6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

TBI Investigating Seven Related Homicides, Officer-Involved Shooting in Sumner County
This looks like a domestic situation. In countries with proper gun control a row leads to a few doors getting slammed and a night in the pub. At least only one child was slaughtered this time.

Another I many dumb posts by Denard. I a retired Leo and I would rather law abiding citizens own and be able to carry. Your too stupid to get it. Criminals will always have guns. Our country is not the same make up as these other countries. I don’t wish bad on anyone but maybe if a carjacking, robbery or home invasion happened in your family you would change your mind very quickly. How come it’s ok for politicians to have armed guards and Hollywood to have armed security but law abiding citizens can’t. You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Know what’s out there and what can happen. You read an article and think you know everything. You have no common sense. Neither does the liberals entire party.

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But having guns makes you less safe. Its a fact.

No. That is bullshit. Having my guns keeps me and my family safe. Did you read what you said before you sent it. Obviously not, because having a gun makes me a hell of a lot safer the you and the other liberal morons. Great a home invader with a knife or nothing at all. You’ll be safe.

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The situation is this IF you are in a situation where some random maniac and/or random criminal enters YOUR property then it is YOUR human right to protect you and your family and IF that means you HAVE to shoot someone to do the protecting then that is what happens. Having a gun does NOT mean then you are going to go out and go on a random shooting spree shooting 20 peoples for NO reason OTHER than you did not have a good day or whatever.

The Anti-Gun Crowd cannot make a difference between Law Abiding Gun Owners and Random Maniacs, they think IF you have a gun then you are a POTENTIAL Spree Killer Waiting To Happen. No wonder this same crowd side with the Radical Feminists who think ALL men are POTENTIAL rapists because ALL men have a penis.

Well said Lucy. Very nice.

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I use mine everyday ... It adds up.

I also use my gun every day. You with your gun no threat, me with my gun no threat. Law abiding gun owners in ANY nation NOT a threat and should NOT be punished in America for random maniacs.

With Tommy and Britian, they have MASSIVE knife crime EVERY DAY, why not concern then with outlawing ALL knives, why this fetish about outlawing guns?
You thwart a crime with your gun every day?

I am Military and also I go to my Gun Club usually VERY early in the mornings and do some shooting at targets.
You know that isn't what I meant.

What his name always posts that "1.1 million defensive uses per year" nonsense.

Do you use your gun to stop a crime every day?
Never believe it's easy to shoot another person....most will hesitate and get their weapon taken away from them. That's why I've always recommended a suitable martial art for those in jeopardy or who might be (all of us at one time or another). But if you're resolved to shoot...double-tap, never shoot to wound...even a center-mass hit can keep an assailant rushing toward you...put one through each lung and then get the hell away from them.

A laughable assertion, not born out by real world observations.

Really? Tell me how many gunfights you've been in....my guess? ZERO.

Actual real gunfight, one. Which is way more than you. Pulling my gun to prevent an attack, two. Separated by 40 years.

The facts are that civilians kill more bad guys, legitimately, than cops do.

That is a fact that can't be argued.
Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.
You thwart a crime every day?

He is in Law Enforcement so yes.

Don’t waste you time with Crepitus. He’s a liberal moron too

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Besides, elongobardi feels left out if you start taking my attention away from him.

It’s not your attention, it your moronic statements just like Denard. You idiots don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to guns. Tell HIPPA to release all mental records of people who are purchasing a gun. You do that and you weed out mostly every jackass that wants to shoot people. Criminals will always get and have guns not matter what you do. They bring in guns and drugs through the borders and ports. It’s easy. Idiots like you welcome scum into our country.

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Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year
Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.

I also use my gun every day. You with your gun no threat, me with my gun no threat. Law abiding gun owners in ANY nation NOT a threat and should NOT be punished in America for random maniacs.

With Tommy and Britian, they have MASSIVE knife crime EVERY DAY, why not concern then with outlawing ALL knives, why this fetish about outlawing guns?
You thwart a crime with your gun every day?

You do realise or you probably do not but that even IF you Leftists got your way and disarmed Law Abiding Gun Owners that CRIMINALS would STILL be able to get guns, that IF you disarmed LEGAL Gun Owners then the EXISTING Black Market in ILLEGAL guns would STILL be in operation.

Read about the English, it is VERY VERY difficult for them to LEGALLY have a gun but EVERY DAY in England SOMEONE is getting shot, this during rival Gang things or Drug Deals.

Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.
You thwart a crime every day?

He is in Law Enforcement so yes.

Don’t waste you time with Crepitus. He’s a liberal moron too

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I do attempt to have rational discussion with him, not a great success usually though.

I know. They have blinders on. Thank you for your service. I am a retired police officer.

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Clubs and hammers were used in 467 murders in 2017. Does a hammer make you safer?
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year
Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.

I also use my gun every day. You with your gun no threat, me with my gun no threat. Law abiding gun owners in ANY nation NOT a threat and should NOT be punished in America for random maniacs.

With Tommy and Britian, they have MASSIVE knife crime EVERY DAY, why not concern then with outlawing ALL knives, why this fetish about outlawing guns?
You thwart a crime with your gun every day?

Yes, legal gun owners do thwart crime every day. If you want to see why put a big sign in your front window that proclaims you hate guns and don't have any.

See how long it is before you are burglarized.

When bad guys don't know who is armed they are far more careful with who they try and rob.

Go ahead, I dare you.
Actual real gunfight, one. Which is way more than you. Pulling my gun to prevent an attack, two. Separated by 40 years.

The facts are that civilians kill more bad guys, legitimately, than cops do.

That is a fact that can't be argued.

So that makes you a lying sack of shit and a coward. I'm a combat vet, you're a broken down airplane pilot who can't afford his own plane living in a "Top Gun" fantasy world. Don't know or care where this hostility is coming from but post very carefully from now on, punk.

