6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

People die every second of every day

Why don't you tell me how I am responsible for all the people who commit crimes with guns simple because I happen to own some?
Perhaps truly responsible people don't choose to own and use devices designed to take life as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Like cars? They're not designed to take life but, in the hands of an irresponsible driver, they take life just as efficiently as a gun will nonetheless.
The car comparison is stupid. Why don't we try iron fry pans? Carving knives.
I am talking about guns. Keep on track, please.

The car comparison is only stupid if people never died in them. We are talking about people getting killed, are we not?
We are talking about people being SHOT.

Right, people getting killed by being SHOT.

If people were not getting killed with firearms and if you didn't feel that a disproportionate number of people were getting killed by firearms then we wouldn't be debating firearms, yes? So, if we're going to talk about people getting killed in disproportionate numbers then we should also look at people getting killed in car accidents or drug overdoses or abortion or whatever.
Why aren't we talking about people shooting back?
Because it hardly ever happens.
Why do people rarely shoot back in mass shootings?

"Why do people rarely shoot back in mass shootings?"

Because the majority of mass shootings in America occur in the States with Gun Free Zones. A Gun Free Zone is a GREAT place to do a mass shooting if you are a maniac who wants to do that, you already know you can shoot x amount of peoples with NO PROBLEM because you already KNOW they are not going to shoot back to DEFEND themselves because they are in a place that does NOT allow guns to be carried and so your VICTIMS have been DISARMED BY LEFTIST MANIACS for YOUR convenience.

Peoples in a Gun Free Zone are LITERALLY lambs to the slaughter:

I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

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Why aren't we talking about people shooting back?
Because it hardly ever happens.
Why do people rarely shoot back in mass shootings?
They are too busy ducking? Think back on all the mass shootings we've had in the past few years. There were a few where civilians shot back. They all missed. A couple of shooters were stopped by being jumped on by a brave stand-er-by though. No gun was needed and no gun by civilians made a difference.

I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
The problem is that a 'gun free zone' is a gun free zone for law abiding citizens.
We haven't witnessed it being a gun free zone for the perps, have we?
Do you think "law abiding citizens" don`t ignore signs saying they are entering a gun free zone? They sure as hell do. I belong to a social club where a few members are known to have guns with one of them being a retired police officer. The sign on the door in very large print doesn`t disarm anybody. Normal people don`t carry guns wherever they go and that explains why mass shooters can shoot for a while. Metal detectors disarm people but signs don`t.
This is hard for me, because most of the people I know are gun owners, although they are quiet about it. Hunting, or a shotgun in the closet for those nasty moments like a rabid raccoon in the yard or to wave around if a druggie tries stealing your truck out of the driveway. I don't worry a bit about them owning a gun. But the majority of them, except for hunting, have never shot at anything and therefore don't need a gun at all. I think it would be a better and safer country if people just accepted that guns are, in the vast majority of cases, "overkill." Pardon my pun.

Is it overkill when a person uses their gun to stop an intruder or attacker?

Police carry sidearms at all times while on duty for the twenty to thirty years of their career and most of them will tell you they've never had to pull it or fire at a suspect their entire career. Most of those who have will say they only had to do so two or three times. Most of them will also say they hope to never have to draw their weapon.
The same goes for civilian gun owners. I have a handgun myself and I hope like hell I never have to point it at someone and most legal and responsible gun owners will say the same.

The point is, a firearm may or may not be overkill sitting in the gun case but it most definitely is not overkill when you need it to protect your family.
I have a handgun myself and I hope like hell I never have to point it at someone
Yes, you have never needed it to protect your family. You swallowed the NRA "buy more guns" argument of why you should be afraid enough of life to need a gun. I hope you never have to point it at anyone either; most likely you won't.

So are you ready to give the government your gun if they ask for it?
I wouldn't own one or have one in my house if you paid me.
Your choice and I wholeheartedly support your right to exercise that choice

All I ask of you is to do the same
Sadly, sometimes we all have to suffer for the few who abuse their privileges. It happens all the time. We wouldn't need laws at all if it weren't for them that break them. But gun ownership causes 10,000 deaths a YEAR in this country. It is a public health issue if nothing else and we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing.
Is it overkill when a person uses their gun to stop an intruder or attacker?

Police carry sidearms at all times while on duty for the twenty to thirty years of their career and most of them will tell you they've never had to pull it or fire at a suspect their entire career. Most of those who have will say they only had to do so two or three times. Most of them will also say they hope to never have to draw their weapon.
The same goes for civilian gun owners. I have a handgun myself and I hope like hell I never have to point it at someone and most legal and responsible gun owners will say the same.

