$6 Billion in Student Loan Debt - Gone!

As time moves on in this country we are creating more and more irresponsible people. Paying off loans that should be paid back by those who took them is only adding gasoline to the fire. It doesn't matter if it's 500 million dollars or 500 billion.
This is all about nothing when you consider the enormous wealth our government has squandered and continues to on wars for the benefit of the war machine. To say nothing of the equally enormous sums given to big corporations and billionaires via our corrupt tax code and corrupt congress.
I worked hundreds of hours of overtime to have my daughter graduate debt free. How can I get that time back? I don`t care about the money because it`s just money. Some people really do make sacrifices for their children.
WTF did boomers have to do with that?
I'm not going into it right now. I know how we got here even if you don't. And fuck it. Although I've been a proud Democrat my entire life, I am now rich enough to be able to afford to be a Republican. Even if they cut social security 20%. It would suck, but I'll be able to afford it. I hope.

I hope they don't do away with pre existing conditions.

I have a feeling with Republicans in charge, for sure now I'm going to have to work till I'm 65. I was hoping 62 but not if they fuck healthcare costs up. Imagine being 63 and trying to buy private insurance. Good luck with that. So I'm stuck working till I can get medicare.

God damn you stupid fuckers Ray! But here's the thing. I think I'll get to $1 million by the time I'm 62. Then if my dad leaves me what I think he's going to leave me, I'll have $1.5 million. Then I bet that work from 62-65 won't be so bad. I'll tell my company I want to go down to half time. Pay me half and full benefits and commissions and I'll do basically the same job only in 4 hours every day instead of 8. I would still probably make around $60K a year. So for 3 years I'll work half days. You know what? I don't hate my job. I actually love it. Most of the time.

But God damn Ray I have a college degree and make a lot of money. I can't believe even I can't retire early. So how can any of you? You're all living hand to mouth. Paycheck to paycheck. I guess you get the economy and government you deserve.

And remember this economy isn't bad for all of us. Rich people still go out on their yachts and complain about how much it costs to fill up their tanks. But they still go. I'm so frustrated. Reminds me of when Clinton signed NAFTA.
This is all about nothing when you consider the enormous wealth our government has squandered and continues to on wars for the benefit of the war machine. To say nothing of the equally enormous sums given to big corporations and billionaires via our corrupt tax code and corrupt congress.
I used to say that corporate welfare was way worse than welfare to the poor but remember, those corporations hire people. What do we get when we give poor people money? Those poor people go out and spend the money and that helps the economy? Sure but isn't that insane? We give our tax dollars to poor people and that money is helping spin the economy? That's bullshit. And those poor people have enough money because of this welfare shit to go out and have more kids they can't afford. Then their kid repeat the cycle. This all adds up. You can't say it's a drop in the bucket. How about cut them off and then they suddenly stop producing babies in an already overpopulated planet.

I've had it with liberals. You're all poor and whiners. Yes in a perfect world I may agree with you but this world aint perfect. It's every man for himself. And if you don't like that, show up and vote. Because in the next midterms, people who think like you are going to get a shallacking. Why? Because the people who got free Biden money are too lazy to vote!

Look up how much unemployment payments during covid was fraud. 10%. So it was something like $80 billion in fraud. That means we gave out $800 billion in unemployment during covid??? That's not all about nothing.

I used to say, "at least it went to poor people" but why give it to them? They are poor for a reason.
I used to say that corporate welfare was way worse than welfare to the poor but remember, those corporations hire people. What do we get when we give poor people money? Those poor people go out and spend the money and that helps the economy? Sure but isn't that insane? We give our tax dollars to poor people and that money is helping spin the economy? That's bullshit. And those poor people have enough money because of this welfare shit to go out and have more kids they can't afford. Then their kid repeat the cycle. This all adds up. You can't say it's a drop in the bucket. How about cut them off and then they suddenly stop producing babies in an already overpopulated planet.

I've had it with liberals. You're all poor and whiners. Yes in a perfect world I may agree with you but this world aint perfect. It's every man for himself. And if you don't like that, show up and vote. Because in the next midterms, people who think like you are going to get a shallacking. Why? Because the people who got free Biden money are too lazy to vote!

Look up how much unemployment payments during covid was fraud. 10%. So it was something like $80 billion in fraud. That means we gave out $800 billion in unemployment during covid??? That's not all about nothing.