Or what? Talk about a keyboard "warrior"!

I'm a geologist and spent more time in third world shitholes than you ever will. I also went armed all of the time for a reason

AND YOU have your OWN plane and I know you are an excellent pilot.
Actual real gunfight, one. Which is way more than you. Pulling my gun to prevent an attack, two. Separated by 40 years.

The facts are that civilians kill more bad guys, legitimately, than cops do.

That is a fact that can't be argued.

So that makes you a lying sack of shit and a coward. I'm a combat vet, you're a broken down airplane pilot who can't afford his own plane living in a "Top Gun" fantasy world. Don't know or care where this hostility is coming from but post very carefully from now on, punk.

Or what? Talk about a keyboard "warrior"!

I'm a geologist and spent more time in third world shitholes than you ever will. I also went armed all of the time for a reason

AND YOU have your OWN plane and I know you are an excellent pilot.

Indeed I do, I have even posted pictures from the cockpit here!
The dirty little secret is that guns do make you safer and there are tons of stories of people protecting themselves and others from threats by anything from wild animals to human animals but it isn't a popular topic for the MSM. The other dirty little secret is that every mass shooter in modern times was a left winger or a nut case who violated about a dozen laws or a left wing nut case like Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson who decided to murder every republican congressman and was shot and killed in the act of trying to murder members of a republican baseball team. The question of whether he met with senator Sanders prior to opening fire on republicans remains unanswered.
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Actual real gunfight, one. Which is way more than you. Pulling my gun to prevent an attack, two. Separated by 40 years.

The facts are that civilians kill more bad guys, legitimately, than cops do.

That is a fact that can't be argued.

So that makes you a lying sack of shit and a coward. I'm a combat vet, you're a broken down airplane pilot who can't afford his own plane living in a "Top Gun" fantasy world. Don't know or care where this hostility is coming from but post very carefully from now on, punk.

Do NOT call Westwall a punk. YOU post more carefully from now on IF you want to remain at this forum.
TBI Investigating Seven Related Homicides, Officer-Involved Shooting in Sumner County
This looks like a domestic situation. In countries with proper gun control a row leads to a few doors getting slammed and a night in the pub. At least only one child was slaughtered this time.

Another I many dumb posts by Denard. I a retired Leo and I would rather law abiding citizens own and be able to carry. Your too stupid to get it. Criminals will always have guns. Our country is not the same make up as these other countries. I don’t wish bad on anyone but maybe if a carjacking, robbery or home invasion happened in your family you would change your mind very quickly. How come it’s ok for politicians to have armed guards and Hollywood to have armed security but law abiding citizens can’t. You live in a fantasy world. I live in the real world. Know what’s out there and what can happen. You read an article and think you know everything. You have no common sense. Neither does the liberals entire party.

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But having guns makes you less safe. Its a fact.
You bought the big lie. LOL!
Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year
Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.

I also use my gun every day. You with your gun no threat, me with my gun no threat. Law abiding gun owners in ANY nation NOT a threat and should NOT be punished in America for random maniacs.

With Tommy and Britian, they have MASSIVE knife crime EVERY DAY, why not concern then with outlawing ALL knives, why this fetish about outlawing guns?
You thwart a crime with your gun every day?

You do realise or you probably do not but that even IF you Leftists got your way and disarmed Law Abiding Gun Owners that CRIMINALS would STILL be able to get guns, that IF you disarmed LEGAL Gun Owners then the EXISTING Black Market in ILLEGAL guns would STILL be in operation.

Read about the English, it is VERY VERY difficult for them to LEGALLY have a gun but EVERY DAY in England SOMEONE is getting shot, this during rival Gang things or Drug Deals.

Yup, every now and then somebody gets shot in England. Every 5 minutes or so somebody gets shot here.

See the difference?
Why do you persist in telling this lie?

I use mine everyday ... It adds up.

I also use my gun every day. You with your gun no threat, me with my gun no threat. Law abiding gun owners in ANY nation NOT a threat and should NOT be punished in America for random maniacs.

With Tommy and Britian, they have MASSIVE knife crime EVERY DAY, why not concern then with outlawing ALL knives, why this fetish about outlawing guns?
You thwart a crime with your gun every day?

You do realise or you probably do not but that even IF you Leftists got your way and disarmed Law Abiding Gun Owners that CRIMINALS would STILL be able to get guns, that IF you disarmed LEGAL Gun Owners then the EXISTING Black Market in ILLEGAL guns would STILL be in operation.

Read about the English, it is VERY VERY difficult for them to LEGALLY have a gun but EVERY DAY in England SOMEONE is getting shot, this during rival Gang things or Drug Deals.

Yup, every now and then somebody gets shot in England. Every 5 minutes or so somebody gets shot here.

See the difference?

Latin America has 8 % of the worlds population and suffers 27% of the world's homicides.

What do we have living in the USAthat isn't in the UK? Oh, right MILLIONS of Latin Americans here illegally.

Case closed.
There are two things the Democrats can’t do if they no what’s good for them. Try to impeach Trump or gun ban and you will have a revolt on your hands.

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Oh, poor widdle wilpeeterpower, I never claimed to be a warrior, silly boy, but I have been in a real gunfight.

The hostility all seems to be coming from you, I merely pointed out that your assertion was provably wrong. YOU resorted to personal attack because you have no argument to counter mine.

Talk about a pissant thinking he's tough. You sort a mohawk too, clown boy?

Nope, and I ain't a fool full of liquor taking on somebody who's forgotten more about firearms than you'll ever read about in a book. I get it.....you're drunk...boyfriend run off with a younger fag?

I know more about firearms than you will ever know silly one.

I highly doubt that. Want to be yapper.

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