6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

I sometimes think about getting smoked by a stray round from some housewife chasing a purse snatcher after a year in Vietnam not getting hit (several items shot off my person, helmet, a willy pete, two rifles hit in the stock). I believe minimal training should be required to conceal-carry but once you give the gun-grabbers an opening, they'll create a training program that will be useless and nobody can afford.
Does anyone realize that if you sort America's gun violence statistics by race, WHITE Americans commit the same rate of gun violence as Belgium and a couple of other European countries. The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of America's statistical gun violence is black-crybaby versus black-crybaby.
Question for all you gun control nitwits. Where are the waves of out of control gun violence in Switzerland where almost every other home has a dreadful assualt weapon stashed in a closet?

Yes also my nation we have a population of 9 millions and we have 6.2 MILLION guns between us and we do NOT have a HIGH gun crime rate as in we go around shooting each other. We are though of course by DNA nature VERY DISCIPLINED and FANATICAL about being law and order and responsible.

It is that only Western Europa nations are FANATICAL about DISARMING their citizens, in Non-Western Europa nations we know that at some point the SHTF and WHEN that occur we WANT as MANY of our populations armed and ready and NOT to be in the position of NOT being able to DEFEND themselves and their family AND their NATION and another example at how Non-Western Europa nations WANT their citizens to have MORE guns is that our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters thanks to the GREAT Patriot Matteo Salvini now get can even MORE guns:

Italian gun laws change as leaders push "legitimate defense" - CBS News
In country's with proper gun control stabbings make up for it. What country would that be? Clean the cesspool of London before you worry about America.
Your knife crime is worse than ours as well.

We have a hell of a lot more people.

I post this the other night I think in a different Tommy thread that also about guns, that America has high crime rate with guns etc because America has MASSIVE population and this no comparision when given illustration to compare America with a nation with NOT a massive population.

Tommy does not comprehend I think when he posts why America has higher crime rate than England, I think IF he compare with the below he find that eg. London has a VERY HIGHER crime rate than Virginia. So instead of comparing a nation with 350 MILLION with a nation of 60 MILLION he SHOULD break down the numbers into something as the below and compare EACH region of England with the American STATE that has the near SAME population in it. The below map of United Kingdom with each region that correspond with an American State:


UK Regions Compared to US States With Similar Population
  • South East (8.63 million) = New Jersey (8.79 million)
  • London (8.17 million) = Virginia (8.00 million)
  • North West (7.05 million) = Washington (state not DC) (6.72 million)
  • East of England (5.85 million) = Maryland (5.77 million)
  • West Midlands (5.60 million) = Wisconsin (5.69 million)
UK Regions Compared to US States With Similar Population

America also has 40 million black crybabies (unlike any European country) who statistically murder each other at many, many, many times the rate that America's white population murders each other. Despite being 12% of the population, America's black crybabies commit exponentially more violent crimes than ALL other races in the USA put together. That's an FBI/DOJ statistical fact. For example, black males make up 6.5% of America's population, yet commit 79% of its rapes! And 52% of America's murders. It's a mathematical FACT that white Americans' crimes are the tiniest fraction of black Americans' crimes.

When it comes to crime statistics it's important to keep in mind that many decidedly non-european peoples are listed as "white".

Like Arabs for example.

Well, the thing is genetically, Arabs are part of the Caucasoid race family, they're the closest "sister race" to whites. Scientifically, race isn't based on exact coloring; it's based on certain skull details and minor blood chemistry signatures and the Arabs' blood-details are identical to whites.

No, the problem with Arabs isn't their race, it's the Islam hate-ideology of pure conquest/hatred against non-muslims. Which also destroyed the Arab-muslims' gene-pool through 60 generations of muslim-encouraged first-cousin-inbreeding. Every geneticist who spent years in the Middle East studying this has said that muslims have done "catastrophic damage" to their gene pool (their words, not mine).

