, the number of gun crime arrests has nearly tripled, but the conviction rate for gun crimes has plunged from 63 percent in 2017 to 49 percent in 2019. In January, I reported that, under Krasner, homicides have jumped a whopping 58 percent; just 21 percent of shootings since 2015 led to criminal charges, and less than one-tenth of those resulted in convictions.


The DA’s own data dashboard shows that, every year of his tenure, Krasner’s office has dismissed or withdrawn more violent cases and gun cases than the year before. In fact, the average annual number of such cases that were dismissed or withdrawn has increased by 85 percent during Krasner’s tenure, compared with the four years before he took office. All of this despite the fact that the police are making more gun arrests than at any time since 2015.

Larry Krasner is losing the battle against homicide. Will voters even care?

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds
Alcohol users accept that laws have to exist concerning the sale and consumption or alcohol.
Do those laws stop drunk drivers?

Do they even attempt to?

How about we require a breathalyzer lock out in every vehicle produced that must be used BY EVERYONE regardless of their lawful operators status in order to operate the vehicle?

Sure, it's an imposition on every American that owns and operates a motor vehicle...but if we save one life...

Do those laws stop drunk drivers?

Do they even attempt to?

How about we require a breathalyzer lock out in every vehicle produced that must be used BY EVERYONE regardless of their lawful operators status in order to operate the vehicle?

Sure, it's an imposition on every American that owns and operates a motor vehicle...but if we save one life...


They are moving on that very thing........there was a report on the latest omnibus bill that talked about new requirements for auto makers and I believe they looked at that and giving cops the ability to shut off your vehicle........

The democrats will leave nothing untouched in their drive for control...they are insane.
It’s curious. The Appeals Court overturned a Trump ordered administrative action. And somehow the thread is full of nothing but Democrats are awful.

So Trump was a Democrat on the day he ordered the ATF to ban Bump Stocks?

It is so hard to keep track of the insanity.
It’s curious. The Appeals Court overturned a Trump ordered administrative action. And somehow the thread is full of nothing but Democrats are awful.

So Trump was a Democrat on the day he ordered the ATF to ban Bump Stocks?

It is so hard to keep track of the insanity.

Trump didn't know about the topic.......the democrats are committed to banning and confiscating guns...big difference. And Trump just tried to ban bump stocks, they want to ban rifles, magazines, and semi-automatic guns in general....before they go after all the rest......

You dipstick.
Used to tote an M60 around while in the field. Not a huge thrill for me anymore. I'm not against guns. I just think responsible gun ownership should extend to responsible gun lobbying and laws.

It is not responsible for the government to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms. In fact it is illegal. The Bruen decision really expanded what it is illegal for the government to be doing.

None of the criminals that would use a F-A (or anything else) for a crime would be deterred by any NFA law.

Most gun crime in the US is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among street thugs, druggies and gang members and no law will change that.

All these stupid oppressive laws do it is make it more difficult for the normal American to enjoy the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

You are much less safe by voting for a Democrat politician that is soft on crime than you are for "gun nuts" like myself being able to buy a M-16 at a 7-11 store.
It’s curious. The Appeals Court overturned a Trump ordered administrative action. And somehow the thread is full of nothing but Democrats are awful.

So Trump was a Democrat on the day he ordered the ATF to ban Bump Stocks?

It is so hard to keep track of the insanity.
I'm pretty sure it's due to the fact that democrats are awful.

Any other questions?
Trump didn't know about the topic.......the democrats are committed to banning and confiscating guns...big difference. And Trump just tried to ban bump stocks, they want to ban rifles, magazines, and semi-automatic guns in general....before they go after all the rest......

You dipstick.

Ok. So let me get this straight. Trump who did actually Ban a part of the firearm, is a great President and a Hero because he is an idiot who doesn’t know what he did. But Democrats who are equally ignorant are awful because they want to ban parts of a weapon.

Oh dear lord. Our nation is doomed.
Bump stocks are stupid. They just make you miss your target more often and faster.
Plus they waste ammo and ammo is not always cheap.

I am not a big fan of filling the air with lead. When I have fired a fully automatic weapon such as an M16 or Uzi, I fire short 2 or 3 round bursts. Any more than that and I am shooting butterflies.
Ok. So let me get this straight. Trump who did actually Ban a part of the firearm, is a great President and a Hero because he is an idiot who doesn’t know what he did. But Democrats who are equally ignorant are awful because they want to ban parts of a weapon.

Oh dear lord. Our nation is doomed.

He didn't ban a firearm......he banned a range toy. The democrats are passing laws in various states banning rifles and magazines...actual gun bans........and they want to ban more.......
Ok. So let me get this straight. Trump who did actually Ban a part of the firearm, is a great President and a Hero because he is an idiot who doesn’t know what he did. But Democrats who are equally ignorant are awful because they want to ban parts of a weapon.

Oh dear lord. Our nation is doomed.

The democrats aren't banning "parts of a weapon," they are banning rifles and magazines...actual guns and the magazines they need to function.....you twit.
If I had a legal M-60 and invited you to drive up here from (Florida?) to have a day at the range... you would tell me 'no thanks'?

As another person who has handle automatic weaponry during my military service...I find that difficult to believe.
Believe what you want. I have hobbies that give me far more fulfillment than just making holes in stuff. I have some guns but I get more of a thrill from a new saw or a pile of nice lumber. If you had a pile of barn wood I might make the trip.
Believe what you want. I have hobbies that give me far more fulfillment than just making holes in stuff. I have some guns but I get more of a thrill from a new saw or a pile of nice lumber. If you had a pile of barn wood I might make the trip.
They're not mutually exclusive you know.

The public range has been closed here since Covid started. And I love a new or vintage tool as much if not more than a new gun...but give me a opportunity to shoot an M60 or an M2...I'll be there.

As for barn wood... they're falling down everywhere and can likely be had for the taking. The stuff is hard as steel dam near.
They're not mutually exclusive you know.

The public range has been closed here since Covid started. And I love a new or vintage tool as much if not more than a new gun...but give me a opportunity to shoot an M60 or an M2...I'll be there.

As for barn wood... they're falling down everywhere and can likely be had for the taking. The stuff is hard as steel dam near.
People are different. I don't get a thrill out of shooting anymore. Why this is is hard to say. Nothing to do with politics or anything like that.
Just wondering why anyone thought this is something people ought to have. What's the argument.
Individual choice? Kinda like driving a SUV or a custom 800 hp supercharged '23 bucket T for ones daily transportation. Different strokes for different folks!

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