6 weeks of weight training

I made the mistake of using dumbells on a slant board the wrong way. Almost ruined my shoulders.
Shoulders are so easy to injure. And take forever to heal.

The only shoulder-specific lifts I’ll do is shrugs and dumbbell presses. Anything else I feel is playing with fire.
I remember guys trying to encourage me to take juice. I had no interest, even with heavy, constant peer pressure. I would see some of these guys put on large size in a short time. All tanned up and looking like monsters. I stuck to my principles, taking the Hulk Hogan approach....eat my vitamins, (which was now creatine and protein) and working my ass off. I loved the challenge, that's all it was.

I'd read all the muscle mags I could, earned a much greater respect for the science behind it. These guys weren't meatheads, they were committed and smart. I was never going to be THAT big, that's for the pros and those taking health risks, but I could admire their development. My dad thought I was gay since I read such mags, hah, this couldn't be further from the truth but I respected their discipline.

Maybe a year later, I was told one of these guys in the juice click pissed out blood. Another had constant stomach pains. I had less size (at that time), but none of these insane health effects. Still years after, I saw two of these guys. They were skinny, frail/unhealthy looking, their gains gone. While all the muscle I and others in my circle had gained remained. Real and natural.

A friend of mine re-connected with me many years later told me that he and some of our other mutual friends would see me with my gym bag, hauling myself to the gym and they'd joke and laugh. He said that he respected my dedication though, it was something I really enjoyed since I was getting older and my old group of athletes didn't play regular sports together anymore, I needed the outlet and focus.

Whether it's coding a project, building a deck or building ones muscles, there is something instinctive about pushing for change and the creation of something new from the air.
Dude, Hulk Hogan took steroids.
Ok well *you* try benching 405 without at least a grunt and a grimace.the whole point of weight lifting is to keep pushing the limit. That takes effort.
Yeah, if I did that, you better get ready to peel the banana. I can do some things, but that ain't one. :auiqs.jpg:
So if you put some old 65 year old martial arts sensei (or whatever they’re called) in the ring with an accomplished UFC young buck, you really think the 65 year old would stand a chance?

I think you watch too many cheesy kung fu movies…,
Dude, it takes more than muscles to be a fighter. It takes discipline and know how and talent. Not necessarily in that order.
I never said that about myself.
I have yet to see a great street fighter and I grew up in a very tough neighborhood.
Street fighters tend to go after smaller people.
I have seen amazing stuff. :aargh:
Bigger black guy charges this guy, he ducks and sends him flying like Superman onto his face. He had a fist out and went flying face first onto his jaw.
Like it was nothing. Ofc that was after I clacked his buddy in the jaw and went to town on his ribs because he was on top of my smaller Viet friend.
He thought the dude that sent him flying was me (who had just loom-doomed his ribs) and charged him and ..got fucked up. I caught hell for that later, but it is what it is.
Fucks given? I wouldn't change a thing. :auiqs.jpg:
I learned how to do what he did that day, too.
"Who hit me in my ribs?" I hesistated for 1/2 a second and held up a finger and was about to say "me", but he charged at my other friend, and majorly regretted it.
I was gonna say it was me, idk if he would even believed me. I think him and my other friend had some beef prior, because he wasted no time trying to get him...well it was a waste of time for him. :auiqs.jpg:
He was looking around all wild and charged at him instead of me. I wouldn't have come up with anything that spectacular.
That was amazing! :D My boy made him knock himself out with the sidewalk.
I did knock his partner out to get to him. They thought they could just jump my Viet friend and get away with it. They had a bad day.

Ours wasn't great, but theirs was much worse than ours was.

Indeed our crew won decisively that day. My Viet friend was minorly banged up, but that black guy was much bigger and stronger.

It wasn't right what he was doing. I stopped him from hurting my friend, and then my other friend stopped him from hurting me.

His partner was just a lackey, I took him out quick. This dude was kind of a force to be reckoned with. But i ain't letting him beat on my friend. Even if I got my ass kicked. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
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