In other words, the problem with the Arab race isn't actually racial; it's the Pisslam hate ideology of violence and inbreeding that fucked them up. Thousands of years before Pisslam, the visionary ancient Egyptians were obviously kind of darker-white/arabic people, based on their statues and artwork. They weren't even REMOTELY related to the blacks, as Crybaby-Americans love to claim. The ancient Egyptians were clearly part of the "Caucasoid" race-family.
Question for all you gun control nitwits. Where are the waves of out of control gun violence in Switzerland where almost every other home has a dreadful assualt weapon stashed in a closet?

Yes also my nation we have a population of 9 millions and we have 6.2 MILLION guns between us and we do NOT have a HIGH gun crime rate as in we go around shooting each other. We are though of course by DNA nature VERY DISCIPLINED and FANATICAL about being law and order and responsible.

It is that only Western Europa nations are FANATICAL about DISARMING their citizens, in Non-Western Europa nations we know that at some point the SHTF and WHEN that occur we WANT as MANY of our populations armed and ready and NOT to be in the position of NOT being able to DEFEND themselves and their family AND their NATION and another example at how Non-Western Europa nations WANT their citizens to have MORE guns is that our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters thanks to the GREAT Patriot Matteo Salvini now get can even MORE guns:

Italian gun laws change as leaders push "legitimate defense" - CBS News
I hope the Italians have changed their ways since Mussolini was an ally of Hitler.
I sometimes think about getting smoked by a stray round from some housewife chasing a purse snatcher after a year in Vietnam not getting hit (several items shot off my person, helmet, a willy pete, two rifles hit in the stock). I believe minimal training should be required to conceal-carry but once you give the gun-grabbers an opening, they'll create a training program that will be useless and nobody can afford.

That is one of the ways the Europeans keep average Europeans from owning guns....they have training requirements that only the rich or connected can pass.....
Gotta give Tommy’s resiliency credit.

He routinely takes ass kickings in threads and just continues to come back for more.

Too bad stupid and resilient is a terrible combo huh?
Question for all you gun control nitwits. Where are the waves of out of control gun violence in Switzerland where almost every other home has a dreadful assualt weapon stashed in a closet?

Yes also my nation we have a population of 9 millions and we have 6.2 MILLION guns between us and we do NOT have a HIGH gun crime rate as in we go around shooting each other. We are though of course by DNA nature VERY DISCIPLINED and FANATICAL about being law and order and responsible.

It is that only Western Europa nations are FANATICAL about DISARMING their citizens, in Non-Western Europa nations we know that at some point the SHTF and WHEN that occur we WANT as MANY of our populations armed and ready and NOT to be in the position of NOT being able to DEFEND themselves and their family AND their NATION and another example at how Non-Western Europa nations WANT their citizens to have MORE guns is that our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters thanks to the GREAT Patriot Matteo Salvini now get can even MORE guns:

Italian gun laws change as leaders push "legitimate defense" - CBS News
I hope the Italians have changed their ways since Mussolini was an ally of Hitler.

And America and the British got into bed with Stalin, so what is your point? Americans need to get over this Muh Hitler Fetish you have it's bizarro. WTF does Patriotic Italians in 2019 HAVE to do with CRAP that ENDED 74 YEARS ago, I mean would you PREFER that ALL Italians were disarmed so then can be murdered because Muh Mussolini and Muh Hitler?

What about my nation we have a population of 9 millions and we have 6.2 MILLION guns and WE gave BIRTH to Muh Hitler, so WHAT do you American WANT to do? Do you want to disarm us like you probably would like the Italians also to be disarmed because of Muh Mussolini and Muh Hitler?

CAN'T have it BOTH ways American, either you SUPPORT EVERY ONE having guns or NOBODY gets a gun.
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TBI Investigating Seven Related Homicides, Officer-Involved Shooting in Sumner County
This looks like a domestic situation. In countries with proper gun control a row leads to a few doors getting slammed and a night in the pub. At least only one child was slaughtered this time.

