60,069,971 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973

Well, "pro-choicers" -- I'm waiting for an explanation.

Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

What good has been achieved by this?
Democrats are now PROUD of this.

At least they USED to pretend this was a "difficult choice," but they could never explain why it is a pretend difficult choice when they're only disposing of a "tissue mass."
"Pro-choicers" you have topped Hitler. Please explain why.
Most of these dead people didn't even get a decent burial.
No response.

Where's Dragon Lady?

She's usually good for a hearty justification for abortion.

Dragon Lady, did you know that there's been 60 million abortions?

That's more people killed than Hitler killed in his concentration camps.

Please explain why you killed all these people.
What really gives me nightmares is that none of these 60 million people were baptized before they were murdered.

My Church has no answer for what happens to the souls of unbaptized people.
I used to lay up at night thinking about abortion, and I've never had one or been involved in one.

I wonder if anyone loses sleep over this other than me.

That's a story that's been covered up by the "pro-choice" media -- how much sleep people are missing because of their abortions.
Future generations will condemn us for allowing this to happen.

There will be museums.

Children will ask their parents: "How could they stand by, and do nothing?"

Parents will respond: "I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know."
60,069,971 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973

That's a lot of dead people.

But don't forget what Stalin said:

"The death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."
There should be a prize for 100,000,000
Are you actually making a joke about this mass murder of 60 million people?

I guess you don't believe in God.
Which one?
I think that even if I didn't believe in God or gods, I would still think it wrong to kill an unborn child.

Why can't you see that truth?
In every generation, there are those who are capable of great evil.

In every generation, there are those who fight them, and try to stop the evil.

"Pro-choicers" -- what do you think future generations will think of you?
What is preventing you from seeing the truth that murder is wrong?
Well, more than half an hour and no one has offered any explanation for this mass murder of 60 million innocent people.

So, what am I to conclude?

No explanation exists?

Or "pro-choicers" are afraid to tell me what it is?

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