The point is, a firearm may or may not be overkill sitting in the gun case but it most definitely is not overkill when you need it to protect your family.
I have a handgun myself and I hope like hell I never have to point it at someone
Yes, you have never needed it to protect your family. You swallowed the NRA "buy more guns" argument of why you should be afraid enough of life to need a gun. I hope you never have to point it at anyone either; most likely you won't.

So are you ready to give the government your gun if they ask for it?
I wouldn't own one or have one in my house if you paid me.
Your choice and I wholeheartedly support your right to exercise that choice

All I ask of you is to do the same
Sadly, sometimes we all have to suffer for the few who abuse their privileges. It happens all the time. We wouldn't need laws at all if it weren't for them that break them. But gun ownership causes 10,000 deaths a YEAR in this country. It is a public health issue if nothing else and we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing.

So what do you feel the answer is?
I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

Lucy, in your country are masses of people regularly being shot at church, in coffee houses, in bars, on sidewalks, in school?
I have a handgun myself and I hope like hell I never have to point it at someone
Yes, you have never needed it to protect your family. You swallowed the NRA "buy more guns" argument of why you should be afraid enough of life to need a gun. I hope you never have to point it at anyone either; most likely you won't.

So are you ready to give the government your gun if they ask for it?
I wouldn't own one or have one in my house if you paid me.
Your choice and I wholeheartedly support your right to exercise that choice

All I ask of you is to do the same
Sadly, sometimes we all have to suffer for the few who abuse their privileges. It happens all the time. We wouldn't need laws at all if it weren't for them that break them. But gun ownership causes 10,000 deaths a YEAR in this country. It is a public health issue if nothing else and we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing.

So what do you feel the answer is?
Making it tough to own a gun. Psychological evaluation, THOROUGH background check, pass a basic safety exam. Then make the license renewable every six years and follow the whole procedure again. Every time. Someone mentally stable when they first get a gun may be in a different state in six years. Or was put in jail in the interim. If it is a renewal, maybe there should be a basic field test, too. Just basic handling safety. There should also be some kind of automatic check on amounts of ammunition purchased. The owner's license # should be required for every ammunition purchase. Anyone stockpiling ammunition should be looked at.

Why not? If you are going to own a lethal weapon, it should NOT be as easy as walking into Walmart and forking out a few hundred bucks.
I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

Lucy, in your country are masses of people regularly being shot at church, in coffee houses, in bars, on sidewalks, in school?

No and you know what in my country we have 9 MILLIONS peoples and we have 6.2 MILLIONS guns in private hands, we have a high rate of legal gun ownership and so WHY then do we NOT have ANY mass shootings, we have NEVER for eg. had a school shooting like you have in America. So with this in America the PROBLEM is NOT that they have guns, the PROBLEM has to be SOMETHING that is ONLY UNIQUE to American Society, some type of Mental Dysfunction in the Mind that x amount of Americans have this that cause them to commit multiple mass shootings EVERY YEAR, there is a SICKNESS in American Society and THAT is the ISSUE that Americans should concentrate on and NOT zero in on the guns, the GUNS are NOT the problem, the SICKNESS is the PROBLEM and it is THAT that needs to be discussed and dealt with.

Not only my nation but also Switzerland has MILLIONS of guns ALL legal and also Switzerland does NOT have multiple mass shootings like you have in America.

So the PROBLEM is UNIQUE to America, it is an American Society Sickness and has ZERO to do with whatever amount of guns you have in America.
I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

Lucy, in your country are masses of people regularly being shot at church, in coffee houses, in bars, on sidewalks, in school?

No and you know what in my country we have 9 MILLIONS peoples and we have 6.2 MILLIONS guns in private hands, we have a high rate of legal gun ownership and so WHY then do we NOT have ANY mass shootings, we have NEVER for eg. had a school shooting like you have in America. So with this in America the PROBLEM is NOT that they have guns, the PROBLEM has to be SOMETHING that is ONLY UNIQUE to American Society, some type of Mental Dysfunction in the Mind that x amount of Americans have this that cause them to commit multiple mass shootings EVERY YEAR, there is a SICKNESS in American Society and THAT is the ISSUE that Americans should concentrate on and NOT zero in on the guns, the GUNS are NOT the problem, the SICKNESS is the PROBLEM and it is THAT that needs to be discussed and dealt with.