Another I many dumb posts by Denard. I a retired Leo and I would rather law abiding citizens own and be able to carry. Your too stupid to get it. Criminals will always have guns. Our country is not the same make up as these other countries. I don’t wish bad on anyone but maybe if a carjacking, robbery or home invasion happened in your family you would change your mind very quickly. How come it’s ok for politicians to have armed guards and Hollywood to have armed security but law abiding citizens can’t. You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Know what’s out there and what can happen. You read an article and think you know everything. You have no common sense. Neither does the liberals entire party.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But having guns makes you less safe. Its a fact.

Nope, it is not a fact. It is a myth spewed out by totalitarian supporters.

Here's a question fou you taint, if billionaires are so bad, why do you support those very same billionaires efforts to disarm the law abiding?
My gun makes ME safer.

Not so worried about you.

If you want my gun to make you safer, get behind me.
Never believe it's easy to shoot another person....most will hesitate and get their weapon taken away from them. That's why I've always recommended a suitable martial art for those in jeopardy or who might be (all of us at one time or another). But if you're resolved to shoot...double-tap, never shoot to wound...even a center-mass hit can keep an assailant rushing toward you...put one through each lung and then get the hell away from them.
Question for all you gun control nitwits. Where are the waves of out of control gun violence in Switzerland where almost every other home has a dreadful assualt weapon stashed in a closet?

Yes also my nation we have a population of 9 millions and we have 6.2 MILLION guns between us and we do NOT have a HIGH gun crime rate as in we go around shooting each other. We are though of course by DNA nature VERY DISCIPLINED and FANATICAL about being law and order and responsible.

It is that only Western Europa nations are FANATICAL about DISARMING their citizens, in Non-Western Europa nations we know that at some point the SHTF and WHEN that occur we WANT as MANY of our populations armed and ready and NOT to be in the position of NOT being able to DEFEND themselves and their family AND their NATION and another example at how Non-Western Europa nations WANT their citizens to have MORE guns is that our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters thanks to the GREAT Patriot Matteo Salvini now get can even MORE guns:

Italian gun laws change as leaders push "legitimate defense" - CBS News
I hope the Italians have changed their ways since Mussolini was an ally of Hitler.

"I hope the Italians have changed their ways since Mussolini was an ally of Hitler"

I hope the Americans have changed their ways since they were an ally of Josef Stalin and SUPPORTED the Communist Devils. I HATE Communists and I HATE Communist Enablers and I HATE ANYONE who has EVER HELPED Communists.

America got into BED with fucking STALIN and add to his 20 MILLION the OTHER 1 MILLION in The Communist States of Eastern Europe that were FORCED to LIVE under the COMMUNIST DEVILS for NEARLY 50 YEARS MORE because America helped fucking Stalin keep HALF of fucking MY Continent and take your Muh Mussolini and Muh Hitler and put it up your buttocks.

Never believe it's easy to shoot another person....most will hesitate and get their weapon taken away from them. That's why I've always recommended a suitable martial art for those in jeopardy or who might be (all of us at one time or another). But if you're resolved to shoot...double-tap, never shoot to wound...even a center-mass hit can keep an assailant rushing toward you...put one through each lung and then get the hell away from them.

A laughable assertion, not born out by real world observations.
Never believe it's easy to shoot another person....most will hesitate and get their weapon taken away from them. That's why I've always recommended a suitable martial art for those in jeopardy or who might be (all of us at one time or another). But if you're resolved to shoot...double-tap, never shoot to wound...even a center-mass hit can keep an assailant rushing toward you...put one through each lung and then get the hell away from them.

A laughable assertion, not born out by real world observations.

Really? Tell me how many gunfights you've been in....my guess? ZERO.
6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

I have four, including an "assault" rifle, and they make me safer.

I think you're just jealous, Tommy.

Yes and you have NEVER gone on a random shooting spree. The situation is that 98% of American Gun Owners are law abiding so why should 98% of American Gun Owners be punished for random maniacs, because that IS what the Anti-Gun Crowd want they want to DISARM you and they have an ulterior motive for doing this which you do not need to be rocket scientist to know what that is.

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