I used to say, "at least it went to poor people" but why give it to them? They are poor for a reason.
That’s ridiculous. You may be fine with the poor dying in the streets, but I doubt most Americans think as nutty as you do.

We live under a corporately controlled government. A quasi Fascist state that is failing, but you’re cool with it as long as the rich get theirs. The nation is crumbling under this crazy crony capitalist system, but you can’t see it.

The rich have socialism and the poor and working class have cold hearted capitalism.

Look up the CARES Act and how much went to the rich. It is the largest upward transfer of wealth in history. It dwarfs your foolish thinking.
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That’s ridiculous. You may be fine with the poor dying in the streets, but I doubt most Americans think as nutty as you do.

We live under a corporately controlled government. A quasi Fascist state that is failing, but you’re cool with it as long as the rich get theirs. The nation is crumbling under this crazy crony capitalist system, but you can’t see it.

The rich have socialism and the poor and working class have cold hearted capitalism.

Look up the CARES Act and how much went to the rich. It is the largest upward transfer of wealth in history. It dwarfs your foolish thinking.

Your claim is ridiculous.

You and I are neighbors. You walk your dog for a half-hour every day. Once a month when you walk your dog, I steal $100.00 in cash from your home. After a while I start to feel guilty, so instead of stealing $100.00, I steal $50.00 instead. Did I just give you $50.00 a month?

Taking less from people is not giving them anything, you are simply taking less of their property away from them. And yes, money is property since it rightfully belongs to you. Taking less from them is not "getting theirs." Taking more from them to give to others is Socialism.

Capitalism is a reward system. The more you create (work, product or service) the more you are rewarded.
I'm not going into it right now. I know how we got here even if you don't. And fuck it. Although I've been a proud Democrat my entire life, I am now rich enough to be able to afford to be a Republican. Even if they cut social security 20%. It would suck, but I'll be able to afford it. I hope.

I hope they don't do away with pre existing conditions.

I have a feeling with Republicans in charge, for sure now I'm going to have to work till I'm 65. I was hoping 62 but not if they fuck healthcare costs up. Imagine being 63 and trying to buy private insurance. Good luck with that. So I'm stuck working till I can get medicare.

God damn you stupid fuckers Ray! But here's the thing. I think I'll get to $1 million by the time I'm 62. Then if my dad leaves me what I think he's going to leave me, I'll have $1.5 million. Then I bet that work from 62-65 won't be so bad. I'll tell my company I want to go down to half time. Pay me half and full benefits and commissions and I'll do basically the same job only in 4 hours every day instead of 8. I would still probably make around $60K a year. So for 3 years I'll work half days. You know what? I don't hate my job. I actually love it. Most of the time.

But God damn Ray I have a college degree and make a lot of money. I can't believe even I can't retire early. So how can any of you? You're all living hand to mouth. Paycheck to paycheck. I guess you get the economy and government you deserve.

And remember this economy isn't bad for all of us. Rich people still go out on their yachts and complain about how much it costs to fill up their tanks. But they still go. I'm so frustrated. Reminds me of when Clinton signed NAFTA.

Did it ever occur to you that some of us made investments, gave up luxuries we would have liked to have, led a straight life away from financial drains like recreational narcotics, crime, tobacco and alcohol?

In my case I had no choice but to retire. A government doctor told me I was too ill to work. Yeah, I'm on disability, but disability only pays what I would have made on retirement at the age of 67. So how do I make it? I never got married or had children for one. The CDC estimates that today, to raise a middle-class child costs around $233,000. That's just food, medical care and clothing. I made real estate investments that I worked 30 years to maintain. Never went on vacation. I spent all my vacation time at home catching up on projects. I have an IRA, nothing elaborate, but if I need to, I have something to back me up if I can't be a landlord any longer. Believe it or not, at the age of 62, I've never seen an ocean in my life outside of television or an airplane window. With my failing health, I doubt I will ever have that dream of actually doing it.

I didn't make a lot of money working. My sister on the other hand makes close to six figures a year, and I'm in better financial shape than she is today. She had two kids, sent them to private Catholic school, then to college. She has a townhouse in an upper-middle-class community and pays people to maintain it. She took a vacation or several vacations every year. She has to work to 67 to have enough to make it in retirement whereas I, had plans to retire at 62 anyway if not for being put out of work.

It reminds me of what my father taught me at a young age. He said "Ray, money is easy to make; an idiot can make money. but the successful people are those that can keep that money."

