6 Reasons Why Trump Will Win (2020 Edition)


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
I made a thread just like this four years ago. I guessed that Trump would defy the polls and win. Tonight I’m doing the same thing and guessing he’ll win re-election.

Here’s why:

1. Just like in 2016, this entire election has been a referendum on Trump.

One day people will learn that in order for someone to not be a big deal, you have to avoid making a big deal about them. Biden has spent almost the entire campaign at home, giving few interviews or events. But this entire election has been about Trump — and not just his administration or his policies, but Donald J. Trump, the man. Americans coalesce around our collective hatred. Paris Hilton, the Kardashian/Jenners, Jake and Logan Paul, and do on and so forth. Trump’s been living rent free in a penthouse in our minds for four years and he ain’t ready to move. And frankly we aren’t ready either.

2. Just like in 2016, two key voting blocs aren’t really interested in Joe Biden.

It has already been reported that Joe is underperforming among Black men. You can’t become the party of Black Lives Matter and criminal justice reform when you were the one grilling Anita Hill and blowing hard about predators in the 90s. They see the flip-flopping for what it is, and no amount of standing next to Obama going to change that. And, like I said four years ago, Hispanic men aren’t crazy about women in positions of power, so maybe he should’ve reconsidered Kamala, especially since she isn’t the most likable candidate anyway.

3. Democrats, the media, and the U.S. Intelligence apparatus have written a few checks they’re gonna have to cash.

For the sake of brevity, I’ll spare you guys a long dissertation and bottom-line this: they accused Trump colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, they put his entire administration under investigation, they got his lawyer to flip on him, they forced his AG to vaguely recuse himself from the entire investigation this irrevocably damaging their relationship, they took three years and millions of dollars and wound up not charging Trump or anyone else with collusion. It ended with the foggy-headed, hearing-impaired testimony of Robert Mueller. Then, they impeached Trump over a phone call.

Russiagate, Charlottesville, MeToo Movement, the Brett Kavanaugh thing, Kids-locked-in-cages, NYT leaking Trump’s taxes, blaming Trump for the people who have died due to COVID-19 —Democrats have spent the last four years tempting karma. Instead of humbling themselves, they doubled down on the histrionics and breathless Trump coverage. Instead of letting Trump just be the President, they have spent the last four years pitching one fit after another just to get some apology from voters for giving him a chance. So now, they won’t admit publicly that they still support Trump, but votes aren’t public...

4. Just like in 2016, Biden hasn’t had to atone for his scandals.

I felt like media gave Hillary too much of a pass on obvious scandals because they wanted her to win...and we see how that worked out. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden doesn’t do worse than Hillary for this same reason. With Hillary, the truth is it’s easy to avoid not going too hard on a woman. Some of the media’s gentle treatment if her was because they didn’t want to look like they were picking on her because she’s a woman. Because you can’t pick on girls.

They’re trying to do the same thing with Joe and it’s not going to play well. People respect peaceful men, but nobody respects men who duck the smoke. The media has allowed Joe to hand-wave away every potential scandal.

5. The country really doesn’t want to go back under quarantine, and I think many people view Joe as the person who will do it.

See, the problem with blaming Trump for COVID is that if Joe wins, he can’t afford to have a spike in deaths under his watch. So he’ll get someone, like a Dr. Fauci, to recommend another quarantine. But most people don’t want another quarantine.

6. Joe Biden isn’t a leader.

Ultimately, Joe just isn’t a leader. Too scared to piss off his base. Too scared to come clean about his son. Too scared to answer tough questions. Leaders can’t be your friend because they’re too busy looking out for you. Joe should’ve doubled down on parts of his record instead of letting the political newbies dictate his direction.

Finally, a theory: Joe doesn’t actually want to win. I think he was used by Democrats to raise money for the 2024 election. He’s an establishment, inside the Beltway type, so donors would flock to him. They haven’t spent a huge chunk of their money because of COVID. And I think that’s by design.
Finally, a theory: Joe doesn’t actually want to win. I think he was used by Democrats to raise money for the 2024 election. He’s an establishment, inside the Beltway type, so donors would flock to him. They haven’t spent a huge chunk of their money because of COVID. And I think that’s by design.
When politicians retire they can keep their campaign war chests, so......
You have 6 reasons why you think he will win, but there are hundreds of reasons why he should lose. Him being a pig is the top reason in my opinion.
#1 reason Biden's going to win..he's going to get more votes. This election is going to set records as to numbers of Americans voting..and large voter turnout is bad for Republicans, given that there are more Dems registered.