Not only my nation but also Switzerland has MILLIONS of guns ALL legal all and also Switzerland does NOT have multiple mass shootings like you have in America.

So the PROBLEM is UNIQUE to America, it is an American Society Sickness and has ZERO to do with whatever amount of guns you have in America.
I agree it is an American sickness, but the guns are definitely part of the problem. Without them, no one would be getting shot.
But gun ownership causes 10,000 deaths a YEAR in this country.
Gun ownership causes exactly 0 deaths.

Each year, the US sees ~30,000 gun related deaths, 2/3 of which are suicides
For ever murder committed with a gun, >10 are used in self-defense
For every suicide committed wit a gun, >4 are used in self-defense.
....and we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing.
Not true -- we have gun-free zones, where mass shooters kill w/o fear of being shot in return.
I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

Lucy, in your country are masses of people regularly being shot at church, in coffee houses, in bars, on sidewalks, in school?

No and you know what in my country we have 9 MILLIONS peoples and we have 6.2 MILLIONS guns in private hands, we have a high rate of legal gun ownership and so WHY then do we NOT have ANY mass shootings, we have NEVER for eg. had a school shooting like you have in America. So with this in America the PROBLEM is NOT that they have guns, the PROBLEM has to be SOMETHING that is ONLY UNIQUE to American Society, some type of Mental Dysfunction in the Mind that x amount of Americans have this that cause them to commit multiple mass shootings EVERY YEAR, there is a SICKNESS in American Society and THAT is the ISSUE that Americans should concentrate on and NOT zero in on the guns, the GUNS are NOT the problem, the SICKNESS is the PROBLEM and it is THAT that needs to be discussed and dealt with.

Not only my nation but also Switzerland has MILLIONS of guns ALL legal all and also Switzerland does NOT have multiple mass shootings like you have in America.

So the PROBLEM is UNIQUE to America, it is an American Society Sickness and has ZERO to do with whatever amount of guns you have in America.
I agree it is an American sickness, but the guns are definitely part of the problem. Without them, no one would be getting shot.

How can the guns be PART of the PROBLEM? A GUN is an INANIMATE OBJECT the ONLY PROBLEM is the American Society Sickness, as it say Guns Do Not Kill Peoples, Peoples Kill Peoples.

With this above I comment again I already comment that we have 6.2 MILLIONS guns and Switzerland has MILLIONS of guns and so WHY do we NOT have ALL the mass shootings and Switzerland have ALL the mass shootings that YOU have in America?
In country's with proper gun control stabbings make up for it. What country would that be? Clean the cesspool of London before you worry about America.

The whole thing about criminals not having guns in the UK is bogus anyway. They just don’t use them unless it’s really worth it.
So are you ready to give the government your gun if they ask for it?
I wouldn't own one or have one in my house if you paid me.
Your choice and I wholeheartedly support your right to exercise that choice

All I ask of you is to do the same
Sadly, sometimes we all have to suffer for the few who abuse their privileges. It happens all the time. We wouldn't need laws at all if it weren't for them that break them. But gun ownership causes 10,000 deaths a YEAR in this country. It is a public health issue if nothing else and we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing.

So what do you feel the answer is?
Making it tough to own a gun. Psychological evaluation, THOROUGH background check, pass a basic safety exam. Then make the license renewable every six years and follow the whole procedure again. Every time. Someone mentally stable when they first get a gun may be in a different state in six years. Or was put in jail in the interim. If it is a renewal, maybe there should be a basic field test, too. Just basic handling safety. There should also be some kind of automatic check on amounts of ammunition purchased. The owner's license # should be required for every ammunition purchase. Anyone stockpiling ammunition should be looked at.

Why not? If you are going to own a lethal weapon, it should NOT be as easy as walking into Walmart and forking out a few hundred bucks.

So you want to price the option of owning a gun out of the hands of the poor and middle class? Psychological exams.
I know where you want to go with Gun Free Zones being "dangerous" but I vehemently disagree.
Of course you do - you prefer innocent people to be defenseless.

In ALL these mass shootings IF 5, 10, 15, 20 peoples ALL would have had a gun with them there would have been NO mass shooting because someone would have shot back and killed the POS who intended to commit a massacre. The way you STOP a mass shooting is to ARM yourself with a GUN and when the POS starts shooting you aim for his Centre Mass and you kill the POS before he kills x amount of innocent peoples.

I have been trained in our military also as a sniper and we are told ALWAYS aim for Centre Mass and why it is because you are going to hit so many major organs in the body liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and you also will hit the spine, so you are going to kill the POS with this type of take down.