It all boils down to living within your means, or better yet living on less.
Your claim is ridiculous.

You and I are neighbors. You walk your dog for a half-hour every day. Once a month when you walk your dog, I steal $100.00 in cash from your home. After a while I start to feel guilty, so instead of stealing $100.00, I steal $50.00 instead. Did I just give you $50.00 a month?

Taking less from people is not giving them anything, you are simply taking less of their property away from them. And yes, money is property since it rightfully belongs to you. Taking less from them is not "getting theirs." Taking more from them to give to others is Socialism.

Capitalism is a reward system. The more you create (work, product or service) the more you are rewarded.
Your text book version of Capitalism doesn’t exist much anymore. If you can’t see that, I can’t help you.
That’s ridiculous. You may be fine with the poor dying in the streets, but I doubt most Americans think as nutty as you do.

We live under a corporately controlled government. A quasi Fascist state that is failing, but you’re cool with it as long as the rich get theirs. The nation is crumbling under this crazy crony capitalist system, but you can’t see it.

The rich have socialism and the poor and working class have cold hearted capitalism.

Look up the CARES Act and how much went to the rich. It is the largest upward transfer of wealth in history. It dwarfs your foolish thinking.
There is nothing wrong with our capitalism. Capitalism has ups and downs. The feds tweet interest to fix what’s wrong. I know what you mean though.

My brother made a good point. The people making money in this country worked for it. They saved. They went to college. They didn’t go into debt. We were born poor he is now a millionaire and one day I will be too.

Its up to each of us to find our way. I’m done complaining. Because I have nothing to complain about.

I do have some concerns with republicans

1. cut social security and Medicare?
2. bring back pre existing conditions?
There is nothing wrong with our capitalism. Capitalism has ups and downs. The feds tweet interest to fix what’s wrong. I know what you mean though.

My brother made a good point. The people making money in this country worked for it. They saved. They went to college. They didn’t go into debt. We were born poor he is now a millionaire and one day I will be too.

Its up to each of us to find our way. I’m done complaining. Because I have nothing to complain about.

I do have some concerns with republicans

1. cut social security and Medicare?
2. bring back pre existing conditions?
I thought you want the government to stay out of business?
Lol. I do. That’s what you’ll never understand. What we have today is a total and complete alignment of government and big business.
Lol. I do. That’s what you’ll never understand. What we have today is a total and complete alignment of government and big business.
For sure. The host has taken over. So go with it. It is what it is. The federal reserve tweeds interest rates to put things back right. Usually poor people get hurt by these adjustments. Keep wages low but not too low. Unemployment low but not too low.

Yes, everything is a business. Even college.

It seems like debt doesn’t matter but I have a feeling they will use it as an excuse to make major cuts to social programs.

Your job is to save enough so you can retire when you can’t work no mo.

Hopefully a health emergency doesn’t wipe out your life savings.
Lol. I do. That’s what you’ll never understand. What we have today is a total and complete alignment of government and big business.
My dad came here from another country when he was 14. He now has close to $800,000 in money and assets.

We grew up poor. He got a dream job at Ford motor. Union pay, pension, great healthcare. We paid for our own college maybe my dad paid $3000 a year between the both of us but we had to pay for our own apartments and cars and food and clothes. My bro got his masters at MSU and today he’s a vps of hr for a fortune 500. How is America broken if that’s possible?

Most of us, including me, don’t have what it takes or wouldn’t do what is necessary. So we each have to find our way. I make $100k a year and have No bills. I’m not as rich as him but I’ve found my way.

If he and I could do it, how is the system broken? We’ve had recessions and inflation before. Is that all?
My dad came here from another country when he was 14. He now has close to $800,000 in money and assets.

We grew up poor. He got a dream job at Ford motor. Union pay, pension, great healthcare. We paid for our own college maybe my dad paid $3000 a year between the both of us but we had to pay for our own apartments and cars and food and clothes. My bro got his masters at MSU and today he’s a vps of hr for a fortune 500. How is America broken if that’s possible?

Most of us, including me, don’t have what it takes or wouldn’t do what is necessary. So we each have to find our way. I make $100k a year and have No bills. I’m not as rich as him but I’ve found my way.

If he and I could do it, how is the system broken? We’ve had recessions and inflation before. Is that all?
Meaningless. Open your eyes and look around.

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