I'm not going to go over your screed..just the 1st point needs adjusting...2016 was a referendum on Hillary. Trump was, politically, an unknown quantity.
Not so..anymore.

As for the rest....partisan swill and irrelevancies.
You have 6 reasons why you think he will win, but there are hundreds of reasons why he should lose. Him being a pig is the top reason in my opinion.

The OP gave a good well thought out political commentary on a topic of great interest and relevance, of the sort this board was designed for....and you added your 67,000, more or less, juvenile inanity of the sort which tends to make this board look like it is an elementary school playground for the spoiled stupid brats spawned by Liberal Dumb-Asses.
He picked the VP who finished last. At least I can't recall anyone who finished after her...

And this is from a group where every single person is promising free health care to illegals. How the hell can you finish last in that?
#1 reason Biden's going to win..he's going to get more votes. This election is going to set records as to numbers of Americans voting..and large voter turnout is bad for Republicans, given that there are more Dems registered.

I'm not going to go over your screed..just the 1st point needs adjusting...2016 was a referendum on Hillary. Trump was, politically, an unknown quantity.
Not so..anymore.

As for the rest....partisan swill and irrelevancies.
You're living in the past if you think union voters are locked-up for democrats. In 2016 union guys said Trump is their guy, in 2020 he will be again. The parties have swapped bases. The democrats are now the party of billionaires and urban plantations, and the Republicans are the party of middle-class workers. If you forgot what happened in 2016, here's a reminder:
I made a thread just like this four years ago. I guessed that Trump would defy the polls and win. Tonight I’m doing the same thing and guessing he’ll win re-election.

Here’s why:

1. Just like in 2016, this entire election has been a referendum on Trump.

One day people will learn that in order for someone to not be a big deal, you have to avoid making a big deal about them. Biden has spent almost the entire campaign at home, giving few interviews or events. But this entire election has been about Trump — and not just his administration or his policies, but Donald J. Trump, the man. Americans coalesce around our collective hatred. Paris Hilton, the Kardashian/Jenners, Jake and Logan Paul, and do on and so forth. Trump’s been living rent free in a penthouse in our minds for four years and he ain’t ready to move. And frankly we aren’t ready either.

2. Just like in 2016, two key voting blocs aren’t really interested in Joe Biden.

It has already been reported that Joe is underperforming among Black men. You can’t become the party of Black Lives Matter and criminal justice reform when you were the one grilling Anita Hill and blowing hard about predators in the 90s. They see the flip-flopping for what it is, and no amount of standing next to Obama going to change that. And, like I said four years ago, Hispanic men aren’t crazy about women in positions of power, so maybe he should’ve reconsidered Kamala, especially since she isn’t the most likable candidate anyway.

3. Democrats, the media, and the U.S. Intelligence apparatus have written a few checks they’re gonna have to cash.

For the sake of brevity, I’ll spare you guys a long dissertation and bottom-line this: they accused Trump colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, they put his entire administration under investigation, they got his lawyer to flip on him, they forced his AG to vaguely recuse himself from the entire investigation this irrevocably damaging their relationship, they took three years and millions of dollars and wound up not charging Trump or anyone else with collusion. It ended with the foggy-headed, hearing-impaired testimony of Robert Mueller. Then, they impeached Trump over a phone call.

Russiagate, Charlottesville, MeToo Movement, the Brett Kavanaugh thing, Kids-locked-in-cages, NYT leaking Trump’s taxes, blaming Trump for the people who have died due to COVID-19 —Democrats have spent the last four years tempting karma. Instead of humbling themselves, they doubled down on the histrionics and breathless Trump coverage. Instead of letting Trump just be the President, they have spent the last four years pitching one fit after another just to get some apology from voters for giving him a chance. So now, they won’t admit publicly that they still support Trump, but votes aren’t public...

4. Just like in 2016, Biden hasn’t had to atone for his scandals.

I felt like media gave Hillary too much of a pass on obvious scandals because they wanted her to win...and we see how that worked out. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden doesn’t do worse than Hillary for this same reason. With Hillary, the truth is it’s easy to avoid not going too hard on a woman. Some of the media’s gentle treatment if her was because they didn’t want to look like they were picking on her because she’s a woman. Because you can’t pick on girls.

They’re trying to do the same thing with Joe and it’s not going to play well. People respect peaceful men, but nobody respects men who duck the smoke. The media has allowed Joe to hand-wave away every potential scandal.

5. The country really doesn’t want to go back under quarantine, and I think many people view Joe as the person who will do it.

See, the problem with blaming Trump for COVID is that if Joe wins, he can’t afford to have a spike in deaths under his watch. So he’ll get someone, like a Dr. Fauci, to recommend another quarantine. But most people don’t want another quarantine.