The Centre Mass Target aim for the red and surrounding area:

Lucy, in your country are masses of people regularly being shot at church, in coffee houses, in bars, on sidewalks, in school?

I add to my nation the Serial Killer is UNIQUE to America and also Britian you have many more than they do of course. But WE have only had one major Serial Killer and he was UNIQUE in MANY ways, he was an International Serial Killer of prostitutes in FOUR NATIONS INCLUDING America.

So Johann Unterweger was a JOURNALIST AND A POET was ALREADY in prison he commit his first murder of a German prostitute in 1974 he then is catch and sentenced to life in prison. BUT of course Bedwetters have a Petitition to release him BECAUSE he was of literary mind and ALL Socialists were big FANS of him - they IGNORE that he strangle the German prostitute, Leftists NEVER give a CRAP about the VICTIMS but always support the PERPETRATOR. And so occur that in 1990 he had to be released because he serve the 15 years in prison he awarded for the 1974 murder and also in 1990 the year of his release as SOON as he release he then murder 8 prostitutes, he then was hired by one of our Leftist magazines that is ALL about Muh Social Justice and then send him in 1991 on assignment to AMERICA to Los Angeles to write an article about CRIME in Los Angeles and guess what occur when he was in Los Angeles? YES he MURDER 3 American prostitutes, strangle them.

I add that the Leftists LOVED Johann Unterweger to the DEGREE our public broadcaster ORF hire HIM in 1991 as a Crime Editor and he was then REPORTING on ORF about the VERY CRIMES HE HAD COMMITTED the murders of the 8 prostitutes in 1990 WITHOUT THEM KNOWING HE WAS THE SERIAL KILLER. Also the Leftists ATTEMPT to have HIS autobiography teached to children in our schools and his POEMS were PERFORMED on the radio.

So then after the Los Angeles thing he return to Graz, he not know that our police went to Los Angeles to follow him they incognito and they also return and with the other 8 murders we have in 1990 and then the 3 American prostitutes in Los Angeles when Johann Unterweger there they then have enough evidence to arrest him and this to occur in Graz but he already escape with his girlfriend and abandon nation and then a Red Notice issued by Interpol this to ALL nations law enforcement to be Alert to find him and this occur the arrest by the FBI in Miami, Florida this February 27 1994 and then the FBI in Miami, Florida we ask to extradite him back to this nation and they do this and on June 29 1994 a court convict him guilty of 9 murders the 3 murders he commit in Los Angeles NOT part of our conviction of him.

This ends for him the SAME night he was sentenced to life in prison he did not serve he hang himself to the death in his cell in Justizanstalt Graz-Karlau (Graz-Karlau prison) the night of June 29 1994 and Johann Unterweger that we know is our ONLY Serial Killer. We do have as a suspected Serial Killer ONE MORE this Wolfgang Ott but I need to deal with the Alphabet Kidlets now and so can not elaborate on Wolfgang Ott at this time.

Here though about Johann Unterweger:

The Socialist CRAP LOVED him because he was a JOURNALIST AND A POET, they IGNORE he was ALSO a MURDERER who murder in 1974 the German prostitute, they would HAVE him on Leftist Arts Programs on the television to discuss Social Issues and read his poems, the below a Still Picture from one of these Leftist Arts Programs and that in the white suit with the book is SERIAL KILLER, JOURNALIST AND POET Johann Unterweger:


This below picture is the arrest by the FBI in Miami, Florida this February 27 1994 of Johann Unterweger:


The below as we know the majority of Serial Killers take Trophy Objects to keep from their victims, this the collection of Johann Unterweger's Trophy Objects from his 11 victims these things in Wiener Kriminalmuseum (Vienna Crime Museum)


Here is a Documentary/Discussion this from American television about Johann Unterweger.

"This week on Murder With Friends Will Neff joins Grace to talk about Jack Unterweger, an Austrian serial killer and celebrated author who fooled the masses with his charm while killing in secret. Part one outlines Jack's first murder and why he became such a standout example of criminal rehabilitation at the time."

Jack Unterweger - Murder With Friends, Part 1 the below the time duration is 10 minutes and 14 seconds.

"This week on Murder With Friends Will Neff joins Grace to talk about Jack Unterweger, an Austrian serial killer and celebrated author who fooled the masses with his charm while killing in secret. This second part deals with Jack's release from prison, his subsequent fame, and explains how he was able to keep his murderous tendencies hidden from the public."

