5th Circuit strikes down ATF bump stock ban.

Of course a fringe type like yourself would want autofire weapons no matter what damage it causes. After all you already refuse to see the connection between permissive gun laws and gun crime.
It's a piece of plastic and a spring...

Give me an hour and I'd make one...if it was legal.

And that's the point.

Are you going to ban the concept?

Censor it from the internet?

You can't unring a bell.

Once again ... the only people affected are those who obey the law.
How many actual nuts have their been?

In 2022....12



Total murdered by mass public shooters in 2022?


The democrat party, on the other hand? We went from about 10,000 gun murders by criminals in 2019, to now about 19,000 in 2021......all due to the actual policies of the democrat party...

Can you see which number is freaking bigger than the other number?

The democrat party is responsible for the massive increase in deaths...deaths, by the way, that occur most often among young black men....living in democrat party controlled cities.....

The democrat party has decided they need to deconstruct the police...they vote republican too much...so in 2015 they began their war on the police.....to the point the police, since 2015, can't or won't do their jobs, started quitting and retiring in massive numbers.

This means the democrat policy has allowed violent criminals to run free in the cities they control...the police won't risk their lives and freedom to do anything more than they absolutely have to do to keep their jobs....

Then, the democrat party realized that they needed more crime on the streets.....and normal Americans who own guns don't use those guns for crime and murder...so now the democrats are releasing violent, gun criminals over and over again, with their decarceration policies......

Democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are creating policies and passing laws that allow the most dangerous and violent criminals to walk out of jail and prison over and over and over again...

Yet you want to focus on the rarest of rare events....to ban and confiscate guns from law abiding people.....and to shield the democrat party from the fall out of their murderous policies towards violent criminals........
If the right really cared about gun crime they would want to do something about the pipeline that puts legally purchased guns in the hands of felons.
If the right really cared about gun crime they would want to do something about the pipeline that puts legally purchased guns in the hands of felons.

You mean when criminals break the law to get illegal guns? Then, when they are actually caught by the police, the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians give them no cash bail, and allow them to walk out days after arrest...to commit more gun crimes?

We have all the laws we need to put criminals in jail...the problem is the democrat party releasing the over and over again, no matter how many felony gun laws they break.

If you idiots would stop putting democrats in power, then the "pipeline," would be stopped by keeping them in jail....you doofus.
Since you like these things maybe you can say what they are good for other than murdering a bunch of people.

I don't own one but they seem to be excellent noise makers.

I own real machine guns so have no need of a noise maker.
Bump stocks are stupid. They just make you miss your target more often and faster.

EXACTLY! If the former IRS agent had used a straight semi he would have killed a LOT more people.

Thank the heavens he was an idiot.
They are only good for spraying rounds in an indiscriminate fashion. I'd like someone to say why this was a legal battle worth having.

All legal battles that limit the power of government are worth having.
Gun nutters are responsible for the ease with which mass shooters can get a mass murder weapon. In my view this is at odds with the ideal of responsible gun ownership. Opposing everything as a matter of principal is an effort to shirk responsibility for the damage your hobby causes.

Alcohol users are responsible for drunk driving deaths.

Crazy people being able to buy all the murder weapons they want is entirely the result of not being able to pass anything that might prevent them.

Yeah Prohibition and drug laws are soooooooo effective.

My M-16 never caused any damage because I didn't use it for a crime. Just having fun at the range.

Well actually it did cause some damage to my bank account because it is expensive to shoot up a lot of ammo.

If you knew anything about full auto (which you obviously don't) you would understand that it is not useful for much of anything other than suppression fire.

We used F-A in Vietnam when we couldn't see the little bastards as spray and pray. Most of the time ineffective. However, we didn't do it as near as much as you see in the movies because it too quickly used up the ammo. My son saw combat in Iraq as a Cav Scout but very seldom used burst on his M-4. Semi auto was better for most circumstances.

Criminals don't give a shit about the stupid NFA laws. Its only affect is to curtail the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Hopefully the right law suit will be brought against the filthy NFA laws and under the strict scrutiny requirement of Bruen will be struck down.
Used to tote an M60 around while in the field. Not a huge thrill for me anymore. I'm not against guns. I just think responsible gun ownership should extend to responsible gun lobbying and laws.
Used to tote an M60 around while in the field. Not a huge thrill for me anymore. I'm not against guns. I just think responsible gun ownership should extend to responsible gun lobbying and laws.

We have all the laws we need......how about you actually address the real problem?

The democrat party.

For some reason they attack the police and release violent criminals....those are the reasons for our gun crime rates, not normal people who own and carry guns for self defense......

Yet you want to blame them, not the democrats...why is that?
Alcohol users accept that laws have to exist concerning the sale and consumption or alcohol.

And we accept that you can't use guns to commit rape, robbery, murder, kidnappings.......your point?
We have all the laws we need......how about you actually address the real problem?

The democrat party.

For some reason they attack the police and release violent criminals....those are the reasons for our gun crime rates, not normal people who own and carry guns for self defense......

Yet you want to blame them, not the democrats...why is that?
Why can people who shouldn't have guns get them? Half of that equation are the people who sell them. What does their well-funded lobby say? Regulating gun sales bad.
Why can people who shouldn't have guns get them? Half of that equation are the people who sell them. What does their well-funded lobby say? Regulating gun sales bad.

No one is talking about banning guns except you people.

Wrong. And you can't ban them anyway. All laws do is affect the law abiding.

Here's a novel concept. Use a gun to commit a crime you go to prison for life without parole.

THAT would greatly diminish gun crimes.

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