6. Joe Biden isn’t a leader.

Ultimately, Joe just isn’t a leader. Too scared to piss off his base. Too scared to come clean about his son. Too scared to answer tough questions. Leaders can’t be your friend because they’re too busy looking out for you. Joe should’ve doubled down on parts of his record instead of letting the political newbies dictate his direction.

Finally, a theory: Joe doesn’t actually want to win. I think he was used by Democrats to raise money for the 2024 election. He’s an establishment, inside the Beltway type, so donors would flock to him. They haven’t spent a huge chunk of their money because of COVID. And I think that’s by design.
I made a thread just like this four years ago. I guessed that Trump would defy the polls and win. Tonight I’m doing the same thing and guessing he’ll win re-election.

Here’s why:

1. Just like in 2016, this entire election has been a referendum on Trump.

One day people will learn that in order for someone to not be a big deal, you have to avoid making a big deal about them. Biden has spent almost the entire campaign at home, giving few interviews or events. But this entire election has been about Trump — and not just his administration or his policies, but Donald J. Trump, the man. Americans coalesce around our collective hatred. Paris Hilton, the Kardashian/Jenners, Jake and Logan Paul, and do on and so forth. Trump’s been living rent free in a penthouse in our minds for four years and he ain’t ready to move. And frankly we aren’t ready either.

2. Just like in 2016, two key voting blocs aren’t really interested in Joe Biden.

It has already been reported that Joe is underperforming among Black men. You can’t become the party of Black Lives Matter and criminal justice reform when you were the one grilling Anita Hill and blowing hard about predators in the 90s. They see the flip-flopping for what it is, and no amount of standing next to Obama going to change that. And, like I said four years ago, Hispanic men aren’t crazy about women in positions of power, so maybe he should’ve reconsidered Kamala, especially since she isn’t the most likable candidate anyway.

3. Democrats, the media, and the U.S. Intelligence apparatus have written a few checks they’re gonna have to cash.

For the sake of brevity, I’ll spare you guys a long dissertation and bottom-line this: they accused Trump colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, they put his entire administration under investigation, they got his lawyer to flip on him, they forced his AG to vaguely recuse himself from the entire investigation this irrevocably damaging their relationship, they took three years and millions of dollars and wound up not charging Trump or anyone else with collusion. It ended with the foggy-headed, hearing-impaired testimony of Robert Mueller. Then, they impeached Trump over a phone call.

Russiagate, Charlottesville, MeToo Movement, the Brett Kavanaugh thing, Kids-locked-in-cages, NYT leaking Trump’s taxes, blaming Trump for the people who have died due to COVID-19 —Democrats have spent the last four years tempting karma. Instead of humbling themselves, they doubled down on the histrionics and breathless Trump coverage. Instead of letting Trump just be the President, they have spent the last four years pitching one fit after another just to get some apology from voters for giving him a chance. So now, they won’t admit publicly that they still support Trump, but votes aren’t public...

4. Just like in 2016, Biden hasn’t had to atone for his scandals.

I felt like media gave Hillary too much of a pass on obvious scandals because they wanted her to win...and we see how that worked out. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden doesn’t do worse than Hillary for this same reason. With Hillary, the truth is it’s easy to avoid not going too hard on a woman. Some of the media’s gentle treatment if her was because they didn’t want to look like they were picking on her because she’s a woman. Because you can’t pick on girls.

They’re trying to do the same thing with Joe and it’s not going to play well. People respect peaceful men, but nobody respects men who duck the smoke. The media has allowed Joe to hand-wave away every potential scandal.

5. The country really doesn’t want to go back under quarantine, and I think many people view Joe as the person who will do it.

See, the problem with blaming Trump for COVID is that if Joe wins, he can’t afford to have a spike in deaths under his watch. So he’ll get someone, like a Dr. Fauci, to recommend another quarantine. But most people don’t want another quarantine.

6. Joe Biden isn’t a leader.

Ultimately, Joe just isn’t a leader. Too scared to piss off his base. Too scared to come clean about his son. Too scared to answer tough questions. Leaders can’t be your friend because they’re too busy looking out for you. Joe should’ve doubled down on parts of his record instead of letting the political newbies dictate his direction.

Finally, a theory: Joe doesn’t actually want to win. I think he was used by Democrats to raise money for the 2024 election. He’s an establishment, inside the Beltway type, so donors would flock to him. They haven’t spent a huge chunk of their money because of COVID. And I think that’s by design.
Hows that working out for ya?

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