Jack Unterweger - Murder With Friends, Part 2 the below the time duration is 10 minutes and 18 seconds.

"This week on Murder With Friends Will Neff joins Grace to talk about Jack Unterweger, an Austrian serial killer and celebrated author who fooled the masses with his charm while killing in secret. In this last part Grace and Will reveal how Unterweger was apprehended and his final act of cruelty from behind bars."

Jack Unterweger - Murder With Friends, Part 3 the below time duration is 11 minutes and 43 seconds.

Yep, however it is not nearly as strict as any in the UK. Why do you suppose murder is so rampant in Britain?

Britain's murder rate is 12 murders per million of population.

The American homicide rate is 4.9 per 100,000, which would be 49 per million, or more than four times the murder rate in the USA.

Homicide in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

us homicide rate 2018 - Google Search

Homicide is a crime of young males.

Canada girl, I was comparing Wales and London to NYC. The UK has stricter gun laws than NYC. Thank you for playing though. Have a cookie.
Well firstly you havent proven anything. Your article is for England and Wales not London and Wales. And Wales has no issues with homicides. And London is the worst in the UK. Why dont you compare it to the worst in the US ?

Overall the UK and all of Western Europe is a lot safer than the US - mainly because of your crazy gun laws.

Your opinion matters nothing in my country. I don’t care for people that have no stake in my country butting in. I don’t give a damn what you and your country do, it isn’t my business.

Wales and England had three times the number of homicides than NYC and your gun laws didn’t stop one murder.
They obviously did because our murder rates are a fraction of yours.

Were....your fatherless boys and girls are now knifing each other to death at ever increasing rates.....your police have stated they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into your country.....

While y'all were arguing about how safe guns make us, a 22 year old was taking out fellow students in a classroom at the University of North Carolina.

It hasn't even been a week, people, since the synagogue shooting. It seems it didn't even make enough news last evening to register with anyone. Nothing under ten dead probably makes the headlines anymore.

We are a sick nation.

People gather across from the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after a shooting at the school on Tuesday. Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, after a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.10 hours ago
2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina - NPR


Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns to save lives 1.1 million times a year.....a fact that isn't covered by the press at all.....

And if those deaths worry you, why don't you want to ban cars...

Cars killed over 38,000 people.....and they kill that many every year...

Mass public shooters in 2018? 93.

1.1 million Americans use their legal guns to save lives every year....that is rapes, robberies and murders stopped and lives saved.....

Vs. 93 killed by people using guns illegally in gun free zones......while cars kill over 38,000 people every single year.....
People die every second of every day

Why don't you tell me how I am responsible for all the people who commit crimes with guns simple because I happen to own some?
Perhaps truly responsible people don't choose to own and use devices designed to take life as quickly and efficiently as possible.

one who has not committed a crime is not responsible for the crimes other people commit.
Were you accused of a crime you didn`t commit or are you paranoid. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease so perhaps you shouldn`t be allowed to play with guns at all.

Get back to me when you can follow the conversations about guns on this board

There are those here who think that a law abiding gun owner is responsible for crimes committed by others with guns for no other reason than that he owns guns
Everyone behind bars was a law abiding citizen at one time. Try a new argument.

wrong.......by the time they are teenagers most convicts have long records of crime and violence, they are not "normal" people until they just happen to get caught.......

Your argument holds no water...
one who has not committed a crime is not responsible for the crimes other people commit.
Were you accused of a crime you didn`t commit or are you paranoid. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental disease so perhaps you shouldn`t be allowed to play with guns at all.

Get back to me when you can follow the conversations about guns on this board

There are those here who think that a law abiding gun owner is responsible for crimes committed by others with guns for no other reason than that he owns guns
Responsibility includes making decisions that make their world safer, not more dangerous.

The fact that I own guns makes no one else's world more dangerous.
It does. It gives implicit approval to others that guns are socially acceptable. It makes guns for criminals to steal more readily available. It contributes to a society where everyone else thinks they too need a gun for self defense. Well, you've got one, so I'd better, too.

Your theory is weak....since it is a fact that since the 1990s, more American now own and actually carry guns for self defense, and it is a fact that the gun murder rate between then and now went down 49%, the gun crime rate went down 75%, and the violent crime rate went down 72%....

Those are facts........and they show your theory is not based in truth, facts or reality.....you are making up your theory out of pixie dust.....since the facts here in the U.S. show that guns in the hands of normal people does not increase the gun murder rate, the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate...

Please, explain how that is possible...

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